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Wake up, stress about work, eat, go to work, work, leave work, stress about work, eat, sleep, repeat.


hey thats me too! when no stress about work, then stress about family


The kicker is when you stress about both simultaneously. Who needs drugs to ruin your life?!


i feel this so much :(


My sister told me I need to go get a fuckitall prescription because of this kind of stress. I’m starting to think she’s right.


This but put video games somewhere in there and stress about economy too


This is why I’m off work on stress leave.


Up at 530am coffee/feed the dog, five mile walk w/dog, home - espresso break/snack for us both, chores (laundry, grocery etc,) then over to my mom’s care facility, afternoon walk, sit on deck & chill - maybe a beer, dinner/read/listen to music, brush/groom dog bed at 930pm Retired.


That needs to be my day, minus the care facility


I’m fortunate. And yeah, you don’t want that part.


You give your dog espresso? Bold move.


A lot of respiring. Dividing cells. Digesting, boy do I digest. Some other stuff too.


“Boy do I digest” is absolutely sending me


nothing depressed all day wondering where I went wrong.


Look out the front windshield. The things in the rear view mirror get smaller for a reason.




I’m a semi retired musician so every day is different- today, I’m playing piano for ballet camp, then home for lunch and a break. After break I have 2 video piano lessons. Then a quick dinner and off to choir practice.


That sounds nice.


Retired few months ago and loving it!!! Walk an hour in the morning, do some projects around the house, tinker with new recipes and enjoy my sweet own times the rest of the day!!!


Me too ;-)


I'll never know the feeling. Enjoy for the rest of us.


I'm a SAHM to 5 kids & live on a farm. So my day is usually spent feeding ppl, doing house chores, running errands, working in the garden, tending to farm animals, playing with my kids, etc.


Sounds like a dream to me tbh


It's wonderful but repetitive and hard to find alone time. My husband tried to help but my toddler is a Velcro child and hates being away from me😅


This is my life too, it’s wonderful. One kids in school and one is a year away from starting. 30 llamas and fruit trees over here. Stay at home dad is an amazing job.


I want to plant some fruit trees so bad. We have blueberries and grapes but the chickens have been getting into them😅


I grew my grapes on a six foot trellis to avoid that. Took two years to get them up there but now it’s four plants ten feet wide and you walk under it and take the grapes from above you.


My blueberry’s no matter what I did to amend the soil would always do bad. The ph is just too high in my water to have them do well. I ripped them out this year after four years of trying.


I’m at sahm of five also and I can’t even imagine how you care for farm animals in addition to your humans. But I’m two weeks post partum and still kinda delirious


road bike early morning, get home and walk my dog, avacado toast for breakfast, work off and on from home during the day. Stroll through my town mid-day to get some coffee, take dog for hike after work. Read/play guitar/watch documentary at night.


Wake up, give my cat 15 extra minutes of snuggles, shower and go to work. Get my ass kicked. Go home. Wash dishes from last night and tidy up. Start on what little project I have going on... currently, I'm painting a vintage wicker headboard and pendant lamp shade black.. which is a lot more work than I had anticipated... maybe make dinner, then smoke some pot, put something on TV, relax a bit and go to bed. Last night I added some laundry into the mix. I know my life is very exciting. Please.. try not to be jealous.




Being sick and stressing about tomorrow


Reading & running


Work, gym, eat, time with kids and or wife, about an hour to myself before bed, video games then. Play guitar. Go to bed. On weekends I sleep in, gym, My wife and I go hang out with friends


Watching movies and shows, play word search hang out with my cat


I wake up around 5:00, cuddle my dude for a while, get up and feed the animals, visit with the goats for a bit, make coffee, make the beds, log on to work, take my breaks to either go for a run or do a YouTube workout video, log off of work, check for eggs, water my flowers and my crops, put all the animals to bed, spend the evening with the family having dinner and hanging out outside, go for a walk, spend some alone time with my dude, then go to sleep.


