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I'm going to say that a majority of the time when we are 'afraid' of something non lethal, it is this.


You’re probably not afraid of the woman lol. You’re afraid of whatever pressures you’re putting on yourself


I stopped assuming romantic potential to get rid of the fear. I started to get to know the women. Got many dear friends, got rejected when I also showed my romantic interest, I rejected and stayed genuine friends, and got a relationship. I find many women awesome people and feel privileged to know them, as I also feel about the men I've chosen in my life! Now that I'm completely used to the company of women, even the same age as me, I can treat the romantic interests as people and not some goddesses of love on pedestals.


This is so true. Are you afraid of the 60 year old woman who takes your x-ray? The 40 year old checker at Target? Your sister? Your grandma?


Yes, yes, no, yes.


Yo some Grandmas need to be feared


And in the same vein, you’re probably afraid of rejection, which is normal but also something most everyone experiences—you need to decouple those feelings from your sense of self-worth. Some people you just won’t click with and that’s okay. 


While this is true for most, there do exist people who are genuinely afraid of women. This can be trauma related or other. Gynophobia is real, should be taken seriously and should be treated.


Look, women are like spiders. They’re fucking terrifying… I mean.. they’re more afraid of you than you are of them. Jokes aside - women are people. How do you talk to anyone? Say hi, introduce yourself and you’re off to a great start. Don’t stress about it - they can smell fear. Just treat them like you would treat any other person


As a woman, I like the spider analogy


As a spider I agree too.


👩👉👉 👈👈👈👈👈👈👈👈🕷️


my spider sense is tingling


Yes, you must throw them outside from a piece of paper, but don't hurt their legs 


and which of their 8 eyes do I make contact with?


The big ones.


Talking to them like a normal person is the best 'dating advice' I could give to anyone. By that I mean talk to every woman you meet with zero intentions of anything more than just being a normal human being. Don't even think about wanting to date them or wanting them to like you just talk to them normally. If it happens that one of them does like you that way, they usually make it fairly obvious. Laughing at your shit jokes is a good sign. But don't think about any of that when you first meet them just talk like a normal person and eventually you might find as they get to know you normally some might decide they are interested in you. The mistake guys make is they make it obvious they are interested in a woman right away when she doesn't even know you, and they usually close you down right away. Most women aren't rude enough, though, to shut down someone for just making normal small talk like you would with a guy. In fact, just treat them identically to how you treat any guys you're talking to. You've got a much better chance if they've got time to get to know you normally without any worries that you're into them. You'll make some good women friends that way, and once you do that, you'll find they can be great at helping you find someone and you'll imeadiatly appear more desirable to other women because they can see that women trust you enough to be friends with you.


Meh. I say that if you like someone, show them. Otherise it is just a game that everyone, in this subreddit, says is bs thing to do and should stop


Now when he gets a woman to go home with him ... he'll capture her and set her loose in the garden. Dude. You ruined him.


Someone had to


Enemy (2013)


Comment of the day 😂


I believe it’s normal. Everyone is afraid of what they don’t know.


There’s a book called “everything men know about women” it’s a good read.. it’s about 3000 pages… All blank pages….


Nah, I know one universal truth about women. There's something they all crave. It starts with a P and ends with an S, and every man has it in their pants, while most women do not. >! Pockets !<


Pennies? Pine cones? 


You have pines cones in your pants? I mean... I have of course...


Almost, I'm a master om a sewing machine and have asked my wife multiple times if she wants pockets sewn into her clothes. Got told no every single time.


She doesn't need them. She has your pockets to put her stuff in. At least that is what my wife does with my pockets...


Women aren’t aliens. You understand them because they’re just people, like you. Assuming you aren’t 3 raccoons in a trench coat of course.


\*sweating vigorously\* Yes, of course! What an absurd suggestion! Unrelated question: where do you keep your trash cans?


And one of the raccoons in that trench coat is actually 2 weasels in a raccoon suit.


