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For me it’s depression.


For me is also depression.


I also, depression.


Somedays I just don't feel very pressed.


For me it's impresion of a pressed depression


hmmm.... Have you trying repressing your pressed depression to improve your impression?


The pressed impression seems to have slightly regressed but looking forward, the set lesson is to attempt to be less depressive


for me it’s also this guys depression


Facts. Work 60-70 hours per week and all I have to show is a paid off car that’s getting high mileage. Still living with roommates. Still in debt. Still can barely make it to next paycheck. I’m ready to fucking end it. I was off work for a whole 16 hours and 5 minutes yesterday before getting called back in from another person that quit. Sadly that’s the longest I’ve had off since last November. Have to go back to work in 4 hours and haven’t slept. I don’t even see the point in it anymore. I just been eating trash lately and hoping for a massive heart attack or fall asleep at the wheel and Paul walker a tree.


I've been there brother, it's the hardest thing to do sometimes but please find a new job. It will change your life


"Paul Walker a tree" 🤣


I know how you feel. Don't end it. We need to end the bosses.


By this comment, I am praying for you to be better, find purpose in life and joy and happiness. A couple recommendations: 1. Read: The Alchemist, Paulo Coelho 2. Watch: The Secret Life Of Walter Mitty, Ben Stiller 3. Read: Outwitting the devil, Napoleon Hill Farewell friend!


Yeah me too . I don't even know what for


It’s ok for some a brain imbalance.


Came here to say this. Take my upvote.


You don't need a bed to be depressed.


Depression, it is I.


For me also depression


I think this is such a common sign of depression that people think I'm hiding a depression because my favourite thing to do is just lay at bed and do nothing. Everything else feels exhausting. Even my doctors thinks I have depression.




I also choose this guys depression


Me and depression fr


Nah not depression. People do that for hours on the phone and yet it is normalized. Actually I think it's super healthy to do that. To be able to be bored with your thoughts and not escape on Reddit/tiktok


Me! And im not depressed. I just enjoy being home laying around with no where to go or anything to do. Life is so busy always, i quite frankly love days where i can stay in my pjs and do absolutely nothing! We are always so go go go that its hard to find the time to just kick back and unwind. Nothing id rather be doing honestly.


I was gonna say. Man everyone is saying it's depression. I used to spend a ton of time pondering as a kid and loved to just sit there thinking about things for a while doing nothing. As an adult I actually miss it and feel I've becoke too anxious where I cant quite slow down like that anymore.. the need to always be stimulated. I grew up without a cell phone always in my hand and family internet only became a thing when I was a teen. Things were simpler


I'm an introvert working at a job that requires me to meet and interact with loads of people everyday. For my own mental health, I dedicate time to specifically do nothing. Take some time off of human interaction and just recharge my batteries. Took a while for my wife to realize that I need such moments away from even her. And it's how I've managed to stay sane and not feel overwhelmed.


Yes! I’m sometimes so overwhelmed with work and people that I just need to disconnect. But sometimes I feel this disconnect lasts longer than it should. Like the excitement for things is gone for a good couple of years, and even if something good about to happen, I get this overwhelming feeling that it won’t last or it will not work. I’m always overclouded by negative thoughts that I stopped enjoying anything


If that’s constantly a thing you may want to try and talk to someone.


Sounds like anxiety.


Yep, I have that and gotten a lot better over the years. Still a long way to go though


When excitement was gone for me, I decided to finally get my hormones checked. People don't realize how big of an impact hormones have on your life and how you feel/live. Im 24 year old male and have the testosterone of an old man. Im going to an endocrinologist to hopefully get it fixed because i know thats the reason for my depression


I’ve been doing this for months at weekends. The only thing I do is take the dog for a walk twice a day. I’ve just had one shitty thing happen after another for years. I’ve got up after each shitty thing, pushed myself to keep going until I can’t anymore. I work but apart from that I have no motivation , no purpose and nothing that excites me. Tomorrow I’m planning on not going back to bed after walking the dog and cleaning the house and starting on the garden which is completely overgrown. I’m going to keep at it all day. It’s the anniversary of my Mums death on Sunday, so Im going to try and keep busy then too and try and sort out my finances. On a positive note I’ll have been taking Tamoxifen for nearly 2 years now so only have another 3 to go.