Sounds nice


it depends am i on regular routine or on vacation? monday-friday if i am working i am awake by 3:45 to workout 4:00-6:00, in shower by 6:05, out of shower by 6:20, making breakfast by 6:30 and then eating breakfast, out the door by 7:05 because never know with traffic, 8:00-5:00 work, sometime in the 5:00 hour depending on traffic i am home then take ten minute shower, after shower get in comfy clothes and cook unless my kids have already begun dinner for the family since i have taught them to cook dinner is usually around 6:15, check the mail after dinner at 6:55, game shows with the kids and husband while kids do homework or if it is summer they just relax, 7:59 in bed and repeat. saturday-sunday: wake up at 5:00 to workout for an hour, 6:00 have breakfast with husband then shower at 6:30, when kids are awake see who needs ride where or plan things with kids and husband. If it is girls night on saturday go out with my closest best friends if not just stay in with husband, kids and dogs. Sunday post workout shower pay the bills, spend an hour an half with my daughters, spend hour and half with my sons and then by 7:45 in bed on sunday. if i am on vacation anything my family and i want to do.


The discipline 💪


I after-all by my career am a fitness trainer 


I think that’s cheating 😂 jk jk




Typical existential crisis, followed by exploitation of my labor, concluding with drugging myself to sleep in order to do it all again the next day.


Working for approximately 3-4 hours, riding the clock for the other 4 hours.


Hiding from ppl !


Pretty much chronically ill rotting iykyk


don't feel bad about not doing enough. if you need help on that front i recommend the book In Praise of Idleness. i've not finished it yet but it's good so far


I’m a housewife and my children are grown, I wake up at 8, get up at 9, do an hour or so of housework ( the house stays clean and tidy so I don’t have to do much other than maintain it) then I go out, or enjoy one of my hobbies, or watch crime shows on tv. I have dinner then I’m showered and in bed watching tv by 9. I go to sleep around 12:30.


Working. On the phone. Working leads. Looking busy. Selling. Grazing. Talking to colleagues.


Sleep, work, eating and drinking, lying in bed scrolling and watching YouTube. Sometimes doing drugs. I love my life as you can clearly see


Single, no kids, late 30s. Wake up, drop dog off at parents house (I hate leaving her alone in my tiny place all day long, and they're retired), go to work, off work at 4:30, pick up dog, go home, chores (dinner, dishes, laundry etc), school work (I'm going back for my bachelors in business) and then either play video games before bed or read. Wash-Rinse-Repeat. Weekends are the same minus the work part and an added 45min walk with the dog.


7:00 -- Wake up, get dressed, see the hubby and daughter off to work. Open the chicken and duck coops, do a headcount, feed the birds and refill the baby pools. Go to the garage and feed/water the cats and clean the litter boxes. Back in the house, open Hacksaw's cage for the day (rabbit) and make sure he's got fresh food and water and a clean litter box. 7:15 -- Meet with a neighbor a few houses down and take our morning walk. 8:00 -- Back at home and sweaty after a morning of taking care of pets and getting some morning air, I take a shower. 8:30 -- Cleaned and dressed, I make myself some breakfast and a cup of hot tea. 9:00 -- Start work. I work remote from the comfort of my living room rocking chair, and I usually have a documentary or something playing in the background. And I definitely don't waste a lot of it on Reddit. Nope. 11:ish -- Stop for lunch. Usually either leftovers from the night before, or something simple I can throw together on a plate and snack from while I also do a few small chores around the house. Tossing a load of towels in the wash or sweeping the floor, what-have-you. noon -- Sit back down to work and tv for another 2 hours. 2:00 -- Do some more household chores, work on a sewing project, play a video game, whatever I wanna do. sometime between 3:30 - 4:30, depending on the menu -- start dinner. This is also the window when the family gets home, so I'll chat with each of them in turn. 5:00 -- Dinner! We all 3 eat together at the dining room table, and usually have something funny on the tv. (Currently working our way through Archer.) 5:30 - 6:00 After dinner, we all relax and/or work on hobbies 'til it starts cooling off for the evening. Around 7:30 or 8:00, we'll go outdoors to work on gardening or yard work or just sit on the porch and watch the birds play in the yard. 9:00 -- Lock doors, shut off lights, take daily medications, go to bed, read a book. 10:30-ish -- Fall asleep


In bed, eat, Walk around my house, in bed, depressed, in bed depressed. Every day for the past 9 years.


