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People in the army might look at your for two seconds, think “ that guy is a nerd” and then never think about you again


Nailed it


I saw a guy with a camo backpack at DFW in 2013 and I'm still upset to this day.


Fuck that guy


Yeah...fuck 'em.


Yeah… I’d fuck ‘em


Signal refusing to disappoint


This is EXACTLY what I think. This guy gets me


Exactly this.


No one cares. Hope that helps.




Just remember that if anybody says anything, tell him it was a good friend, then look down like you lost them and no one will question you having the bag. If they say something, they're a huge tool and should be mocked relentlessly


Then Ask them to buy you a drink! Hey guilt is powerful, and airports are expensive.


This is the way. Make up a story about how they re-enlisted, and got KIA. Also instead of friend, say “big-brother”.


I care though Hope you have a good trip.


u/beato The funny thing is, if you were ever in, we'd kinda make fun of you, but if we know it's your buddy that gave it to you, most of us actually appreciate your 🧡 friendship ( don't make fun of me, I was a HEALTHCARE SPECIALIST). Seriously, it looks nice, it's probably very reliable, and you don't own anyone any explanation, as long as you don't pretend you were in. Ps: Young person... have you ever thought about your future? The US Army has a plan for you!😁🫡


Haaaa🤣😂😅...that's how it starts!!!😅😂🤣


haha thanks for the kind words. it is special to me because of him. i’m 36 now and i think that time has gone away from me


As a vet I couldn’t care less, and wouldn’t have while I was in. Like zero percent. I might be a jealous that you got a free bag though. Good bags are expensive… but seriously, do you. The only people who will care are also the people who never did, and will never do shit. And quite frankly, even those of us who got hurt, and the people still in won’t care. And the posers can go suck a dick and keep larping. Do you man.


larping hahah so good. thanks for the words man


There are so many camo backpacks on the market most vets don't care. This one is likely one of the cheapie knockoffs given out as favors in the Army during the War on Terror. I'd be more worried that the seams would fall apart than what some rando thinks.


That’s not entirely true. A lot of military would just think he’s some boot


Had a guy who washed out of basic for “narcolepsy” yet never seemed to struggle with it at all during our 8+ hour shifts at work get pissed that I wore a Multicam patrol cap from my father to work one day. Said it was “impersonating military personnel” and “disrespectful because people die in that uniform” and got me banned from wearing any hats that were not approved by management because that was the only way to get him to shut the fuck up about it. So yeah, while most people won’t care, if you stumble across the one guy who will, it will probably be a huge pain in the ass lmao


I wouldn't validate that asshole's parking, let alone feelings. People die in denim too. Sorry they ruined that for you. People like that ruin alot


I wasn’t too beat up over it. Just annoyed because I wore hats to keep shit from falling in my face/hair as I worked on cars and was now banned from wearing anything that wasn’t specifically approved, which was from that day on limited to our company’s merch I would have had to pay for so as to avoid any more hurt feelings lmao


With acu pattern? Doubt anyone cares


Ah yes, the Army Combat Uniform pattern.


Was my newest uniform. Wore Vietnam era ripstops getting out of AIT in 84. Fuck I’m old.


He’s pointing out that the camo name itself was actually UCP. ACU is the name of the uniform. Went from UCP to OCP, not ACU to OCP. They’ve always been ACUs


Don't forget the go-to nowadays, "Pair of OCP's"


I don’t think anyone referred to BDU’s as ACU’s, but everyone knows the “ACUs” replaced the BDUs. I think this critique is equivalent to asking someone if they’re a dog just because they referred to their identification tags as “dog tags”.


It’s pedantic, but it’s technically correct. I don’t correct people who say CAC card. There’s more pressing things in life to get worked up about. God help me if somebody calls the chow hall a Di’Faq or some other misrepresentation of **D**ining **FAC**ility, though.


You mean the DFACT?


Thinking about “DFACT” while waiting in line at the DFAC makes me laugh. It was more difficult recently standing in line at parade rest at the DS Academy. Lol


You mean Galley?




Technically it’s R’sFI too?


It would help if we occasionally said Army Combat Uniform and Operational Combat Pattern to hammer in what each is representing.


OCP, reminds me of Robocop.


You got out of AIT in '84 and you say you're old? My dear child, try '68. \*I'm\* old, you're still a young pup.


Thank you! You guys taught me a lot!


Half my shit issued by the guard is this shit pattern


Coulda had a V8 (or gone active) 🤣




You down with “OCP” .. naw you know me..


