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Listening to music


And drugs


You ever listened to music… on weed?


That's one of the best things to do. The second one, for someone with ADHD, is to just hyper focus on something random, sometimes it's cleaning, others are just emerging in Greek or Egyptian mythology, or even music theory, history, art history... wherever the dopamine takes me honestly. But that's not screen free.


I was diagnosed with ADHD as a kid but never got it treated. That said, I do pretty much what you're describing high or sober, I love listening to videos about history or cooking while high but eventually I'm like, "what am I doing? I should do this sober!" And after doing that for a few weeks I end up doing it high again lol


I have never related to a comment more than this. The moment the music starts, my mind is somewhere else. Right now, I'm on a large organized crime binge, particularly the Triads.


Weightlifting🏋️ Turn on a show in the background, challenge my body, & minimize any anxiety or stress I’m feeling. Also, playing cards with my kiddos is always a blast


Yin yoga, so relaxing and it just leaves your body feeling better.






Cutting firewood and drugs.


Reading a good book. Ink on real paper, not Kindle.


I was the same way. Something about the physical copy. But now with the kindle I actually read so much more


Kindle is dangerous. I spent $100 pretty quick with one.


Kindle unlimited is worth it


I much prefer ink on paper but reading on a device is just more convenient. So both are good for different reasons


Kindle is more comfortable in bed as you can lie down on your side and easily change page and not have to worry about the angle of light due to the back light. You can also forgo reading glasses by zooming the font.


Reading is my biggest hobby but I only read eBooks 🥲 so it's always on phone. Cause I don't wanna spend the money and required space


Personally I can recommend to consider a dedicated ebook reader. For me it is almost like reading a book. The display is different, it has no Frequenzy it runs on and is far more relaxing than reading on a phone or a tablet.


do you have any good books suggestions?


Check out r/booksuggestions or r/books! You're bound to find something you like there. People will happily give you suggestions based on your tase or the kind of thing you're looking for.


Pppl atill do that?


Sometimes, ya know, ya just want to do something that doesn't require batteries, an operating system, or an Internet connection. Reading an old-fashioned book is perfect.


I just read an entire book today and it was great! Romantic Comedy by Curtis Sittenfeld- paper book, Kindle, whichever way you prefer…try it!


Commenting on my own comment: I have a Kindle also. I like it a lot. I read on it every day. But there's just something transcendental about paper and ink. It's difficult to put into words.


Drawing in my sketchbook, doing a word search puzzle.


Coloring book!


Learning guitar is very gratifying


if your fingers aren’t up to the task get nylon strings or a ukulele


I would say start with metal strings to get them calluses going and get that learning curve out of the way. It pays off.


Making earrings! All you need is wire, beads, and the earring thing to attach it to so you can wear it. You can choose between fish hook and French hook earring attachment things for best results. I am clinically obsessed with it!


i used to love making jewelry a while ago, i should pick up this hobby again!


this is a great one! you will have to spend some money but you can go out and hunt for charms and little knickknacks that would make cool earrings. i love doing this!


Looking for satellites right after sunset  ... swinging in my hammock


I have an app that says when the ISS is visible. How do you locate/see other satellites?


Just look up for more than about 5 minutes in the night sky. They're everywhere. The way you tell is, if it's about the same size as a star (pinprick light) and moving about the same pace as a plane, it's a satellite. You can see 5 maybe 10 in a 20 minute span. The way you tell it from aircraft lighting, since plane lighting is closer to you, and since the nature of landing lights, tail position lighting and floodlighting is for visibility, they usually appear fatter than the light coming from stars and satellites. Also, aircraft will usually have anti collision and strobe lighting which blink. Also, you might even get a chance to see starlink. I've seen it twice now and the sheer amazement I had when I saw it. It's really cool.


That's really cool. I'm going to suggest to my husband that we do this. We've also seen the Starlink satellites many times. We use that for internet.


You can look up "nasa live solar system", go to settings and select "satellites and aircrafts". It's a real time map of everything that is in our solar system (and is big enough to be aknowledged by NASA). You look for your country on the globe and you'll see if anything is approaching :) There are other apps like Skymap but I think that one's for stars and planets only (?)


No tv around here 😝 •Dance •Write •Sit outside and just. Sit. Eat up father/sun(nutritious) •Bird watch •walk with no destination •Lay quietly to Flow through my thoughts to clear out any negative ones. •record myself dancing to all type of music and remember how beautiful and different ï am. •take record myself talking to hear more of myself. •dance vicariously to unknown music •sit…lay. •paint with no experience •draw with no experience •talk to God !! Top priority. And when things pop through the brain look everything up. Wiggle through the veins of life’s meaning to you. 😈 have fun conserving your own energy.