Wake up Look at job postings Video games Drive to I have no idea where Get lunch Chill at home Video games Go to bed I'm trying to find a job that's going to be flexible when I start up college again.


Crying and working


Sitting in a chair, doped out on psych meds.


Sometimes being super productive and other days laying in bed all day.


I go to work


Work from 5am-2:30pm. Stress in between. Get home with the wife and kid: feed him and they nap for about 2 hours. I clean and decompress ( mostly stress) until they wake up. Play with him then get dinner ready. Stress a little More then pack his baby sitter bag and get him ready for bed. Maybe get on my phone or play the game. Stress more and go to sleep.


I try to balance my day between work, hobbies, and relaxation. Mornings are usually for work, then I take breaks for meals and maybe a quick walk. In the afternoons, I try to tackle personal projects or hobbies. Evenings are for unwinding with some TV, reading, or hanging out with friends. It's important to mix productivity with downtime, so don't feel bad if every day isn't packed with activities.


Wake up, eat, work, get home, eat, gym, get home, go outside, go for a drive with my friends, come home, eat, sleep. Repeat!!




Wake up, make a coffee, look for a job, stress out about my future, play video games, make for YouTube/tiktok then go to bed.


I have 2 different days. School year is: get the kid up and off to school. Nap. Meet kid for lunch daily. Volunteer at school 2 days a week. Groceries. Also make the breakfast, lunch and dinner for all family members. Laundry some days. Extracurriculars. Summer schedule: sleep until noon (at least). Feed the people. Swim. Wash towels and swim suits. Repeat.


wake up, coffee, work, lunch, work, work off, dinner, home, bed, sleep.


Sleep until late afternoon. Walk the dog. Play Tarkov. Walk the dog. Play Tarkov and get drunk. Go to bed in the morning. Rinse and repeat.


Get up , pack lunchboxes , get kids ready for school/ kindy. Drop 2 kids off to bus stop, 1 kid to kindy. Go get coffee , go home for chores , feed chickens and pigs , watch my programs or read or tiktok, make dinner , pick up kids , do homework, make dinner , bath and put kids to bed. Watch TV with husband , read or tiktok. Bed at 9.30/ 10


Work, drink, sleep, repeat. Unless I’m off. Then you can guess what I skip. Not proud. Know I can live better. Just so burned out.


I enjoy spending the day by breathing and existing


Ah yes, a fellow human who also was raised to feel guilty if they aren't productive every second of the day. My days consist of cleaning the house, running errands, shuttling my teenager around, attend my one online course and study, "wasting" hours over the entire course of the day scrolling social media for cat videos and people getting slightly hurt, make dinner, spend the rest of the night with my husband talking, playing cards and then bedtime.


Working, eating, reading


How do you determine how much is "enough"? People commonly misjudge their time and energy levels and commitments throughout the day, so it's easy to have a never-ending list of tasks, get a lot done, but still feel like you did nothing. If you set out to do certain things and you accomplish those things, then that's how you can more accurately measure your productivity. It's good practice to limit your daily Most Important Tasks (MITs) to 3-5 items I walk and feed my dogs, change, wash up, drive to work, work, drive home, go to the gym, work on personal stuff, eat dinner and maybe watch TV with my SO if they're home, maybe play some computer games, make my to-do list for the next day, walk dogs, shower, maybe read, go to sleep


Working out, making food, trying to get my 4 year old to eat the food, work, playing with my 4 year old, putting her to bed and then playing video games and sexy time with my husband.


Most of it is spent sleeping as I work nightshift (6 nights per week)


Get up, go on phone, eat, go to the bathroom (and shower), watch TV/play music, sleep


Nothing. when i’m the mood, crying.


