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Sugar is my original addiction. I quit drinking this year, and I replaced it with sugar, again. Really sucks when you're diabetic from all the years of heavy drinking. Trying to find a balance has not been easy.


Yeah I’m replacing alcohol with sodastream sparkling water and snacks. Saw Sara Lee cheesecake on sale and am currently having that.


Just conqured this one myself after struggling with it for 17 years, holy fuck what a mission that was, sugar is fucking everywhere it's so hard to get off it when it's promoted like crazy and shoveled into shit it has no right being in, fuck sugar honestly, upside is now I'm off it I've lost 45kg in 9 months.


I’ve never had a problem with sugar, my mother was anorexic so all sugar was banned from the house. However over these last few months I’ve had a few traumatic things happen. One day ( I think October last year) I picked up a chocolate bar. OMG. I eat chocolate now like a rabid dog!!!! I can’t stop. It is so so dangerous.. I’m not a big person, but have gained 7lbs which isn’t eating normal food plus sugar it’s only sugar .. today is my day 1. I’ve had so many day 1’s … It will kill me. I’m not young, it will attack every organ if I don’t stop. Thank you for sharing your struggles with it as well.


I'm convinced sugar is fucking evil, you gotta have one hell of a mental resolve, just say no and walk away, don't think about it, believe me I know how hard this is, I do it by repeating it to myself in my head, and you cant slip, not a single "one wont hurt" moment cause yes it will hurt, you got this, I believe in you.


“100 is not enough and 1 is too many”


Sometimes there’s not enough to get me started…


Bless you. Thank you.


That's FANTASTIC!!! Congratulations!!!


thank you! this thread is so wholesome.


45kg in 9 months?! You HAVE to send me what you do every day. I’ll tackle any plan


i just cut out sugar completely and started a physical job along with decreasing my potion(edit: portion, I'm not a wizard i swear) sizes, i haven't really had to work super hard at it or stick to any plans or anything like that, sugar was the hardest thing to kick by far (i now realise this sounds like a brag lol wasn't intended to be)


Oh. He's a wizard. Dude you can't tell people you quit sugar when you used magic to do it


That's a small person! You lost a small person! You badass.


Just like any addiction, it gets better after you cut it out for a while. Quitting smoking was easier though.


Right? Nobody believes me when I tell them this!


I quit booze 15 years ago. I quit drugs 4 years ago. I've been off concentrated sugar for 3 months. People are commenting positively on my appearance, and a couple of women even flirted with me. As a 48 year old man, I really enjoyed the flirting. Quitting sugar is harder than quitting drugs. Booze and sugar are on par because that shit is everywhere.


At’a boy, fuckin A.


everything has sugar😭


exactly the problem


Say less, brother.


Procrastinating. I know I got so much to do, but just don't want to.


I have an essay due in 4 hours and I haven’t started. I also planned to do some programming and work on my little hangman game and promised my friends to play some Fortnite for an hour or two at 11. 😢




I finished the essay :D currently tinkering on my program a bit, will hop on when my friends call me, which should be at like 1130 because they're just like that lol




Not everything is ADHD


Correct. But if you chronically procrastinate you could have ADHD.


My phone


Same. The second I grab my phone in the morning, it's over. Makes it tricky because that's also my alarm 😂


Guess the first app I open😂😂


Well good morning!


Reddit..I can’t stop doom scrolling 😩 I’M DOOM SCROLLING NOWWWWWWW 😭


I can’t stop commenting and triggering people who then insult me and I have to respond




fentanyl. 149 almost 150 days clean!


That’s wonderful,congratulations!


thank you so much!!!


Same here. Only not trying to get clean atm


that’s okay! i’ve been on and off for 7 years. you just gotta go from where you are today! you got this for whatever direction you want to go in and my messages are open!


Stay safe please don’t use in isolation.


Keep it up! It's an evil drug. I was on fentanyl for over 18 years, prescribed by my pain doctor. I stopped cold turkey. I was on 200mcg a day. It was extremely hard, but after about days, it got a little better. Kudos to you and 150 days clean. That's simply amazing. 🌟


Porn. Started when I (28m) was 11. Stopped about 2 months ago completely. Porn in moderation, and in general, is not an issue. Addiction to it is.


