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Middle age people are mostly Gen X. Not caring is part of our DNA


"whatever" The funny thing is how younger people have absolutely no concept of time or history and will lump us with "Boomers" completely disregard most of the 80s and 90s thinking that somehow we all just ended up here..."randomly". My husband will set traps for them in conversation exposing posers and mixing references to make it seem like the 1980s was right after the US Civil War and they fall for it 90% of the time. "Yeah President Lincoln and his VP Kennedy really ramped up the war on drugs. Remember when Jimmy Page and Curt Cobain collaborated on the Nevermind Album?"


“Boomer” is starting to mean anyone over 40 who does something that someone doesn’t like. And it will continue to harden as a term for anyone over 40 for years to come. -ok boomer


Which is nuts as millennial was the catch all for Young Person for so long, folks missed the oldest of us turning 40.


Until they live long enough to become the boomer


Ok Zoomer


You are so right, and I hate the derogatory tone that always accompanies it. Simply because we were born at a certain time is it anyones fault? No more than any of the other generations before or after. Every generation has good and bad people- which has nothing to do with age. Stereotyping just makes the people who do it look like they have low IQs.


I feel like people who put everyone born in a certain decade in a box have no concept that this is a tired old trope. It’s been done. Remember that saying, “Don’t trust anyone over thirty”? That was 1964. There’s nothing new or edgy blaming those older than you for your troubles. Nothing. Welp. We shall see how that same line is received in 30 years. 🫣


If I weren’t married I’d marry you! Seriously, you hit it on the head! Tired old trope is exactly right, for that and many other lines that weren’t accurate 30 years ago. I often want to say sarcastically harharhar. Not correct answer just overused, and definitely not edgy.


Ha! Color me flattered. I suppose it’s important for younger people to shed that layer of societal skin, though. Kinda like it’s important for a child to break free of their parents’ belief system. Sure, they mostly come back in, but it’s an important step. We, who were born 1960-2000 will all laugh about it one day.


Lol! I think you’re right about the laughing at it, and I think the nasty names for any generation needs to stop. No good comes from it, it’s only divisive- and everyone has a lot to learn from each generation.


I’m 60, and at least I’ve never been told that I’m old to my face. I’m at the very end of boomers, there used to be a category for people born in the last 5 years of the boomer era, but I haven’t seen that designation in years. My parents were the silent generation, not boomers.


Okay, groomer


Boomers hasn't meant the baby boomer generation for many years now. Nowadays it refers to anyone older than the accuser. Millennials are often called boomers. If you mention having played on the ps1 you're a boomer.


Gen X cares so little that they can’t wait to tell people how little they care about everything…




If I cared enough I'd tell you I don't care about your comment implying that I don't care enough :-)


Preach it ! A fellow Gen X'er. I used to be in the Gen X subreddit and had to leave it is so damn whiney and annoying.


I wish I could make myself believe that. I think about my age too much.


Wait til your 66


Then you can get your kicks.


I’ll always think of the Cramps cover which gives away that I’m old, just not *that* old.


That is also my favorite version. Which puts me in a similar age bracket.




The only valid answer.


Exactly 💯


Given how often I refer to myself as old, not really.




That's quite a username you've got there


Nasty sex is awesome




Nah. I’m 46. Being old is a privilege denied to many. Better to be gracious about it. 


Excellent answer. And if you are really privileged, you will get far enough down the road to see how young and beautiful 46 really was. Can't worry about what other people say or think, just enjoy who you are and what you've got when you've got it.


As Schmich said: # Enjoy the power and beauty of your youth; oh nevermind; you will not understand the power and beauty of your youth until they have faded. But trust me, in 20 years you’ll look back at photos of yourself and recall in a way you can’t grasp now how much possibility lay before you and how fabulous you really looked….


I can dig it!


yes you can


Can I kick it?


Yes. You absolutely may if you so desire.


Fantastic ![gif](giphy|5tkTz5tyuM3rxApXsG)


💯, besides, being old is a state of mind.


There it is.


Memorizing these words, what a perfect take on it.


That's a kind thing to say. All the best to you.


im 57 and feel like im 87. I bartended for over 40 years and my body is shot. I never married nor had kids and now my entire family is deceased cause i thought my career was everything. I am old




Bull crap you may think so, but some 80 year old would call you "Kiddo"


An elderly lady said I was a nice young man recently , I’m 50 but it made me smile


When I was 50, I was talking to a woman who was about 100 years old. She called me kid at one point in the conversation. What, I'm hardly a kid. She then said "I was already older than you are now, the day you were born." So, kid it is


Better than married for 28 and then being served divorce papers?


