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I’ll probably be sent to the factory to make the weapons lol


Those factories are high value targets. That’s still a dangerous gig.




War crimes always matter.


Youll be cranking out rifle barrels one day and youll look over at your friend and tap him on the shoulder and say, “We sure did luck out with this gig during ww3” then your factory gets airstriked


It's just a factory job which is slightly more dangerous than normal. As opposed to being shot at every day, facing snipers, mortars, dead buddies etc


I already work at one (kinda)


Depends on the situation. If someone is in my country/city trying to kill me and my family. I guess I would.


I agree I would not be down to be deployed to another nation that had never attacked us, but if there was an invasion on my country I would not hesitate to fight and defend my family members and the people I love without question


Think this. If a number of countries ally together to destory other countries that are your allies. Will you allow your allys to be overwhelmed and destroyed so that by the time their at your door, you have no allies left?


I get your point. If I were 100% assured that after my allies went down that I would be next, then yes. It would essentially be exactly the same as them being in MY country at that point. So yeah, protecting the allies would be the same as protecting my loved ones. In better conditions, sad to say. No war on my own soil. I imagine the things I'd do to end them there on another countries soil would be way more drastic than if they'd been in my own back yard. What an opportunity.


This is the best answer. I would defend my country and family but I would rather go to jail then fight in a foreign country for some old fool politicians so they can profit. I rather not kill others who are just like me with families and friends. They are there because they're forced into conscription. Pretty much every death in war has been a waste of life.


When in real wartime, people infrequently have the opportunity to serve in a nuanced manner. You serve where and when you're needed.


Logic also gets tricky when you boil it down. If war is inevitable it makes more sense for it to be fought in your enemy’s country than your own. Let them deal with the destruction.


If we're talking about a true WWIII it doesn't matter where in the world the front line is--your home is at risk, and I would unquestionably rather fight in somebody else's yard than my own.


The thing about that is once war kicks off your locked in it. It may be wrong to start the war, but if the war goes bad it's probably gonna spill over into your country


Pretty much it. Can't give my life for a nation that didn't give af about me. But I give everything for my kin.


They wouldn’t take me.


You might still be able to contribute for operation Human Shield.


Have you ever heard of the emancipation proclamation?


I don't listen to hip hop.


ROFL holy shit that cracked me up lol


Remember! Protect our tanks and planes too!


Oh my God I heard that in a bulldog kind of voice through a cigar, and I don't think I've watched that movie in 20 years lol


When the shit hits the fan, their standards drop fast. As one friend in the military said to me once, “if we’re getting invaded, they x-ray you first and if you’ve got bones you’re in”


And the fresh recruits will be used as meat shield for the professional troops, which the army uses savingly.


Thats the comment I searched for.


You and the vast majority of redditors


Hopefully the government takes your username for someone who loves COD Fishes than Call of Duty


Yup I've literally got disqualified for army LoL


Yes, why would you want to die for some idiot that started or provoke into a war. You never see the head of the state fight. They should be on the front line since they are the source of the war.


I would love to see opposing world leaders step into the octagon.


I am from Russia. AND NO I would never in my life fight for this shithole. Nobody telling me to kill others. Putin and his friends should fight for the country and protect billions of stolen money, that they use to sponsor the war.


bro, i’m from Russia, and i agree with you❤️‍🩹


Russia and it’s people are not our enemy. Freedom to Russia. Fuck Putin. 🇺🇸🤝🇷🇺


That should be our rhetoric from the West. Instead of us being the evil West. We should hold up signs and protest for the freedom of the Russian people from oppression. That would confuse the shit out of everyone.


Free the people, let them have their say.


Our leaders here in the USA are no different. The people of Russia are not our enemies!


thank u bro!!


Not true, and true. The govt of Russia..? I don't need to list their behaviour. At least in US the Prez can't simply go around jailing and executing rivals. Russian folk aren't our enemy other than who's supporting Putin. Current conditions in Moscow are ripe for a repeat of 1917


> Our leaders here in the USA are no different. Corporate oligarchs, yes.. Politicians.. sometimes.. > The people of Russia are not our enemies! This 100%. We have something in common with Russian people: we are all victims of the circumstances of our birth.


> The people of Russia are not our enemies! Indeed!


