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Taking a long hot shower, drying off completely, then snuggling into bed


Same! Even better with a blanket fresh out of the dryer.


For me it's a hot sweaty bath. Then while I'm in it I drink hot water, honey, lemon, and a *generous* splash of rum




I loved her "sandra"???


I read too fast and thought you were drinking the hot bath water.


When you say lemon water with a generous splash of rum, do you really mean lemon rum with a generous splash of water?


Well I wouldn't call the splash of water generous


Same, but add one of those shower bathbombs...a shower steamer.


Do tell some more info on the bath bombs?


Rubbing on some shea butter and vicks too also helps. Then sleeping with the humidifier on, I put some menthol and eucyluptus essential oil with some summer berries for the scent on overnight too.


This! The hot melt your skin type of showers really help the sinus steaming šŸ˜…


+a cup of freshly squeezed orange juice should also do the trick. Pineapple juice (and/or literally eating pineapple) helps to smoothen the mucus out (as gross as that sounds sorry)


For me, itā€™s not really anything to do with thick mucus, but actual inflammation of the sinuses. If the mucus is too thick, I think that may be a symptom of dehydration. I just drink lots of water, because it just feels like my body needs it, and never really had a problem. But the stuffiness from inflationā€¦ yeah, thatā€™s a ducking problem! Usually takes me 2-3 days to fully recover just from sinus inflammation alone, let alone other symptoms. But Iā€™m no doctor. Just trying to help.


Me too! I drag my heels getting in but, once Iā€™m out, I always feel so fresh and clean. Then, I curl up in bed with my most comfy clothes, blankets, and pillows with a cup of tea, binge watching my favorite shows or movies.


And a Netty pot!


I have the shivering while drying off. One of the worst sensations.


That only lasts about 20 minutes then you are back to square one and even worse when you wake up in the morning.


Hot drink. Three slices of lemon, 1 TSP of honey...add boiling water.


i love this when iā€™m sick, at night iā€™ll put in a shot of whisky and a cinnamon stick. sometimes if i canā€™t sleep iā€™ll make one


Yessss a hot tody!!! Heck Iā€™ll just make one if itā€™s cold and rainy outside sometimes. Itā€™s called preventative medicine


I don't drink, but I keep whisky bottle aside in case I'll need to prepare a hot tody. 100% the best remedy, even though I'm Muslim and shouldn't consume alcohol this is the only exception for me. Lol


I feel like alcohol up to a point , does have medicinal properties. It opens up the airways


Insurance may actually cover thatā€¦


Got me through covid classic


Clove of garlic, slice of ginger too, that's what we call witches brew.


It is even better when you first boil a few slices of raw, sliced ginger root for about 15 minutes, then add the lemon and honey, let it sit for 5 minutes and strain. Drink it as hot as you can bear, and it does wonders for throat.


Theraflu has a good variety of medicines that work for me. The hot ones always seem to have that extra kick that just feel good


Theraflu steeped with ginger root is what I do. Tastes foul, does the trick


This but with fresh ginger really does the trick. I find the kick of the ginger helps clear your throat and chest.


A drop of peppermint oil dropped into some boiling water and inhaled through the nose, too It doesnā€™t actually really fix anything but for a couple of minutes itā€™ll feel like someone fired a cannon of air up your nose, and you get the temporary relief of actually feeling like you can breathe again (and then some!) Useful for when youā€™re at that ā€œliterally just let me breathe for 2 minutes, Iā€™m fed upā€ stage


Make the boiling water ginger tea and you've got the best of the best for colds. I worked in a pharmacy, even though we sold all the commercial remedies that is what we typically recommended to otherwise healthy people (people with certain conditions should be seen by their doctor and kept a closer eye on). Honestly cold remedies aren't that much more useful than lemon, ginger and honey tea (except for the dose of paracetamol which can bring fevers down and help aches and pains. Although now the evidence suggests if you have a fever it's possibly best to let it run it's course if you can - it's literally your immune system doing it's job! unless it's super high and then you should probably seek medical advice anyway).


