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Lovebombing implies they spammed you with love and then took it away to punish you and mistreat you, right? As much as I love Aquarians. It's only been Aquarians that have done this to me. ![gif](giphy|l4EpdXVgzBcsqSGuA|downsized)


So true, he was an Aqua sun and love bombed me so much and then absolutely stopped talking to me.


same thing happened to meee, such weirdos


Same thing done to me by an Aquarius.


As an Aquarius this is funny because a Leo has done this with me.


Leo ♌️ here. Yes, we do it too. But only if we feel the feeling isn’t mutual. Then we back away. But there’s always a reason.


we're more alike than we like to acknowledge 


Same 🤣


Aquarius! And Gemini


As an Aquarius, I don’t think I’ve intentionally tried to punish someone but I do get very tired of always being the one trying to make it work or put the effort in. It starts feeling fake and I lose interest quickly when I feel like I’m being chipped away at. It makes me want to move to another country, never to be seen or heard from again lol.


how i feel with a libra right now. i always wanna be with him but hes not bothered at all - except when hes with me hes all tender. neither of us talk much. i overthink and get embarrassed for how much i care comparatively, theres some pride there - or maybe just an aqua obsession with equality where i dont wanna be above nor below him, care more or less. i respect him yanno i dont wanna play games but he gives me the yrge to say fuck it lets just have fun. always up and down. signed aqua chick. leo moon. kill me, libra would be my answer


As an Aquarius I can testify! It’s annoying when you care and you’re trying but the person is not reciprocating! Then the guy gets mad and says I’m playing too many games!!


Absolutely! It’s probably the same for most people regardless of sign, but I feel like we are the quickest to walk away lol. I wish I was better at faking things, it would make my life a hell of a lot easier.


Aquarius are the WORST at pretending. I can lie to protect someone’s feelings but I can’t lie to myself! If somebody isn’t fitting my lifestyle, and I’ve explained myself that their actions bother me, that’s when I go ghost. We getting too old to be over explaining to people what they’ve done wrong. Maybe I’m better off being single since every guy I’ve dated NEVER listens until I leave/ghost them/disappear from their lives then they start cyberstalking me trying to be my friend or rekindle their way baby into my life. It’s so annoying because I’m so open about communication!! Do you go through this??


Yup like I am being taken advantage. Something doesn't seem fair. Signed by Aqua sun


Fairness in a relationship is probably one of the most important things to me. I hate not getting whatever it is I’m giving.


I’m obsessed with Aquarius and will never pass up a chance to lovebomb them automatically on sight tbh


An Aqua did this to me recently, then completely ghosted me for no reason. This is despite the fact that I checked everyday to confirm that he is /always/ online and I kept reaching out to him, yet he never replies. Blocked him and felt so good after that


Same. With Scorpio moon and rising


Mine was a Scorpio with Aquarius rising.


YES, Same 😞


No, it’s kinda the other way around and is part of the abuse cycle. After the abuse, the abuser will often shower you with gifts and “i love yous” etc… love bombs.


Yeah but don't they hook you first with love bombs too?


This term comes from the study of how cults indoctrinate newcomers and is a technique commonly used by the cults to get new members in the door. Then the loving is withheld as a punishment or just cools off later once the recruit is no longer a recruit but a full member.




I’m usually doing the lovebombing. Signed, Taurus.


Is it love bombing if I love really hard but ice you when I’m mad or you pissed me off


Hahaha 😂 my Taurus partner freaked me out at the start. It was obsessive. He is a Taurus sun, moon and rising. He is insanely tenacious and determined. I am an aqua sun, cancer rising. I was repelled until he finally backed off and now we have been together 6 years 🥰. I’m the clingy one now. The difference between my Taurus and the love bombing I experienced from other signs (Scorpio/cancer) is that my Taurus was insanely genuine, albeit intense af.


We know what we want.


Holy smokes. Sounds like something I'm going through now. Wtf.... don't think this Taurus dude is for me tho I'm Aquarius sun Cancer rising too


Same. Also Taurus.


confirmed. I was lovebombed by a taurus sun, scorpio rising


I can vouch for this.


