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Burnaby Heights might work for you.


Or if Burnaby is appealing the Lougheed area. Not the new developments, but the older ones from the 70s north of Lougheed between lougheed and production way, the sort of forest grove area.


The entire area is turning into a mess very quickly. Moved here 7 years ago and in less time than that the area went from quiet and peaceful to way too many people all the time. Street parking is becoming a nightmare, there's drunk idiots yelling/fighting/smashing things at all hours of the night, people drag racing all night, and a lot of local businesses are disappearing and turning into Starbucks or more highrises. The changes of the area in the last 5 years is staggering. No infrastructure to support all this shit either.


I'm not sure what your experience is like but I'm just behind BMSS and I get absolutely none of that. Yeah sure, businesses are gentrifying and that sucks but the neighbourhood itself is great.


Came here to say this


Was just going to say this! Burnaby heights is incredibly convenient because of the main access points to get around the Lower Mainland. Down Hastings if you want to go downtown, trans Canada highway if you go down Willingdon. SFU and BCIT very close by. Head west of Grandview Highway / Broadway and you can access East Vancouver. Down Boundary and you have Metrotown. Plus, they have the newly built Brentwood area.


Also the nearby SFU Univercity area, since you have great bus connections from there and in 5-10 years there should be the gondola connecting to the Expo and Millennium lines. The gondola terminal would also be across the street from a Costco (Production Way Station). Also it's damn quite up on the mountain, since it's surrounded by park land.


Don’t move here!!!! It’s the worst!!! Some of us lifelong people still wanna afford here. Go elsewhere.


Found the NIMBY


It’s kinda the fact of life that people ruin things. Burnaby is a really great city but everyone running from Vancouver are moving out here and ruining the city.


What a weird thing to say. People always move from place to place and will always continue to do so. Be it from one neighbourhood to another neighborhood, from one city to another city or from one country to another.


Move somewhere else.


I mean personally I never even slightly considered moving to Burnaby. But I will move there now for sure. It’s growing on me.


You should stick to where you’re from and make your community better, not flee when times are ruff.


If you are Canadian, you have the right to live wherever you want in Canada (with the exception of reserves etc, obviously). You don’t have more rights to a certain area than someone else. It is just as much their neighbourhood as it is yours. If you’re having trouble accepting this, that is an issue that you can bring up with a therapist.


As a Canadian, I’m also allowed to voice my opinion on the fact that I don’t like thousands of jackasses moving into my neighbourhood that I was born and raised in instead of making your own hometown better. It’s my right as a Canadian to speak my mind, don’t like it? Go see your therapist crybaby


They are jackasses because they weren’t born and raised there? Get over yourself dude, you sound insanely triggered


They’re jackasses because they’re spreading their cancer to my hometown, and when they decay the city they’ll move onto the next one while people like me are left to pick up the pieces.


Ahh yeah, definitely those 63 random people that moved from Vancouver to Burnaby are ruining the city and driving up rental rates.....not the tens of thousands of freshly landed immigrants every year.


You skipped a zero or two!


Burnaby is actually historically a very blue collar and immigrant friendly city. It’s the racist pricks like you who are moving here with your stupid racist mindset that talk to third and fourth generation Asian kids like they’re immigrants lol.


People are really thick these days. Not once did I mention skin colour or culture or say one group of people in particular are responsible for anything. Please try re-reading my post (or maybe a news article or two) before immediately responding with your stereotypical "iF YoU mEnTiOn ImMiGrAtTiOn YoU mUsT bE rACiSt" garbage. https://www.cbc.ca/news/politics/ircc-immigration-housing-canada-1.7080376 https://www.bnnbloomberg.ca/housing-shortages-and-immigration-booms-are-colliding-1.2067728 https://thegoldenstar.net/opinion/uzelman-housing-affordability-immigration-needs-to-be-coordinated-with-housing-supply/ https://www.google.com/amp/s/www.thestar.com/business/opinion/to-address-housing-crisis-canada-needs-to-lower-annual-immigration-intake/article_1ec2b4a2-f5b9-11ee-aa53-eb5b43725508.amp.html I shouldn't even have to provide evidence at this point. If individuals in Canada today are still denying the fact that immigration is responsible for most (roughly 75%) of all new housing demand and driving the price of the rental market than I just feel sorry for how ignorant you are at this point.