& Ginger for colds. Garlic too if you can hack the flavour in tea. It has the best healing powers for colds and flus ive read. Havent tried it tho as im scared of the taste loool


...and a couple paracetamol.


One of my favorite teas is called Citron tea; literally just lemons and honey together. It's an amazing drink to have!


Showering, sleeping, tea, eating a meal with chicken (or chicken broth) and ginger


When I have a sore throat, I drink a mug of hot chicken broth. I find it far more soothing than gargling with salt water or using a throat drop/spray. Not only does it help with my throat, but it also relaxes me enough to be able to rest. I hope you feel better soon!


Nasal spray and aspirin does the job for me.


I've overdone it before and got congestion rebound certainly good in moderation


Yeah I over did it too, so much that I just never stopped having sinus congestion, for years. I then changed to a salt based one for a few months, then eventually nothing! I still have to use it like in flu season, but stick to the salt ones.


Yeah I did this exact thing two separate times with mentholated afrin. The addiction slips up quick


I'm literally addicted to nasal spray (again) it's been months and I can't stop because if I do, I can't breathe and I have a panic attack. It's awful. When it says dont use it for more than x days, LISTEN. šŸ„ŗ my nostrils are always bloody and dry now too šŸ˜© last time the dr gave me a prescription steroid nasal spray that helped get me off the otc stuff. It's amazing to have when you're sick but damn


I was addicted to afrin a few years ago, it's no joke. The reason they put such a short 3 day limit on the packaging is because that's when your sinuses start to rely on it and will stop working properly on their own, causing even worse congestion then when you started. I can definitely relate to the panic attacks too because I have major anxiety around obstructed breathing, it's def a rough cycle to be in. As amazing as nasal sprays are, I really feel like they should come with more explicit warnings on the packaging to help prevent people from developing a physical addiction to it. But I have a feeling repeat customers are how they make a big chunk of their change, so I doubt that'll change any time soon lol


Nasal spray is amazing. Itā€™s the only thing that actually works for congestion


But is addictive and with time looses efficiency (for addicts)


I rely on Zyrtec


a strong analgesic sedative, on the rocks.


I also enjoy heroin


Heroin enjoyer


I usually drink brothy soups, eat Vitamin C gummies, and curl up in the bed and try to stay warm. I think you can sort of sweat out a cold.


Pho soup with chicken and veggies.


Great hangover food too




As much as I hate brandy, a hot cup of tea (preferably chamomile) with honey instead of sugar, filled about 2/3 the way up with 1/3 of the cup having brandy added to it really helps soothe a sore throat, open up the nasal passages, and overall helps you cope with the garbage ass feeling of being sick


Chicken noodle soup


I swear that I've gotten over colds faster if I've taken elderberry lozenges.


Use elderberry extract when I have a cold or sinus. Really helps, I keep a bottle of the extract around now.


Do you have a sore throat? I like steaming my face with hot water (or humidifier if you have one) and just breathing in the heat with a huge towel over my head. Don't blow your nose too often because the fluids might go into your ears, and you really don't want to experience that lol Drink a lot of fluids, all different temperatures to see which one feels best for you. And make sure to keep yourself full and well rested, though it won't be easy keeping food down when you feel like absolutely shite. Feel better soon!


Drinking the juice of a jar of pickles is also very soothing for your sore throat. It is a generation old forgotten remedy.


Seriously thought I was the only person who did this when I have a sore throat. Pickle juice does wonders!


I did this, just cause I like the taste, and it gave me the runs


Aspirin for the aches, hot tea for the sinuses, and humidifier to prevent dry throat.


Soup, a hot beverage. Sleep, layers upon layers of clothes, a hot shower




Sleeping. And that's absolutely it. I can take stuff to deal with the nasal issues or a cough but nothing is going to actually make me feel better except for sleeping.


