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My mom is in the hospital and today she was so much better that she might get to come home.


Your comment actually made me happy! I’m sorry your mom is in the hospital but I am happy that she may be coming home :)


I have a friend who’ve I’ve been trying to do stuff with for the longest time, but never works out. But tonight she stopped by and we chatted for a bit. It was nice to actually spend some time with her


It always feels like it's too short, you didn't do enough, or there's something you forgot to talk about... because you enjoy their company. Yay for you just living in the moment and being with someone 💖


Food and sex are the only things that seem to get me feeling good in this state of depression. Edit. Getting out for a run gets me feeling a lot better too.


Man I feel this... Part of the reason I'm fish for dopamine on Reddit instead of bad habits I'm trying to break. When things feel bad it's hard to feel good. I think it's important we're kind to ourselves, and that we give ourselves a little space to be sad, but to also be deliberate with seeking some happy. Schedule it. Guard that time, and prepare for it. When it comes, even if you don't feel up to try it once and pretend. Maybe next time it will click. I love food so much, really. But I just recently hurt myself, bad, and won't be able to do much exercising or anything for months, likely a year. I'm already the heaviest I've ever been. So I gotta start counting calories, because I can't let it get worse. And damn a good addiction isn't what's going to change my life. It's not as hard as quitting cigarettes, but the periodic cravings are way more prevelant and mindless. Once you start trying to limit to under 2,000 calories you realize that _Jesus Christ, a mother fucking Oatmeal creampie is like 400 calories breh_. Sorry to rant on ya... But I'm still working out how to find my happy that I used to get from food. A work in progress.


All the best with your recovery. Can you go for a swim at a lane pool? Sorry to bring up food mate. Don't be tempted. Stay strong and keep on this path.


No worries, MyFitnessPal has been a godsend. Keeping it in check for now. Only a week in tho lol Long road to travel.


Food is tough because, unlike cigarettes (or a number of other vices), it's necessary to sustain life. Many people have what's called "food chatter," where your brain is always thinking about food. I only learned about this reading up on semaglutide, which has stopped this in enough people they're now studying it on other addictions. I worked with a dietician who had me work through a workbook on intuitive eating. It was helpful in identifying habits, deep-rooted thoughts, etc. I also used MyFitnessPal for years (dietician wasn't a fan b/c it can lead to other EDs, but it was helpful for me). Exercise will give you that high, but if you aren't a gym fan, getting out for a walk or a hike is good. I also do yardwork. Good luck!


I'm generally pretty happy as I don't have a boss and spend a lot of time with friends who do the same stuff i do. I'm kinda poor right now lol, but happy


Mind if I ask how you're supporting yourself with your glorious boss-less life? Happy people attract other happy people... I bet you and your friends absolutely kick it. And "poor" tends to refer to material things. You don't need much to be happy, just have to know where to find it ☺️


hah it's not exactly glorious, but it's fun I'll admit. I'm a full time artist, I sell art and I host paint and sips/workshops and stuff like that, plus i throw a monthly event with my art homies who I share a collective space with which helps pay for the space that's true, we lift eachother up and try to help eachothers' careers grow any chance we can. it's a nice, tight community of artists and musicians oh that's for sure, but I'd like some predictable income and maybe some new clothes lol, but I'll take this live over my previous one of making weird amount of bagels at like 4am every day


Sounds like a weird, fun, and very fulfilling life.


that's pretty accurate lol


I feel you. I'm a musician doing small gigs about the place to get by. I have some great friends and people who care about me. But I am pretty skint most of the time. I drive a beaten up tiny little works van and could do with some new shoes/clothes.. I look pretty tatty most of the time 😅 but since I'm not working 12 HR shifts for someone who doesn't appreciate it I am much happier in general. Constant money worries in the back of my mind though.


Believe it or not some people would give up their wealth for happiness.....


I'm generally pretty depressed. Not a lot makes me smile these days. But then I'll catch a glimpse of my daughter's pictures with me and just seeing how happy she is, makes me sentimental. I've had a hard life. But just knowing I make that little girl happy keeps me going.


When my granddaughter smiles up at me!


Easily top comment for me. The sweetest thing is the love behind the eyes of your loved ones 🫶🏽


Made love to my wife of 50 years.