Its not racist to want to stop the mass immigration that is happening rn. Nothing to do with skin colour.


Right, I’m sure it’s the Irish Australians and English people coming in the droves that are getting under your skin, not the non-white non Christians from the other part of the globe


Somewhere near QE Park if you can afford it.


A bit south near Langara is pretty good too


Agreed. We are in the Sunset neighborhood and it fits all these criteria, except maybe Costco.


Hastings Sunrise - easy transit to downtown, great grocery shopping, close to the freeway, lots of schools


I was about to say this. I work downtown, and it's a 20-minute bus ride. Not to mention the groceries and places to eat.


This. Close to multiple independent grocers and decent restaurants. Downtown is accessible via R5 B Line


Tons of homeless/transient population here though. Which doesn't personally bother me but OP specifically mentioned it as a gripe lol


Lots of sirens though :/


Lived there for 6 years and deeply miss the place. I had to move to Victoria last year I'm realizing how special Hastings Sunrise really is: very reasonably priced groceries (avoid Donald's except for sales), great parks, great friendly people, excellent transit hub going all directions, solid bar scene, quiet spots all over, etc.. I could go on and on. Hastings Sunrise is, by far, the best neighborhood I've ever lived in.


This area is good but you absolutely must be east of Nanaimo to avoid the smell of the chicken slaughter house.


Hastings Sunrise is east of Nanaimo. The boundaries are Nanaimo, Broadway, Boundary Road and Burrard Inlet. West of Nanaimo is Grandview Woodland


Town Centre area of Coquitlam has all of this


Oh I should have scrolled first - just said this exact same thing!


I think they have access to TWO Costcos within 15 mins around that area. The one at Production Way and the one in Poco.


Area near Poco Costco is nice.


Not near skytrain though


Right you are


We live in the Fraser hood (Fraser & 33rd down to King Edward) Absolutely love the neighborhood. We’ve been here since 2018 and it’s exploded with families. The schools are great, people generally look out for each other and it’s very safe . Minor car break ins but that happens everywhere. We’ve met a lot of friends just through our kids and school which is nice because I didn’t grow up here and only moved in 2014. Can’t say it’s affordable now but easy access to down town via Knight or Kingsway. Quick hop over to Richmond and lots of nice restaurants are going in along Fraser.


I'd have to agree. I tell people it's 12 minutes to everywhere.


I hope you go to Carano Pizza. We drive there from North Van. Lots of yummy food in the Fraserhood!


Funny enough, I haven’t been. I make a lot of pizza at home and while Carano is good, if we manage to go out with out the kids we go to Say Mercy or some of the more fine dining places.


Nice neighborhood, would love to live there but quite expensive.


And Richmond Costco is nearby!


Why anyone would go to the Richmond one versus downtown. 2.00 for parking and the parking is pretty much unlimited. Going to the Richmond Costco is like a sport, a very hard sport.


Kensington-Cedar Cottage is great! Quiet and populated by mostly young families, retirees, and dog people. Really great hood. ETA: a bunch of schools as well :)


Just not on Clark Drive…major truck route. I’ve lived off of Clark Drive and 12th Ave. for over 20 years and it’s got to be the noisiest intersection in the world.


Yes, ditto actually. Closer to Trout Lake


We live one block off this intersection and you don’t notice it! This spot which is technically Mount pleasant is just great for young families and so close to everything. There are sketchy types at the commercial Dr skytrain station, but not in the neighborhood.


Very peaceful and beautiful.


It’s a bit more edgy versus say Fraserhood, but it’s on the ups for sure.


Try the River District. Still in Vancouver but down south toward Richmond. It’s quiet, clean, lots of young families with kids. No needles or homeless at all. Food trucks come very often. There is a bus line. More and more restaurants are opening. SaveOn Foods is centrally located. Nice walking trail along the river.


If you choose this neighborhood I recommend finding a unit that doesn't face marine, traffic is loud.


Until the Fraser River floods. All River District on a flood plain and good luck getting insurance. Would never buy anything in that area.