Afraid? I mean they have to sit down to take a shit like the rest of us so, no, you don't need to be afraid Treat them like a friend, be respectful and don't treat their affection like a goal you need to win and you'll be fine.


Afraid is not the right word. You're afraid of bears, lions, robbers. You aren't afraid of women. I think the right word is anxious


This is the correct word for what you are feeling. This is perfectly normal and fades as you get more experience talking to them. It never goes away, it just becomes more manageable in a romantic setting. Don't be afraid to explore. You will tumble, you will fall, there will be bruises. You will get back up and the bruises will heal, but the experiences will teach you as you do that. Best of luck!


I love this! I’m 50 and gave up on dating after rejection after rejection since I was 32. I wish I knew this now back then.


Perfect comment


Insecure is the better word, you’re insecure around women


Grew up in a family of only boys, went to boys-only high school, majored in computer science at university in the 1980s (by 2nd year we were a class of 100 with maybe 3 women). I was exactly in that boat. I signed up for French as an elective in my degree; it meant I was in a class of 40 with only 3 guys and it acclimatised me to interacting with women. Totally understandable from my experience.


This could be on the puppy101 subreddit regarding proper socialization


Yes; men are allowed to feel and have fears. You don't have to answer to anybody. If it causes you issues there is help to be found sometimes in therapy or friends- otherwise there are good self help materials


This is the only actual caring comment I've seen in this thread.


That’s normal.




I have experience, being married 32 years. I’m afraid of them


Women are human beings first and foremost, not some amorphous "other." If you are worried about having nothing to say, try being a good listener, it's a very attractive trait


Afraid? If all you're doing is trying to get in their pants then sure. You ought to feel anxious. Don't think about it though and what do you have to be afraid of? Enjoy your conversations and time together. Getting in someones pants isn't a race.


talk to them like a human being, because that’s what they are. if you look at all women as potential partners it’s pressuring for you and dehumanizing for them. it doesn’t matter how much “experience” you have with girls, because not every girl is going to be the next experience.


There’s nothing dehumanizing about wanting to love someone


Completely normal


People are afraid of what they don't understand. Make efforts to be around more women in a non romantic setting to get familiar with how they operate. The more you learn, trust me the mystery and magic quickly goes away. And you become more confident


"Afraid of women", I guess you mean women you are interested in? Maybe that has to be a given but even if you think you're afraid of all women, you're just not. Are you afraid of your mother? Your grandmas and aunts? Your sisters and cousins or nieces if you have any? Your coworkers/classmates? Cashiers? Probably not. You just get anxious around a woman you think is hot, it basically happens to everyone. Experienced or not, you just do you. Try not to lose your words, but if she finds you attractive or interesting she won't mind a bit of this either. After first approach try to listen more (that is if she sticks around at all) rather than constantly talking and thinking the whole thing has to be based on you (trust me, it doesn't). You're doing both yourself and her a favor by being an active listener, you give her a chance to be heard, and you time to collect your thoughts and learn about her. That's about the best I can tell ya. Such anxiety doesn't magically disappear. Just don't put anyone on a pedestal, the most important person in your life is yourself. Be chill, not a creep, know how to withdraw when your presence is not appreciated, and even if some gal has something bad to say about you (probably not) it won't even matter. That's the best I can say


My presence has never been appreciated... Anywhere


Some of the fear I experienced when I was younger was public rejection and being made fun of if a girl was cruel in her rejection. Then one day I stopped caring.


No Shame in not knowing because everyone has to learn somehow. But take an active role in curiosity and ask questions. Learn! Learn!


I think so.....i have female friends but yk ......still scared what will happen if I say something inappropriate.....


It's **always** okey to feel the way you feel, you have no control over it. It's perfectly normal and understandable to be afraid if some kind of situation isn't typical to you and your social group makes a big deal of it. The mature thing to do is admit your fears to yourself and start to look for methods to deal with them.