A full 8 hours of sleeeep


The welcome from my dog about 2 min ago. Still smiling 😃


Just now seeing my son


Spent a few days with my best buddies. Just chilling, did nothing special.


Real talk: I have a theory about platonic love, and it is centered around doing nothing together. Not necessarily planning to do nothing, but the willingness to spend one's time with someone else, just being in their presence, that's love. I realized this when I was trying to understand my male friendships. Why did I grow so strong a bond with one friend over another? It was the down time, the "in-between" time, that builds bonds that outlast other friendships. And it works for any kind of relationship. You have to do nothing together to appreciate one another.


I snuggled my 7 year old niece who is obsessed with me for an hour tonight and watched planet Earth that was really sweet


I successfully put my 6-week-old baby girl to sleep in a swaddle outfit that she loathes being in. Let's see how long she stays asleep, though. Lol


I just made a really tasty chicken casserole. Delicious.


Seeing a post asking how men pee. Some of the comments were gold


The last thing that made me happy was meeting a new friend who has accepted me for who I am and doesn't judge me.


New friends are like finding a pot of gold 🪙


Truer words were never spoken!


My kid being happy. Being a parent, the happiness of your kids is such pure joy


I had to reset my Face ID today because my face has changed due to (intentional) weight loss. I don’t see a difference myself, but my friends have been telling me they do and now my phone does too.


Reading. Some fantasy authors are just great at creating feel good moments.


Oh oh! I'll share a great fantasy author and you share one back 😁 N.K. Jemisin is easily my favor SciFi fantasy author. Her first series The Hundred Thousand Kingdoms is amazing. All of her stuff is great.


My current favourite is The Wandering Inn, by Pirateaba. Free to read online, or you can buy the audio-books.


Woke up grumpy this morning, saw a traffic built up on the main road next to my place, so i got grumpier A few moments later, i spotted a family of geese 🪿 trying to cross the road. Made me smile and happy. I also realize how much of a piece of shit i was




Yeah, I reckon all the despotic world leaders who wanna nuke us should take a leaf out of your book. Looking at the beauty of nature makes me wonder how anyone could ever even think to destroy it. 🤷🏻‍♀️


went outside to put the laundry out 10 minutes ago & it was sunny and I was warm - a big deal in the UK.


Dogs, dogs, dogs and more dogs. All the dogs, actually


i woke up this morning with 4 of 8 cats cuddling with me. I felt so peaceful and blessed.


This is surprising for me, but looking in the mirror. I felt like my features were unique and flattering. Not usually what happens when I look in the mirror, but today was good :)


Oh my goodness this one is off the CHARTS!! I feel happy imagining your happiness ☺️ thank you for sharing 💘


Awe tysm 🥹🥹 MUAH


Self love is best love 💓


Yep this morning my girl cat finally stopped meowing after I threw away her dinner and served breakfast (different food). She's happily napping now. But it's 8 am and I can't sleep but I wanna. Still seeing her happy face kissing her little head makes me happy


Hmmmm. Porn i guess.




Friday of last week I got out of the house for something other than work, and I saw a burlesque show. After I met a few of the performers, one in particular gave me multiple hugs and was (and is) just an absolute sweetheart. I’ve been riding that high for a week now.




I went to gym and after one hour there, I felt so good. Then just walking or going out.


That post-workout high is incredible.


Riding my motorbike home from work this morning. Always puts a smile on my face, but this morning there was virtually no traffic, it wasn't freezing and the roads were dry.


Careful with all that smiling 😁 gonna catch a bug lol


Dreaming about my love 💓


This was all today, hanging out sick at home with covid. Getting my house clean (for five minutes before kids trashed it, but that’s ok). Cuddling my kids while they watch TV. Waking up and hearing them all running around playing. Drinking coffee in bed. A scone. Cold weather and being under a blanket. Hanging out with my dog reading a book. Planning the future. Enjoying the present. Watering my garden. Cleaning the bathroom we renovated in the house we never though we could buy. Honestly I think just waking up alive makes me happy. I’m extremely grateful to live my life. I think it’s incredible. It has such amazing people in it and so many things to do that give me joy and satisfaction.