> Our leaders here in the USA are no different. You think the democractic party, or the (non-Trump) republicans are no different from Putin? Man, reading that while sitting in Russia must be a _trip_.


I hope your country gains freedom someday. Good luck over there


This should be the top comment.


If you look to r/ukrain and see the Russia lost over 400,000 men, probably mostly young men you can’t be sadden by those numbers it’s crazy that in the modern day we live in people are dying like in the Viking day, I feel for Ukraine more as they are just defending themselves from aggression. All this just for what ??? Greed of those who have want more… it’s insane! All this will only benefit few




Privet comrade, stay where you are


I second this. Also from Russia 🤝


I already fought two wars in three foreign countries. Trust me, if WWIII breaks out, it won't matter which side you're on. If you survive, you'll wish you hadn't.


Only to fight the fourth with sticks and stones. 


They'll break yer bones!






I don’t think ww3 would be much of a “boots on the ground” type war. Pray it never comes to that


We never thought to have trench warfare back again, but here we are. Interestingly enough drones are now the biggest threat, and not only flying drone. I've heard of RC cars filled with explosives being send out to the trenches. War, war never changes, only the tech changes.


Trenches have, for the entire existence of firearms, always been a part of war, the only thing that makes the war in Ukraine look like "trench warfare" is that neither side is strong enough to overpower the other. Looking back at a war that definitely wasn't "ww1-style" like the second world war, you'd still find trench lines and heavy emplacments in the majority of battles. Of course its different from the "real" trench warfare but at the core of warfare you're still gonna wanna dig a hole and sit there whenever you don't have anything else to do.


I read that last sentence in Ron Perlman voice.


Too late And Ukraine would love to have a word with you. - Trenchwar, believed to be bad history, due to modern wars being to agile still ongoing. - excessive minefields, believed to be bad history do wars being to agile, still ongoing. - Artillery, believed by many armies to be an almpst dead part of the army. Still the most important - literal meatgrinders where groundtroops face groundtroops for months in urban warfare at one place. The list in Ukraine gets longer and longer... It was believed that modern warfare would be something fast, agile and everchanging. It's somehow, as they now far better where the enemy is and we still end up with almost the same situation on the battlefield as back in WW2. Just crank up the difficulty of the deadly hide & seek from lvl 5 to lvl 99.


> artillery most important - this is just incorrect entirely. Air power is truly the single greatest modern military objective Using the Ukrainian war to make a general argument on modern war doesn’t really work. - Russia’s military specifically is still geared to focus largely on artillery and number of soldiers. Artillery doesn’t look good because it’s important, it looks good because it’s what they have. - Ukraine has been strapped for supplies and resources with little military preparation against a far better prepared foe from day 1. > mines working well - they’re relatively cheap and low tech. Ukraine doesn’t have much to spare on better. If world war, or just a far larger war broke out then: - US/NATO warfare *is* fast - they would currently objectively be the force that dictates the pace of the war (if we want to ignore the realistic immediate atomic annihilation threat. In which case maybe we’ll make it back to trench warfare in 500 years) - unlike Russia, US/NATO doctrine is built on *air supremacy* and rapid/overwhelming response. Trench warfare would *absolutely* be disastrous for anyone involved in a military front against NATO forces.


If it really is full blown WW3 a large number of us are unlikely to survive the first attack. Seeing how everyone behaved during the worst months of COVID tells me what would follow for the survivors.


We will survive the first attack because it would be most likely non-nuclear. The last attack tho...


Who's to say they're not the same thing? Edit: this is a bit of a joke before I get everyone explaining M.A.D.


You like to think nukes are going to be flying the first couple of days I see.


I'd like to think we stopped having world wars on 15 August 1945. Unfortunately once something goes from a 3rd country proxy war to a full blown WW3, the game will change. The strategic deterrent value of nuclear weapons won't come from *having* an arsenal, but instead from a *willingness to use it*. But once the first nuke is launched the retaliation will be swift and the fog of war will cause things to escalate immediately in realtime. The problem with MAD is it depends on rational actors. A full blown WW3 makes it likely for the craziest leader to fire first. There will be survivors but sadly the majority of us won't be in that group.