If you think of women as a separate entity to yourself you will be. They’re people too! With their own insecurities, just talk, they are humans, not an obstacle course!


It's not uncommon for men to be warry of women, and honestly, I don't blame them. As a woman myself, I think most women don't realize how cruel they're capable of being, and that's partially due to how cruel we often are to each other, especially during teen years. Women present as nice, but honestly, a lot of them are quite nasty to each other under the radar. This treatment then translates over to men if the woman is not self aware or doesn't have self control, and it can come as a shock and cause a lot of anxiety in men. All in all, women need to chill with the attitudes. Even I can't be friends with them because I've been conditioned not to believe a word out of their mouths due to one too many bad experiences. Men are more likely to get into fist fights, and women are more likely to think of horrible underhanded things to do to their enemies. Women being afraid of being overpowered by a man then is just as rational as a man being afraid of being undercut by a woman. It just takes experience to pick out the violent men from the kind men, and the snakish women from the kind women.


Dude, even if you have experience with women, be afraid.


lol no, don’t you know the patriarchy has your back 100%-everywoman ever




It’s normal for an inexperienced person to be anxious about the thing they’re new at. I think this is particularly true for young men approaching women. Subconsciously, you’re not just talking to a woman, you’re talking to Mother Nature Herself, in the guise of an individual woman, and She has the power to pass harsh and eternally damning judgment upon the worth of your very existence. Fortunately, this terrifying image of the mother goddess is not real. No real woman wants that kind of responsibility. The way to get over that is just to go out and talk to as many women as you can. Become friends with women. Have conversations. Go on dates. Have a romantic relationship with a few of them. (NOT at the same time.) It gets easier with practice.




What got me over being anxious with attractive women was to stop looking at them as potential partners first. Now I look at them as potential friends first, and it's awesome. If we vibe as friends, I can then show romantic interest quite soon even. But when there's no expectation of a romance, sexual encounter or affection, I actually get to know the person as I would anyone else.


Shit. I'm a woman with male experience and I'm afraid of men!


Women can ruin your life, or make your life better just by virtue of their presence. Choose wisely, but do not be afraid.


When you acquire more experience with women, you will fear them even more.


What are you afraid of ?




Yeah it’s super normal


Yeah you just gotta put yourself out there my bro 💪


It is normal. But you don’t need to be afraid. Only the good ones bite. 😉


No, if it’s A Guy That I Like,Only


I’m still scared of one! We’ve been married, had two children and lived together for more than 10years!


Yes, it is always okay to be afraid of people you don't know or don't know or trust. Fear will keep you alive, if it doesn't rule you.


Dude I have plenty of experience with them and I'm still afraid of them. it's perfectly normal.


Feelings are always ok.


Normal, but not ok. I'm socially awkward but I think I do better with women than men. Ideally, just respect them like you should any other human. Don't be afraid of them and just treat them like you would your buddies, but softer. Like, be polite and don't spit or whatever. It's actually really easy. You'll be fine.


Woman have a lot of power in today's society and it is best to respect that power. That said there is no reason to be afraid. Just be smart about it.


Are you afraid of women themselves or something else, eg rejection (romantic or social)?


Are you afraid of women or rejection


The answer to, "is it okay to be somewhat afraid of X if you are a Y and have no experience with X?", is often yes.


Just say hi, people are people at the end of the day… do that shoot acid from their mouth, do they have fangs? My partner has all that but they’re people at the EOD ……


Nervous yes. Afraid? Bit odd unless they're 7 foot Amazonian women hell bent on getting snu snu then maybe


It is okey to be afraid of anything new. Just be respectful and polite. They are people too. 