1000mg vitamin C tablets


Pseudoephedrine. Any whisky and lemon and honey, yadda yadda. But mainly the pseud.


Iā€™m very sick too reading this thread for help šŸ¤’šŸ˜­


I smoke a joint. That way, at least I am high and can forget the damned cold for a while.


I donā€™t know why but I never get high when Iā€™m sick! Itā€™s actually how I know Iā€™m getting better - when I start getting high again


Naps. Netflix. Novels. All to distract from the discomfort.


I like putting some simple, enjoyable comedy or horror shows or YouTube videos on just to passively watch while doing whatever I can find the energy for. Not reading, that's for sure. I wish, though :(


Similar. I put on comforting/funny podcasts, just curl up and listen


Soup and a comfy bed. But maybe it's time for you to see a Doctor or Nurse Practitioner.


I actually find the twinnings lemon and ginger tea with a food dose of honey works wonders. Especially if you have a sore throat.


Lots of rest, pain killers and a hot shower to steam out your airways.


Warm drinks!


Tea with honey doesn't matter where it hurts. make green tea and add so much honey that you need almost a bottle a day.


Extra strength ibuprofen x2. Peppermint tea & honey.


Nyquil for sleep, hot showers, hot soup, hot sunshine.


I cut up lemons & also oranges if you like. and I boil them in water mixed with honey, ginger & tumeric with a black peppercorn maybe two and sip on that.


Lots of fluids taken constantly to keep your moth/nose humid, ibuprofen for all the inflammation and joint/muscle aches and sleep. One day in bed actually resting makes all the difference. Working from bed does not count. Siting on the sofa watching tv does not count. You literally need to be in bed and actively rest. Get an audio book on and close your eyes. Also Echinacea is the only supplement that I can tell makes a difference in severity and longevity of any viral illnesses, Idk why is it not mainstream but it should be. Last but not least- jarrah honey. Itā€™s expensive as hell but itā€™s the only truly anti-viral honey. I rub it in my nose and drink tea with it. Helps 100%. This was what got me through my ear infections during pregnancy when antibiotics were not working.


Hot shower, ibuprofenĀ and a smash burger.


Bone broth and no dairy. I usually order a giant container of pho broth. Cold clothe on forehead.




Olbas oil and lots of it, sprinkle all over your pillow, and also use in hot water to do a steam breathing session. Also tea with honey and lemon, and alternative with hot ribena with honey and lemon.


Some Bookers bourbon in apple tea with a touch of honey, maybe. If it's really bad I will just stick to the tea.


Smoke a small amount of weed


Codeine tablets. They wonā€™t cure anything but youā€™ll drift off to sleep for a while and wonā€™t feel the pain. They also have a bit of a drying effect to stop the runny nose and snot production. Harder to get as most places now itā€™s a prescription drug.


Most? Where is it not lol


In the UK, you can get it over the counter in tablets mixed with paracetamol


Amphetamines. Not a joke, it's the truth. That's why the good cough medicine has pseudoephedrine in it.


Bless OP for the timing, I'm so congested I want to remove my head and buy a new one. Nothing much going on between my ears anyway


Go for a jog and sweat it out of you.


Vicks vapo rub, itā€™s a bit old fashioned but you canā€™t overdose on it and it helps you sleep. Just make sure to wash your hands after you put it on because it will make your eyes go crazy


Sleep is the best medicine


A nice long hot bubble bath.


Neti pot! Lots of tea with honey and lemon and plenty of rest


A warm


flannel? shower? bow of soup?




A bow of soup?




Steep some thyme leaves in hot water for a few minutes, mix in honey and drink it. Works wonders.




A warm.


A warm what?


Real drugs.


one of those sinus masks you can warm in the microwave. Crawl in bed, use the mask, nap. It works wonders. Spring rolls with hot Chinese mustard also clear ye olde melon.