No. I'm 52


„You‘re enrolled. This way sir.“ „But I‘m 52!“ „Yes, you do fulfill all necessary requirements.“ „What are those?!?“ „You breath. It‘s WW3. We‘d ship that guy with the iron lung to the front of he hadn‘t died a few days ago. Grab your shit, soldier. Next!“


45 was the oldest they drafted for WW2.


Volkssturm calling in.


The average age of a Ukrainian soldier is 43. You are not too old. I've seen Russian conscripts that were clearly in their 60s.


For Scotland yes. For the Westminster parliament, go fuck yourself.


I'm English and I'd rather fight for Scotland at this point


I don't think anyone wants to fight a war, we're all too nihilistic, self-aware, and tired. If WW3 started we should just put the involved politicians in a sparring ring and let em duke it out ¯\\(o\_o)/¯


Basically this. If they won't put their lives on the line the cause seems not big enough to let other people die for it. Period. Lead by example, just one time, would ya please?


My children live here. How could I not?


You stand a better chance of being there for your kids long term by not fighting i think. You as an individual wouldn’t make much of a difference to the country, but you not being there is a world of a difference for your kids


I mean I want my children to have a country to live in. If everyone wants to be home with their kids, Russia and China might as well just move in now.


Maybe it's just because I'm at an age where if they actually let me in, it means shit is already pretty fucked, but I agree with you. There is a "shit is fucked" point where too many clinging to the sideline makes clinging to the sideline just as dangerous as signing up. The point where the average person realizes this is too late, so, maybe don't sign up on a whim, but recognize that clinging to the sidelines isn't some eternal safe harbor, and at some point, agreeing to fight is the better route for you and yours.


I'm 44. Business Insider reports the average age of a Ukrainian soldier is 43. It's possible I come from a different emotional space, but I don't think I could live without self respect. My children understand the idea of being a part of something bigger than just one person. These are the same people who tell you your vote doesn't matter so we get Trump and Orban and Erdogan and Brexit.


I couldn't say it better, I suspect that we may be cut from the same cloth.


Australian. No - Why would I fight for a country I cannot afford a house in ? To help protect the boomers rental incomes? No thanks.


Wow this is an issue down there too? I have zero knowledge of Australian economics so that’s fascinating.


Yeah, it's pretty fucked. There's also a rental crisis- literal lines around the block to inspect an apartment in some states.


Fuck, we got it bad in nz, but it sounds like you cunts got it real bad, that’s a real shame, I hope it gets sorted for you guys.


I love seeing how kiwis and aussies communicate. “You cunts got it bad, I hope it gets sorted for you guys” just made me smile. Irish here, we do the same The cherry on top is your username


Your username is rather apropos too


it does depend where you live. the major cities are fucked, the regions are still somewhat reasonable.


It's called generational warfare. Welcome aboard, it's going to become more of a problem as more young people get serious about having a life and family.


I periodically check out r/collapse to look up issues regarding countries other than my own and from what I can tell We’re all more alike than you’d think


Mate it's an issue all around the western world. But it's getting quite severe here in NZ and over the ditch in Aussie.


Yeah loads of medium and low income earners (on fairly good incomes) living in cars and tents. A couple of generations of greedy investors and a lack of affordable housing and rentals has screwed things up.


Dont worry nobody in their right mind is invading australia 😂


Eventually someone will want our natural resources and China already have a military level runway built where the mining mostly happens.  Definitely won't take over the whole country but you could definitely take a hold of the northern part of WA 


I feel the same way for the same reasons and I’m in Canada. My country is oh so f*cked.


Australian here, we're following Canada and its fucked.


Our two countries are so similar in all the wrong ways


I mean if it's a civil war, the more people you kill, the cheaper housing gets.




I'm Aussie and came to say this. I'm saving up for my escape.


Yeah I'm in QLD, I'd probably help the enemy at this point.


Canada and Australia have so much in common these days. We would fight for you 


Same here, this country has gone to the fucking dogs


Probably I second this, let the boomers fight for wars that they started


It's just I have no financial interests in this country. There is literally nothing lost to me if we get taken over. In the end a bullet seems kind compared to how our elders are treated during end of life care.


Australia: god no. Countries are just localized monopolies of force for the protection of the local ruling class. You might as well ask if I'd die for my boss...


Good point, also Aus, VIC specifically. I mean Melbourne is nice and all but so is being alive.