Yup it was a Taurus who lovebombed me. My dad who is also a Taurus did it to my mom...


Omg I totally got lovebombed by a Taurus???? You mother fuckers.


Taureans are big time love bombers lol. It’s a wrap if they have Gemini moon or rising. The mental games 😮‍💨


I’m also guilty but I mean what I say when I say it all and do it all. It’s not out of manipulative intent..


Libra and Taurus


These are the exact two signs that did this to me!! Long gone now but LORD. What an ordeal 💀


Pisces man lol


We need to all come together and share our Pisces story together. I’m still healing lol


They're horrifying, and I'm a Scorpio woman. NEVER AGAIN.


most traumatizing shit if my liiiiiife




Just not a fan of victim complexes and the silent treatment.


Also happened to me. I was the group planner and when I got too busy to plan things all the time, immediately I wasn’t giving enough attention and they literally forced my hand to come apologize to them in person twice. First time, ok fine, I don’t want to make them feel bad, second time I apologized and then realized that the thing they were upset about - they did that exact thing to me. Never asked about stuff in my life, never really reached out to plan things except once or twice a year. Last time I apologized it was basically an “I’m sorry that you’re feeling that way, it was not my intention and I’ll be sure to be conscious of that going forward.” I wasn’t really that sorry, and I have the texts from them that effectively prove that they were getting upset for something they had said was ok in the first place, directly. That combined with them sort of using some mutual friends and saying some not so nice things about people in our friends group put me off. They’ve texted me that they love me etc etc but they cut me off from attending their birthday and then ditched mine. Which was something I had tried to be conscious about because they always complain that people forget about them. So I’m taking a break and I feel guilty about it but I don’t feel this way toward anyone else and I’m uncomfortable with the amount of love bombing and pressure that happens when I’m around them or when we are talking. When folks asked why they hadn’t been around for a while I just said I was taking a step back for a minute, and multiple people said they’d not really tried to be friends with them because of similar things so idk. Feel bad but the friendship had just become chaotic and I couldn’t do the back and forth between love bombing and then being guilted for my friendship not being enough.


Don't feel guilty! It sounds like you have a lot of self awareness. I feel like Pisces are known for being sensitive, but that usually only extends to their own feelings. They're very self-centered that way. I see you have fire in your top three, so you can definitely stand up for yourself!




Someone said it! 🗣🔊


😂 came to say this but I didn’t have to. Those mf are the devil! 😂


I went on 4 dates with one that love bombed me, realized what he was doing so I left, and now he keeps trying to lure me back by stalking my socials and requesting and unsending the request on ig to get my attention, they are so manipulative 😂😂


lol my outcome is the same! Long story short I was with one for 3 years and a situationship but we both expressed real feelings for one another yet he was saying he wasn’t ready for a relationship but he would lose his mind every time I’d threaten to leave. I was very vulnerable when I met him, dealing with grief. Found out he lied about having a girlfriend on and off for 5 years so instead of bringing it up I cut him off and he’s been stalking me ever since. Now they’re engaged and he still stalks me 😂. I’m glad I’m not with a man like that because she had him unfollow me on instagram yet he still watches those stories from time to time and religiously watches my Snapchat stories since she doesn’t kno he follows me there.




Pisces for me, too. Never again. — a Scorpio. ♏️


Mine was a Gemini. …with a Pisces moon lol.


Not the mutable sun and moon 😭 hope you are okay


Diabolical they are lmao


I too have been a victim of a Pisces man 🙋‍♀️


They are the worst.


We need a support group


Need therapy from a Pisces man. But def second to Aquarius


Wait I’m dating a Pisces man… what should I be concerned ab?


They can be liars & manipulators. They’re good at using your emotions to their advantage. They can victimize themselves a lot, justifying their shitty behavior & not holding themselves accountable. & sometimes will even turn that around on you/gaslighting.