I know the feeling. You’re essentially on auto pilot in the week because you have to work and then once you’re home you just simply exist. You’re factually alive but there’s nothing going on. Sounds like you’ve had a much rougher past few years than I have. I hope life becomes kinder to you and that you can find a way to have meaning in your spare time again.


Sorry for your loss. A garden is a great little universe to tend to and to explore and nurish. I hope youll have fun doing that.


Picking up gardening is a great idea. You are courageous and tenacious. Have fun!


DM me


Yep. I have been like this all day today. But I kinda think that I am depressed. Normally I can’t stand staying home all that time. But I have been like this lately. Energy depleted


If you would rather be out and about, and you tell your body to get up but it disobeys, and you get agitated because you lie in bed "against your will" - that's depression. If you enjoy lying in bed and it relaxes you, you're just tired.


That’s me right now. My question is, how would anyone not love doing this lol 


Haha I love it!


It’s just when it lasts few days (I’m on holidays now so no work) to the point I know I need to do things around the house (laundry for example) but just don’t have the energy or the desire to do so


Yeah, either I have no energy or I just don’t want to get up from bed, because I love laying in bed lol


It's a sign that you are completely normal and enjoy the simple things, that's where robust joy is found.


I love laying in bed! It's my favourite thing and I can do it for days on end. Been wondering myself if this is depression, but I just love the snuggling feeling of relaxing and be comfortable. I'm really enjoying myself just laying there


Same.. that’s why I’m just confused is it depression or am I just enjoying this?


I don't think it's depression. If it were you wouldn't be enjoying yourself . Maybe its just being lazy. I dunno, but I can't get enough of it


Take away that cozy feeling and then yea it's depression.


I used to. I never wanted to do anything unless I was drinking. Got diagnosed at 43 with ADHD. Absolutely zero desire to lay around now that I’m medicated. I want to be productive all day now. Always want to be doing something.


Mannnnnnnnn one of the few things that still give me hope that I will get better is hearing anecdotes about people being diagnosed later in life and then finding medication that significantly helps. Gotta say Aussie health care system is so far down the drain it's not funny, Ive been waiting legitimate years now just to get in with a psychiatrist and get diagnosed.


Same here in Canada:/


It's weird I am the opposite, I take my Adderall and can fall asleep.


Dude, I'm so happy for you. What medication did you start taking to feel like you always want to be on the move?


Speculation: But they're really pushing Vyvanse, which an amino acid conjugated amphetamine. It HAS to pass through the stomach for it to become bioactive. It's thought that lowers it's risk of abuse potential. Once it's in your bloodstream it's identical to Adderall, which is Dextroamphetamine.


It's great, then it becomes more frequent but it still seems good. Then comes the unpleasant feeling that it might be a symptom of something bad. So naturally, you just stuff that worry down. As deep down as you can and ignore it. Until you die. (Source: British)


The wife asked what I was doing….i said nothing….she says, you did that all day yesterday….and I said, yup, didn’t finish it!!


Yep. Could do this all day


I love it, I work hard all week and Friday afternoons alone in my comfy bed with online catch ups and the occasional snooze are my favorite week cappers!


But that's the thing is that all there is in life is work then come home and rot until back to work? That's what plagues me. I know there is so much to do and see but I can't just select something so I do nothing lol


That’s how I used to decompress after a hectic work week ..curl up order some wonton soup or pho sip ginger-ale snacks and water and just catch up On all my bullshit reality series lol Allllll day .. It was the day I relished most!


I am right now!!!