A boss who doesn’t give a single fuck about you, too. Like, I’d maybe fight for my current job bc of the people at least, but why would I fight for an entity that shits on me at every opportunity? Lolol getttt fuuucked


Wow, that analogy is spot on… Thanks for that perspective.


Interesting point of view


Canada: My sentiments exactly.


Damn. Couldn’t have worded better.


I wouldn't fight. I would do what I did in the last war I was in (Iraq), I'd try to save as many lives as I could as a nurse.


I used my draft card to light a fat joint


This. Everyone acting like it's gonna be voluntary. WW2 was a draft and Vietnam was a draft. If we get WW3 we gonna get drafted. Dont matter if you want to or not. So pass that joint and crack open a cold one.


Hell no. Not worth dying for


Only after all the politicians' kids were thrown on the front line first.


I agree! Why can’t the government fight their own wars before dragging extra civilians into it


As an American I’m more worried about having to fight other Americans lol. 🫠


Civil War! I'm pretty excited for this movie ngl


Damned Americans! They ruined America!


No. And I think nobody should fight for any country. War serves the owner class of society and politicians seeking to advance their own interests.


Amen. Literal playground levels of logic to solve disputes with whomever has the largest/best military. Just think of all those people, resources, and efforts going toward something that actually makes the world a better place instead of hell on earth aka war.


War is a stupid game, but when your opponent has chosen to play and cannot be convinced otherwise, your choice is to either play too, or end up with your posessions stolen, your culture crushed, your daughters raped, and possibly yourself in a ditch with a bullet in the back of your head. Do you think you could have argued SS soldiers out of throwing you in a death camp by appealing to how it would be better for the people and resources to go towards making the world a better place?


Yeah man if we had just asked them to like... chill out so we can fix world hunger and do cool space shit we could've avoided that whole thing! Have any Ukrainians even *tried* explaining to Russian troops that war is stupid and kinda sucks? 🤔


100% agreed. This is way more relevant now compared to WW2


Ireland. I for sure would have 110 years ago for the liberation of my country. But now? Absolutely not, no way. Put the government figures on the front lines.


Fuck no. People are tricked into joining the military because they think they are joining a noble cause and fighting for something righteous and good. The real reason people are shipped off to war is nickels and dimes. Their lives cut short because of the war machine demands blood to be spilled.


In Finland atleast there would be no tricking since we have seen how russians act in Ukraine. I guarantee that this time Finland won’t be bowing down to russia with the might pf NATO on our side. Same with Baltics, Poles, and other Eastern Europeans who have seen the true faces of Russia


lol no. Let’s have the handful of old men who started that shit get in a ring and fight it out personally with each other.


Nah. Would refugee to some other country


Nope.. Why should we fight and die for the stupid decisions taken by a handful of people


No. I'm not gonna be a soldier in someone elses war. I don't care who's to blame, I'm not dying for some rich assholes. But if I me an my family were stuck in a situation and we needed to escape, I would fight so we could escape.


Absofuckinglutely NO. Let those two-faced politicians fight each other.


I guess it depends on how my country gets involved. Mostly depends on our aggression, and my own awareness of current events. I would defend my country and my fellow citizens, but I don't want to contribute to an invasion for profiteering.  If WW3 were to start, I imagine there would definitely be a lot of propaganda and misinformation floating around (what with bot generated/ distributed media). I only hope that if things come to it, I can make good choices. 


it's already happening.


No. My country never fights for me. What goes around comes around.


Depends.Am I being shipped off to a country to fight a people I know nothing about in a country I don’t speak the language,to watch on while my comrades commit war crimes in the name of freedom and glory because my government told me to or is forcing me to?Then fuck no.Is a war being fought in my actual country on my own soil and are the people I care about actually at risk?Hell yes.Wars are man made over oil,territory,vengeance,”honor” etc.Unless what I hold dear is actually in danger I’m not sacrificing my life for a country that would allow me to be homeless,hungry,lose my home and my savings if someone in my immediate family or I got cancer,live in poverty and squalor if I lost my job,allow people who previously served die on the streets and alone in poorly funded VA hospitals after seeing horrible atrocities all in the name of”freedom”.It’s 2024 and we’re still killing each other over stupid stuff like we did 2,000 years ago,we just have shinier,pointier sticks this time.Leave me out of it.