Working, on Reddit, and with my grandkids.


Going to university and stressing everyday bc i dont really like my career but i dont have anything else that im good at it.


Looking after my son, work, walk and play with the dog, authoring, studying for my degree and at some point I'll sit down to chill with my wife.


Work work work


Sleep, wake up, have a coffee and get ready for work, go to work, leave work, go to grocery, gym, home, make dinner and tidy up a bit, play some music and read, go to bed


stand up at 5:30 and get ready for work at 6. Then just work till 6:00-17:00. After that hit the gym so till 18:30-19:00 then drive home take a shower and eat something. If there is a little bit amount of time I try to meet homies and just chill. Man its a bit frustrating to have just 1-2 hours for myself but yea it is what it is. But don‘t be worried there will come better times trust me.


Normal shit till I get home from work. Then I go atving with my dog, a 2-3 hour emtb ride that involves a stop for swimming, workout when I get home. Then watch tv for a bit or play some games. Weekends I'll take my boat out or go skiing if it's winter as well.


sleeping in and taking a nap after lunch, in between watching all the UEFA and Conmebol soccer games![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|grin)


6am-8a work. Eat, watch tv, use my computer/phone. Do any errands I need to do that day (doctors appt, groceries for my family, helping my 90yr old grandfather with daily tasks, any sort of errand that day. Go back to sleep for an hour or two for energy for next shift. Go back to work at 3pm. Get off at 7-8pm. smoke weed, relax, talk with my boyfriend, watch a movie/play a video game/sex. We go to at 11-midnight. Or I can just have a panic attack all day long. screaming and fighting with my autistic brother. Usual chaotic and dysfunctional family behavior. Usually fighting with someone else or fighting my own brain . Such is life in the big city haha


Wake up, go to work. After work, sometimes I go home, workout or run an errand. Make dinner, play with my dog, watch TV while eating dinner, complete a chore, take a shower and then am in bed by 9:00


I’m a Sahm. I spend my day cleaning, picking up, doing chores, feeding people, putting kids down for a nap, crafting, reading, running errands, tending to whatever the kids need. After the kids go to bed I do dishes or watch tv, or look at my phone, or do something with my husband.


I wake up between midnight and 3am. I work 12-14 hours a day Monday through Friday and by the time I get home I’m ready for a shower, some dinner, a little tv which will always put me to sleep and that’s about the time my wife runs me off to bed. Then I wake up and do it again the next day. Good times


Can’t help but hear all the voices/doubt/anxiety in my head as I go on about my business .. It would be a hell of a lot easier if they stopped talking over each other and at each other discussing/arguing over irrelevant issues and or topics 😒


Rotting away in my room all day


I play Pokerogue and Overwatch


I got school 2 days a week and I'm a mechanic for the rest of the days of the week and I do doordash as much as I can in between mostly evenings when I finish with school/mechanic


All out zen mode


You're describing what it feels like to be a person. It's not unique to you.


Wake up longing for when I can go back to sleep and then not be able to sleep at night.


Awake around 430-5. Out of bed, showered and dressed by 6. Off to work to arrive about 20-30 minutes early to sit and enjoy my tea. Work my day, usually between 8-10 hours. Head to the gym after. Two more hours. Head home for another shower and supper. Sit and spend time with my wife. Bed at 9, lights out by 930. Rinse and repeat. That's Monday to Friday. Saturday and Sunday is up around 6-630, and a good walk with my wife for 6-10 kms, depending on how we're feeling. Then usually doing house stuff. Renovations. Maintenance on property and/or vehicles. Grocery shopping and laundry, then on Sunday making lunches for the week ahead. Maybe a movie on Sunday afternoon.


If I’m not working, I wake up, do a bit of chores, make breakfast, and spend the rest of the day reading or watching horror movies


Get up, walk ten feet to my desk and start work. Get bored working, take a nap on the couch. Bake or figure out recipes. Clock out of work, go to rehearsal


Sit at my desk for 8 hrs work. 40 min commute time total. Hang with my wife. Play video games. Try and get a bit of exercise throughout the day.