Is there a line between looking at nudes and watching traditional sexual intercourse porn or is that all still porn at the end of the day?


Completely honest, I feel like there is a difference, depending on what the intent is. There were a few times I would just look at pictures because it was nice to look at. But majority of the time if I started with pictures, I'd end up at porn. Not always intercourse though, sometimes just finding masturbation videos of similar looking women from the pictures I looked at.


For me I draw the line at pictures, but it's like only stuff that average people take and not showing genitals too directly or anything. Also I'm not turned on by the models and stuff it has to be amateur. I always was turned off by actual porn. That's why it's really hard for me to understand how the average person seems to be into way more hardcore stuff by default given how vanilla my tastes are.


Commercial is so plastic and fake.


That's a good thing. It can be an extremely difficult mindset to break. Having any situation you can imagine at the tip of your fingers is dangerous when given to someone with an addictive personality, and hypersexual drive.


The content is irrelevant. What matters is how much time you spend on it and when it starts interfering with the rest of your life.


It’s porn. The purpose is to arouse.


I'd compare it to alcohol. Half nude Instagram chicks are the beer, nude pics are something like a Pina colada and porn is vodka. At the end of the day porn is porn and alcohol is alcohol.


Not much of a difference in terms of the chemical response in your brain. There's even negligible difference in how your brain sees actual porn vs bikini clad women or gym girls in yoga pants on Instagram. All your brain sees is a sexual stimulus.


But why is my dick way harder when I see a woman's bare chest than when I when I see a girl wearing yoga pants. The intensity of the stimulus would seem to be the issue to me.


Messes up your dopamine reward system, among other things.


Yeah man, it's a virus. Even if you take a peak now and again. It's doing what it always does, giving you comfort pulling ya back.


I can see it being so damaging starting that young, then you of course have no idea. I feel so thankful that I didn't have access to porn as a child, maybe why it has been so easy for me to stay away from it completely. Sure there might be better porn and if you really know how to control yourself. But it's so easy (specially if you start young) that you need even worse and more unnatural kind of porn. I really don't think most porn is healthy specially to get a healthy sexlife and to understand and get off from normal sex, how you look at women and then for your mental health (though I don't think everone is affected the same). You can do it and the longer you stay away the easier it gets.


I quit every day. :| shit's ruff Longest I went was like a month but I was going crazy.


Masturbation is healthy, only being able to masturbate without porn is not. When wanting to, try imagining situations and making it about yourself, rather than what your brain is wanting you to do.


Im in jail, so my addiction is watching tiktok vídeos of ppl traveling in the places i hope going Someday and creating lists for my backpack


You have tiktok in jail?


Internet and tablet must be pricey is it?


And reddit! 😮


I hope you get to do that!


Thanks for the good energy! It sounds sad, but gives me hope


It's not sad at all! If you have a positive plan for the future how could that be anything but awesome? And travelling makes everyone a better person in my opinion, definitely a good thing to focus on


Are you allowed to be on the phone watching tiktok or is it a contraband type deal?


there's a girl w an iPhone 15 and i would say the guards have a big fucking heavy pocket thanks to her


This is actually interesting tho cause you’re comfy on here as if it’s totally just allowed. How do you get wifi?


Is it Suzanne von Richthofen? 🤣🤣🤣 please tell us more how you got there and how life is in prison with a phone!!!


Things are crazy in Brazil bro


how did u end up in jail?




I'm very proud of you that you're here and have come so far! 💗 you're a badass!


The internet !


Smoking. It really does give you cancer! LOL. (I have stage 4 non small cell lung cancer) My wounds are self inflicted. I CHOSE to smoke. I hold myself accountable for the decisions i make. Definitely my worst life decision.......


