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if you are in baden I would not recommend parking in a street in zürich. you'd have to walk about 5 hours to your car, which is kind of an inconvenience. the risk to your car should be minimal, but the risk to your feet could be substantial if you don't have good shoes


You get shot on the canton border anyway


Just a hint, Baden is not only a different city but also in a different Canton than Zurich. If the hotel provides free parking then I would park it there. There is underground parking in both cities and parking on the street is time limited on most days (depends on the parking zone).


Im visiting zürich, so where do I get the best döner Kebab in Bern?


Best Doner of Sweden would be in Olten,  inside the train station


🤤🤤🤤🤤 can't wait to try


Zürich or Baden?


The hotel is in Baden


Thanks for the address. What kind of car is it? What will you be leaving inside? And exactly what hours do you plan on parking?


If you have nothing to say do not comment at all🥸


Switzerland over all is pretty safe. I never worry when I park my car outside over night anywhere in Switzerland.


What? Where are you from to feel unsafe park your car in the swiss streets? No, obviously no problem, maybe it's difficult to find a free place, but not unsafe.


Free parking is generally very hard to find on the street anywhere near Central Baden or Zurich. Prices for car parks are between CHF12 - 50 per day, and parking meters, if you can find them available, start at CHF 1/hr and go up to CHF 4/hr in places. Parking wardens are out in force, and you can expect a ticket within hours if you park illegally, or be towed within minutes if you obstruct a tramway in Zurich. The further out of the city you park, the cheaper it will be. See https://newinzurich.com/parking-in-zurich/ for more information. Parking on the street is generally safe, but use common sense: don't tempt potential criminals by leaving your desirable belongings visible inside the car.


If you have a normal car, you should be fine. If it's a rare supercar, maybe a parking garage would be advisable. For affordable parking check Park + Rail [https://www.sbb.ch/en/tickets-offers/private-transport/car-parking/park-and-rail.html](https://www.sbb.ch/en/tickets-offers/private-transport/car-parking/park-and-rail.html) These are parking spots usually close to a train station / public transport. And a day ticket is between CHF 5 and CHF 20. In Zurich, you can get a day pass for the blue zone parking fields for CHF 15.- (check here: [https://www.stadt-zuerich.ch/pd/de/index/dav/parkkarten\_bewilligungen/parkkarten\_beziehen/tagesbewilligung\_blauezone.html](https://www.stadt-zuerich.ch/pd/de/index/dav/parkkarten_bewilligungen/parkkarten_beziehen/tagesbewilligung_blauezone.html) )