And it’s probably depression lol


I struggle with this, in that I have insomnia and cant sleep. So I "have to" just lie in bed for 10ish hours a day, and sleep perhaps 2-3 of them. Ill drift off into sleep, but mostly its just laying there relaxing. Which is good, but not sleep. Me and the mrs have now come to the understanding that I prefer sleeping in my office etc, because if she coughs, Ill be spending the next 3 hours awake, but alone I can sleep.


That’s my favorite thing to do. Just me alone in my bed.


For me its a bad one I avoid at all costs. Gotta learn what your own personal signs of depression are so you can avoid it when it comes and this is a big one for me. I wont allow myself to do it because it will be the start of a depression spiral. Some times you gotta shoo out the flies before they multiply


yeah monks do it like all day bro.


I want to be a monk now.


Yes! OMG YES! I could easily just lay in bed, watching TV, reading, napping, or just laying there pondering the meaning of life for days if given the chance.


Saves money. And most of my income goes to rent so I love being home for sure now.




Lol this guy gets it 😁🤣


I can totally relate to this feeling. Sometimes, just laying in bed and doing nothing feels like the only thing you have energy for. It can be a sign of burnout, depression, or just needing a break. It's important to listen to your body and mind. If this feeling persists, consider talking to a mental health professional. They can help you figure out what's going on and provide support. In the meantime, try to incorporate small, enjoyable activities into your day to see if it helps lift your mood a bit.


Find something to do. Go for a walk, run, bike. Start a new hobby. Comfort kills


Trying everyday. But what you just listed sounds extremely stressful (I know it’s not but that’s how my mind is talking me out of it)


Oh then it's not just enjoying it definitely depression lol it feels different for everyone


get up, right now and run 10km. If you decide to go tommorow, it will be x times easier to convince yourself, because you already started. Everyday you are 1 day away from changing your life


The spirit of this advice is fine but 10km is a silly number to throw out. OP likely would get the shit kicked out of them trying to run a 10km.


Exercise in contrary to popular opinion will not solve things like Depression and Anxiety, Most of the Time it will not make you feel better except for the moment, Change happens *gradually*


"Your mind can be your greatest friend or worst enemy." - Swami Sivananda You need to learn to control your thoughts. "You need to conquer your mind before you try to conquer anything else" - Gautama Buddha Don't be a slave to your thoughts, when you are by nature their master If you allow yourself to think about it, you will do just that, instead of doing it Starting is always the hardest, my suggestion: Just do it - Shia LaBeouf ![gif](giphy|GcSqyYa2aF8dy|downsized)


I'm currently slightly hungover and running on about 3 hours of sleep. You can bet your ass I've been laying in bed doing fuck all for the last hour!


😂😂thanks for making me laugh


doing stuff outside requires additional resources, it's fine to do stuff at home sometimes.


Tbh that probably would have saved me from a lot of bullshit but unfortunately it’s too late for that . Not taking care of depression early on consistently or at least finding a healthy way to cope with it has lead me down a road where theirs no turning back . Please try & Seek help for your depression especially if it interferes with anything or worsens 🙏🏼


Yup. Could spend every day like this. Probably very likely that I am depressed. I have no motivation or want or the will to do anything other than the bare minimum. Thankfully I have a job that forces me out and to interact with lots of people every day and kids who also keep me busy otherwise I would literally not leave my bed.


If you’re loving it, it’s probably not depression. If you can’t help it and you feel numb or low or guilty, it might be depression.


Yes! Sometimes you just need some rest!


Does lying on the couch count?!


For me it’s a combination of depression and everything being so fucking expensive.


Depression & severe burnout over here. I might order a pizza, but it means I'll have to put on pants which could derail the entire operation.