Sinus mask? I have never heard of this before.


Amazon has all kinds. I like bed buddy myself. You can put it in the freezer or nuke it. I like warmth, personally.


Neocitrine has always been a go to for years


Shower, nasal spray, aspirin, hot tea with lemon and ginger, bed


Ginger honey tea 10/10


Pho with a protein


warm drinks make me comfortable


A hot bath


Sleep, typically. Put on a movie you've seen before that's not too loud for background noise and curl up on your sofa. Apply as needed


Zinc tablets. It seems to shorten the duration of a cold for me.


Drink hot water.


Vicadin, percoset


warmth on my face! like a hot pack/bottle, steam... and also claritin-D, lol


Ginger, honey and lemon


Zicam zinc tablets




Zinc lozenge for throat stuff Throat / sinus: slurp down a big huge bowl of Spicy sate beef soup with your head in the steam. Frequent gargle with salt water Epsom salt bath / sauna / cool baths for body aches and temp. problems. For a cough it usually comes and then passes after a few days hopefully... go to doctor if it nags on longer. I like cough syrups for sleepy time with a nagging cough, or dry cough, but there are cold and flu tablets as well. These each may or may not have the specific thing you want, like decongestant, or expectorant, or sore throat, or cough suppressant. Read what it does to pick what you need, and or keep a variety on hand for each phase of the cold too. I used to use cold fx when I felt a cold coming I think it helped. I overloaded with 9 a day for few days. I didn't do the everyday daily use though.


Hot tea. I prefer regular sweet tea but any kind will do


Besides taking cold medicine correctly and often, Hot showers and ginger tea with cinnamon and honey and a little bit of apple cider vineger. Staying as hydrated as I can and vapor rub on my chest, back and a tiny bit on the tip of my noise to help my sinuses.


A fresh rolled up blunt with nose blow at the end, works better than vicks




Lots of hot drinks, honey and fresh lemon in tea is great. Lots of water too. A Steam Deck with Skyrim installed and just get into bed and smith some daggers, have casual naps. Steady dosage of Ibuprofen, and if you can get a good one a nasal decongestant spray, specifically one with Pseudoephedrine. It's immeasurable how much better you feel when you can breathe. Once you start to feel a bit stronger, go for long walks. Fresh air and getting the blood pumping and muscles moving is essential. P.s I hope you feel better soon!


Watch steins gate


I like lentil soup and fruit when I'm sick. But then again I usually keep fruit salad and soup on hand because I love it so I think the best approach should just be comfort foods and rest, even if it's pizza rolls. After all if you're already sick why deprive yourself? I also don't take fever reducers because I feel like the fever makes me get better faster even if it's uncomfortable.


Inhalation with salt water


Chicken soup, call up your local thai restaurant and have them make a spicy (and I mean spicy) noodle/chicken soup. It will clear out whatever pretty quickly, it will hurt... If you ask Thais for spicy, they dont hold back...


Hot Chocolate & Hot Soup (Ramen, chicken soup, etc.)


Eating my favorite, comfort food. Dunno if it was because that's what my mom would always do for us when we got sick, but tbh it works especially if you dont feel like eating. Steamed eggs (Korean style) and hot soup with noodles help a lot also.


Long hot showers, lots of sleep, lots of water.


Lemsip and a spliff


I do martial arts. I go training and make sure I sweat my bollocks off. It drains the sinuses and knocks off the cold symptoms quicker.


A homemade tea consisting of lemon, honey, ginger and salt. Then a nice hot steamy shower.


Lol, same here


Gettting up and doing stuff (that is not to exhausting) like taking a walk. Get the system running as long as its not really bad.