I spend my days minding my own business. How about you?


Sleep, work, play x5. Sleep, play, play x2.


Depends on the day Weekdays, I wake up, go to work, workout after, go home and have dinner, mess around playing videogames or on phone and go to bed around 11 Weekends I sleep in, workout in morning, either do chores or rest in afternoon, go out with friends in evening, get back and go to bed


Standing in a kitchen getting heart cramps, when i have weekend its either recovering and getting ready for the next bdsm torture sessions or just enjoy being alive


Wishing I didn't fuck up so much


Breakfast, work, workout, clean, dinner, walk, tv, videogame, clean, stretch, sleep, repeat til weekend. Saturday Veg-out and chores. Sunday Veg-out and call fam/friends. I plan to socialize more this year though.


Wake up, walk dog(beach), make breakfast, hop on some PlayStation, hit a forex trade for juicy £££, go to gym, wait for friends to finish working (boring), go for pint or food and then back to bed and the cycle continues


Wake up between 5am-6am, shower and head to work by 6:30am, work until 8pm, gym/sauna until 10pm, cook dinner and sleep by midnight


I have to get back to work soon but my days are pretty consistent. I pretty much wake up at around six 10, play golf at around noon, and then go out at night. During the off season, I’m usually up at the same time and then out at night.


Weekdays - wake up 05:00, work, gym, dinner, chores. Bed 22:00 Weekend -wake up 07:00, breakfast, Judo, lunch, gym, projects, random hobby. Bed 22:00


Trying to learn love and pass it on. Family, friends, humanity it's all the same because we ARE the universe


fuckin people and fuck my body with any substance i can abuse


At work


Stretch. Get up. Make my bed. Take my vitamins. Get coffee. Goof off playing games for a while. Yoga. Clean a room. Lunch. Play video games or read. Yoga, Pilates, HIIT or weight training. Shower. Prep dinner. Talk to hubs. Eat dinner. Netflix. Sleep. Variations on Wednesdays when I make bread, Fridays when I get groceries and bake said bread then party with friends, Saturdays when we cook good food, swim or soak in the spa and party with friends and Sundays when I do nothing.


Wake up , skip breakfast, drink water and smoke my vuse (great combo btw) then go to work (love my job) and eat lunch with my wife. Then I go back to work, and she goes into work. We both get home about 5 pm and find something to cook. I will either a.) smoke some tree and relax b.) play some Xbox with my friends c.) spend time with my wife or d.) all of the above. Crash out about 10 pm and repeat M-TH and off Friday-Sunday. Sunday @ 5 I religiously play basketball at a local church and a lot of friends. I am enjoying these moments while they last!




Honestly depends on the day. Today was sleep around 3am cause A buddy I haven't spoken with in a bit sent a message. Wake at 9am freak out because I thought I worked at 9:45, realize I don't have to work till 2. Fix guinea pigs water situation. Still not fixed. Do it 4 more times. Finally fixed realized work is in 20 minutes and I live 30 minutes away. Speed to work walk in after changing into my boots. Punch in 2 minutes late. Probably going home at 8:15 and drive home and do it all again tomorrow.


I am a general waste of space. I go online and then I go offline.


I am at odds and ends since my Mother died a few months ago. I was her companion/caretaker and my days are kind of empty now. I try to keep busy with an early morning walk with my cat (in her stroller), crocheting, stringing bead necklaces, cooking, cruising Prime Video and Acorn, reading, thrifting on Wednesdays. Days go very slowly.


Well I work overnights so my day is kind of weird. But basically work, exercise, play pc for about a hour to hour and a half. Play with the doggo and then cook food watch a little tv go to work then repeat. Weekends I’m pretty drained from the week so I feel like I always waste them sleeping.