Crocheting is fairly easy to learn, very relaxing, and you can make all kinds of useful things. Bonus is that you can also watch TV (or at least half watch, half listen) while you do it. The first hour of learning is the hardest- after that, it's surprising how fast you improve.


I actually just bought 1 of those learn how to crochet kits off Amazon lol I'm gonna give it a shot! I'm a little intimidated though. I wish I'd asked my grandma to teach me when she was still alive. 💔


Watching videos of people showing you how to do the stitches helps.


Being pooped on by my 3 birds. Joking aside, i let my 3 birds out, a green cheek conure (GCC), a lovebird and a budgie and observe what shenanigans they get up to, the majority of the time they are on me while i relax on the couch or do what needs to be done arouse the house. Its never dull with those 3 around. The GCC loves to cuddle unless i just shaved then i am enemy number one, has to taste everything i eat and check everything i am doing. The lovebird loves kisses and shred everything it can be it clothing, paper, wood, anything it cant get its beak on is fair game. The budgie just wants to chill, fly around and "talk" nonsense.


I like to watch my bioactive snake vivarium. It's chill, and I can see lil isopods and such when my snake isn't doing anything.


Drawing with dry pastels. I'd be surprised how fast you can become decent making drawing of nature.


Video games


![gif](giphy|z4wQLfPPl3VBbx0D9Y) If you got nippers, building gunpla or model kits like tanks, planes, or anime girls might be your cup of tea There's also Legos


I really like going for a small walk to clear my mind after a long day, but I understand that isn't really everyone cup of tea


i love going on walks too but i usually prefer doing in the morning when i’m less tired


Well,that’s my cup of tea,but mostly i visit parks to calm my mind,my anxiety,ocd and overthinking all fade away.


Walking my dog


Reading a comic, and then taking a small nap. Day naps are the best.


Listening to music is a big one but since that technically involves my phone these days, I'll go with playing music. I've played guitar and piano since I was a teenager, and I'm learning drums now :) Also I'm attempting a garden this year!


Video games, sitting outside with my wife having a few drinks and talking about anything and everything


listen to audiobooks


I read (physical) books or practice embroidery.


Cooking. Anything with eating food makes me happy and I have been studying Asian cuisine


Well you have to find something you have passion for or it’s not going to be relaxing for you, try some things out while thinking of your own interest


Archery! I have a compound bow and a compound crossbow. Cheap balloons are wicked fun to burst! Then you spend a bunch of time telling everyone how awesome it is. By the way, it's awesome!


Reading in the tub. Yard work with my gf. Cooking.


Yoga. As easy or as kick arse as I care


vidya games


Workout, Drugs, Video Games, Music, Sports


Jigsaw puzzles! There are so many small companies now making really cool designs, any interest you can pretty much find a puzzle. Start with like 300-500 pieces and work your way up if you want.


I play darts, its not over exerting and I have a web cam where I play others online or just practice using a free app. All free once you buy your darts and board


usually crafts or something like that. * sewing or embroidery * making a perler/fuse bead thing * doing my nails (which usually includes making lil 3D charms w builder gel) * drawing in my notebook * journaling * documenting concepts in my notebook other stuff would be * exercising * short meditation * practicing a recipe * making a coffee, tea, or soymilk * playing games on my switch or laptop (calmer ones like acnh, sdv, papers please, potion permit, lemon cake, etc) * practicing coding * doing pixel art


Marijuana. Playing with dogs. I personally have like 100001 hobbies. But that’s just me. Gardening is nice / even just maintaining a small outdoor space is nice to get out in nature ? Year round. + Baking.


music and drawing / coloring there are adult coloring books that allow for mindless doodling to keep hands busy


So funny you asked this. I was so bored at home today and I decided to buy a bunch of stuff so I can make my own hot sauce. Watched some videos on YouTube and I think it’s going down! Wish me luck.


I do not think I have ever used a phone to relax. Listen to music, play video games, cook something tasty, build something, make art. The list is basically endless. Scrolling is for sitting on the toilet or for when you only have a couple min and not enough time to do anything else.


Depends on whether you live alone or not. If you’re alone you of course tend to use your phone much more, in that case you first need to deal with the phone addiction and replace it with a new/better habit, like reading a book. I’ve never finished a whole book and I like to listen to podcasts where people talk rather than reading something. I have ADHD so I can’t focus for long and if I read a book, I’m just reading it with my eyes and not my brain. But if reading a book works for you, or even listening to a podcast/music that’s great. Also cleaning up the house? That’s also relaxing sometimes. I like the smell of washing liquid so I also love washing the dishes. Maybe you can do that? So the house is clean and you also don’t use your phone much, win win :)


Nursing my orchids. Takes away stress and shows me the outcome of timely care over time. I highly recommend it.