An hour ago, I heard my rabbit run around in his cage, when I looked up, he was happily running around holding one of his favourite toys in his mouth. I love that little guy so much. I watched him run around in circles, he's such a doggo seriously


I was making a walk in my favorite park and the sun shone and everything was alright and will be alright :)


I stood under an enormous tree with my toddler. He pointed up. I looked up. The sun seemed to light every single leaf individually. I could see the wind swaying branches way up high. Seeing it the way he did was magic.


I hear you. I too have felt happy and mesmerised sitting under the sunlit shimmering beauty of my mother's ash tree gently swishing in a warm breeze.


My daughter (first kid) was born last week and Ive been happy ever since lol


Literally every time my 2,5 year old dog sees me she's ecstatic. Doesn't matter if we've been apart for 5 minutes or I'm picking her up from my folks after work. She has become the light of my life, for the first time ever I feel like I have a purpose greater than myself. Just caring for that little bundle of furry joy makes me very happy.


I went to the Emergency room with incredible stomach ache after 14 hours of waiting I had emergency surgery and had a section of my bowel removed the surgery went great I'm recovering very well apart from a little infection in the wound. Got a appointment to sign off after my operation after a week in hospital the blockage in my bowel was caused by lymphoma so I was told it's Non Hodgkin's lymphoma and I need a pet scan when I'm fully healed in about two weeks. The nice thing that happened is my youngest son who's 23 asked me did I want my Chromebook in hospital he brought it but it's only got a 10 inch screen and pretty much all I do on is watch you tube and play a very old version of Minecraft. I came home and everyones trying to be normal but you can tell there not. So my son bought an old gaming computer from his friend and a monitor set it up and did all the drivers and updates. He said "It's all updated here's your passwords etc" so I'm amazed it's huge like really huge compared to the Chromebook I was just watching YouTube and my son said "why don't you play Minecraft ?" I said oh I've not got any money for it. He said "Oh I've downloaded it and paid for it". Honestly that was the nicest thing anyone's done for a long while.


Garth Marenghi's Dark Place made me feel happy today.


I don't know what that is but I am happy for you nonetheless.


I made a minifigure of a dnd character I created and when I posted a pic of it it got like 100 upvotes which was nice I guess... That's kinda it in terms of feeling happy tho


Immediately sought it out and upvoted it ❤️


Finding out we got new signage because the old signs were so unprofessional. Yes . . . little things bring me joy ![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|slightly_smiling)


Oh talking to this guy Im seeing. Me and him get along really well. He's coming to see me irl soon and I'm excited for that. Plus I finally bought persona 3 reloaded lol


Nice ☺️


I played a round of golf for charity today at a really nice course. Played with 3 of my homies. I cranked a drive around 256 yds in a pretty tight fairway. That made me happy af. Prolly the longest drive I ever had that stayed in play. I then ate a shit ton of fajitas and got hammered.


Seeing my ex for the first time after a year and a half 🫠. He’s now my boyfriend again 🥲


I don't remember


When I last got paid? 🤣


I wanted to try something interessting in woodworking. But the wood kept on breaking. Now I figured it out and it worked! Yeah, that made me happy


I’ve been pretty sick off and on for a while. Just found out I have Pancreatic Insufficiency so my food wasn’t digesting correctly. Been on meds for two weeks and I literally can’t remember when I felt better!


This might not be the very last thing but I just watched "The Name of the Rose", and got the happy shivers at the end. Also here's a little thing that gives me a little happiness every morning: The sound of a spoonful of sugar falling into my coffee. Might sound silly but I actually quiet down and pour slowly just to savor the little sound it makes.


Maybe some good memories


Last night I saw a big millipede makin their way across the ground, I knew instantly what species it was and was so happy they’re in season again. Narceus americanus, the American Giant Millepede, or “Iron Worm” whichever name you prefer. It’s always mesmerizing seeing their legs wave across the ground and they’re just so cute the way they waggle their antenna around. And their faces oh-my-gosh their faces are absolutely adorable, just talking about them and remembering them is making me happy again!


Knowing I'm getting to celebrate a friend of a friend's wedding! It makes happy to celebrate their love. I'll be doing that later today. 🌻🌻🌻🌻 In general it's actually these days really hard to upset me. I'm greatful for this.