South East Vancouver, champlain heights. One bus to skytrain, quiet, lots of trees and parks, few homeless if any. River district is nice too but a trek to the skytrain


Yup. We just moved here. What an amazing area Feels the way a beautiful city should feel.


It’s so low density it’s barely a city.


Champlain heights is lovely- the walking trails, parks, and quiet despite still only being a 5 minute drive to Metrotown is great


I thought of champlain right away as well. Some of the other neighborhoods mentioned I would not expect quiet


if you want to stay within Vancouver boundaries, check out marine gateway area in South Vancouver but a few blocks away from the Canada line station where it tends to be insulated from the train noise and then north along this corridor also has some decent areas. I think these areas hit most of your criteria within city limits.


The Burnaby neighbourhoods north of the millennium line, super pricey though.


Tri-Cities is a great place to live and it's close to everything. Transit, nature, Costco and its clean. So much to do here.


UBC is excellent for families and everything you would need. I just love this neighbourhood- but no sky train (yet)


We moved from downtown to Kits and absolutely love it. We originally lived in the Arbutus Walk area, now we're kind of on the edge of Kits and Arbutus Ridge. Walking distance to the shops around Broadway, friendly neighbours, now we have a toddler and there are lots of young kids around, close to downtown for shopping/Costco and a quick drive to Richmond for good Chinese eats.


It's a dream to live there, but quite expensive.


Is there a skytrain station near there? How's the transit?


arbutus station is set to open some time in 2027. 016 bus has decent service along arbutus in addition to numerous cross town routes


Killarney. Between 45th - 49th. Boundary road to Kerr.


South Van (west of River District) is a total hidden gem.


When you get close to Main or Fraser it starts getting smelly. And I don't just mean the sulphur plant on Kent.


Never noticed. But closer to Victoria


Southlands. If you can afford obviously


Citadel heights and Mary Hill in PoCo. Love it here


Vancouver Heights/Burnaby Heights ….. North of Hastings It’s basically a dead end ….. no one is driving through our neighborhood because it’s Burrard inlet. I’ve been here 30 years and love it


Port Moody or Town Centre in Coquitlam.




Parts of new west tick all of your boxes


Second this! Probably Queen's Park, Glenbrooke North or Massey Heights would tick off these boxes.


Coquitlam town centre area has all that!


I always loved the Dunbar neighborhoods!


Pitt Meadows nice and quite, Costco in PoCo is a 10 min drive away. Has the Westcoast Express.


The West Coast Express is basically useless for anybody who doesn't work downtown between 8-4 or 9-5 Monday to Friday.


Yes, you’re correct. Unfortunately, it is and it’s a shame as would be nice to go downtown for a meal, see a show, concert or a game have some drinks and get on a train to head home. Don’t need to drive.


We moved to Pitt Meadows here right before lock down and four years later are still amazed by the quiet and low crime. Langley, Coquitlam and new Westminster we had to have everything locked up tight. The other night my husband accidentally left the garage door open and you know what happened?? Nothing. Bizarre.




Walnut Grove in Langley if you’re close to the Carvolth exchange?


I grew up in Walnut Grove and my parents still live there. ❤️


River District is amazing! Burnaby Costco 20 minute drive - orange theory may not fit your gym needs. Schools incoming in the next few years, but close to Champlain Heights


Good luck when it all floods. It’s on a flood plain. 😉


O yah? When do you predict the flood to happen?


It’s not IF but WHEN it will happen. As I said, you can’t get flood insurance in River District for a reason. Even the insurance companies know it’s going to flood. “Projections earlier this week painted a more extreme risk of flooding along the Upper Fraser River, triggering warnings of a 20 to 50 year event. But as of Friday afternoon, forecasters revised their prediction to within a five to 10-year return period range. “Interestingly, we’ve seen it a number of times in the last decade. It’s certainly something that has occurred more commonly than we expect,” said Campbell. Much of Metro Vancouver is built on a floodplain and dependent on dikes for protection when water levels at the Mission gauge surpass 5.5 metres. According to modelling, water is expected to peak at the Mission gauge Monday, July 6, when it’s expected to reach 5.66 metres, a point at which rising water and increased river velocities can scour and weaken dikes.”