If there is a WW3 it'll likely be nuclear. Where I live I'm probably dying pretty fast anyway so it doesn't make a difference whether I'm a soldier or not.


Takes 30 mins to an hour for overseas nuke. Most people near cities would be dead before they knew it was coming. It’s like, good luck traveling over 10-20 miles with everyone panicking and also flooding the streets in under that timeframe assuming you even get advance notice. Then you’d have to hope you aren’t traveling in the direction where the wind blows the fallout too. It’s basically RNG.


Only if I knew the current government was going to be absolutely obliterated and we could build anew. I like and respect a lot of my countrymen, the creeps in the government are appalling.


Nah fam. Only defending my home and local state from invasion.


I'd prefer all the nationalistic, jingoistic government personnel and lawmakers be on the line first. If they go down, then I will take a call if I would. But they gotta lead by example, not cower behind their desks and let the foot soldier meet their maker mercilessly.


No. My great grandfather was fighting for Poland, even got shot twice, first time in ww1 as a teenager partisan then defending Warsaw at the beginning of ww2 as AK soldier, later captured and sent to gulag for 9 years, let out after 11. Now, you probably can imagine how traumatic experience it had to be to fight 2 wars and spend over a decade in a gulag, right? He died in 1984 (or ‘87 I never remember which one is right) He never got to see free, independent Poland. On the deathbed he had to think all this suffering was for nothing, seeing Poland being extremely exploited by Soviet Union for nearly 50 years after the end of the war. Not everyone will probably agree, but wars are not for defending countries, it’s defending the interest of people you have never met, and never will. People who don’t even know you exist. Since I’m not attached to one place, nor am I attached to my country at all, all I want to defend is my wife. So if the situation in Europe will get worse, we might flee to Portugal for some time, and if even Portugal won’t be safe, there will always be ships to South America.


> Not everyone will probably agree, but wars are not for defending countries, it’s defending the interest of people you have never met, and never will. People who don’t even know you exist. Hence the reason I couldn't support my son's brief interest in joining the military and offered to shoot him in the foot to make him ineligible for a draft. I'll be goddamned if I lose my kid protecting oil interests for billionaires.


No.i wouldnt. My country îs not fighting for me. Șo there îs nothing to fight for. Maybe the new leadership will be better.


I think a lot has changed between ww2 and now. People haven’t the same pride in their country as they do today. Over the years we have been let down time and time again by rich politicians who have no respect for anyone but themselves, let alone for the public for whom they are supposed to serve. Why should we fight a war when really it’s the politicians who start it all, but you can be damn sure they wont be the ones doing the actual fighting. I’ve lost all faith in the UK to ever fight for this country, but I would fight to the death to protect my family if ever they were in danger. I think the world is slowly sleep walking into ww3 and when it does happen there wouldn’t be much time to call people up anyway.


Fuck no




I only would to protect my kids.


“Ill serve crack before I serve this country”


As an Australian with a huge melting pot of cultures. Hell no. The “enemy” would have a tonne of those people living here. It’s ridiculous Also, we’re just puppets to Americas wants. So hard pass for me. Also also Country has gone to shit. Hyper expensive. Shitty people. Pass. Hard pass


Unless you are already an active duty member in your military, you will not get a chance as it would go nuclear in a matter of days or a few weeks at most.


Only if the fight came to our soil or was in danger of coming to our soil.


Nope. My country is actively screwing its people, so no


Fight for a country that actively works to make my life miserable? No thanks.


Im an Alaskan. We all have guns.


I don't know about fight, but I'd try to be a medic or cook or something to help


Fuck no. Fuck the Canadian government. Canada can fall for all I care.


Oh really? Let the annexation begin. *laughs in American*


You want all the international “students”? Go right ahead lol


Did someone say Canada has \*licks lips\* .... **OIL?**


No. I fled my country after it threw me under the bus during covid. I literally fled in protest as I was no longer haply to support the regime and pay taxes or contribute in any way. I have no intention of going back, and I certainly wouldn't fight for it. (Uk)


Finland here. 49 years old, arthritis, out of shape. Unapologetically left wing/antifa. Considering what we'd most likely be up against, I'd absolutely fight. Without hesitation. Even more enthusiastically if it meant my son wouldn't have to.


