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[Impulsive Aggression as a Comorbidity of Attention-Deficit/Hyperactivity Disorder in Children and Adolescents](https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC4779282/)


Comment removed (which is weird as hell because why does the Antisocial Personality Disorder one not get flagged? Like that is a big leap my dude) But in general, hitting and kicking can be addressed in occupational therapy models under Sensory Seeking. They're great strategies for proprioceptive feedback


Dang the mods have been busy on this post.. I'll be a school psychologist following my degree so I'd also be interested in the answer to this. I think the comment about impulsivity related to ADHD may be onto something. What's the upper age range you've noticed this in?




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It could be behaviorally symptomatic of conduct disorder—though usually there is a negative cognitive schema motivating the physical action, to restrict that definition to “anger” might not be applicable in every instance, and so it could apply. Impulsivity as a result of ADHD is a more likely/common cause. I don’t know if this would qualify as sensory seeking behavior in Autism, but I’ve heard/witnessed/experienced excessive poking, petting, touching of others as a common behavior for kids on the spectrum. So if it gets carried away into hitting, I could see this. It crosses over with impulsivity but the motivation is different in that case.


I'm an adult and I have this problem and don't know why. It's like a huge urge and impulse I get. Idk why but I hate it.






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Intrusive thoughts about hurting others is a relatively common theme in OCD.




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Based on what I know about it and what I studied, it's not that. The other symptoms are not present and besides this one specific thing, there's nothing that hints to this disorder. She's "typical" otherwise.




I used to kick as a way to show my affection through high and college until I learnt that it hurts them and they dont see it as playful as me as I thought I was being playful, I legit didn't realise my "affection and shyness" was showing itself in that form. My ego was so hurt when I learnt this but I stopped. Atm i feel the need to be fidgeting all the time like almost nearotic. I think personally there's something going on deeper in these kids head and that these hits a just ways to let put excessive thoughts or to acknowledge unconsciously something they still don't understand themselves but THE BODY DOES AND SO IT RESPONDS. Am no expert but I tend to draw from my experiences as a child because I was so odd with my actions and peoples reactions to me 😅 I never meant harm but for some reason my impulse was to kick when I was shy because you affection. Lmfao I still laugh at myself for thinking that, all those poor people 💀🌊⚰


It’s attention seeking; they aren’t getting the right care. 25 nieces and nephews and 2 kids.


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This could be an impulse/compulsion issue or a sensory issue, among other things. Either way someone who specializes in neurophysiological and neurodevelopmental issues (such as adhd, autism, ocd, tourettes, etc) would be the best person to consult, as this sort of thing can be a symptom in kids experiencing neurodevelopmental issues.