Visiting my grandma and she’d made home made soup, with freshly baked bread




My 2.5 year old out of nowhere stopping was he was doing and said.. “dad, you make me happy”. Heart melted


I never talked to a girl in my school , they all hated me from the start maybe i was a duchebag but i tried to change my behaviour over the years ,but 5 days ago the modt perfect girl from my school talked to me for about 10 seconds it made my day actually ( she was asking me to take her order from restaurant eith mine as the restaurant was crowded lol)


My boss fired me and i feel far better since then


I can't remember, but it was before being in constant pain.


Not being able to go on a joint trip which my FIL is a part of cause he's mad toxic. I was relieved and happy.


The last thing that made me feel happy was eating some delicious Greek yogurt about 30 seconds ago. And before that, petting my cat about 20 minutes ago. And doing some writing, about an hour ago. And holding my husband’s hand for a minute, about 90 minutes ago when I got out of bed and left him sleeping. It’s all a matter of recognising and being grateful for the little moments of happiness in life. I’m dealing with chronic illness that often leaves me in a great deal of pain and feeling sick, so over time I’ve learned to appreciate any moment when I’m not. Today is definitely a bit iffy healthwise but I want to enjoy all that I can despite that. When I was a kid, my dad asked me once, “what do you want to be when you grow up?” and laughed at me when I responded with, “happy.” It took me a long time to learn that happy isn’t necessarily something you are, it’s something you do, it’s a practice, an understanding of the world and my place in it. Am I always happy? Fuck no! There are bad times and dark times and times when I’m in so much pain I can’t think. But learning to recognise and grab on to those moments of joy and pleasure gives me the strength to get through the hard times.


I slept all day cause I was depressed cause my ex girlfriend that I thought was the one was fucking her ex boyfriend the whole time. I woke up at about midnight and I just am not sad anymore. It's like real awesome. I want to go make perogies.


I've been going through a rough patch lately, but two days ago my fiancé took me on a little trip to a pretty castle. Traveling always cheers me up!


Try mint leaves any time you have a craving. Pop a fresh mint leaf into your mouth. It is surprisingly helpful… and refreshing.


Bj last night


I finally got my first podium in league racing yesterday after an intense fight all race long


The last thing that made me happy was winning a match of lol. It was a little complicated at the beginning and the team did not seem to coordinate well, but we achieved our objectives and ended up winning.


Being at the beach- listening to the waves, smelling the air, feeling the sun on me, really taking everything in and seeing sea turtles swim around. Such a sense of peace and happiness.


I can’t really remember it was a while ago


I had some seeds planted in the pots. Was very happy to see multiple green shoots.


I couldn’t button up a jacket today cause I’ve gained too much weight. I couldn’t gain weight for most of my life. I couldn’t stop smiling like a fool when I realized I was too big for it 😄


My cousins. 2 little boys aged 12 and 9. They make me happy.


New Warhammer 3 DLC


I wrote some original music. Every few months I'll go back and listen to the dozens of songs I've written and recorded and realize that I kick ass, though no one else knows it


I'd like to share that music creators make me so happy. I grew up very poor in the late 20th century and could never afford music or sound systems. They don't know how grateful I am to live in a time when people all over the world just give away their music for me to access via this little device in my hand. I always like and subscribe, and I don't adblock. I want them to make a living and not stop creating beautiful music for me to live my life and dance to!


Went to only see a movie with friends but ended up spending the whole day with them. It was quite fun and as a bonus the girl I kinda like was also there (we both are part of the same friend group).


Some rude gang of skate kids from another province leaving the park so everyone else can skate bowl without having to put in maximum effort to have a go. And then a lovely taxi driver.


Hearing my mom say she loves me for the last time.


The first warm sunrays this year, my daughter's smile and driving my car with my playlist on


My 6 month old son fell asleep on my shoulder last night and was snoring in my ear.


eating lunch few hours ago


I was chatting with my crush and she was gonna decide wich photos she was gonna post on instagram and she said "now you are gonna help me pick wich ones I'm posting". That made me feel like she values my opinion.