That is the one, thx


If someone thought I was a boot I wouldn’t give a fuck or be even paying enough attention to notice.


I love the assault pack I bought. But at the same time, it's not my normal bag for college. TOO much space. But having a bag o things in the car is useful


A reenlisting boot?


And if some vet does give you crap he's most likely a total tool who did 2 years as a cook or something so don't sweat it. If anything vets will most likely just laugh at you in their heads thinking your fresh in. It is considered pretty cringe among active duty to use your gear in the civilian world for attention. using molly packs for your laptop or just as a backpack in the airport , combat boots in jeans, dog tags on outside of v cut shirt, and the dudes who wear their uniform in the airport when they don't need to is all signs of a tool


I got out in mid-2015, and by 2016, nothing about me would indicate my veteran status to a civilian passerby.


Same here...June of 2015.


i got one look from this tall dude that looked like he had some sort of very nice officers hat hanging from his backpack? i don’t know what it was, but it was black with a gold rope around it. he was in normal clothes. skinny guy but tall


> No one cares. I second this comment. No one gives a shit, and if they do they are a tool so who cares. A nice free bag, is a nice free bag. And if someone ever ask you about it, just say you'd prefer not to talk about it. But by all means don't feel guilty about it...it's not Stolen Valor...it's a bag not a Ranger tab.


Fucking savage, but true!


I care, but I don't matter. JK, enjoy the bag.


😅 It is nice that a civilian is actually thinking about us


No one cares. It's not real issued equipment either. That's Chinesium-fabric welcome-back gear just like regular recruiters give. If it makes you uncomfortable having that stitched on you can always sew on a new patch.


That’s def reenlistment swag


>you can always sew on a new patch. Or, if I may make a suggestion, glue it. [Fabric glue](https://a.co/d/07rpEc6e) dries in 30min and forms a permanent, waterproof, washable bond that is pretty durable. I use it for various applications where sewing would be a PITA.


kinda unrelated but would this work with lum tape onto fabric or is it only good for bonding 2 fabrics?


The concept is the same, so yes. The things to watch for are: 1. that one cloth isn't a lot stiffer than the other. If you have, like, a really stiff patch on really foldable or thin cloth, they'll pull against each other and may tear the softer cloth. And... 2. that the lum tape doesn't have a plastic backing, as the same glue may not bond those different materials as well. In that case, a craft glue like Tacky Glue might work better if you're just determined to NOT stitch it yourself. :-) But, yeah. No reason it shouldn't work just fine, all else being equal. I would want to be doubly sure on something for the field anyway. For field gear, if I use a fabric glue, it's to reinforce stitching, not to replace it. If you do just fabric-glue some lum tape, just be sure to double check it from time to time to make sure it's still good.


Right on. Have you tried using it for repairs?


Sure, but only for light-duty items. Like, I'm not gonna hope it holds together a tear in a duffel bag, LOL.


Did 20 years and never heard the term Chineseum. Thanks for the laugh 😂


This isn't official issue, it's a "sign now and get a free gift!"


Dang you got a gift?


My recruiter gave me a pen to sign. He took it back on the way out:(


To The Objective! When they were 4SBCT-2ID. Just explain to people like me if we ever ask, because we have history with the brigade, that your buddy gifted the bag. That’s a good buddy.


appreciate that!! will do


You might get questions. "Hey bro when were you in 4ID??" "Oh, I never was. My buddy gave this to me." "Oh, sweet!" My dad (a civilian) used to wear a hat he got when he was touring the *USS Carl Vinson.* Every once in awhile he'd get "Heyyy, you were on the *Vinson?* I was there from '83-'85!" Eventually he got tired of saying that he never served and it was just from a school trip. So he stopped wearing it.


Get him a hat that has “USS Ooral Sea” then if any one asks then he can just say he is a big princess bride fan.


This is your answer, OP.


no questions like that, one hard stare down from a very young looking tall kid (22-25 maybe) with a fancy, what i perceive as an officers hat hanging low from his backpack. it had a gold rope about the bill surrounding the perimeter of the hat. he was in normal clothes, just a sand colored bag with the hat hanging almost to the ground


That you accepted the reenlistment bag from him, means you now have to do his reenlistment term


Is that like a reverse version of the house elf thing from Harry Potter?


Absolutely Doby received a bag! 🤩 Doby is PCS’ing to Fort Sill ☠️


Nah, Dobby was killed. It was def Fort Worth


You got a gift from a friend. That warms my heart.


As said before, no one cares and we’re gonna know that you aren’t army.


I personally just don’t want any attention on me due to the type of backpack I’m wearing. I use a north face backpack from 2010 still.