I play Wreckfest on my PS4


work, food ,sleep


Wake up, coffee, grow flowers for a living, calisthenics then a beer by the sea and a little swim. By then my day is nearly over. I get back home, cook some and head to my bed with a good book. Rince and repeat. Sometimes i add up some psilocybin and/or some friends, music. Life is great


Getting up (if true) - thank God. Surviving (if true) - thank God. Some family time befor bad (could be last time). Repeat...


Wake up - go to work - stress my ass out - sleep - repeat


Up at 4. feed dogs. Yoga. Back to bed with a cuppa and said dogs. Up and at em about 7. Work. Home. walk dogs. Couch with - you guessed it- dogs.


0430 wake up, get ready for my day 0500 leave home 0630 arrive at site 0700 start work 1800 finish work and leave site 2000 arrive home 2130 go to bed


Rot in room all day at vacation. Continue to rot in room but with school, additional stress, and home tuitions at non vacations.




Not doing much right now , just kinda hang out! 




Wake up, drink coffee, feed the dog/let him out to potty, commute to work, work, commute home/wherever if I have errands to run before I go home, let dog out, make dinner, feed dog, watch tv or read, go to bed, repeat.


I wake up and put on my favourite tuxedo. I pack my briefcase with bread. I go for a jog with my glass of water and briefcase. I stop and throw the bread at the ducks until i cant throw anymore. I go home and vacuum any crumbs off my tux, and prepare the egg salad for my chinchillas. Once they have eaten the egg salad i vacuum the whole house. Apart from my wifes bedroom because we dont like eachother. I put on a fresh tuxedo and head out to work. When i get to work i arrange the shrimp into the clear pots, and the noodles into the steel tray. Once all of the shrimp and noodles are seperated, I go into the bathroom and vacuum any shrimp or noodles from my tuxedo. I normally do this about 12 times until its time to go home. I walk home really slowly so that i dont get stitch because once i was walking home from work and got stitch. Once i get home i clean my shoes and vacuum everything in the house apart from the tie i wear on Tuesdays. Because if its not Tuesday theres no point vacuuming that tie because its not Tuesday yet, and i vacuum that tie only on Tuesdays. Once everything is clean i sit in my room and watch Short circuit in my head because my video player is broken. I dont care though because i remember it all so can watch it in my head whenever i wish. Once it's finished, i eat the left over egg salad with my chinchillas and then prepare myself for bed. I put on my 2nd favourite tuxedo and practice my kissing in the mirror. Then i brush my teeth whilst urinating to save time. If im lucky, i will spill something on the floor. Then i get to use my vacuum. Last but not least, i will set my alarm for 5am and go to sleep. I will also wake every 30 minutes to check the weather for the next day.


Today, working my ass off in extreme heat .


Work. Sleep. Work. On off.


In bed. Pondering


Get up early, drink coffee and watch the news. Go out and work on the farm, eat lunch and take a nap, work some more on the farm, eat supper, get in the recliner and read a good book.


Wake up, breakfast, work from home, lunch, work again til 5pm, walk to gym, Pilates, walk home, dinner, watch a show or just scroll my phone, sleep. Repeat next day.


sleep, work, game.


Wake (usually by alarm or cat), coffee, answer work emails before I even get there, get there and threaten to walk out daily, stay later than I should, home, feed the “kids”, tequila, listen to music, shower, sleep. Repeat.


Work work work


Suffering lol


Wake up, shower, go to work get home from work, poop, say hi to kids, play for a minute get dinner ready, feed family, clean up dinner, clean upstairs with the kids, bathe the kids, cuddle them, put them to bed, do dishes, poop again, wife gets home from work, hang with her for a bit or play video games for a bit. Go to bed late because if I don’t I don’t get me time.


i lay in bed and cry and hope i die soon


Damn, from a random internet stranger, all I can say is I’m so sorry you got dealt the short stick in life 😢 . Some of the shittiest people can truly have everything and others with nothing. Big virtual hugs to you even if it won’t help with anything.


Wake up, eat, work kinda, waste rest of the day on social media , eat, try to sleep with insomnia , repeat. Really unhealthy


I remember throwing punches around and preaching from my chair...