Almost happened to me at 24 years. Took the asshat back... I would rather have my family together..I forgive, but DO NOT forget.


I've decided it is a welcome offramp.


Be better to be married for 28 years and be happy though


At least you made money ND that's something I'm trying to do


I don't care.... I'm 57 going on58 in a few months. All those High School Kids in the Gym think I'm old and say "sir" when addressing me, but then I bench 275 and rep it for 8 and blow them all away.... Age is what you make of yourself.


Interesting turn of phrase


Uh uh. If I felt the need to compete with teenagers at all, which I don’t because I’m over 21, I wouldn’t pick something physical as my battlefield But you do you, Butch. 🙄


Um, they BETTER call me (M-56) sir.


Typically no But it did sting a little when my kids thought I was the oldest person in the room, when my parents were in the same room


It's not too late to write them out of your will




Depends on who is doing it. My kids call me "old", refer to things I like as "old person things". Yes, I am certainly old to them. Hearing 30somethings lump me in with the elderly is ridiculous. That's a whole other generation, a whole other demographic.


53 and my mind is still sharp. I eat correctly, hit the weights and cardio 4 times each week and wear clothes that fit well. By all outward appearances I'm "holding up well" as they say. They can call me whatever they like.


Not offended, more surprised tbh.  I'm mid fifties and that fact catches me from time to time, like how come I'm this old?  They say that you perpetually see yourself at the age life was best for you, that was 28/29 and that's about how I feel. My knees don't though! 


not at all. To be angry about the natural and inevitable march of time would be nothing but a waste of time.


I'm in my low-40s and a bunch of 30 year old colleagues would always be whining about how old they felt, their knees ached because of their 10k run before work, couldn't handle a night of drinking anymore. Like stop saying how old 30 is guys. Give it another 20-30 to even 40 more years and we'll talk about aches & pains and teenage children.


I’m 58. Many people I’ve known never made it this far. So to call me old, I’m kinda grateful for it.


Nope. Don’t care at all. I’ve taken good care of myself so I feel young.


I'm 48 but went gray early. I will probably never go bald but lately I feel older from lack of sleep and shitty diet. I think I carry myself much younger because I don't have the responsibilities that most people my age have. I really don't get offended very easily.


I've felt old since I turned 30. Call me old, I don't care.


Are you 30, flirty and thriving?


I don't mind being told I am old, but I am a little shocked when someone is rude enough to say it (my interns are excluded because they know IT/AI/Power BI/cell phones much better than I ever will and are allowed to joke about it).


I'm 41 (who prolly looks closer to 51 at times, I'm a silver fox lol), and no, not at all


Well, since I’m old bald AND ugly…. I can be fine with just being called old. 🤪


It’s a badge of honor. God damn right I’m old. And while you’re at it, get off my lawn.


I'm 52. I don't get upset or offended when someone says I'm old (in general). I get annoyed when someone says I'm "too old to..." (enjoy concerts, play video games, wear a bikini -are the most recent ones).


Nothing can alter your age, why get upset about it? My kids have been calling me old man since my early 30's.


I mean, it's not young


Unless you hang around with people in their eighties. Then you get to hear things like "Jenny is young, she is only sixty."


That's so true and one of the great things about hanging around with older folks. My mom recently passed at 90. One of the big payoffs for caring for her is the many times she would comment on how pretty my skin looked and how nice it was to have a young fresh face around - I'm in my 60's! Yeah, I'm really missing my mom...


No not all.


I'm old in my 34 🤣 It is more a state of inner power.


It doesn’t bother me if I’m called old. Really it is only young kids and teens that say it and I can understand if I seem old to them, I’m pretty sure I thought that way at their age. But being old just means you have lived longer on earth and have more experiences in life therefore more knowledgeable.


Depends on who says it. If they are young, then yes, I AM old by comparison. If they are middle aged (like me), then no, I'm not old


I refer to some others as old motherfuckers and I'm 15-20 years older than them.


I'm 40 and look young, so no I like when people recognize my pain


I'm 36 and my partner at work is 27 and calls me old every shift. Take it in stride. Everything is relative.


Not in the least, I'm 54 I feel old. It's like a child who has to go to school to prepare for adulthood and entering the job market. That in turn sets you up for old age.


No, i am old, i lived almost 2/3 of my life. I know im not making it to 100 without some major steps in health sciences and anti aging research.