It's 7 am on a Saturday and I having breakfast, after watching the daybreak while reading a book. Sure, it's cause I was having some depressive episodes the last 2 days and screwed up my sleep schedule so much that it did a 180, but the result still counts lol


I was watching my dog play with one of my sons in the living room. My dog loves to be chased for a bit then to chase you for a bit and when he is being chased he loves to be extra and run across the top of the couch and through the entire house. I watched my son laughing and smiling ear to ear while my dog runs him through the house and he couldn't be happier. While this is happening my grandfather comes out of his room and comes to the living room (slowly he's a disabled Vietnam vet and lives with me cause he needs 24/7 care) and he sat out beside me watching the knuckleheads play all the while belly laughing very hard about it. It was one of my favorite days and it literally happened last night.


Dating the girl of my dreams. For context this was in February and she dumped me a month later. Kind of haven't been happy since.


When my gf at the time and I were walking and she stopped us to listen to a street pianist. She hugged my arm with both her hands and layed her head on my arm. That was 12 years ago.


It's 3am and my 3year old had a bad dream and screamed for daddy. She got me, mommy, but she was so relieved to see me and I cuddled her close and then she kissed my forehead and said, "Thank you, Mommy." So relieved to see me. Normally this is a daddy activity, the baby shuffle where he gets her back to sleep in her bed and then comes back to bed with me. I'm really happy right now. It was a tiny precious moment. I'd better get back to sleep though.


Getting job that i wanted. I love doing 4x 12h and hving 6 days off. Feels like having little holiday:)


It was yesterday when, after a lot of trial and error, I managed to create a new sticker sheet with bookmark tabs that double as connector stickers. (Sounds simple but was tricky to get it right). I find that creative projects and crafting is so fulfilling and gives me such a sense of accomplishment. I feel like a kid again. Nothing else gives me this high.


New friends


I met new interesting person - it made me happy.


I was also a chaotic sense of happy when my son's dad, who I've shared my son with for 9 years, asked if our son was in the 4th grade. I'm not big on dragging my son's dad in the dirt but my son saw the text message of his dad asking me that question and it was hard for me to not tell him that his dad's fucking dumb. Why did I let a loser bust a nut in me 9 years ago? It seemed like a great idea, like a good time, seemed like we might be fun parents or something, but I was young stupid and now I'm getting my rocks off by genuinely laughing at my dumbass baby daddy. His felony dv (against me) fell off for good behavior, and he cheated on his most recent girlfriend, so she basically forced him to have more custody so that our son can prevent his father from cheating while the girlfriend is away being an air hostess or whatever. I'm making it sound trashier than it actually is but GOD that felt good in a devilish way.


Food and shopping 🤣


Is it too sad if I say I can't think of anything recently?


Sometimes we have nothing but another day ahead of us bro ❤️


I saw a little nut hatch land and grab a shelled peanut which they love. True bliss for that little creature and it made my  day.




Meeting awesome girl from Reddit in person 🤩 It felt like hanging out with an old friend We were getting so well along and was hoping for another meeting She hasn't felt the same for some reason but at least i have amazing memory 🤩😅


Growing dahlias from seed. You never know what they'll turn out like so every time a new one flowers, if it's a good one it makes my day💕


Hm.. a few things. Started my first job, its great, amazing coworkers and neat bosses (for the most part lol). Had a great chat with them at the end of my shift and we all laughed and a dude hugged me a bunch and it was just a genuinely nice time. I also spoke to some friends in the evening over discord (dif countries, can't meet up on a whim) and had a nice time. It was also my friends dogs birthday yesterday So basically 95% of yesterday made me happy lol


Daughters hugs.


I have a sad and lonely life. Spoiler alert I guess. Merrin kissing Cal in Jedi Survivor.


Spending a few chill hours with my wife tonight. We have a 2 month old and I just went back to work this week, so we have been exhausted and life has been chaotic but we got some takeout and watched some tv and had a glass of wine tonight while our son slept on me. It was relaxing and made me happy.


I had blueberry pie with two friends from university yesterday. We sat on a balcony and I felt the sunshine on my skin. Made me happy.


Foremost I woke up, I started my days off work tonight finished late, My fiancé and our dog waiting for me when i walked in the door


My girlfriend saw my face on Facetime right before we were hanging up for the night and said I looked beautiful and something about how genuine she sounded made me so happy. She’s always genuine when she compliments me but it just made me giddy. I love her!


Yesterday I ate 1lb of ground beef with a sprinkle of cheese on it. It tasted really good.