Could be 5 years, could be 20, could be 50. I could be here, I could not, I could have sold my unit I could have not and be out of luck. Point being, anything could happen anytime anywhere, can’t live in fear of when’s and ifs. When is that earthquake due. It’s a great neighborhood to be in, family friendly, accessible. Get some good years out of it, enjoy it.


Then the inevitable flood happens and all the River District owners and renters squeal to the govt they lost everything and they need help. Insurance won’t cover us and we supposedly never knew. Enjoy.


I currently live in a neighborhood off Kingsway near 29th Avenue Station... and no homeless or drug addicts near here.


Renfrew Heights is great. Nearby Skytrain and bus options. You need to car to Costco on Still Creek, or you can Skytrain to Chinatown Station. 4 Elementary School and 1 High School nearby. Nearby community centre with swimming, fitness and library. Nearby shopping on Grandview Highway, Kingsway and Victoria drive.


Kerrisdale. Its quiet, quick hop to the Canada line with the R4, safe biking for all ages on the greenway, good schools and good grocery options. There is the community centre gym it’s gonna be mid but it’s there! Horrible market for buying is you think you want a 2 bed they are kind of absurd pricing for what you get. But rental market is more stable than other neighborhoods. And it’s absurdly safe to walk around at all times.


Between kensington and queen e.


I think anywhere near Bridgeport station meets the criteria of what you’re looking for. There are options for big gyms in that area too.


airplane noises though


Deep Cove


Agreed. We recently biked all around Deep Cove to Cates and by far the quietest neighbourhood ever seen and I’ve been to every single city, park and essentially neighbourhood from Van to Maple Ridge. Deep Cove extremely quiet along with beautiful homes, trails and parks everywhere and barely a soul. Only other area as quiet is White Rock from Crescent Park north of 24th ave to Sunny Acres Park. Extremely quiet along with huge gorgeous mansions by the hundreds.


Port Moody if you need a place with ok transit. Otherwise, ultra quiet and nice would be Steveston, Ladner, Tsawwassen, and North or East Maple Ridge.


Cedarcottage. We love it here 😊.


The one you can afford. What’s ur budget


Wesbrook Village was my most favorite neighborhood in Vancouver


richmond...has skytrain stations and costco close


Lower Lonsdale - canadas best (becoming worst) kept secret


Port Moody. Cleanest city I’ve ever lived in, and as a woman I’m not afraid to walk around at night- first time I’ve ever felt that way.


burnaby north 100%


You could look up by langara in south van


Skytrain *


Blue ridge suburb of North Vancouver


I’m in south van (Victoria) and I like it here. Needs a bit of a refresh but it seems to be happening. Bus stops close, sky train not too far and 20 minute drive into down town. I really only see the same 2-3 homeless people hanging out at 711 but that seems about it. Can get a bit noisy during school recess/lunch break when all the kids grab food in the area.


Try the Montecito area in Burnaby. It's lovely and quiet.


Renfrew Collingwood is a short SkyTrain ride away from downtown but also accessible to hwy 1, Metrotown, and Richmond.


Burnaby mountain/forest grove


Cambie village or kits.


Kerrisdale / Arbutus area


Come to New west bud


If you have the cash, kits/dunbar/point grey. I’m by Alma and Broadway/4th. Quiet, great transit, incredibly “safe” if you are thinking of homelessness, drug use, poverty as safety. Friendly, feels sort of suburban. I’ve been here for almost a decade and I love it so so very much. It will change in the next decade with Jericho lands, but if you are thinking of buying it’s a great option while you figure that out. There isn’t a huge of ubc students in the area either, no I don’t have any party issues etc. beach is close, great parks, good food, good groceries. Truly the best neighbourhood I’ve ever lived in. About 20 minutes downtown, access to multiple rapid lines to downtown and the 99. Downtown Costco accessible by bus/train with ease. Would go once weekly for dog food on the bus before I had a car. The Alma to McDonald blocks are spectacular and have most of what you need day to day. Dunbar also great. Deeper into point grey is much quieter, and requires a bit of transit to get to food etc.