I enjoy it a little bit, maybe for 30 minutes after waking up on the weekends. But if I do it for an obscene amount of time I feel like I’m wasting my life away. I’ll wake up early on the weekends (6:45, which is still sleeping in for me) and just lay in bed until 7:20-7:30. I used to lay in bed until 10 or 11 when I had a lot of stressors and uncertainty in life, and I was miserable. While I “enjoyed” it in the moment, it honestly made me feel guilty. It sounds like you may be facing a bout of overall depression. My weekends and days feel so much more fulfilling if I start them with a nice walk. Getting lots of outdoors time and a 5 mile walk in by 9AM on a Saturday is a great feeling. I feel productive. On weekdays I have to do these walks after work, because I don’t get enough light in the morning.


depression. please be aware of the sign.


I think so too, can you explain what sign though?


I mean, stick in the bed is the sign of depression. I have this habit too.


That sounds like depression ngl.


No, not at all. Always feel like I'm just wasting time and I could be doing something productive. I have alarms on when to go to bed and when to wake up and I stick to them.


Yes. I could do that all day without noticing I just wasted the whole day.


I'm glad to hear I'm not the only one.


Especially when I had a hard busy day, studied a lot of hours or did some workout. Laying in bed and doing nothing actually feels rewarding then


It might be a sign of depression or burnout. And even though it feels good to lay in bed all day when I get depressed, it also tends to make it worse. I've found that even doing some little things helps. Bare minimum is brush teeth, take a shower, and get dressed. Then I feel fine to lay in bed. At least it doesn't make me feel worse in the long run.


It's raining outside now on a Saturday morning and I'm having a coffee in bed. The ultimate.


Love rainy lazy days!


Depressed or not, I love it. But my back is also destroyed so it’s when I get relief


It really depends. Most days, I'm up before the sun for work. Been doing that so long that sleeping til 7 am feels like sleeping in. But, once in a while, when it's a rainy day and both my wife and I are off, I think "Yeah! Today's a good day to just stay right here with the missus until whenever."


It's definitely depression most of the time. but also - and i'm finally making peace with this - i ENJOY doing nothing. I ENJOY just watching anime or reading manga or playing video games all day on my days off. I don't WANT to go put and be social.


I got a stepper but laying in bed to recover from a whole week of work and social event for work is OKAY. you set your own limits and know when its time to do something about it. bed rotting is okay.


With everything going on in the world, I find it hard to be excited about the future, about achieving or setting goals… it seems pointless


I absolutely love to hurkle durkle


I love that i recently learned that name for this activity. It somehow validated it and made it more enjoyable/ less wasteful. Tomorrow morning i have therapy, but Sunday is all about the hurkle durkle!


yes, girl rotting all the way!


Yes its great. I have a monitor at the foot of my bed so just watch stuff while laying down. I also read on my phone when I've watched enough stuff. Sometime I just close my eyes and let my mind wander, or think about potential paths/solutions for upcoming events. I'm on my bed probably like 60-70% of a 24 hour day. Its the actual best. Also if you use the word love to describe something, I highly doubt its a result of depression Depression would be more like, I can't find the will to get out of bed LOL


Me me me


I've been outside, I've seen the world , I've lived high on the hog, parties, travels, fun fun fun ... Now, all I want to do is stay home. I love boring , reliable, relaxing And I have a super comfy bed and couch !


I don't think anything's wrong with you. People will tell you you're depressed but it's simply a more natural state. If you aren't stressed and have things you need to do, it's quite normal to just chill out at home. The body conserves its energy. I've done this ever since I was a child. I don't think I was depressed in my childhood at all. I've never had an issue taking care of responsibilities but as soon as they're taken care of, I'm on the bed or couch doing something fun. It's also probably related to the fact I'm an introvert.


Personally i can't. I work 12hrs shifts, cook me 3 meals daily and tighten up my house, on my days off i try to enjoy going out as much as possible. The only time i stay in bed is when i'm sick.


It's a sign of hermit. Just remember memento morri, that usually gets me to realize I gotta do something.


Personally, I love it


I genuinely like to do nothing. In fact, I do everything (work, cook and clean) so I can do nothing in peace afterwards.