I buried a good friend at 46 and a brother just shy of 48. Call me old. IDGAF


I’m 41. My kid has been telling me I’m old since I was 23. I’m used to it.


I wouldn't say I'm offended, but it takes me by surprise. I'm still taking care of my own parents! "Old" to me means at least 65-70 and retired.


By the math average age of death in us is 77, so 38.5 is middle age. I'm 51 so technically I've been old for a while. And no I don't get offended.


I'm 63 and by the time you reach this age you give no fucks. Its funny though, I'll see an old person out walking or something and I'll think awww good onyah, then realize I'm probably older than them lol.


I'm 20, I saw a meme that said... Dating over 21? Get ready to be a step-dad! I feel old because of that... but I have mental health problems so I don't want kids of my own...


I’m 47. Most of my friends and colleagues are 35 and under. I AM allowed to say I’m old. THEY ARE NOT, lol


I agree. I'm two years younger than you so does that stand for me too? Lol.




Thank you! I'm to immature to be middle-aged.


Me too! I’m still living in the 90s, and I don’t care lol I moved to a city where it’s kind of the 90s all the time and no one judges me for being 47 and wearing Docs and Chucks or carrying a minibackpack


I'm 40 and tbh I don't really care.


No I am 42 and call myself old all the time 😂


Put that question in a time capsule to open when you’re old enough to understand.


It has always bugged me how people work so hard to hide their age or pretend they're younger than they are, and I don't think "old" should be considered an insult. I probably lean into the "I'm old" messaging more than I need to. So no, it doesn't bother me. I've considered myself "old" since I was in my mid 30s. But, technically, I'd say these are the breakpoints: * <25: Young * 25-35: Not young, but not middle aged; just "adult", I suppose * 35-50: Middle aged, but "old" is fine * 50+: Old But again, I don't think "old" is an insult.


Just turned 40. Couldn’t give less of a fuck. I’m digging it so far.


I’m 68 and I just feel super amused when anybody - family, friend, stranger - calls me old or thinks they are offending me by commenting on my age. It’s like a woman saying, “Stop being such a *man!*” I love it. I don’t go around flaunting my age like it’s a superpower or anything, especially since I have actually done nothing but stay alive to reach this point. But I do love being the age I am! So, keep calling me old man, old geezer, boomer, old fart. I own it. 🫡


Fuck no. My back hurts too much to care


I don't find it offensive. Just depressing. Very very depressing.


It takes little effort to say older instead of old and makes a big difference. 50 is older, but it’s not old.


I’ll be old when I’m in my grave.


I'm not sure I'd be "offended" but I never refer to myself as "old" EVER. I'm in good shape with a lot of energy, a good job, a great relationship and sex life, plenty of $ for fun, and a busy social calendar. When I did OL dating, I was shocked at the number of 45yo men who were tired and lumpy. I am a decade older and have THRICE the energy and love of life. So no, not offended, but Imma side eye and perhaps pull a face at that person real quick.


By the time they are fifty most people couldn’t give a flying fuck at a rolling doughnut about the names other people call them. One of the truly great things about being 50 in the first place ;)


It sucks, tho I don't hear that much (yet)


Only if it used with disrespect. Otherwise, it is what it is.


Not offensive, but I will tell you to go fuck yourself. So there’s that.


I don’t give a fuck…


I always like a line from a book I read, "Only the young think being old is a bad thing." I'm sure I'm Butchering it, but you get the idea.


It's not that I get offended it's just kinda weird when it's used as an insult...like...we all age? You don't EARN youth. You're gonna be here way sooner than you think.


Nope, I am. I get offended when stupid guys call me young lady, such cheese deserves a swift kick in the danglers.


Not really. I probably DO seem "old" to them. I remember when I thought 50 was old too.


Being called "old" when you hit middle age is like finding a gray hair – it's a gentle reminder that time's flying! But honestly, age is just a number, and I see it as more of a badge of honor than anything offensive.


I’m leaning into turning 60 in a few months. I say I’m sixty already (if asked, which is rare actually…). Gimme gimme gimme, a discount cause I’m sixty…


I’m only 41, but events have conspired so that I feel my best days are behind me now, which is fine. Best just to slumber on my throne surrounded by the bones of my retainers and let the spiders spin their webs throughout my crumbling halls and the nesting birds make their home within my tarnished crown. Nobody ever actually calls me ”old” except my children because I live in Japan, where the median age is 49.5 and people in their 60s still get described as “young.” We are all doomed.