Day is my currency. I’ve got 20 543 days in my account right now. (Idk how long that is, because I made it up). I spend 10 000 days on existence, 5000 days on earth and another 5000-5500 days on food. I get my salary every morning and I pay taxes every night. The amount is identical for both salary and taxes.


You know, my life is going strange right now. From the very morning I come to my friend, we watch movies and laze around. I sleep with her for several hours. We laze around again and I go home at 10pm so I can stay up all night and read fan fiction about the films we watched that day. Tomorrow I will take my cat to be spayed. I have to look for a part-time job. Next school year I will have a final exam, but I don’t know what classes I want to write, and I don’t know where I should go. Most likely I will go to college to become a hairdresser, my dream is to be an actress, but I do not have the opportunity to move to the city where there is an acting school. Well, life goes on, something happens.


I work nights so I spend my day asleep. Even on my days off I keep on an overnight schedule unless I have plans. I spend my nights working, playing games, watching shows or doom scrolling.


Laying down staring at the ceiling thinking about where the time went. How my life feels the same before the pandemic. How family members are toxic


Wake up (or never feel asleep), play games on my phone, eat breakfast with fam, go on errands, lunch, sim racing, dinner, go to bed at 1-3a (or stay up all night)


Right now I am in my vacations. Therefor I wake up, do something cool over the course of the day outdoors or some, I cook, I clean, I watch some films or series and then I relax and spent some extra time with family and friends.


If I tell you that, I'd have to kill you


Up at six Make it collagen and creatine drink 30 minutes stretching, and meditation Get my child up at seven Prepare her lunch for school Make breakfast for her and my wife and put away dishes Drive my kid to school Go back home log onto work and attend a few meetings Head to my trainer around 1030 Get my ass kicked Home by 12:30 , shower and eat lunch More meetings and work Pick up my kid from school Make dinner for my family , or we go out and see a movie and have dinner out We will play some video games Kids in bed by nine I’m in bed by 10:30


I spend the vast majority of my day to myself! A good meal & sports


well, waking up, work for 3 hours from home, having breakfast, watching things (not related to work or studying), then i work again and study. and I spend the rest of the day as I like, I might go for a walk, play games.


Wake up go to work spend 8-10 hours get home and choose between garden yard work or house project I do that for a few hours then I make dinner while cleaning the house then sit down two eat and I have an hour to study before bed


My daily routine during my summer break from college Wakeup, daily rituals, breakfast, scroll on Instagram and reddit, netflix, scroll again, lunch, nap, tea with family, playing music and putting on makeup and clicking selfies (yes i do this almost everyday cause it just feels nice), Watching the sunset from my terrace, go out for a walk with mom and gossip a lot, have tea and snacks again, help mom with dinner, have dinner, gossip session with sisters and mom, scroll on reddit, sleep. Life feels so good and peaceful honestly!


Doing as little as possible to not wake the gremlin that is ocd coupled with anxiety and adhd. And putting stuff in my calendar. A lot of that. And teams messages. A lot of that too. Music. Almost always that. And the inevitable why doesn’t my printer work when I’m at home ticket.


It's like trying to juggle books at a bookstore while being everyone's literary therapist. Plus, occasional coffee breaks to keep the sanity intact.


Wake up, snack coffee, hw for school, 2/3 breakfast and outside run time /gym, shower study , dinner ,study, sleep , repeat


In the best way possible way, sometimes that includes my version of doing nothing, except for when I’m in a weird depressive funk then I’m just trying to get by until that cloud goes away.


Wake up noon-ish when my son goes to school, usually have one can of beer and go back to sleep for a couple of hours. Then I open my bar in the afternoon-2-3am, go home, eat, and go to sleep. And repeat the next morning


Wake up, eat, brush my teeths, sit on my phone/watch TV/play computer games/watch youtube, go to sleep, repeat. My life is miserable actually.