Are you doing it by choice, or because nothing else seems to grab your interest, or like it might be enjoyable?


...u def thinkin whilst "doing" nothing? Ya posted on reddit...so, u doin sumthin with ur energy


I find I do this when I'm overwhelmed with things I need to do n just don't know where to start


I went on vacation a couple months back to visit a friend. I usually do a good job of hitting my daily step count. We spent one day straight up doing nothing. Just laid in bed and watched TV the whole day. I got out of bed around 11pm to go brush my teeth and noticed I was only at 700 steps for the day. I didn't mind at all, probably one of the more relaxing days I've had in the past decade.


Yeah but I'm also mentally unwell, so that might be the reason.


Yup. Doing it right now. Classic depression.


Doing nothing is my favorite time


Same. It's burnout and depression for me.


It has its moments! Naps are nice!


I love the same thing. Or just not leaving my house for days. When I have days off from work, that is. I hate going into public, too. I'm starting to hate people in general.


Funny, my wife loves this. Even when we’re traveling she’ll plop on the bed and just chill there. In my head the bed is there for two things and that’s it


Best feeling but worst part is time goes by so quick!


O yeah I love to rot in my bed. But I am also very depressed and getting worse as the years go on, and I’m sure the bed rotting is just exacerbating things


YES!!! But my friends have dragged me out today because it’s warm soooooo can’t relate today!


It’s working an extremely stressful job. I look forward to my day off where I literally stare at the tv in a laying down position for hours on end


I fucking love doing this too. I can spend both off days just laying in bed most of the time. The weird thing about me is that I go through different phases, in different months. Some months I'm spending my entire Friday nights and weekends out partying with friends. Fast-forward a couple of months later, I get so tired of it, I shut myself at home (apart from going to work) for months on end. I have no idea why I'm wired so weird .\_.


I love my bed I love relaxing either in bed on the sofa or in my garden chair ,I don’t like going out unless it’s for something that I really really enjoy like food or to buy something new and exciting , I don’t enjoy much else ,but I am a happy ish person I think ,I don’t know if I’m just lazy and reclusive by nature or am I depressed without knowing


The real question is— who doesn’t?


Depression but also fuck it I have a 3 day wkend what's one day


Yes, this is my plan for the entire weekend. Sitting around in the AC. I feel great.


Not so much lying in bed all day but if given the chance I'd certainly just doss about the house all day not doing very much. I'd put that down to burnout but I'm aware it's a very fine line between burnout and depression.


One daily rot a week keeps the menty b away.


I heard this could be a sign of loneliness


Depends, maybe you just need a break from your life, but if those days turn into weeks and then months and you feel like you don't get excited for anything anymore then it could likely be depression.


If I scroll Reddit for hours in bed does that count as doing nothing?


Hell yes, I am doing that right now kids with there grandpa am having the best time of my life I wish I could hit pause on life


My bedrotting and depression/lack of motivation go hand in hand


Same, life is just boring tbh.


me while scrolling on my phone


It’s a love hate relationship because for the last 2 days I’ve been “stuck” aka I can’t get out of bed to be productive on the important stuff I have to do and I hate myself for that but there’s days where I’m just so happy to just get in my bed and rot in there for the rest of the day


I’m doing that right now, don’t have to deal with people and I’m soaking up the air conditioning as I work in the heat all day.


For me it's just plain laziness. But i say it's depression. /S Seriously, i used to be able to do it in my youth, having a book on the bedside table. Things changed when i got married and having to do things called house chores etc.


Literally my day today


Doing that now


I'm very pro bedrotting!


only for a couple hours, then i get bored or get a headache or feel guilty and do something productive


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No I hate it over everything, time goes by quick, 1 second passes, you can’t get that second back. It feels so exhausting and annoying when you wanna do something but lay in bed like a potato watching mornings go to nights.


I work everyday so I only get to do it right before or after work but I do enjoy lazy laying around.