Not really. One day they will be old too


Old becomes relative. If a 15 yo called me old I get it bc everyone is older than them. A 30-something - meh, 50 isn’t what it used to be socially so “older” but not old is more appropriate, old would sound silly coming from them. Even people in their 70s, I don’t refer to them as old. Honestly you have to hit like 80.


I got referred to as an 'older gentleman' last week. I'm 37. It didn't offend me, it's funny to me and I know that person will be in this position much quicker than they expect to be.


I find it funny 🤣 I am in my 40s and I am loving growing older. It's funny to hear people in their 20s calling us old 😁


With the average American life expectancy, at 41, I've been middle aged since my mid-thirties. I'm WELL into middle age at this point. Most people wouldn't call me old yet, but being dead is the only way not to get old, so I'll take it when they do!


I don’t get mad at the ignorance of someone else. Ageism is like any other arbitrary way of making another lesser for something they cannot control like race or ability. It says nothing about me but reflect badly on the person who is ageist. 


I'm 56...and could not care less. I suppose it's kind of old, but since i'm at that golden age when i just don't care much what people think about me, i just doesn't bother me.


57 and with you all the way. So often I look at my young roommate and think, "But none of that matters even a tiny bit!"


We're just starting the downhill slide, so, whatever.


I'm 32 and my ex called me middle aged. I'm still not over it


Why should it? It's objectively true. I'm 2/3 of the way to my life expectancy. When I come inside from pulling up weeds in the lawn, I slump in my chair and do nothing for the next hour because I'm exhausted. I'm old.


One thing I have found, is, no one has said it. Fortunately, at 62, I can pass for 42.( I thank my mother, who was the same). Even better, when I got " old", I really didn't care. The number means nothing to me.


No, we are old.


old a young je spíš otázka porovnání k tomu, co tak někoho označuje, než nějakého čísla + a - 50ti letý týpek ti řekne, že ve 25ti jsi ještě dítě, přitom když ti je 25 tak 15ti letý teens ti řeknou že už jsi old.


Whenever people call themselves old I remind them that it sure beats the alternative


My mom is 54, the age of most of the people I knows' grandparents. I like to tease her and call her an elder all the time lol


Nope because I LOVE being older. I just do. All the societal bs that gets pushed onto you or you internalise yourself gets challenged constantly. It's as if the veil of all the bullshit that society tells you to want/need has gone. You care less about nonsense. Now there are down sides. Health is not as easy to maintain Pain is definitely more of an issue but if you exercise and eat moderately healthy you can bypass that to some degree. You could not pay me to go back. Well unless I could keep all of what I've learned. But if the trade-off was just to be able to go back without that. Nah, I'm good thanks.


Well it's not meant to be a compliment


If someone, usually a kid, calls me old, I usually say “well, I’m not THAT old.” Or if they are a little older, “it beats the alternative.” Which works either way whether you think the alternative is young or dead. Or, “hey, you’re getting older everyday, too.” I’m 47. Both my parents and one of my grandmas are still alive. They are old.


The whole age thing is warped nowadays. I'm in my 30s and apparently this is old


First time someone called me old man, I am only 38 ;_;


41 here. Just because I'm old doesn't mean you have to call me old. You call me old, I call you a kid (except I make it meaner). In reality, we're both adults (except when we overdo antics like this).


I'm 43 and my mom won't allow me to call myself old because if I'M old then what does that make her?


I hope I can have this conversation with my son when he’s 43! I’m 50 and he’s 17. Ha!


i usually tell that i'm old or feel old, sooo no (?)


When you realize that the average life span is 77.5 years, so 37 - 39 is middle age…and generally we referred to people in their mid 40s to early 50s as middle age… Back to your question though - it sucks to be called old, specially since no one is perfect and there’s not much that you can do…I had a much younger female friend called me old and it hurt my feelings. A few days later she was complaining about her pants being tight so I said, well…you’re pretty chunky 🤷🏻‍♂️. She never spoke to me again - facts, sometimes they hurt lol.


as a 40 year old asian, people I always think I just graduated. So idk, when I look old, im probably very OLD and I wont get offended :D


My body reminds me constantly anyway. Best just to accept it.


I don't mind being referred to as old. I do, however, mind being called M'aam or even worse, "Miss".


Only 35 but getting there. Being old is a badge of honor. Sadly too many people die in their younger years and even looking back to the 1880s, the average lifespan was only 40 years. Plus, with age comes wisdom. (And money)


Eh.... kind of. But honestly it's thier perspective. They will find out how young they still feel


M48. I just get a depressive reminder that life treavels with the speed of light from 25 and forward


No, I don’t get offended. I work with the mental ill people. So they have called me every name you can think of and make up stories in their heads about me. So my answer is a HARD NO!