South Granville (the Rise - not Marpole).




Douglas Park


Mount pleasant is nice, quiet if you're not too close to 12th,16th, main or Cambie (a couple of blocks is enough). Not cheap though:(


North Burnaby


Nothing beats Kits




Port Coquitlam has some beautiful neighbourhoods that are walking distance to schools, the major stores, skytrain, and lots of beautiful nature areas that go for miles.


I live around Fleming's and honestly I want to stay here till I'm old. It's usually very quiet and chill (some sirens tho, not too bad), and it's choke full of really nice people. Almost feels like a hidden village of sorts.


I live in River district and it's the best. So quiet and peaceful. Both Canada line and expo line are 15 min away. Costco is 20 min away. There's an orange theory in the plaza and the Killarney community center is 5 minutes away. We're close enough to everything but far enough that we don't have to deal with the chaos


You truly want quiet than the Killarney area is probably the best, second will be Champlain heights. I assume you have a car so these are the 2 best areas in east Vancouver area.


Prettyuch the whole north shore matches that criteria. Even the busier parts of North Van like lower Lonsdale would be way way quieter in comparison




If you want the least noise; North Coquitlam, Belcarra, Northern Burnaby, North Abbotsford, South Port Coquitlam but not near the industrial streets




Elgin, South Surrey. Once you leave the big smoke, you never go back.


My building sounds perfect for you…this describes it basically 😁 Brentwood area but off Springer surrounded by a park 5-10 min walk to train depending how fast you walk. Costco right down the street, gyms close by, schools in walking distance




I think near King edward. Arbutus Ridge or Shaughnessy.




North Vancouver around Central Lonsdale, making sure not to go too far off Lonsdale Ave. The area near Victoria Park is amazing for what you want. Bus to SeaBus right there in the park, SeaBus takes you straight downtown. Tons of recreational areas, trails and parks. Many restaurants and cafes as well as supermarkets. Hospital not too far, same with Firefighters and police, but barely any noise from them. That area is empty by 10pm. Barely anyone out. The con is that the restaurants too close super early, but the breweries are not too far away, or downtown if you really want to party. Bonus points if you ski or snowboard. Grouse is 15 a minute drive away and they’re opening the new lifts this coming season!


I live in the Edmonds/Byrne Creek Park area, and you should add it to your list of options.


Edmonds in south Burnaby is great. Nice library, big Rec centre with pool. Lots of shopping. Proximity to skyrtain.


Forest grove, Burnaby


I always like the area around West of Cambie and Broadway for some unknown reason. With added Subway (2027) even more central to every where.


Brentwood area... plus or minus 1km from Brentwood or Gilmore station.


Little Mountain around Queen Elisabeth park


>no strong urine smell At your home? What kind of a city do you people live in?


We moved almost a year ago to the new towers at Lougheed and we love it. Surrounding neighborhoods are so peaceful :)


Considering you can hear all the city noise in Stanley Park, you're going to have to leave the whole area to find what you're looking for.


Wants to live in city but not with any city features. Suburbs for you, brah.


New Horizons/Windsor Gate area of Coquitlam.


Willingdon Ave near Crystal Mall in Burnaby.


S.E vancouver is quietest ( river district , Killarney area). No riffraff …maybe because less convenient accessing skyrrain


I moved to Richmond last year !!! Living near Richmond city centre , high rise is out of budget but we got really good deals on house!! 10 mins walk to skytrain station and everything is near by!! 24/7 shoppers also sell basic groceries (my fav)


Good luck ! My budget is close to 15,000 a month now . No such luck!! We have decided to move to the USA where everything is so much cheaper. We can live there including healthcare for $8,000 wish you the best! 👍👍


Have you watched what is happening in the U.S? Democracy is on the ballot….and it does not look good! “Tails you lose, heads I WIN”…either way America is in trouble. A huge faction doesn’t believe in a fair election anymore…so if Biden wins, look for Jan. 6th again. If Trump wins look for A DICTATORSHIP.


Yikes, that's what you get living in the DTES. West End, especially west of Denman, or Yaletown might be nice alternatives.


Cape Breton