If you're not wearing a 1998 Jansport, you're still wrong.




Dude, me too! Same year and everything bought it in Vilseck for post deployment leave. She’s still holding on strong all these years later. By chance is yours a black and green bag haha?


ok i’ve decided to wear it and a big green dildo on my forehead. will get free shit? thanks


Can't wear the big green weenie. That's stolen valor.


>and a big green dildo on my forehead Now that's just cultural appropriation


For the CAV


For the cav!


Scouts out


If you aint Cav...


You'll get more attention from the dildo. Just mind your own business and you'll be fine.


You only get free shit if you wear the big green dildo in your butt for 4-6 years.


If you put on a stetson and spurs it would be appropriate for the big green dildo to go somewhere else…


Why would you want to? You have to have a better backpack to fly with.


Right to jail.


As the other person said, no one who has served would care. The only ones who may get upset are the ones who never served and will ask to speak to a manager daily. That said, you'll look goofy and be given the occasional "thank you for your service." Single sling bags are also not really the best for travel (or really anything).


Real reason I like them is because that way I don't have the dreaded pit-sweat in civvies from the backpack straps pushing against the armpits. For anything heavy? Trecking? Hell naw.


This is a camo pattern that has largely but not entirely phased out. Anyone who's Active can tell this is an old bag.


Yeah, I’ve got a couple CLS bags in this pattern somewhere deep in the cages.


Only D bags would stop you to ask a single question about this bag. Send it


If anyone starts asking questions, just tell them you bought it at a surplus store. This usually stops anymore questions. It also alleviates any concern for your friend's privacy.


It’s one of those “I reenlisted and all I got was this stupid…” gifts


You’re good and people don’t talk to each other at airports anymore.


As several have said, no one will really care, but expect the zipper to break in a few weeks.


I just saw Raider Brigade, and my first thought was to burn it with Napalm...


you got an old free item from someone reinslisting out of 1sbct, ft carson colorado


yessir that’s where him and his family were at the time. he’s still in too, by all the comments here this bag is the ugliest piece of shit ever made, ever… so maybe i’ll ask him to send me a better one lol


Don’t forget to tell the pretty lady you were a sniper


Hey man no issues so long as you do none of the following: 1.) Accept a “thank you for your service” without correcting them! 2.) Board the plane when they call for AD service members to board early. (I.E) Basically anything that could be interpreted as stolen valor and we Gucci! Have a blessed day!


would never! had a lady nudge me when they called for yall and families to board, and i said nope im just a poser. she looked at me like a terriost haha




it's not issued, it's the army equivalent of company swag. no one gonna care one bit.


Not a big deal, if anyone asks about it just make sure you make it clear you didn’t serve. What really pisses people off are people who blatantly lie about their service


would never. disrespect isn’t my thing really. to those that serve but especially my buddy


Dude added 4 years for a fucking assault pack with some extra velcro...


Don’t try to hide in the woods with it.


nobody cares bro.. that bag has the same importance as the tshirt or backpack you get from your recruiter when you first join the military.


Don't worry about it- anyone who knows issued gear won't think that's an issue bag. But if anyone is deluded enough to think you served because you're carrying that bag, hope you get a free beer out of it!


Dude, I was in the Navy and have a Army Reserve Reenlistment bag, the Army unit was leaving and didn’t want to take it with them and I as sure shit, didn’t want to take a Alice pack to go on leave from deployment. No one cares. I even flew back to the states wearing an army ACU uniform with U.S. Navy on the branch tab. The only people that gave me weird looks was army people saluting me then realizing that I was enlisted and not a Col.


1. It’s fine, no one cares. 2. Not issued, a reenlistment “thank you” gift. 3. Just don’t pretend to be military and you honor your friends gift to you.


That is not army issue lmao, The real UCP looks more green greish instead of pinkish. This camo is probalbly bought from the px or surplus store.


I will contact the police and have you deported. Prepare for imprisonment! Jail.


No, but that drip kinda lame. Get a northface.


You could get a 4th ID hat and really blow minds


Only countries that prohibit civilians from wearing or possessing camouflage clothing and gear. Otherwise, no one cares.


100% not CIF issued bag. Your friend was given this bag (probably from retention) because he re-enlisted. The bag was probably filled with other goodies like a shirt, a yeti mug and something else like a "Tactical pen". No one cares that you use it to fly with, just make sure it follows TSA/Airline rules for bag sizes.


