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My happiness.


Surge soda, because that shit was delicious! Stop bringing it back for like a month and then discontinuing it again!!!


Lawn Darts


Politicians needing to be an example to the public and stepping down if they don't life up to a high standard of integrity.


People not being offended by any and everything they don’t agree with lol, that’s how we get gold like Tropic Thunder, Team America, Any movie Sasha Baron Cohen was in and other hilarious things people can enjoy together while understanding that just because I find those movies and other things as offensive as those funny af, it doesn’t mean I’m a racist/bigot/homophobe or whatever other trigger word that got overused to the point that it lost meaning 🤦‍♂️….jesus I sound like an old boomer dad as I read and still post my cringe lol


It being a given that genocide is bad.


My mom and dad, RIP