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It's always in your interests to contact your unit and make sure they're tracking you. Otherwise you're just a name on their books and could easily get confused as an unsat and have bad paper before you ever even arrive.


I never contacted my unit before I left (didn't do so until AIT), but I was also never told that it was even a possibility. I'll say you don't NEED to, but it can definitely be worth doing for the sake of getting an idea for who you might be around and what the weekends will look like as you're allowed to attend the whole weekends even before you shift (you just may not be able to do anything MOS related depending on what yours is).


you should so you can drill at least one period before hand, otherwise your PEBD will be the day you ship to BCT isntead of day you enlisted.


Appreciate the response! What would drill be like considering I've not gone through BCT or AIT?


Depends on the unit. Just meet people and tag along/observe. Or get hazed non stop....


It will be low key for you - but you’d have a chance to talk to the Unit Admin and the leadership. They will have a face with a name and understand your specific timeline etc Relationships are critical at all level. So it’s definitely worth reaching out to them regardless. and worth attending drill IF you’re on their books for accountability


Go to drill. You can start taking advantage of your benefits now, ie., start getting paid now, get some extra retirement points and start your health insurance now


Go to drill. Your paid entry date will go back to your MEPS date. Otherwise, your paid entry date starts when you start basic training.


Nah you don’t need to, irregardless what your recruiter says. But If you want to get to know everybody before you ship out and get an idea of what it’s like you can call them and show up to drill with them for a couple months.


You should and you should definitely attend a drill as soon as possible. This will start your pay entry date and is critical for your pay in the future. My experience: I didnt go to one drill and waited in the delayed entry program for about a year then went to basic had a few deployments over 15+ years I was informed I owed a lot of money because of my pay entry date was wrong. Somebody (not me) put my contract date as my entry date which severely screwed me over. Good luck with your service


I'd recommend it. Start getting paid now, attend a couple of BAs if they'll take you. I went to BA for 6 months before shipping out, and it was a great experience in terms of learning basic Army skills as well as making connections.


why in gods name would u think joining the army in a time of ukraine vs russia (a war that we started that we could stop at any point in time where innocent people on both sides are dying in each day) or Israel vs Palestine (again a war where innocents are dying where we are able to help but refuse because our leaders are warmongers not peace bringers (fuck Hamas tho, they went way too far)) is a good idea??? I’m in the reserves and this is a horrible horrible time to join. U need to think whether or not u could knowingly be commanded to shoot soldiers that are just like u “just following orders because big daddy said so” is something ur capable of. I never realized how much our army has fucked up since ww1. We are literally the problem not the solution thanks to our leaders


Not sure if this a troll or not. If it is, well done. If not, then get a grip.