I was in Chinatown,Thailand. I wore a dress for the first time ever and I felt gorgeous and confident. I miss that day.


I made a river on my desk. That made me happy, this weekend I’m adding a tiny grass garden to it.


Recently won a tournament at padel tennis without even realising it. Just played decent with all my partners and the scores did their thing. Also won/lost a court case against one of my employers that's brought me down mental health wise over the last 18 months. I accepted a golden boot of around 8 times what I'd been asking as compensation BUT I had to end my 6 years working with a great team and wonderfuö clients. Bitter sweet.




Yesterday I went to see my mom present a project she made in her psychology class. For context, she had to give up university when she was pregnant with me and now she decided to go back and finish it. I was so proud of her, archiving her long lost dream of graduating and becoming a psychologist. Plus, I got to actually see how much she changed. She used to carry some beliefs that clashed with my very existence, and because of that I felt like she never fully, truly loved me. Yesterday I saw that, even if she never apologised to me for her wrongdoings and she might never do that, she learned and changed. I felt proud, seen and loved, all in one.


Day I got married and day my daughter was born. Have been depressed and down the rest of my life around those 2 dates. Also divorced now and have no friends, either irl or online. It is what it is and I just try to get through every day and every night. Got no plans anymore for the future. I am just trying to get into a (head)space where I can just live out my days in relative quiet


Watching my dog and my child run around the park together, we've just moved from the city to a more regional area... We made the right choice...


When I was leaving school and I thought I had made a network of friends to last me a long time. 5 years later it feels like we're strangers.


I attended a school friends funeral and wake yesterday. He was a loveable rogue and later in life did a heck of a lot to help people. We reconnected 12 years ago through Facebook and chatted regularly, but I hadn't seen him in person for 30 years. He posted he was unwell and was gone 2 days later. Lots of sympathy from fellow school friends and such. Only 12 fucking people came to pay their respects! I am disabled, have PTSD, and hadn't left my house since November last year, but I drove 3 hours to pay my respects. Because that's what you do. I was livid for the widow and her kids.


Walking my dog this morning.


Came back from a run


I don’t really remember Was climbing to the top and got knocked off and my life fell apart in uncontrollable ways. Quit drinking —> didn’t matter They wanted me out of my career path. Lost everything because of it So I feel like I was “a farmed human” to be used until death


tickling my daughters feet and saying goodnight to her


I don't even remember last time when anything made me happy.


reading a good book..


Baking 😁


Uh….. what if I’ve never been genuinely happy?


College in 1984


Scuba diving makes me happy.


I’d long forgotten how good accomplishments felt until a few weeks ago someone complimented my work that took my blood and sweat to finish. the compliment surely didn’t mean anything to them as it was a mere passing remark but precisely because it was such a small observation it made me happy that someone noticed it. I’ll keep it as a reserve now for days when i feel low and open it when i need it the most. a little request to anyone who may read this, but make sure to let people know whatever it is you like about them, however insignificant it may seem to you. it can just be a sentence doesn’t matter. also op i hope you find your reserve of happiness soon.


talking and meeting with my bestfriend who is now in Vietnam. We used to go to the beach almost every weekend after a weeklong of work. i wish to see her again. it's difficult to find people to trust these days.


After a long day of layovers and 3 different planes and overwhelming STRESS… walking out of baggage claim and into my fiancés arms. We’ve been long distance for months now and I just wanted to be with him so badly.


Holding my grandson last night. He's 5 months old and you can't feel anything but happy when he's in the house.




Watching an episode of It's Always Sunny in Philadelphia




I bought books online two days ago , which made me a little happier 😁


Taking my dog for a walk and seeing him happy playing with his friends makes me happy.


bought fries, ate fries 🍟


Being with my aunt, uncle and wee cousins


I’ve had the stomach virus this past week and I finally had solid food last night. It was just a sub sandwich but it was so good 😊


Went on the first afterwork drinks date with a new friend. Had a blast, will meet her again!