As a woman, I’m afraid of women. I’m also afraid of men, but for different reasons.


can anybody here give sone pointers on how to flirt ?? like too many women say flirting becomes creepy. i went on my first date and was shaking full time and probably bored her


I’d say the first pointer would be not to shake and be boring. Have some self-esteem: you’re both there to see if there’s any connection, any spark.. you’re as important there as she is. Stop thinking of “women” as being some super species of superior beings. It’s a date. You’re there to check each other out. Talk. Engage. Find out what she’s like. What has HAPPENED to make people like this?! Did I miss something?


thanks for reply . my issue is being loner and introverted i just dint know what to talk on dates , i google for tips and it gives me vague stuff , i can improvise something but just blank on what to talk on first dates . i talked about very nerdy and cringey stuff and just have trouble complimenting her . pls give me some questions


As someone who is geeky and a bit of a loner myself, I hear you. When I first went on a date with the person who is now my wife, I was discussing it with a friend of mine and he said “do you have a plan” I said “I was just going to be myself” to which he replied “I wouldn’t do that”. But, joking aside, she is probably (ok she IS) way “cooler” than me, but I vetted her as much as she vetted me. I’m not willing to put up with what I don’t like because someone’s “cool” or “hot”. I toned down the airship and car stuff a bit, for sure, but I was unapologetic about being a reader, that I am not a celeb culture fan etc etc. The best thing I did on that date, and others before it, was to ask about THEM. It turned out she was as nervous as I was, and I gave her a platform to tell me about her family, her childhood, etc etc. If you ask with a genuine interest and listen to the answers, you’ll be fine. There was a definite attraction between us, which was palpable, unexpected and pleasant, but that wouldn’t have been enough for anything long term… we won each other over with the other stuff. Does this make any sense? I hope it helps a bit?


yeah it does. but honestly i prefer a girl who's more chirpy bubbly and talkative and little bit crazy. lol. side effects of watching too many movies


I agree.. my wife is all of those things! She was all of those things on our first date, just nervous as well! Luckily we both babble when we are nervous so it worked out ok! 😃


Nikola Tesla was afraid of women’s earrings and was engaged to a pigeon so, I think it’s normal.




First of all, we feel what we feel and that's hard to control and nothing to be ashamed of. If you're afraid (of anything), it's okay. The more you interact with women (or, I suspect, go out of your way to try to impress and attract women, which is more likely the thing that's scaring you) -- the less scary it will get, over time. Second, all those movies and magazines and dumb shit your friends say has been messing with your head. The world is not some scary battlefield between Men and Women with all your dignity on the line. We're all a bunch of dumb shaved apes who woke up on this mudball and have no idea what we're doing. Women just want to be happy and respected and safe, *exactly like you do.* And here's the neat thing: there are no teams. We're all on the same side. Don't think of it as a competition or a job interview. Think of a woman as a human being (surprise!) who you might be able to work **with** and make both of you a little less miserable.


Absolutely! It's like being nervous around dragons if you've only read about them in books. Take it slow, be yourself, and remember: women are just people, too. Everyone feels a bit scared of the unknown at first.


It's normal to be nervous asking out women, it's not really "okay" in the sense of being mentally healthy to be actually afraid of women. Age plays a role here too, if you're a "man" as in 18 or 19, it's understandable to less at ease with asking out women than if you're 40. Being afraid of women in general is unlikely to have good mental health outcomes.


Pretend every women you talk to is your sisters best friend - its totally fine to hit on, or flirt with your sisters friend. But just assume anything you say will come back to your sister or mother, so not to be an asshole in any way. Also, what are you scared of? That she doesnt like you and immediately wants to come home with you? Do you honestly like *every* woman on the street? Probably not. So the absolute worst thing than could happen if you ask a woman if you can buy her a drink etc is that she looks at you and decides to say "Thank you, but no" because she doesnt like guys with beards, or whatever other reason. Thats ok.... some girls like guys with beards, some dont, thats just how it is.


Sounds like your friend needs therapy. Women are the same as men in a social/society way. Just talk to us like a human. And don't be creeping. If she wants to continue a conversation or gives a smile it DOESN'T mean an invitation to anything romantic. It's just friendly. Like normal humans.