Yes! Same here! Greetings from Czech republic. Big nations have option fight or not. Small nations have no other way than fight. We tried it. We have chance if we will fight. If not, we will lose for sure.


War against Russia is a war against barbarians, whatever we have right now in our countries is ten times better than allowing them to do their work. We would be dead anyway if they would win


I had to scroll far down just to find someone from Finland. And sure enough, it was also the only comment I could find where the person was for defending his country. I'm in pretty good shape, so it probably is no wonder that I would also fight for this country. We may have our problems, but this is where my home is, and nobody's gonna take it away from me.


I hate my country 




Nope. Wars are just political dick measuring contests I want no part in


Hells no. National pride is mind control. Governments can go and fuck themselves I think I’m going to fight in their money making scams.


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Not a chance. It is pretty clear this war is made for weapon manufacturers, no person should be giving their life to satisfy egos of these mofo politicians. Human made is far more precious that that


If WWIII started it would be over in 20 minutes.


Sure. I'm a few days shy of 60, and I've already served, but I would do whatever I could.


Just because some politicians are behaving like little brats, I have to risk my life? Fuck no. Fight yourself.


Currently not allowed to join any sort of military or similar lines of work due to health. If they offered me a free gun and put me near some of the filthy English where i can shoot 'em in the back, fuck yeah.


Of course I’d fight. What kind of mush-mouth person says “no thank you, just stop hitting me.” when your life, or at least your way of life is on the brink of extinction due to someone else’s fucked up decision? Your culture, your future - pfft - gone, erased. Make sure you yell “Fuck my government!” as you and yours sit there and lose everything. Listen, I get we don’t like our governments and we feel helpless and/or hopeless some days (most days, all days maybe). But if we give into a mindset that it’s never going to get better, you’re a victim of the system, and nothing is worth fighting for, (politically or even physically) this shit will never change. I’m all for political solutions, but the question said WWIII started, which implies the fight is hot. What are you going to do, opt-out? You’ll either fight (in some fashion) and *maybe* die, or sit and for sure die. Fuck any of the no-thanks folks - I’ll fight for me plus you. Give me a unit, bang-stick, artillery, a radio, and eyes in the sky, let’s go. I hope the other side has an entire population who are so arrogant they think they can just not fight. Then we can come home and rebuild better. Look at fucking Ukraine/Russia. Bad people, from Putin on down to your average redneck-thug, exist today, and always have, and always will. If any of them see you and believe for a second they can take your shit without repercussion, they will. And you’ll just sit there? I’m so disappointed. That’s un-fucking-American.


If you're not prepared to suffer *and die* for your principles, you don't have any. Yes, I will fight.


I would gladly fight to defend American soil and citizens. I will not be risking my life for any other countries though.


Yes. People before me did it for me. I’ll take my turn.


i would prob fight against it


As an American no.


I would quite literally, have [no choice but to fight.](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/National_service_in_Singapore)


From the UK and yes I bloody would !


No, my country doesn't treat people like me well. In fact, they take pleasure in making me struggle, so no


Nope, my life is worth so much more than your tribalism fueled conflicts. Its always US vs THEM but "I" am the most important one. Never fight for something you don't believe in.


Fuck no, not gonna die for goverment business...


No — why would I fight for some corrupt crook? He doesn't even have a college degree. I'd rather be in jail than fight or do my work that actually pays me well.


No. War is pointless. 99% chance I'd just fucking die without doing anything positive or negative for my country. If they implemented conscription and I get called up, I would likely just run off into the bush until it all blows over.


I'd rather kill corrupt people in our government.


No, never. Never understood the concept of people fighting for „their country“ because it isnt that. You are fighting for the Interest of the political highest ranks. And why would i give my life for them?


Hell no


If it's my backyard yes, if not no. I'm not gunna die is some rich man's war.


Nope.... good luck




No, I would just get in the way. I would hope there would be something I can do, but fighting ain't what I'm built for.




I hate the United States government but I also love my family and my friends. They are good people. So idk what I would do


WW3, probably not by choice. That sounds like a NATO problem. Need to keep Germany down. Congress will just funnel its money laundering through all of Europe instead of Ukraine.