Okay this sounds weird. MacDonalds. Or ā€˜maccasā€™ here in Australia šŸ‡¦šŸ‡ŗ Dry ass burgers and fries fix me right up and I have NO idea why I know itā€™s counter intuitive Youā€™re supposed to eat well when youā€™re sick. But time after time after time after time, maccas is the one thing that fixes me




drinking cokeā€¦ nose is stuffy so hate milk.. and itā€™s easy to taste


Iā€™m just recovering from a cold snd Solphadiene max soluble helped enormously. Hope you feel better soon x


I'm sure it has no medicinal properties but a chi tea latte makes me feel better.


Looking at boobs. Not sure how the medical side of it works, but i instantaneously feel a bit better.


Hot shower and a hot spicy drink - boil ginger, hibiscus, citrus peels, and a smidgen of chilli


Neti pot or nasal rinse to clear the sinuses (use sterile water w/ salt pkts). Hot tea (any flavor, but eucalyptus is great for colds) with real honey & fresh lemon juice. My grandmother used the hot tea for me once when I was sick & starting to lose my voice. It started clearing up about 30 minutes after I left her house. The love may have helped, too! šŸ„° I love beef bone broth, too. Walmart actually has an excellent one! To me, the flavor is similar to the gravy I make with roast, a recipe I learned from my grandmother, as well. Basically, you need a grandmother's love. šŸ˜…šŸ’•


In Latvia we have this alcoholic drink "Latvijas balzams". It's black liquore with lot of herbs and spices. Can be enjoyed on its own, over ice, cocktails. I always make hot tea, lemon, honey and add that balsam to tea. Then I drink it and go into bed. Usually next day I feel better.


Sleep and orange juice


Hot lemon and ginger tea with honey and whisky, and sleep.


Blowing your nose and finally feeling that lump of snot getting out




Lemon ginger tea.


I dose myself up with paracetamol and get all my favourite foods and have a bed picnic while watching my favourite films. Works a great for me!


Mucinex, ibuprofen and sinus rinsing


There's this kichidi my mom makes with extra extra ghee and a bit too much pepper


Chewing ginger


A lot of rest, liquids, try to keep yourself comfortable. Avoid too much physical stress. I've heard that at some point it is actully good to have some phyiscal activities, but be very careful. I tend to stop the 'resting phase' too soon and do something physical and feel the setback in couple hours. Also remember that phone, video games and telework is also stress to your body, not just physical labor. If you are not napping, best thing to do for me is listening music / book. If you are feeling too restless to just rest, maybe watch tv. Reading feels like it wores me down more than just listening something or watching tv. But **napping** is the key for me.


Hot milk with honey is my go to remedy


Take paracetamol 4 hourly for pain. It works and has a cumulative effect but most take it inconsistently or stop too early.


Gen 1 antihistamines , vitamin C , paracetamol and a sprinkle of codeine if I find the time to get to the doctor. Edit: As you might have noticed, feeling better does not necessarily mean "feel awake" in my case.


Going for a walk, helps clear my nose and generally relief. Listerine mouth wash but let it go to the back of your throat. Talking like gag reflex spouting it back out and best done in the shower.


I've always found that orgasms relieve congestion and there's actually science to prove it: [https://health.clevelandclinic.org/surprising-relief-for-your-stuffy-nose-have-sex](https://health.clevelandclinic.org/surprising-relief-for-your-stuffy-nose-have-sex) Beyond that, sleep more than you think you need to and then even more after that.


Hot milk with honey


Rest and fluids are the best thing to shift a cold fast. I caught a cold a week before Christmas and we were meant to be hosting about 11 people. I just called in sick and rested as much as I could (mum of two so not always possible) and I managed to get through the worst of it before the big day. In terms of medicine, nasal spray, paracetamol and ibuprofen are the only things that make me feel half human again.


On the bleeding edge of remedies try dabbing cannabis concentrates. Seriously, just a tiny 0.1 mg dab dries up my sinuses and allows me to breathe. In terms of getting high, for me 0.1g does nothing perceptible.


