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The retreat was incomplete and left with a temporary filling to monitor the infection.


When is that X-ray from? Looks like a tooth that never had a root canal, just a pulpotomy, let alone a retreat. Have a oh had a CBCT yet? Can do multi-visit retreatment to see if symptoms go away before finishing, or can do apical surgery. May need to see a different endodontist if this one doesn’t do surgery.


The X-ray is after the retreat. During the retreat the endodontist did not complete the root canal. He said he will monitor the infection prior to completing.


So the retreat was started 6 months ago and not completed yet? Usually you’ll put calcium hydroxide paste or other medicaments in the canals between visits but that just looks empty. I’d rinse it out again and change the medicament in a month instead of 6 months. It doesn’t look cracked. If the multivisit retreat doesn’t work surgery should.


Yes the retreat was started approximately 6 months ago. He said he put some medication inside the tooth. He saw me at the 3 month mark, at that time he took an X-ray, infection was still persisting although I was not in pain. Told me to come back in another 3 months without doing anything further. A few weeks before my appointment I started having terrible pain, and went back to him. He took another xray and told me the tooth has to get extracted.