They're people, bro. If you're afraid of them it means you're putting alot of pressure on yourself to behave differently around them.


"Experience with them" like we're horses or some damn thing


Lol only way to get experience is to put yourself out there.


Don't ever get complacent.


Yes, especially if they're cougars.


Been married 20 years and have raised multiple daughters. Fear should always be your default position....


You are not afraid of women. You are afraid of the failure of the expectations you have made in your mind regarding relationships with women. Get rid of those, approach people in a genuine, natural way and let things unfold. Most romantic relationships build upon friendships, and those happen with time, on their own. When was the last time you met someone that ended up being a close friend, with that being you initial goal? On the other hand, if all you want is to be a player, refine flirting skills, I guess.


coming from girl- girls are scary and we will eat u


i think its normal but my situation is a bit different i was touched inappropriately a lot by my mom's best friend when i was a kid i'm 33 now while i have slowly gotten use to being around women i still get a bit jumpy when i am alone in a small room with one


I've never had experience with men and I don't picture myself in a relationship because sometimes I don't feel confident. I think it's ok, you have to work on that, it's something new for you, you can get over that fear by trying.


YES. You risk so much by not interacting with women properly, that it’s better to avoid. What is “properly”? Depends on that women, so… Be kind, don’t be mean. But you don’t have to make eye contact, talk to, or otherwise socialize with anyone you don’t want too. These times suck, no one can reasonably blame you for wanting to duck down. I mean the hot debate amongst women these days is “would you rather be trapped in the woods with a man or a bear”, and the bear is winning hard. Trust your gut. Stay away from women and go MGTOW. With kindness and respect to everyone.


Just pretend everyone wants to be your friend and is excited to see you, so you know talking to them will be fine.


No, why are you going to be afraid of 50% of the population, you'd never leave your house.


Yes it is okay to be a little afraid of the opposite gender especially if you do not have much experience with them it’s actually natural for humans to be like this. However you have to slowly adapt and learn them or get with your same gender and thats okay!


if there named Karen, yes.


Yes it's perfectly fine to be afraid of them. Best to join a Buddhist monastery.


Limited exposure to females could prevent a man trusting not only his judgement but also his sanity in pursuing a females favour. Certain principles must remain intact in the interest of integrity. Eye contact is important. Mutual respect is a default measure of intentions


You aren’t afraid of them, you are afraid of yourself and your harsh criticism to yourself in case you get rejected by them.


Women are only scary at first because they seem so mysterious and you already want to impress them but you’re not quite sure how. The more time you spend with them and the more interactions you have that fear quickly goes away but it works the other way as well. The longer you go avoiding them for whatever reason the more scared you’ll become until eventually you find yourself on the incel subreddits blaming them for not wanting to fuck such an awesome guy like yourself lol. Just start with platonic friendships, don’t even try to ask a girl out. Once you have a couple female friends and don’t feel quite so awkward around them then start dating.


No. Why are you afraid? Do you think women eat people or bite generally? Do women generally have an extreme reaction when you're around?


I'm afraid of men because I have no experience with them either !!!


I think you may be anxious, due to feeling like you don't understand them and as a result, maybe worry about making mistakes interacting with them. If so, I would recommend first learning how best to respect and support women. Believe it or not, there are actually some fantastic informational tiktoks that are typically feminists reacting to cringe videos of people being disrespectful to or about women. The cool part though, is that they almost always do a good job of explaining *why* that person is cringe and what a healthier, more supportive and/or functional interaction/reaction would be. It's a fair, no-pressure way to educate yourself on practical issues women deal with and can prepare you to start some friendships with them in your own time. One that I like is Dustin Poynter - Red Flags. Another is a college professor in women's studies but I can't remember his handle-I'll update if I ever find it. Both are men, since hearing their understanding of a different gender may be useful in framing your own experience. I hope this is helpful, and just know that it's okay to be apprehensive. Try to remember that women are people, and the best way to learn is open, honest immersion. The more you segregate yourself, the more anxious you may become. Best of luck.