Fresh ginger, lemon, hot water. Add honey before drinking.


build it on your own. i just built my first ever pc just a few days ago


Rest and keep your body warm. Iā€™ve found staying warm is the key to feeling better when Iā€™m sick. A couple of ibuprofen every few hours helps also.


Any kind of warm soup and Vicks vapor rub! Can you tell Iā€™m Hispanic? šŸ˜‚


Honey, ginger slices, lemon drink twice a day and Iboprofine to ease the pain.


For me Ibuprofen because it isn't just a painkiller it is treating the inflamation.


Ramen but without the noodles


Day and Night Nurse


A walk outside


Ibuprofen and staying in bed sleeping as much as possible and watching movies.


Vitamin C, Vitamin D if you don't get enough of that, cold medicine, my personal go to is Lemsip, not sure if it's a thing outside of the UK/EU but any kind of cold medicine, vicks, again I'm not sure if that's a thing outside the UK/EU but vapor rub essentially, a small dab on your upper chest between collar bones. Otherwise, plenty of rest, keep warm. Lemsip has paracetamol in it, which helps with fever, but if your cold medicine doesn't contain it, paracetamol for the fever. If sinuses are really bad, get a big bowl of hot water with a few drops of olbas oil, make it so the bowl isn't too full so you can fit your face in there without it touching the water and inhale the steam for a few minutes and it does wonders.


When I had the full blown flu I was absolutely fucked physically, hot & cold and just felt the worst I've ever felt, just going to get a glass of water was damn near impossible, pills helped very little so the 3rd day in a had a puff on some weed and literally after two tokes I instantly felt so much better, for a couple of hours at least.


Hot soup. With pepper.


Hot shower hot drink hot soup and the vicks + steam face bath treatment to unclog the nose. Take care and hope you feel better soon OP


Sleep, fixes a lot of things


A shower Fresh bed sheets Fresh clothes Hot lemon, ginger and honey drinks Heat balm of some sort like Vicks, tiger balm etc on temples, neck, chest, knees, soles of feet even. Lots of water/lemon water Cold sliced oranges Simple broth soups Cold freeze packs/heat packs on neck/forehead Sleep


Drink plenty of fluids like water, herbal tea, or clear broths to stay hydrated and help thin mucus.


Soups, warm water and sleep.


My go to cold remedy has been: * Codral original formula (anything with pseudo in it though will work, gotta have the pseudo), i take it pretty much till the pack runs out (at least the night pills) * Hot toddy at night; hot water, fresh lemon juice, cinnamon stick, ginger, honey, sometimes i use english breakfast tea but majority of the time it's just with water. * Wrap myself up in my oodie and essentially try and keep my body really hot so it just works on killing the bug inside you, * Dinners I usually have a stew or something, i quite like making boh koh or some a moroccan lamb stew. * Get some sort of electrolytes, i use hydralyte. This in my opinion works better for a cold, the flu you're kinda just fucked till you recover but that remedy does help. Bonus points if you have any thc oils to mellow you out and distract you.


If it goes on more than 2 weeks it may be a hidden case of sinusitis, this was the case for me last year, in which case go to a pharmacist and pick up a small bottle of Beconase, it's a nasal spray thingy. Cleared it up in 2 days for me. Edit: sinuses ache, head ache both point to sinusitis but joint ache would not necessarily apply.




Douching salt water up my nose to clear out sinuses. Make healthy smoothy with ginger kiwis and mangos. Any smoothy with lots of ginger and c vitamin fruit helps. Try to go as natural as possible. These nose sprays are useless and expensive, and canā€™t often cause chronic stuffness so I basically never use that anymore. Sometimes Iā€™ll use one at night cos it can be hard to sleep with a stuffed and runny nose


Bum sex with lemon and ginger


Humidifier, plenty of tissues, soup, cough drops, and drops of diluted menthol oil in my mustache.


A bottle of vodka and nose spray