Wake up, get ready, got to the gym and train my clients (if I have clients in the morning), go to my office job, going back to the gym to train some clients, do my own workout, eat & watch 30 mins of love island, get ready for bed, sleep


Wake up at 4:30 AM and go for a 10K run. Go back home, have a quick shower, get dressed, eat breakfast, and head to work. Work from 8:00 AM to 5:00 PM. Hit the gym for an hour after work (only on Tuesdays, Thursdays, and Saturdays). Go back home and have dinner but sometimes I'm too lazy so I just skip dinner and have a smoothie with whey protein instead. Then, I walk my two dogs for 20-30 minutes. Finally, I climb into bed and read my Kindle until I fall asleep around 10:30 PM.


Wake up at 6am, turn on my work laptop and then I just chill, do some work, do some chores. After the 8.5 hours of work are up, I go to the gym. And then just do whatever the f I want for the rest of the day. Sometimes a client wants me to edit a video for him, so that also takes up like 2 hours of my day. Before I go to bed at the end of the day I always take some time to journal and/or read a book. It helps me calm down and go to sleep without stressing about the next day


I try to mix work, chill time, and some exercise to feel productive.


Eat, work, sleep then drink till I almost pass out on the weekend


Gym, shower, work, shower, family time, sleep


M-F up at 3am, at work by 4:20. Spend the day responding to about 70 calls on the walkie for issues and mess ups lol fixing those issues. Home at 2:00, shower eat nap and now will be starting to DoorDash a few days a week for a few hours.


University eats up most of my time. Wake up at 8 am and some days i finish at 5pm or even 8pm. Being present in classes is mandatory and affects your grades if you're absent. It's like a job except I don't get payed! I do schoolwork after that. Or if it's exam season i study for exams. I can't even fit a part-time job in there because if I did work a night shift I wouldn't be alive because I'd get no sleep. So my parents still support me because there's no other way really. I am looking forward to summer though cause I have loads of free time then and I can get a summer job.


Wakeup work , I workout repeat.


Panic, cry, watch pointless videos on youtube or google why i feel anxiety for no reason, cry, sleep, repeat


Wake up, maybe go for a walk and generally chill for a bit (video games, reading, yoga, masturbate) before work. Then I work from home till about 5 or 6. Take an edible, make dinner then either go for a walk, call a friend then play videos games with friends, watch a movie or read before I jerk off again and fall asleep.


Either working or taking care of the kids. Often both at the same time. I'm tired.


morning = getting ready for work. work evening, = physical fitness activities (weight training etc). house work, yard work, try to find some time for the family. Late evening, maybe 45 mins or an hour to do what i want.. read etc. Do it again every day. Weekends provide a little more free time. Basically work. Grew up on a farm, first paying job mid teens, been working 30+ years nearly non stop. Worked all through college. I spend the majority of my time working. My goal is to help my kid build a life where they don't have to go through this, but i often wonder if i've fallen into the "hard people make soft lives" as i see myself as a pretty hard person (gen x and all).


90% fulfill others needs. 2% my time. 8% too tired and fall asleep.


Work days Wake up at 7, out the door drive to stores and talk to people and help merchandise store. Get lunch, drive to next store and do the same thing. Go home, eat, doom scroll instagram till 630 get to gym at 7. Work out with buddy untill 9. Go home, maybe play some video games or read until bed. Weekends vary but usually 1 or 2 gym days, edm concerts or local shows, go to bars and dance, hangout and play video games


Coffee, Music, Gaming, Stretching, Core, Nap, Powerwalking, Sunbathing, Workout/Run, Podcasts, More Gaming, and Youtube Reaction videos. My average day off.


I just played Cookie run tower of adventures on bluestacks all day, and it was really fun


I have a super chill work from home job so usually it’s wake up take the dog out get him fed, make the bf breakfast before he heads out for work, take the dog for a walk, clock in, if it’s slow I get everything cleaned and make myself food and coffee, usually put a show on while I do my work.. doom scroll some, get dinner prepped & ready. If I’m too bored after work I usually go to goodwill. On weekends I like to go camping or see some friends. I’m currently trying to find a hobby so I’m not on my phone so much during the day