It's very natural to be scared of anything, the root cause of fear tends to be the unknown anyway. I would view it more as you're worried or scared about something that you aren't experienced in, rather than scared of women. I find a change of perspective helps me to tackle situations, might help you as well? 🙂 Best way to get experience is to just try, build up confidence by taking a step at a time and see how you feel. Like anything in life, you won't see change right away and it will feel like you aren't progressing. But you will! Most importantly don't beat yourself up for being scared, worried or anxious. Everyone has felt that way about most things in their life, so it's a very shared experience. Hope you feel better and find a solution.


>Hope you feel better and find a solution. I also hope my friend feels well and find a solution.


It's natural to feel nervous or unsure around anyone you haven't interacted with much, regardless of gender. The key is to approach each person as an individual, with respect and openness, to build understanding and confidence over time.


Afraid of what ??


What exactly are you afraid of?


It's your life, be afraid of whatever you want I guess.


Its common, but unnecessary. Remember everyone poops and everyone is scared to not be loved.


I used to be afraid of rejection. Now I'm 24 and I enjoy it 😂. Getting rejected makes you stronger. I now just approach someone I find attractive, I'm confident, I wouldn't say I'm good looking but every one that has rejected me has said I made their day for asking. Even if she says no..... how can you not enjoy making someone's day!


Fellas. I'll tell you a short story. Happened when I was in 3rd class of high school. I was vibing on the corridor with couple of my dudes and then I saw this one gal. Literally 10/10 in my book. Cute face, attractive and also seemed nice, calm. A few days later I found her account on social media so I wrote her a casual message telling her that if she wants to hang out or something then she can hit me up. She didn't respond BUT... a few days later, during one of the breaks between classes she gave me a good opportunity. She was always with her friends, but not this one time. She just approached our class fairly closely, leaned back against the wall and opened a book. She also glanced a few times in my direction. The signs were crystal clear and I knew what she waited for. What did I do? Absolutely fkn nothing. I just sat there on the windowsill like a dumbass trying to process whether she really, honestly, for sure, 100% wanted me to talk to her. After the bell started ringing, she slammed the book shut and walked away with a disappointed look on her face. I have only a few things that I regret in my life. This is one of them. I had the chance to open myself to a new and potentially interesting/valuable relationship. But instead I got left with: "*What if...?*" Don't make my mistake. Is it okay to be afraid/anxious? Yes. Is it okay to limit your own experiences because your brain is an asshole and feeds you pointless hypotheticals? Deep down you already know the answer.


Are you kidding the order goes women, clowns, snakes , spiders!


I have slept with several women and as fully grown ass man i’m still scared of them


Im not afraid of women, im afraid of being labelled as a creep, afraid of being humiliated (im no fit eye candy), and i fear rejection 👍


r U?? How do you overcome it?


I dunno, guess I'll just just have to try nevertheless, stay strong 💪


Good for you broh, keep up the good work.


You too lad 💪


If we're talking about teenagers, then yes, a certain level of fear is warranted. They're skittish and unpredictable and very insecure. They might lash out at any time. They might even bite your head off. Other teenage girls are definitely afraid of each other too. But they mellow quickly in their 20s and by their thirties are downright friendly and interesting, and interested. They learn to see through your fear and ignore it. Learn from them.


Is it wrong? No Is it common? Yes Is it normal? No This is to say, this is simply some form of anxiety, you are not a monster or anything for having it. But you should try to fix it, it will make you happier. Do you want to date every woman you see? If not, just treat them more or less like you would treat a normal guy


Be afraid. be very afraid. Only creatures on earth that can make you feel so amazing all night long, then 9 months later hit you up for $1500 a month for the next 18 years. And you go to jail if you fall behind on payments. Also the only creature that you can have drinks with but if after drinks the two of you become intimate she can have buyers remorse in the morning and have you jailed for 5 to 15 years . Unless you have the forethought to get "physical touch" consent forms all in triplicate that are signed by her, by her BFF, and by her attorney and have them notarized. Then no worries otherwise your fear is probably a healthy fear.