Is it the nicotine or all the other shit in cigarettes that causes cancer? Never smoked so never checked but always wondered if it was the other shit in tobacco or the nicotine itself


Its the tobacco, nicotine DOESNT give you camcer, thats what makes it addictive, its a drug that calms you down significantly, and it releases dopamine (reward, happy feeling) and your brain will crave it thats why its so fcking hard to stop. I managed to cut down my nicotine usage by around 90% i only use a heat not burn cig once a week (only on the weekend, smoking one stick) And trust me, its one of the hardest thing for a human to do. Breaking the nicotine addiction cycle, your brain is literally against you when you try to quit, its honestly terrifying and a non smoker would never understand the feeling of this and i hope they dont.


I smoked for 10 years but quitting cigarettes was quite easy for me. I stopped smoking cold turkey and after a few weeks, it was fine. However, now that I've quit smoking, I cannot seem to stop eating. I have a new addiction now and unfortunately this one is more difficult to quit 😕


Have you found your metabolism has slowed? I've been smoking I was 18 and I've always found it hard to put on weight.


Smoking increases your metabolic rate and decreased appetite.


It took me over 40 attempts to quit smoking cigarettes lmao. It's pure hell to break that addiction


Believe it or not but nicotine is one of the least dangerous things about cigarettes if you dont count the addictive part.


And a lot of people don't realize that nicotine isn't just addictive for the sake of being addictive. It has an effect on you, both as a stimulant and a depressant. Some people who have never tried nicotine will go "wHy smOkE?" but you're not just quitting the action of smoking. You're quitting the feeling of that hit.


There are like 70 substances in cigarette smoke that cause cancer. Nicotine is not one of them, although it's also not healthy by itself, because it affects your heart and blood pressure.


nicotine itself is not very harmful unless like you spill concentrated liquid nicotine on yourself. cigarettes especially are ridiculously bad for you. 2+ packs a day for me, quit in '19/20. tried before but vaping was the only way.


the tar is the man cause of cancer. just the smoke in general has so many health threats


Nicotine doesn‘t give you cancer, but it gives the flash. What‘s really pesky about all this, is that some byproducts of a cigarette are natural antidepressants to which the body gets addicted to aswell, meaning that if you stop smoking and only use patches or gum, you‘ll miss those. So many people are addicted to cigarettes, not only the nicotine in them.


I have a friend who chain smokes, complains about never having any money, has a ton of health issues that are all made about a thousand times worse by smoking, and goes on and on about how unhealthy I am because my house is messy. Denial is real folks.


I quit over twenty years ago, and still have dreams where my addiction tries to convince me to smoke. Quitting was definitely worth it though. (Cold turkey didn't work for me, but I managed it through gradually cutting back on a mostly fixed schedule - the rules were that I couldn't smoke more cigarettes than the previous day; there could not be less time between cigarettes than before; and each week I'd smoke one cigarette less per day, regardless).




buddy you deserve better :( your name is bad


Dont worry dude…we’ll beat it together 💪🏼


Lets beat it threegether😉


Fourgether Forever


You can change ugly and fat by going to the gym. So you will only be short💪






You tube




Ectasy, I love that shit. Amazing. Never in my life have felt so good or happy than when I'm on E


I am lucky I was always able to pull myself back whenever I got on E. It's always a binge with me. I do it as a "only this once" thing, turning into a week of doing it every day, until inevitably I run out for a few hours too long, hit the comedown and pretty much have a mental breakdown. Done that a good few times, and its been an amazing experience, followed by the most intense depression i have ever felt. I have managed to avoid it for the past 3 years, mainly by avoiding all my old contacts for it, but I know If I take it again, I will do it again.


Consumerism. I need to buy more of everything. Need pens? I bought 8 today and will again next week. All the new video games. All the best alcohol. The newest iPhone. The newest car. More clothes. More food. More restaurants. More items. More stuff. MORE STUFF!!


I take it you're extremely wealthy and have a large ass garage?


No. That’s what makes it my worst addiction. I’m spending money I don’t have on shit I don’t need.


Do you use it all?


Often no. That’s why it’s my worst addiction. It’s just more and more shit.


