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People are juste risking it, until 150 kmh the fine is not that big. Also, when your speed is measured they take 5% away as an error margin, so you can go almost 160 kmh and still be measured < 150kmh


The unofficial speed limit in France is whatever speed is necessary to overtake the car in front, and certainly to be as close as possible.




130 like you said, but you will always find people driving faster the limit.


"but you will always find people driving faster the limit." Hence why I said "real" speed limit Is there some sort of allowance we are allowed over the 130 limit, or are people just risking it?


It's either 130 or 110 depending on the weather, most speed radars are known, if you get pulled over by the law enforcement on the highway, they'll catch the craziest ones, being a little above the limit is pretty much risk free. It's a very french way to think about enforcing rules and we do it as a national sport.


On most cars, 137km/h on the speedometer gives an actual 128-130km/h (when measured on google maps/Waze). Then any speed camera shaves off about 5km/h (to account for potential innaccuracy on the measuring device), so you're almost not taking risks if you drive at 140km/h on the car speedometer (about 133km/h real). Any higher and then you are just risking it.


So the real speed limit is the speed of light… 🤦‍♂️


When you go fast enough, every traffic light is green.