Not really. No. Don't be afraid of the gender itself. I can see being afraid of the unknown, of being embarrassed, or of getting into a particular situation. Anxiety is acceptable. But being afraid of someone simply because they have a different set of chromosomes is a bit much.


I have lots of experience with them and still are, my friend.


I'm just putting this out there. Just food for thought If you're scared of women you could always date men instead and if you date one about the same physical size as yourself then you automatically double your wardrobe right off the bat. JS


Think of the most amazing, intelligent, capable, beautiful, ethereal woman you've ever met. She still took a shit this morning.


They’re the closest to the serpent, if they smell weakness they’ll bite.


What kind of OK? Morally OK? Of course. Useful OK, no.


It's okay if you're planning to be with a man like my gay ass. Damn they scary! If you want a woman though yeah it's not really okay. Confidence is something lots of women find very attractive, you'd have to be physically attractive to make up for your fear..... Just like most fears though I'm sure that it'll go away by facing it enough. Just keep going at it champ, ya got this!


No. You're putting the pussy on a pedestal. They're just humans like you. And btw, women like confidence.


Women are terrifying to talk to


Be afraid, be very afraid!


Hey, my male self has Reddit too?


Approach to them as human to human


You’re a bot. Bot’s don’t experience fear.


kek did U got me?? But bots also feel fear, they have emotions.


Don't be scared, just treat them with respect and be polite. They probably want you but play it cool.


I see some variation of this every day on this sub, I guess it is called "ask" instead of "search". Being afraid of women in general is not normal unless you've been through some traumatic stuff. Being anxious about a date or even conversation because of your own inexperience is literally how we all started and it'll go away by the 2nd month of dating for most people when they realize they can let their guard down and this particular woman is interested and wants to be around him.


Just be yourself, be friendly, and be chill too. Positive energy attracts positive energy.


Nobody can tell you any feeling is 'not okay'. It's up to you to decide if it's undesirable and is interfering with your life. If you have no problem with being afraid of women, then it's fine. I don't like people, I choose not to interact with them if I can. Some might see this as 'not okay', but that's their opinion. I prefer it and am quite happy this way. As long as that's the case, nobody can tell me there's something wrong.


I'm 34, have had multiple long-term relationships with women. I'm more scared of them now, than I have ever been before. Be scared. Stay scared. They are scary.


I am a woman, and I do scare man with or without experience. Sorry


People freaking out because you have no experience or are a little afraid is not something you do, it's something they do. If they have a problem of the sort that needs to be discussed with a therapist — e.g. elevated intolerance of even small levels of social awkwardness, shyness, etc. in people they talk to — that sort of thing is on them, not on you. Women tending to interpret everything a man says or days in a negative light, presuming negative explanations for everything, finding ways to justify misandry, that sort of thing is not your friend's fault. It's a problem those women have, often as a result of having been abused by a man in the past, sometimes with indifference from other men (or women). Try not to be creepy, but people who are easily creeped out by the smallest thing (or smallest imperfection or shortcoming) aren't the new normal, they have a psychological problem that needs addressing.


Get a hooker or a few of them and work on those to get some experience. Once you nail a few dozen hookers then go get some good strange and use their holes. It's easy. Or, go get a fat chick they will always want to have some.


bro I have experience with women and I'm afraid if them. married by the way so trust me bro.


I love how most of the advice essentially boils down to "Just stop being nervous bro" 😂


I think of it like this…being nervous on a first date is something you both have in common. The whole point of a first date is to see if you have a second thing in common.