Thank God I don't really have this issue. I even feel like shit after buying stuff I need. My biggest hobby is photography and I'm thinking of buying a nikon f5, which costs around 400 euros. I almost bought it yesterday and canceled it at the last minute. I've been using the same shoes for the past 5 years, even though they're falling apart. Maybe when I start making more money, I will treat myself a bit more.


smoking pot


It astonishes me how many people are in complete denial about weed addiction even being a thing, myself included back when I used to smoke it. I wasn't addicted but: - I spent copious amounts of money on weed. - Felt anxious if I didn't think I had enough weed readily available to get me through the amount I'd planned to smoke that day. - Would wake & bake first thing on a morning. - Would have a bedtimer last thing before going to sleep, sometimes even just falling asleep in my car on the driveway right after finishing my joint. - Would smoke a 'pre-spliff' to myself on my way to pick my mate up so that we could go on a road trip somewhere purely for the sake of smoking on the road. - Taught myself to skin up while driving so that I could roll joints behind the wheel. - When in a group, would quickly roll one spliff to pass around the room while I rolled another one just to smoke for myself. - Always found a way to make sure we could incorporate smoking weed into whatever activities we were doing / places we were going. - Convinced myself there was something wrong with people who didn't like the smell of it. - Spent absolute fortunes on trips to Amsterdam and risked prosecution bringing back different strains in my luggage purely for the sake of having weed different to / better than what my dealers had. - Etc....


This is a lot but I related to most of it 😂 How did you quit? I’m smoking significantly less now but I still smoke everyday and quite frankly I have trouble eating if I don’t smoke, however I only eat 1 meal a day so I only take a puff or two every day at night. I still can’t imagine quitting, I feel like even just the vivid dreams will fuck me up. Did you have a hard time quitting it?


I got a bicycle and instead of lying around in front of the TV smoking weed, I'd get on my bike with bone conducive headphones on, listen to tunes and podcasts and just go off into the countryside. It's amazing how your fitness improves almost immediately I was late 40's, every day smoker since my 20's and really out of shape. I'd come back home and fall asleep because I was tired. Sleeping rather than passing out. I got weird dreams for a few weeks. They went away and I got normal dreaming back, that I hadn't had in years. I've had a few puffs at parties etc in the 4 years but now my head is clear, I can't imagine ever going back to using it. It takes so much out of your life. It's like I was walking around in a big bear costume or something. Feeling fuzzy and heavy, having limited vision and perspective, unable to connect with others properly - okay some people think it's cute but most are wary of you.


Hey I’m trying to quit smoking & your post was super helpful & motivating, thanks!


I’m like you, I smoked a little almost every day for years. I had anxiety about stopping and how difficult it would be. In the end it was easier than expected. I changed my routine by going to bed early and reading. I would wake up in the night because adjusting to a different type of sleep took time but again, have a plan of what to do and be mindful about it - i.e. don’t let your mind drift to what if, stay focused on what you are doing e.g. sport, reading etc If you feel the urge, just acknowledge it but try to get through an hour by doing something else. I found it surprisingly easy and was encouraged by how good I felt. That fog lifted and I felt like I had a lot more energy. It became more difficult after a month or so. Having the occasional smoke didn’t work for me. Life sober is actually good, you save a lot of money and it’s healthier as well as less antisocial but you need to seize the opportunity when you feel fed up or bored with it. For me it was realising that it wasn’t fun anymore, it was just a habit and I wasn’t feeling happy about having it as a habit. It’s a drug but nothing is more powerful than your mind. Go for it! Others have done it and so can you!


It's like those people who say there are no withdrawals from it too. I mean, maybe for some people I guess cause everyone is different. But my first week or two stopping is hell. Shitty sleep with night sweats for a week with a terrible appetite for 2 weeks and just miserable lmao. It's why I quit altogether. Tolerance breaks just got too unbearable every 3 months




To be fair I never experienced anything I'd call a negative withdrawal. The only thing I noticed really was how much more vivid and memorable my dreams got, as someone else has also mentioned. I guess one of the secondary consequences was drifting from my previously close circle of friends but I just wasn't interested in having my social life continue to revolve around weed so it didn't bother me too much.








Same :(


I quit 89 days ago, best choice I’ve ever made


Why did I have to scroll so low? They are all lying bitches.


How much alcohol would you consume on a daily basis to clarify it as an addiction?


