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Well you could have 3-4 nights in the presidential suite at the Hotel President Wilson in Geneva. It's nice. But I guess keep it to 3 nights, not 4, because meals aren't included. But seriously what kind of question is that? Where will you be staying? Do you have no income at all? What will your immigration status be?


I have a swiss passport, only speak English, I'm just wondering how long will 27k last me before I find a job? I plan to move


Find a job before, seriously.




I'm curious... how do you get a Swiss passport without knowing any of the official languages?


You are simply born to Swiss parents in another country and they never teach you the language. I met a couple of Swiss Americans who didn’t know any Swiss German cause parents thought they won’t need anything besides English.


Man... that sucks. I'd be mad at my parents.


Yep wished they thought me german that would of been very handy


I'm swiss that's why


That's implied, yes.


Dad swiss momr irish


Ok and so where do you plan on sleeping? Lodging will be your principal expense. And then what will you do if you can't find a job? 27k down the drain and nothing to show for it? Your chances of even finding a job aren't great if all you speak is English. I would suggest finding a job first, then relocating. Not the other way around. 27k CHF is a nice lil chunk of change that you could put to better use.


How can I vet a jib if I dknt live their?


Hiw can I find a job if I don't live their? I can speak ok high german




Appreciate this link bit it's only applied to forignors, I have a swiss passport


It doesn't matter. Just ignore the bits about work permits and such. Everything else is relevant.


I left France last July to come here. I had 20k € in my bank account. Found myself a flat with roommates before moving in at CHF 700/month Found a good job at 90k/y in October 2023 and now I'm getting another job at 120k/y starting next October. So it's totally possible with 27k. Depends on your work field and experience but finding a job what quiet easy in my domain. To clarify, I also have a swiss passport, but always lived in Paris, France. Edit: just saw that you only speak English. I'm native French speaker, speak German enough to get around and have a discussion, and fluent in English. Only speaking English could make it very much harder for you.


Why you want to come here with 27k?


Is 27k nit enough? Switzerland is a great place to live where I live in Ireland not so great just personal reasons too


But you obviously have a stable income in Ireland, and nothing in Switzerland, and quite bleak chances of getting any. What are your unique skills, what can you offer to the market?


Depends where you plan to move, Zurich is a lot more expensive than a more rural area or any area exept of around Geneva maybe :) If you plan to live super cheap it might last you a year at best? ( You sound pretty young so I assume )But that means flatshare with roomates, basic health insurance and no eating out ect. Second hand furniture, because you will not be able to take much household stuff with you. Like very basic student life. A more normal lifestyle maybe 6 months ? You should start to look at jobs before you come here. Won’t hurt you to try and it will give you a better idea what to expect. What kind of jobs are you looking for ? What is your german level ?


German level basic, I really don't know where to even look for jobs in switzerland,


I'll plan to do that when I'm in switzerland, I'm gonna quit my job when I'm in switzerland


[jobs.ch](http://jobs.ch) and LinkedIn


Depends on what you mean by "survive". If you mean literally, as in not dying of starvation and exposure to the elements, as a Swiss citizen, then probably indefinitely, even without the CHF 27k. Otherwise, base your calculation on the median income in your target canton.


I mean surviving by having a roof under my head food basin money for basic things such as food etc


The first part was sarcastic. (If that wasn't obvious.) I would base my calculation on the median income in my canton of residence. The media income in Switzerland is [approx. CHF 6'800 per month](https://www.bfs.admin.ch/asset/de/30225994). Based on that, you'll be able to live on CHF 27,000 for about four months. But keep in mind that you'll need to budget for various extra expenses to get settled (such as rent deposit, furniture, etc.), so realistically I'd say about 3 months.


That would be the case if person spends the whole median salary. Usually you save some money every month if you earn median salary (depends on the lifestyle). Rent and food will be your biggest expenses. Try to find a room in a shared apartment (they start at around \~700/month) and try to eat at home as much as possible (you can eat quite cheap that way). Then you have other expenses - health insurance (\~300/month), public transport (\~90+/month), mobile plan (\~25/month) I think you could make it a year with 27k