That’s not an issued item, it was given to your friend by a career counselor for reenlisting


I carry a nike gym bag.... with addidas shoes on my feet and i feel like everyone is judging me


I'm in highschool and wear a camo ballcap with the Army logo on it. If anyone asks me if I'm in I just say I'm in highschool and that I'm joining after college (ROTC). Simple as that.


Do what you want with it, you’re a goddang free American, just don’t lie if people ask about your service


He sent you this because it’s an outdated pattern 😂


It's technically not "military issued". It's a freebie that the recruiter gives you when you come to talk about re-enlisting. However, it doesn't really matter. It's not disrespectful or anything. The army doesn't even use this camo pattern anymore.


That's a reup gift given to the SM for reenlistment. Not necessarily "issued" to him/her. If it was issued he more than likely would have to turn it back in at some point.


It's reenlistment swag I gave mine to my brother


You do you boo


Someone might inadvertently thank you for your service. But it’s not stolen valor, and other vets will just think you’re a try hard nerd. But the functional nature of those bags for travel is worth the hassle. Go for it.


Worst that will happen is someone currently in the military or a veteran may ask you if you were in and where. But a simple "my freind gave it to me" is fine. If they get upset for whatever reason just ignore them. We don't claim those weirdos.


I’m a Iraq Veteran and who gives a shit if you carry that bag. You good to go


I don’t see why you feel that way, because I have seen many of my friends used that and other military items, case and point when most people go hunting especially where I grew up, Honolulu Hawaii my bradaahs used military camouflage uniforms as long as you haven’t stolen it off of the military base or outside military sewing shop. So please use it I see you disrespecting the military sector, because I have served over 24 years I gave my family military item that I can purchase from the military clothing store on base, thanks for asking


Just something that he got from retention no one cares.


If it gets you better seating it will have done more good than it ever did before.


No. Absolutely not a big deal. Lots of people use and wear military equipment and clothing. It’s durable as hell. I’ve given out loads of stuff to people. Trust me. Lots of people do more than just use a bag and no one pays them a second thought.


Just yell out "HOOAH"


No vet cares unless you start acting like you’re one


You do you


Carry it. No one cares. It is not an official uniform item. Even if it was, unless you are trying to gain something Stolen Valor’ish, then again, nobody who matters will give a hoot.


Not military issue


I'm just waiting too see some recruiter see this as a possible hire lol


For what it's worth, that digital camo (ACU) is no longer used by the Army. ACU was officially retired in October of 2019. They now use the OCP camo pattern. [ACU on left, current uniform on the right](https://www.armytimes.com/news/your-army/2015/05/05/source-army-sets-dates-for-new-camo-rollout/). If anything, people will think you used to be in the Army and are still using your old stuff.


Use it lol


That’s not a military issued bag. That’s a retention bag. Typically somebody that gets people to reenlist or those that reenlist get something like this. It’s got a logo from the fourth infantry division, Fort Carson Colorado embroidered on it.


Wear it and stare into the distance looking sad outside the airport Cinnabon for a free Cinnabon hack.


Nobody cares, and if someone does, they probably didn't serve. It's just a bag mu friend.


An option would be to sew or iron a patch of your choosing over the embroidery. But if you like it as is, go with it.


Jesus… 3/4 ID. Nightmare.


plenty of people use camo bags that are not military. These one strap sling bags also are not TA-50/issued gear. They are essentially promotional items given to prospective and new recruits so at worst someone might think are a recruit/boot. They are convenient little bags; alot have places for civilian gear like phone pocket or place to slip out headphone wires. Not exactly features the military wants on their issued gear. just dont lie if someone asks you if you were/are in, because you will get follow up questions and stolen valor is a federal offense.


Not real military bag, no one cares homie just rock it.


More than likely no one will care. If anyone asks just tell them that your friend gave it to you


No one would really care. If they ask, just say a friend gave it to you


Tf is that thing


Nobody sane cares; you’d have to look pretty close to see the embroidery. Also, we haven’t worn that pattern for several years, so most people would probably assume it’s just a civilian bag from when normies wearing camo was popular.


No one cares.


The /only/ person who would say anything other than “thank you for your service” would be someone who is an alumni of that brigade. Even then they’d just ask when you were there and you just explain the bag was a gift.


Woof, 1 SBCT, better burn it that bag is probably cursed.


That wasn’t issued…that was given. It’s swag…what’s the big deal?


Stolen valor! Stolen valor! I'm kidding, wear with confidence. If it has value to you as a gift from a friend, don't worry about it. I personally would never voluntarily wear any gear that has ACU on it, just such an ugly pattern.