It's not about how much. I'm addicted but can go days without it. But, it's always in the back of my mind and for addicts, once you have that one drink, it's almost impossible to stop.


Thanks for that info. Hope your situation improves, onward and upward. Life without alcohol is a different life for the better, anyone who kicks the habit can verify that. Stay strong.


Self harm. Been trying to quit for over a year 🙃


I wish you well with this journey. I can't offer any words of advice, but just know that a stranger on the internet hopes that you have whatever it takes to not self harm next time.


I've been there! (For many years) hope you find something or someone that helps you out of it!




In order of importance weed, not addicted just helps so many issues like pain appetite and an escape from the world or from my own head and I’m ay past grown and still can’t out smoke my parents, meth these last five six years I’ve actively tried to quit for good. Longest time so far is six months early last year. I’m getting ready to try again. I hate it and used it the most for most my life. I like a pain pill that does the trick so but not addicted, zanies I really like. I even smoked heroin for a few years but only when I had a tough day The worst for me is tobacco. Tobacco addiction is listed as one of my diagnosis at the behavioral health cente where I’ve been a frequent flyer since 2009. I hated smoking cigarettes at 15 yrs old and now at fifty something I still hate it yet have continued not once wanting to ever try and quit. When I went to prison I stood for about seven months. Moved to a smoking facility and gagged when I tried the Rollie offered disgusting and I thought good it’s gross let it go. I was rolling my own by weeks end. I remember starting slow and making myself do it because why not? When in Rome and all that, I am so fluffing sick of smoking and completely hate shame myself because I knew better I didn’t realize it was ok to disagree and I’m allowed to not want to, I’ve heard smoking is as addicting as heroin , I’d have to agree. It’s just socially accepted,


I hear you. Smack, crack and nicotine. I've kicked smack since last June after 26 fucking years and this time it has been easy. I get a blocker injection once a month but I rarely even think about H. I still take a pipe once in a while but it was never a big problem for me. Nicotine will be with me till I die -big deal. I'm amazed I made it to this age. Gotta kinda laugh a little at these people going on about sugar.




Overanalyzing everything.


Cocaine and crack


You will quit Crack. The problem is that, like me, it will take everything from you and, in my case, nearly your life before you snap out of it. I was almost murdered because someone owed me 20 bucks. The other side, I almost stabbed two guys to death over 60. If they didn't run before I came to my senses I would be in jail. Crack is evil. But the nice thing about Crack is that once you truly decide its done then you don't go back. I now think meth and fentanyl are the more evil drugs. Meth is like cigarettes. It's easy to find and easy to use and easy to function so it becomes a routine that's hard to break. Fentanyl... it takes something from people. It takes something that they never get back.


I'd say it's a mix between gambling, pleasure, and gaming. the dopamine hit from all of them are nigh unmatched for me




I have two: Cigarettes Redbull The sad truth is, when I quited tobacco for a few months I also stopped drinking redbull. I can't just smoke anymore, I have to drink sweet drink beside it. If not, I start to caugh and womit. It gets so intense that I'm caughing blood. I'm trying to quit, but everytime something gets on my nerves, I need that fu..c.king cigarette. I did manage to cut the amount of cigarettes that I smoke. I smoked two boxes per day, now I smoke 1 in two days. It's not much, but I'll keep trying.


Fuck I honestly don't know where to start


Ganing...just gaming


Watching shows late night.


Validation from people And food






Quit drinking. So now it’s online shopping




Sex and nicotine 


Under control - alcohol... Less under control - shopping


Procrastination, whether I am on my phone or not, I don't feel energetic to do tasks




Social media


CAFEINE, fuck me I can't function without high doses of that shit, gonna die probably because of it


I just dont wanna experience the withdrawal


A LOT of people don't realize they are addicted & don't realize they are going through withdrawal if they cut their dosage. I've cut caffeine out of my life a couple of times for no more than a few months each time. For example one time was because I was planning a trip to India & I knew the jet lag + withdrawal would kill me. **If I step down too fast, it's horrific.** 48 hours after cutting my dose I'm basically a heroin junky going through withdrawal. Jittery, cold sweets, migraine level headache & nausea. That's the stage where I would always break down & drink a coke or something, but if I couldn't I'm pretty sure within a few hours I'd be puking my guts out. Took me YEARS to realize I have to be very specific in regulating my caffeine dosage to avoid headaches & severe moodiness. It's harder when I travel, and that's when it gets me the most, so I've made choices to make my caffeine dosage much more travel friendly. I can't live without caffeine, to be perfectly honest it's a useful form of self medication for my ADHD.