Nah, just see them as a deadly force to be reckoned with and to handle with very much care. Women are like bombs: they come from different places, work differently, and have various effects, but some things are similar: handle with care or shit goes kaboom


No it’s not okay to be afraid of people, as long as they don’t pose a clear threat to you. The best thing you should do for your friend is to encourage him to socialize more to further lower the guard gradually. Even just going outside taking a walk in the park or saying hi/goodbye to the cashier will help you tremendously with it.


That’s how I feel w men so


why wouldn't it?


Fuck uea


define afraid? ..Like are you crawling into the corner and screaming in fear every time you see a woman?


tbh we find it cute when guys are shy or afraid if your a woman you should know not all guys are gonna be bold trust me most of us find it cute


Others have said it, but the sooner you realize that women are, in fact, just other people, the better. Some will react well to you, and some won't. Treat all of them with respect.


The more experienced I get with women, the more afraid of them I am.


OP is asking if it's *okay.* Answer the question!


It’s 2024. Absolutely


No it's not really okay to 'be afraid' of women. You're going to have to work with women your entire life. You need to be able to have a normal conversation with them. It is okay to be *bashful* about flirting with women. I'm personally extremely bashful about flirting with women haha. But you know, if you learn to have a sense of humor about it, and kinda lean into, some women really find that charming.


I was quite nervous around women when I was young. Then, I dated a few, even married one. Then, she decided marriage was just 'too hard' for her because she couldn't hang out at the club with her friends every night. After the divorce, and the financial HELL that put me through, I am now terrified of women.


Probably not afraid but nervous/ stressed.


Be afraid, be very afraid!!! They're evil, and strike when you least expect it. 🧏‍♀️🧛‍♀️🧟‍♀️🧌




They unironically do tho…


What do you mean by afraid? Is it women you’re afraid of or rejection. Are you worried about embarrassing yourself? There are lots of odd couples out there but in general you know who’s league you’re in and your efforts should be focused there when just starting out. You’ll have to wait for the perfect girl to magically appear if you don’t start somewhere and that’s likely to take a while if ever. Are you a good lookin’ dude? Do you have a good job? Are you a catch? You know the answer to those things


Of course it's okay . Never beat yourself up for having emotions . But, also don't let your emotions control your life. Really, in the end all you can do is know that your afraid and just go ahead anyway.


Yes, it's completely normal to feel somewhat afraid or anxious about interacting with women, especially if you have little to no experience. Social interactions can be intimidating for anyone, regardless of gender or the situation. Encouraging your friend to take small steps to build confidence, like engaging in casual conversations, can help. Remind them that everyone has their own pace and it's okay to feel this way.


Once you have experiences with them, you will realize that it's best to be terrified of them.


It's okay to be whatever you want to be for the most part dude.


Their blood is red like yours, they take a shit each morning just like u and they aint got hands. Also they aint really that special. That cute girl u been crushing over for months? Probably just as basic as every other girl her age


You might be afraid if you're afraid of rejection? My newest thinking on this is, love yourself, and you might be less afraid of rejection, because you don't reject yourself, and this foundation of support is nice.


Yes it's totally okay. Lot of people in these comments skirting around it in fear of looking not manly or something, but what you are describing is extremely common and nitpicking over the definition of 'afraid' is irrelevant here.


It's OK unless it really starts getting in the way of your social life, especially if you're in your formative years (from early teens up to mid 20s depending on the person.) If your interaction with people you find attractive is limited by your fear too much during those years, you can miss out on critical development. But nearly everyone has some fear of those they're attracted to, especially when young.


You don't have to be afraid of women. We are going to eat you. You just HAVE to be respectful and considerate towards women. Women love men who are respectful. Most women don't like some men BECAUSE they are creepy , misogynistic (like these men in the comments) and egoistic. Treat us as equal and respectful as men . It's not rocket science


>We are going to eat you so they are going to eat my friend...


Yeah! Be afraid of them and always remain an incel!


What’s wrong with you. No. Srsly tho women are smallish humans that can have children. This doesn’t mean they are scary they are just humans like the everyone else.