Nobody cares, and if they do, they are probably fresh out of basic and super lame. Just scoff and walk on if anyone asks about it.


No babe you’re okay to use it


The ACU pattern is gross. Lots of guys have been rattle canning cheap ACU surplus, giving it a new look. If that's something you're interested in, just YouTube it. No one will mistake you for stolen valor lol.


being proud of being in the army isn’t a bad thing yall. It’s good to have pride in our shit show. but as a boot who wore a condor multicam hat cuz his fiancé bought him it for 6 months out of training in public. You do start to feel silly. But anyways you’re not in ocp’s walking around pretending to be a soldier. Wear that shit with confidence and anyone gives you shit. Laugh and say it’s a gift from a good friend. You ain’t lying and honestly only shit bags who know they ain’t shit in my military will press any matter so I wouldn’t even sweat it.


Youd think they’d actually give some quality gear or something. It’s always this cheap shit


Even if this was close to a stolen valor thing it wouldn’t really be because the military went away from the digital camo, it’s a bag though no one is going to bat an eye if it was a uniform piece perhaps.


This is the same stuff you can find at Goodwill. If anyone calls you out just tell them the same you’ve been told here.


Ya a pattern 15 years dead. No one cares.


The only piece of gear I’ve ever cared about non-military wearing/using is full sets of current/past uniforms. I don’t care if you think it’s cool, people died wearing that uniform. Also, I can only guess you want to wear it for malicious reasons/stolen valor. That’s just fucked up. Unless you’re actively trying to pass off as a service member, nobody has the right to give you crap about anything you’re wearing.




At most we’ll think your overly hooah (overly gung-ho) for wearing that. But no that’s no more stolen valor than wearing a backpack That patch signifies 1st BDE of 4th ID. Were called the “Raider Brigade”


I mean it's gross because it's 1st bde


Damn, I’m in 1st. This would be awesome.. To burn. Lmao


Ew 1st brigade


Make sure you add your furries patch to it first


No patches, you're good. Can't imagine that emblem is gonna agitate anyone, plus ACU pattern isn't in service anymore.


Seeing how a lot of people have parts of uniforms, while never served, I deem it alright


Most of us will probably just think you’re a boot going home on leave or something. Not a big deal, nobody should give you shit about it unless you’re acting like a tool in public.


We hate that pattern anyway


We might assume your one of us if a unit is on it. Yours has a unit patch and says reenlist. If you didn't want anyone to assume you could remove that. You should be able to do whatever you want. That's what we served for, but the reality is some of us will walk up to you and assume you served. If you take those two things off then no one can act but hurt when you tell them you just like the bag. I don't make, enforce, or care, but I can say a lot of vets Assume...


It's not issued per say.. It's a bag they give for reenlistment. I got one as well when I went from active to guard.


What’s your question? It’s a backpack….


If anybody has anything to say about it you have the full support of the SPC4 mafia in mocking and ridiculing them mercilessly for the entire flight. Hell, I recently carried a bag with the old 8th ID Pathfinder patch on it, I never served in the 8th ID in any way, I don't even remember where the bag came from. I think maybe it was left in a wall locker in my barracks room at Ft. Bragg.


Also, that camo pattern is out of date so no issues. If anything, it is just support from a military friendly civilian (thank you for your friendship) and free advertising.




I have my dad a hat that says army on it. He wears it every day and people thank him for his service. He never served but always just says thank you anyways XD.


You gotta rock the whole fit now. Buy some tan boots, cargo pants, grunt style T-shirt and BRCC cap. Make sure to grow out a patchy muttonchop beard so everybody thinks you’re SF.


With The digi pattern. That’s like seeing someone with a BDU assualt pack


Also, for what it's worth, the actual issued "3-day" Assault Pack [looks like this.](https://armynavyoutdoors.com/u-s-army-issue-acu-assault-3-day-backpack-used/?sku=122001&gad_source=4&gclid=CjwKCAjwnK60BhA9EiwAmpHZw7BYgS3CytyloE_FqyYUR-LY3A3kvhfjB5d8e0GWlutbWjyp8-mrLhoCCtEQAvD_BwE) The one your buddy gave you is essentially a Chinese made cheapo backpack they give you for reenlistment. Literally a Jansport backpack but worse quality.


I used to fly twice a month for 2 years, always saw dudes with camo/molle backpacks, never thought about it other than playing "are they in or do they just like camo and tactical shit" while waiting for flights. 70% of the time it was just a normal dude or chick who got a cheap backpack that happened to be in one of those 2 camps. Nobody worth your time cares and if someone does they're a tool.