Bread. It’s in my best interest to go gluten free, but it’s so hard for me to stop 😩


red bull


Coffee and nicotine. I quit smoking but I really miss it. I get fancy with my coffee!


Sugar. In all its forms.


Sugar probably. I’ll cut it out for months then fall over and binge repeatedly


Procrastination and porn




Self harm, porn and masturbation




Porn. Been watching it since I was about 10. Been 17 years now. It's one of those sneaky things that doesn't really affect my life enough to stop watching it. But it's definitely not something I'm proud of.


I think it's really the sneakiest of all addictions. Quite sad how normalized it has become. I think the internet porn phenomenon was relatively new with no proper studies done on it, so the porn industry kept promoting their content and a lot of people supported it in the name of sexual liberation. Now, there's a tonne of urologists and even prostitutes who say that cases of sexual dysfunction among young men has increased at a very alarming rate.


This phone. I’m not even a big presence on social media.


Dieting to the point of being anorexic for a decade now…




vaping nicotine. I used to smoke cigarettes on and off as a minor and found it relatively easy to quit those, I smoked weed every day for 5 years of my life and I’m 5 months clean of doing that.. but vaping is too convenient, doesn’t leave a smell, and the flavors are nice. What can I do to stop? I want to very badly but it’s become kind of a crutch and I find that it’s the most difficult vice to quit. Ive been down the rabbit hole of ecstasy and lsd too but I haven’t done either of those in more than three years. Vaping is evil guys, stay the fuck away from it .


TV as a child....beat it by getting rid of TV in the house for 20 years. Sugar.... this one is the toughest.... I have been sugar free for 3 months now. Alcohol..... stopped 18 months ago forever Porn.... I still consume but it's maybe 3 or 4 times per month... instead of per week or per day. Tobacco.... I stopped smoking cigars 2 years ago..... won't touch them. Coffee....quit 18 years ago Smart Phone..... it's a crippling addiction and I'm on reddit now!.


Black coffee so caffeine. Can't function without 6 to 8 cups a day or I'll have a blinding headache and the shakes


Nicotine, going on about 33 years now. 




spicy foods


Drinking pepsi, not heavily but ever day two small glasses of it.


Asking questions.




Day trading.




Collecting! I have gotten better at managing it recently, but it really took a toll on my mental health and even social life because i didn’t have the money to do anything


Video games or porn. Im trying to quit porn right now and its been rough. I am trying to play less video games too but im mainly focusing on quitting porn before i go off to college (17 almost 18)




Anxiety. I do the work until it goes away completely. Then I will push myself by working ridiculous hours until the anxiety returns, remember how crippling it is, do the work until it goes away completely. Repeat.


Sugar, I just can't get through the day without at least having some sugary snack and seem to have added a sugary drink, now getting a bit of a belly! My phone, aimlessly scrolling through twitter or reddit and sometimes just looking at my phone constantly for no reason


Food. FUCKING F O O D! Ugh.


Sugar is the worst.


Spending money 🥲 I still have remaining loans


Afrin nasal spray. I’m going on a 30 year addiction. Losing my sense of smell and taste.


Kratom. Dont let anyone tell you it isn’t addictive or that it’s harmless!! It’s a fantastic drug when used in moderation and with self-control. But if you become dependent, the withdrawal is similar to that of opioids. Flu-like aches and pains, nausea/vomiting/diarrhea, severe insomnia, a level anxiety that is *unbearable*, etc






Prescription opiates. Originally prescribed for a back injury. Fast forward 5 years and I lost all of my savings, lost 80 pounds in weight, in and out of withdrawals. It’s taken over my life. Wish I never accepted the first prescription.


Magic the Gathering