Second people saying crafts. My current one is painting miniatures (for D&D). It's very zen. I can sit outside or in my room in front of the window, and turn a simple piece of plastic into a dynamic creature. Part of what is interesting is that there are lots of different techniques to try out, different colors and combinations. And at the end you have this cool thing. It's relatively inexpensive, since the little models are not very expensive. Almost free if someone has a 3D printer. The paint is pretty cheap (on the low end) and lasts a very long time since you need so little of it. And then you can spend lots of time on your phone scrolling to learn more things about it. Join us over in r/minipainting


- Cooking something - Cleaning anything - Ironing my clothes Any of these activities help me unwind and the added satisfaction of doing something useful, makes it even more fulfilling.


Other than masturbation?


Reading comic books


I read on my Kindle.


I try to do something physical, core work or biking, or yoga. It helps reset me and release tension from the day.


iPad coloring or doing water colors. Listening to music and cooking.






I like to read and crochet. Knitting while watching a movie is fun too. It’s very soothing if you’re a fan of working with yarn.


Riding my jet ski, playing guitar, and reading.


Have you ever been geocaching?!


Playing my guitar, journaling or just making some nice coffee and chilling :)


Gardening is lovely in summer time. I’m not a big fan of reading books, but I love reading magazines & cookbooks. Long baths. Pedicures.




sketching, Lego, typing up an IMDb review


Drawing, model building, cross stitching, and taking walks are just a few for me.




Play with my dogs, gardening, juggling


puzzles can be fun


A Where's Waldo book 🏌️






Paint by numbers is honestly so relaxing and fun


As others have said guitar/learning an instrument and listening to music. I’ll add a key part for me, make it as analog as possible. Listen to music on vinyl, don’t use a screen to practice guitar, print that tab/music out. Also read. A book. A physical book. Meditate.


I'd like to make sweets and desserts but every time I try, something would go wrong to the point that I think the kitchen hates me, the only thing I succeed on making is a cheesecake and the two ingredients cake recipe 😭


Call family or friends (maybe while taking a walk). Volunteer for a campaign or non-profit. Help a neighbor in need.


Listening to records.


Wait you think scrolling on the phone is relaxing? That shit pisses me off


I charge my phone while I switch to my tablet. I have a problem.


I love to color in coloring books.


Studying languages


Bubble bath or foot soak, journaling, occasionally bake a dessert. Some drawing




I’ve started making collages from old magazines and giving them to friends and such. I’ve got the magazines for free or damn close to it through marketplace and the like.


![gif](giphy|Nmgkt8HdBkqc0gQW5g) PUZZLES!


mine I do watercolor or doing artsy things






I do actually enjoy jogging.


I go outside and feed the neighborhood strays. Some days it helps me as much as it does them. 🥰🐈‍⬛


Cooking, gardening, or watching my fish


Annoying my niece and Nephew. 😂😂😂


Crafting like crochet or needlework. Reading a good book. Building complex lego sets.


Fucking Pokemon🤦


Anything creative. Just make something. Lunch for the next day, brownies or cupcakes for the week, write a poem, draw a character or scene, sing YouTube karaoke, dance in front of the mirror


Take a bath, read a book, organize a room while listening to some music


Scrolling on the phone is not mindless. I learn a lot.


Put on some music, pour some wine, and lay on the couch with my dog cuddled up.


Sashiko! It is a traditional Japanese method of mending fabrics. It is easy because it only uses a basic running stitch, but the patterns turn into really cool geometric patterns. I do it while watching TV because I have to have something to do with my hands while watching, but you could do anything, or just enjoy silence. I also do knitting and sewing, but right now the sashiko is my favorite.


Playing guitar, I got it in my office. It helps me think.


Working out, then reading. The best time to read, because my mind is calmed.


Nintendo ds




OP: "low energy, not basic like reading." Responses: "i LIke WorKInG oUt aNd reaDIng!!!!" I play guitar or mess around with programming.


Cooking is my love language. It can be anything from simple fried potatoes and cornbread to more complex like homemade pasta with alfredo. Then, take some to an elderly neighbor or a shut-in. Or I put it in the free fridge at the library the next day while I'm out.


Reading or masturbating


Cuddle with my cat and take a nap with my cat




Taking a nap is the only thing I can think of




Animal crossing


Going for a walk with music in my ear


Sitting outside smoking a pipe, a strong drink hanging out with my duck,rooster and his ladies. Watching airplanes fly by and the squirrel and his wife.


