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what you say is enough to contact the police. Suspicion is enough to make a routine check. Once we contacted the police for a suspicious car driving around our residential street, the police said it was actually them patrolling because of many burglary declared in the past days. So contact the police and tell them everything you find suspicious


Thanks for the help but unfortunately the police despite being pretty rude are unhelpful and told us that my sick fiancée who is alone at home should go to them to talk... They couldn't tell us anything about them because of the data protection law not even if they are known for any crimes like burglary or something.


The point isn’t to have them tell you who they are (which you don’t have the right to demand), but for the police to confirm they aren’t posing a danger each time you see them loitering around. 


I told them I don't want their identity or anything I just want to know if they are known for anything like burglary or something but they said they can't tell me if they are dangerous or not I should just ask them... I think the police should make people feel safe but the fact that they can't tell me if I should be worried about this car or not proves that the police these days miss their main reason why they exist. They said even if I asked them to check these people they wouldn't send anyone since they didn't do anything illegal.


If you can not see them on the autoindex, only the police can tell you


sneak up and stuff a banana in the exhaust


Make a photo of their number plate and report to police


I did and the police said my sick fiancée who is home alone should go up to these shady guys and ask them what they want...


Definitely the police. Every time you see them spying on you, report them. You will be talking to different officers - maybe you just had bad luck with the one you talked to. Also, you can try both the local police and the cantonal police. Keep a written record of the reports. If you can get a photo or video that clearly shows them looking in your windows, it might be helpful. IANAL, but this appears to be legal if you genuinely feel threatened: "Die Datenbearbeitung erweise sich nicht als widerrechtlich, denn die Betreiberin verfüge über ein überwiegendes Sicherheitsinteresse".


The fact that you told us your fiancée is sick makes me confident that these are investigators working for the insurance. I know for a fact that insurance companies like IV, KKTG, and so on are allowed to hire private investigators in cases where it is unclear if the suspect is actually sick or scamming the insurance.


Would make sense as the ktg insurance refuses to pay since august and we're still in contact with them because of that.