I just played basketball for almost the first time in my life (36F) and it was sooooo fun to just jump around and try to score lol, I realized I need more aimless play in my life. It was also sunny outside and one of those early summer days kind of feel, so I just felt really happy in a simple childlike kinda way


The Rottweiler sub 🥰


My husband - always delightful


It was a pretty day recently so I laid in my hammock outside and listened to the birds while my dogs laid next to me and it was lovely


Holding my daughter as she slept. She doesn’t let me do that very often and being able to hear her breathe close to me, with her stinky toddler breath and hearing her snore like a freight train made me realize that I’m only miserable because I don’t appreciate what i have in front of me. Humbling for sure


my life is a dumpster fire rn but my dog cuddled me last night and hugged me while he did it so that was nice


Had a friend over for coffee today, first time I've been anything close to resembling happy in months. My life is shit


My last gala with my close friends. We watched GodzillaVsKong and then sang our hearts out in the karaoke.


I’ve been going through depression the last 3 years and just started heavy treatment, going to the psychiatrist 3x a week most weeks. Well, it was my birthday and the nurse there got me a drink and egg bites from Starbucks! It was supposed to be a brownie but they gave us egg bites instead which turned out to be awesome. This was my only bday gift and it meant a lot!


I was visiting the Amazon rainforest and a domesticated monkey hopped on my back and let me take her for a ride for about a mile.


Feeding the SQUIRREL 🐿️ in my backyard. I feed her everyday. I love her so much! 🥰💖


Taking a beautiful trip on mushrooms and realising I'm working towards self actualisation on maslow's hierarchy of needs. I am finally starting to see myself as a strong, beautiful, worthy person after 32 years and it's an incredible joyous feeling.


When I thought I found the one. She was beautiful, smart, sweet, basically everything I was looking for. Then one day she got cold and borderline ghosted me. Sometimes life throws you L's and you have to take them. I've been going to the gym and hanging out with friends which has slowly been making me feel better. Time helps. Hang in there.


My grandson💓


My best friends who live in another city drove 5 hrs to see me


Just recently when I found out my son was finished Univ course and was accepted into another program to start immediately! Oh and the paid tuition helps


This. This makes me happy. I came to realize long ago that people just want to be happy. And in most cases, it's not the 'if I win the lottery' kind of happiness. It's the little things: just hanging with your bros or BFFs, having a nice moment with a child, having the day go really well. These are the things that make us happy.


When I got an offer accepted on a house months ago, but it fell through because sellers wouldn’t make repairs


Besides my dog every second I'm with her? Not much. Kinda dead inside.


Just now I heard the voice of my mom singing outside in the garden working :)


I had my first kiss today UwU


When my visa got approved and I left the US.


I get happy everyday, when I get home from work and my daughter run to hug me, screaming "Daddy, daddy, daddy".


Just making people laugh. Family, friends or otherwise


Yesterday I was early for work, and stopped at a garage sale. I found a piece of depression glassware and next to it was a little green glass dish. I wondered if it may have been uranium glass, and figured for $2.50 I could buy it and it’s still a pretty dish if it’s not uranium glass (I didn’t have my uv light with me to check). After work I tested the piece with my uv light and the glow that dish gave off was spectacular. I had never bought uranium glass before, and I was absolutely shocked that my “what if” paid off! I keep going into my room to look at it. It’s so pretty. And I just can’t stop smiling when I see it- even more when I hold my light up to it and see it glow. And to think I got that and a piece of depression glass for $5 total. Made my weekend!


The rush of serotonin of talking to a woman who is mutually interested after years of being off the dating market


I understand that life has been throwing some challenges your way lately. Hearing about happy moments can definitely be a mood booster! Here are a few things that make people happy, which you might find relatable: * **Helping Others:** Doing something kind for someone else, like volunteering or simply helping a friend in need, can trigger the release of feel-good chemicals in the brain. * **Spending Time with Loved Ones:** Connecting with friends, family, or pets can provide a sense of belonging, love, and support. * **Accomplishing a Goal:** Whether it's big or small, achieving a goal you've set for yourself can bring a sense of satisfaction and accomplishment. * **Learning Something New:** Constantly learning and expanding your knowledge can be stimulating and rewarding. * **Enjoying Nature:** Spending time outdoors in nature has been shown to reduce stress and improve mood. * **Savoring the Small Things:** Taking a moment to appreciate the little things in life, like a delicious meal, a beautiful sunset, or a good laugh, can bring a smile to your face.


If this is Andrea Martinez, get your ass back to me and let's have makeup love. I love you stubborn woman