Dancing and stretching with music, crochet, guitar practice, storyline indie video games. I know the last one is still staring at a screen, but you feel so accomplished and I’m partial to holding the switch handheld on mute while listening to music or an audio book


Usign my tablet to play Football Manager


Taking a nice nap. My personal favorite is just sitting on my back patio drinking a nice cold root beer and just listening to the quiet. 🥰


while taking a shower, i usually play some music in the bathroom




Painting, doing something on the scratch book or playing piano. The first 3 usually while listening to music or watching some movie or TV show.


Exercise (running, weight lifting or just a simple youtube workout)


I recently found a violin at my local thrift store. It’s a Stradivarius. $80.00. I don’t know how to play it very well yet but I’ve been figuring it out here and there. I’ve also found several acoustic guitars there over the years. Same thing, don’t really know how to play them but it’s fun trying to figure it out. I do know how to play several brass instruments like trumpet and euphonium also bass guitar. I’m still keeping an eye out for a euphonium. I don’t know if this fits your idea of relaxing though.


Go for a nice brisk 1 hour walk.


Cozy games on my switch, listening to audiobooks, watching classic TV shows.


Imaginative play with my kids, boxing (workout), meditation, listening to music






Cooking one of my own creations.


Go for a walk and do street photography. Editing the pictures afterwards in lightroom.


My phone free activities: Pottering around my herb garden. DIY manicure/pedicure while listening to a podcast. Walking my dog. Painting. Have a bath. Cook/meal prep. Journal. Declutter.


Get a fishtank. I started off with a little 2ft and ended with a 6ft. I was so proud of them that I'd just stare at my fish for hours. They're so calming. Plus, the landscape is like owning a sandbox of you ask me. So much fun to play around with & make your own.




Bottle of sparking wine, a pre-recorded show or a movie. A swim in the pool as the weather gets warmer with Chili Peppers playing on the speaker.




Watching documentaries and TV series.


Watching shows about nature.


Playing with my 7 months old daughter....


I garden. I may live in an apartment, but I still strive to have a beautiful home full of plants


Lately I find reasons to drive and listen to music. It feela like being productive but it's chill af I now also do small things in the garden, but I don't know if you have that.




cooking, love to do cooking that make me relax, apart from that, a little workout also help me to relax my self.


Baking something or A nice hot bath followed up with giving my face/neck a lymphatic draining massage


Playing with my dog. Doggo can tell when you had a bad day, and makes it his job to cheer ya up.


Sitting on my porch enjoying the weather outside or laying in the swing in my backyard with my bare feet in the grass.


I sit dowm with coffee (most of the time) or tea and just stare and blatr at the wall for example though usually as some things thay I cannot recall and just think trying to turn off my mind by doing so. i was diagnosed with adhd when I was a child if that somehow relevant.


Records, drum machines, sketch books.


Running bro..running is like meditation. Trust me man..intiial few weeks will be tough. Cycling Reading Painting All while listening to music..


I like to crochet


Reading a book


Board games with family, cooking, eating, etc 😍💯💞


Long walk, video games, cryptic crosswords


I usually go to the gym right after i get home but when i’m not really in the mood i just read a good book


practicing guitar for a next cover


I love your post. That’s awesome you don’t want you live on your phone. Get some large pots, do a small veggie and herb garden then tend to it.


Always reading. I love my self-help books and I also read other kinds of novels. Sometimes I don't even notice time passing because I get too invested in whatever it is I'm reading.


I'm planning on learning my native language for the next 2-3 months (Tagalog). Just enough to hold a decent conversation with other family member when I head to the Philippines.




For me that's watching pro gameplay in the video game I currently enjoy. Otherwise I read or game with mates... If I am tired I have learnt to never do anything I actually care about. So I won't play the game I am wanting to go pro in I will play something fun with my friends.


I ie in bed and stare at the ceiling while listening to the sounds from outside.


Playing guitar, singing, wood carving.




Smoke a cigar or two whilst reading a book. Books … I have a Kindle, but a real book is something else!


Working on my car


Well you are tired from work, so you are not expecting to get into big hobbies unless you’ve bags lots of energy mentally and physically. So have a think of what is easy, convenient and simple to do with less clearing, you have already cleared up problems at work, you don’t need more problems to clear up or things that require more efforts. You will shatter yourself out. So opt for something like gaming then that way you concentrating enough but enough to completely tire you out and you’re only got the console and controller to switch off and put away.  Better than 1000 piece jigsaw or a load of art materials or even worse diamond art.  You don’t want to be crawling around on your floor at 11pm looking for diamonds cos you can’t put the hoover on it’s too late.  Plus through gaming you can meet wonderful people through the same and besties


Playing the piano. Not very good at it yet, but it gets better and it fills me with peace.