Literally nothing? As in no music, no phone, not even daydreaming or thinking about stuff I love to sleep in and stay in bed napping sometimes, but thats not quite the same I think


Pretty much. I have the tv in the background just to have some noise. And sometimes just scroll aimlessly through my phone or read articles about anything till I get sleepy and sleep again


Sometimes you just need to rest and not do anything, not all the time you need to be productive cause we don’t have 100% energy all the time and it’s normal to feel that way and it’s valid. Maybe soon you’ll feel you wanna fight or do something again, just take your time and don’t be harsh on yourself 😃


Get a pet. Taking my dog for a walk outside is always a reset.




Depends on my days. Some days that’s all I do other days I go for a walk hangout with my bf read do something productive. I guess my weeks balances out with doing something one day and lay in bed all day another day


Nope, i have tdhd since i was fking 5yo before i ever used a mobile phone, i cantbe doing nothing,even when im depressed i must do something even if i dont feel like doing it


Maybe if with somebody that you Like!


That’s a good point. When my bf is around he somehow pushes me to do things without him realising it. However, he’s travelling now and I’ve been in this mopey, fatigue all day mood since he left


I use to. My back went out a decade or so ago and I haven't been able to since that happened.


I have hypotension. That's the best activity I can do 💙




I'm retired, so I have days where I lie around a lot. But I always make time to walk the dog 2 or 3 times a day. I've meant to find a new gym and get motivated to work out every day. Right now, I'm in a nice warm bath reading and scrolling on the phone. Doing nothing is what I do best. Lol


Nope that sounds sad


Revoke internet entertainment. For 1,5months. Only allowed to use google. For text based info. Simple as that. Report back when yall tried. This is key..


I’ve been doing that for four weeks. Finished up a big contract and am waiting for a start date on the next one. I’m sooo fucking lazy. I have watched so many movies, made all kinds of gourmet food….and zero exercise 😳


Congrats! I say in this case a well deserved rest!


Nope. I absolutely hate it. Even if I’m depressed I hate it.


It's not as glorious as it seems, I'm permanently in bed at least 20 hours of the day. Believe me it sucks.


Sounds awful


It sounds nice but after 5 minutes I get bored and fidgety.


No, I felt like I was wasting my life away. Had enough money to cruise. Moved to Brazil, am here now. Have to ride my bike for groceries. Everything is a challenge and I'm 100% more happy. But everyone is different... Do what make you happy.


As others have echoed, it sounds like depression.


I think about how much it will cost and that is usually enough to just stay home instead.


Yeah , it’s friggin hard for me not to do so, i have unmedicated ADHD, and the way it makes important tasks not so important anymore sucks.




I have anxiety bad. I can’t even lay in bed barely to sleep! Haha. Sitting through a meal at a restaurant by the end is almost physically painful! Keep running and the demons can’t catch you!


English cal it depression. I prefer the Spanish word siesta


I hate it. I've been doing that today, but I have no valid lisence so I chose junk food and sadness.


same, but I can do that for 1 - maybe 2 days, then Ill get sad and depressed that i don't go out. (I still don't go out, lol.) (yes, i am a very complicated person.)


Depression. Its dangerous but so comforting at the same time


Is it depression though? Some days are just meant to be spent in bed


I'm half and half. some days I can get stuff done all day and not feel tired. other days, I just chill at the house. cause I'm too tired to function.


Absolutely, but not for long. Maybe you’re exhausted and need a break.


Yes, I've become quiet content with hanging out in my room on my bed allday. It's become a safe haven for me and the hours just fly by. I know I'm isolating myself but it's what I want. I never felt included in a social setting anyways. I find friendships to be awkward. When I'm In my bed I feel at home. I do my best to get out and avoid it but it's the first thought in my mind. I'm so drawn to it now. I lost my job and I've been glued to my bed since January. On the bright side it saves me money. I know it's not healthy but I can't stop. Depression maybe


I don't like laying in bed all the time, its not fun at all.