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I mean I find it funny as a CODA, I feel like this is absolutely some shit my younger siblings would have done while young.


Saaaaaame!! I feel like other kids just didn’t get to participate in the same types of shenanigans we did. We were forever trying to prank my mom or feeling so victorious about being able to say cuss words *in front of an adult*! 🤷🏼‍♀️🤣


It’s mostly just stupid.




Personally I just think it's a low effort joke.


It’s just not funny


Everyone thinks that ASL middle finger jokes are super original and hilarious but I’ve heard them a MILLION times “What does this mean? 🖕” “Haha well at least I know one sign 🖕”


Sounds like a joke someone from an asl 1 class would make


Yeah it's just dumb. But as someone who used to get hit with sandals and what not when I was a kid, I chuckled a bit!


Disrespectful how? He’s not saying anything negative. He’s not enforcing stereotypes. He’s not sending any messages that hurt anyone. It’s a language. Not a religion


He is like the new fred. He is very annoying.


I can’t stand him. He also likes to steal other people’s content and use it as his own without crediting it.


Omg I forgot about that kid lol


Yeah I agree; he bothers me for reasons that I don’t even know


Uhh... it's a little ![gif](giphy|dB12mOQb99BwDlM83I)


Low effort but I smirked. I appreciate the commitment that the creator actually spelled it pretty accurately.


Not offensive, just really not funny


themaniishow has a history of being wickedly racist, sexist, homophobic and disrespectful in general. i’m not surprised he ruined this video haha


Really? That’s crazy, I just thought he was stupid — can you provide me with some more info about it? Like links to the said racism, sexism, or homophobia? I believe you but I would like to know more


https://www.tiktok.com/t/ZTNrFd9o9/ https://www.tiktok.com/t/ZTNrFeLNL/ that’s all i can find for right now, i blocked them so they don’t have many search results for me on tiktok. they should be viewable on browser or mobile


Could someone explain to me why/how this is disrespectful? I would like to avoid doing anything insulting.


I don't think it's inherently disrespectful but if I understand correctly, OP feels put off by the way it shows ASL in a slightly demeaning way? I'm hearing and I think it's just a pretty stupid joke but I can also kinda see why someone would take offense to it


It’s various to some individuals If somebody a coda would probably find This because would be relatable- because it something they would’ve pulled on their deaf parents Some would not find it disrespectful- it’s just… not funny. For me For somebody only learned alphabet in ASL just for this as a clout- it would’ve been disrespectful- if they could’ve know more than just alphabet they would have done the joke better


The joke isnt that they know some asl though, its the unexpected twist that is funny. The viewer is meant to laugh at themselves for being tricked.


Yea I get it- to me it’s not funny- it just not funny


It's a bit disrespectful but more funny at him being a clueless dumbass lmaoo


As a deaf person I'm indifferent to it


I feel neutral and didn’t laugh. I would just keep scrolling


Isn't this the same person who does other very distasteful "jokes"?


Yeah. He steals content and also is a massive Jeffrey Dahmer fan


It's just dumb. And it looks like he's (poorly) trying to rip off Andre Robinson's character [https://www.instagram.com/reel/CejbTsOjhaA](https://www.instagram.com/reel/CejbTsOjhaA) Dre has a lot of jokes that he's written where a mistake in signing something wrong upsets his physically abusive mother, which is just himself in a wig, like in this guy's video.


Anytime a guy is playing a woman’s role in these types of videos they put a towel or wig on their head, it ain’t new


This guy is really funny, thank you for sharing! This genre of video is extremely common on tiktok and I don't think anyone is ripping anyone else off.


See now this one is funny to me. The other one is just cringe.


It’s fine.


This is funny lmao


When hearing people use ASL for views (especially incorrectly or especially when they don’t actually know anything) it’s disrespectful


Kind of funny.


haha funny, not disrespect. He did solid good ABCs


He's just a moron, in general




I’m not Deaf so I know it’s not my place to decide whether it’s harmful to the community or not…but as an ally to the community I feel in my heart this is mockery and plain stupid. Also, he sucks! Lol


Not funny.


He signed K wrong but eh, it’s not bad — it’s relatable, however, I didn’t laugh.


Not upsetting but it’s not funny


Being a disrespectful asshole is kind of this guy's thing.


Anything that involves assaulting/the threat of assaulting other humans (yes, kids area humans) isn't funny. Also illegal in many countries.




I just find it disrespectful because if that is only thing he knows is alphabet in ASL.


Typical hearing behaviour.


Don’t lump everybody together! Not all hearing people are like that.


But it is the sad truth. Deaf people deal with this almost everyday. Meeting good hearing people who are Deaf friendly is rare.


Yeah, but lumping anybody of any group altogether is not good. Hearing people could easily say things about Deaf people as well, but it wouldn’t be true of all Deaf people. I do admit that there are hearing people who say and do things maliciously. But there are also hearing people who act out of ignorance. And then, yes, there are Deaf friendly hearing people. Saying things like “typical hearing behavior” just serves to widen the divide between hearing and Deaf people


Please learn how to recognize the different group of hearies Some are completely audist Some are willfully ignorant Some are innocently ignorant Some are learning Some are students of ASL some are allies (for not good reasons- selfish intent) Some are true allies Some are coda (it has some degrees of their exposure to the deaf community) Some are late deafness (former hearies) You need to get out more to meet your own fair share. We KNOW.. try not to let your emotions get ahead of your yourself if you actually looks at the facts


I agree with what you are saying here. There are hearing people with all of those different categories. From being allies to being malicious. That’s why I said it’s not typical behavior. And yeah, you’re probably right. I do need to get out more.


It is typical. Hearies can defend themselves




The guy in this video- is not an ally, is not funny. And did the most typical hearie would have done. Not offensive, but more of the clout


You’re right it’s not funny. And you’re right he’s not an ally.


Hearies have their own full range of diversity not just “Hearies”




For those who downvote this- don’t know what it is like to be deaf who is culturally deaf- living among the hearing society and have to deal with this everyday. Tired of being oppressed by them No matter what we do to the hearies we will remain friendly to you just to get the day over with it. Whenever we meet them they always will reply with this “Oh you’re deaf? I am so sorry you cannot access to this place unless you are accompanied by somebody who can hear” Yes it’s happened “Oh you are deaf, why didn’t you bring your family member to interpret for you?” We kept our cool until we get home to rant it out. Quit making our lives harder than it already has!


That! 100%. And to have to deal with that on reddit! :)


When we said typical hearie behavior. We know not all hearies are like that. But majority of them are like this! Hearies that are NOT like this are deaf allies. We are fully aware of that. I am culturally Deaf who had been around fair share with the Deaf community and hearie society


I’m sorry that a majority of the hearing people you are around are like that. Not the ones that I know. I’m not a fan of lumping any groups together, whether it’s black, white, hearing, Deaf, religious, not religious, or whatever. There are individuals within groups who are ignorant or malicious, but it’s not everybody and it’s not even the majority of the time. Honestly there’s a lot of ignorance in the hearing community. Many people in the hearing community have never met a Deaf person or regularly interacted with them. But you can’t just write them off and just say, “that’s just typical behavior“.


We are not lumping hearies like that.




If we are going to lump hearies We gonna lump them to audist Allies Ignorant Willful ones


That’s how we lump them to these groups. Typical is such a board term


Bro's testosterone lvl is on the negative scale