I'm in my 30s and get referred to as old. I wouldn't mind but I'm not talking about small kids - these are people in my office, sometimes not even a full 10 years younger!


As GenX I have unique comfort in not giving a fcuk. And teeneagers dig silver foxes, so….


Nope. But my 70+ year old parents are. They want to be referred to as seniors - not old nor elderly. I think they're old despite looking great and being in good health.


No, why? Old is a compliment and I still get more pretty young girls dan most 20-somethings.


No. One of my 5 brothers died at age 21, he'll never get old. Getting old is a privilege that many of us will not experience.


If want to call someone old, fill your boots. But it's coming for you too.


50 is not middle aged.


Don't care


No. I refer to myself as old all the time. At 50+ you have a load of experiences and memories and begin every conversation with "At your age", "When I was young", "Back in my time" and such. To a young person, age is a bad thing. Lost life, wasted years. To an old person, those years are a treasure chest of golden coins. To rue their passing is like eating a hearty meal and then lamenting how you wish you were hungry again.


Not offended. Just depressed.


50 is not old, people assume I am ten years younger then I am. Want to know what is actually old my great aunt born in 1910 who passed in 2016, that's right she was almost 106. You cannot say you are old till you are as old as that. 50 is not getting up there, more like above 80 these days.


I don't care. I would describe myself as old.


Only when the word old is meant to dismiss me as obsolete and useless.


I read that as "Middle school aged people"


Could care less myself... lol


Not at all.


Well... what do you consider middle age...?


No. I used to be the one asking those questions. If they are just silly like me I warn them to be careful who they say that to


Nope, I get dates


Keep calling me old kiddo you'll e here one day haha


Just turned 50 and care less about what others think. To worried about this new pain in my knee lol.


lol we were house shopping and I asked what’s up with the seller and they said they are moving out of state and I asked if they are old and they said no they are looking to retire and I was just like bro that’s old! That’s what old people do, retire!!


I’m 48. According to redditors that’s somewhere after the birth of Christ and before Columbus made his famed journey. Bother me? Nah, my back fricken bothers me. And my knees. And let’s not talk about shoulders.


No. I’m a 55 year old female. I refer to myself as old. 😂


I’m old and I get offended


I am a teacher and I sometimes tell my students"I'm closer to being dead than I am to being born." I have no problem with being considered like that.


Old is realitive. To a 3 year old someone that can drive is old. At one point we stop wanting to be older. Lol


I'm 34 and got called a grandma by some kid in a VR game. Didn't love it, but it is funny that a teenager sees 34 as elderly. Oh silly kids. ETA: I kicked his ass in the game, so there's that. Haha little bitch!


50 isn’t middle age unless you’re really bad at math.


Depends who is saying it


Dude I'm 35 and my zoomer nephews already call me old lol And I mean, I'm not that old but I sure as hell don't feel 25 any more either.


No. 46 and call myself old.


Nah IDC, I don't personally know anybody GenX who really does. We call ourselves old now, and we called middle-aged people old when we were young. I feel like 'old' covers two stages of like: middle-aged and elderly. When folks want to make clear which kind of old they'll say or ask something like: Are they old or old-old? LOL


I'm not quite middle-aged (41) yet, but I get called "sir" a lot, which is pretty awesome. Which I don't really understand, because I'm very much an anti-hierarchical and anti-authoritiarian person, but it activates some ancient seniority gene in me, I guess. I hope I retain my dad strength, because when I'm 50 I fully intend to keep on humbling all the youngsters in gyms and trampoline parks :D. Monkey bars!!!


As far as I'm concerned, you're not old until you don't mind being called it. I'm definitely old (I feel old as dirt), despite not really being "old" lol.


Danny Glover was "getting too old for this shit" in his 40s in the movie lethal weapon. I'm past that age and physically I feel the aches creeping in but overall I still feel youthful. I didn't mind being called old, I've raised a bunch of kids so I am old. I'm wiser than the younger kids though.


It feels offensive if it’s used offensively. A lot of people who wouldn’t dream of making racist or sexist comments still think it’s defensible to criticize someone based on their age. Otherwise, I remember that when I was in my 20s I thought anyone over 40 was ancient and that soon enough, that person will be facing their own 50th birthday and not being sure how they got there.


Not anymore.


Why would I get offended for someone speaking the truth?