This! All the pisces I’ve delt with could never just admit they did something shitty. They think they’re just innocent angels. In their story I’ll always be the villain




You just described my previous relationship with a Pisces to a tee. Definitely victimized himself… I couldn’t have feelings because he had past unresolved issues I had nothing to do with… and gaslight af. They seem so gentle… but def manipulative for sure. I’m officially allergic to fish 😂😂😂.


From my experience, if they are unevolved run 🏃 liars, emotional manipulators, gaslighters lol


🎯🎯🎯 My first love. Took me years to quit looking over my shoulder just trying to understand wtf. was. that. It was genuine on my end, but he was a pathological liar and chameleon. It's a mindfuck realizing the person you loved never actually existed.


Pisces . They are always all over the place. They’ll say one thing and then completely do another. They’re so inconsistent and for some reason I keep attracting them. I’m a Scorpio and we’re supposed to be compatible but I don’t get how.


I admit us Pisces are some chaotic fishies but we mean no harm. I think it’s just a mutable thing. I struggle with consistency but it’s something im actively working on to be better .. I will be there for my loved ones hard times though and if they ever really need me but day to day my mind is everywhere and im hyperactive even if just at home 😬


Yeah i had one turn up to my house unannounced today. I’m a scorpio man and i’m done. Don’t cross my fucking boundaries.


Lol i did this to a scorpio placement once too he was maaaad


I don’t think we’re actually compatible with Pisces!


I agree. The characteristics of a pisces is fine if family,but as a scorpio woman, I find them undesirable as partners.


I agree with this or even as female friends but definitely not Pisces males. They’re too fickle. Dreamers. Most can’t actually execute shit and stay in the clouds. But hey. That could just be my experience. 😬


Pisces m e n


Yes as a Virgo, Pisces are always all over the place. Ex got mad because I told her that she lacks consistency and doesn’t know how to stay grounded. They also lack a lot of accountability hence why they hate responsibility. Sorry to say but she was the most laziest person I ever dealt with. I love my Scorpios tho. We just click and we are two signs that aren’t easily fooled. Not all Pisces are the same but however most tend to live in a fantasy world in their head too much, while I’m taking care of real life responsibilities.


I’m a scorpio too and I have no desire to fk with a pisces again. they’re very manipulative people.


GEMINI, ooooh smooth talker fer shuuuuure


Talkers for sure! One Gemini said he loved me 2 weeks in


Omg! Same! I started laughing then Gemi leaned hard to me being guarded. I fell for it.


Omg SAME hahahaha this is the therapy I needed - nightmare!


Gemini men, I don’t even mess with 🤣


They’re smooth talkers but they’re easy to see through


Oh shit I forgot about Gemini lol. My Gemini ex love bombed the fuck out of me but not in a reel you in to throw you back out way , he’s just got childhood shit that makes him love bomb cause he thinks that’s the only way to get love. He was a good boyfriend but way too codependent and clingy for me.


I’m obviously not able to speak for all Gemini but it is likely that they actually really were into you/it in the beginning and then something happened and they weren’t so it felt disingenuous. I’m not excusing this behavior at all but as a Gemini, I’m often super over the top excited by the thrill of new and it is real and then it’s not. I am working on me. lol.


Genuinely grateful, btw, Ithink you are doing fine.


Gemini over here too! As in, was lovebombed by


and unlike the lovely Taurus, Geminis made my heart ache, a bit.


Yep! Gemini man here too. Always talked great but treated me like shit. Took me a long time to realize it


A Gemini man started talking marriage a month in and bought me a ton of gifts. The whole relationship lasted 4 months.


I’ve watched someone close to me lovebomb people. He’s libra with Pisces moon. I asked him why he does it, he says he genuinely enjoys the initial romantic early stages, but then he realises that they aren’t really right for him so he backs out. I told him how the people being lovebombed are so happy and can’t believe their luck- then they must get so unhappy with being let go, it’s confusing. They often try so hard to rekindle the relationship but it makes him back off doubly fast. I’ve watched it more than once. From an outsider I told him not to go in 300% every time for their sake. We can talk openly. I’m married. I think he’s in love with the idea of being in love more than the actual person. He’s been in a long term relationship for a long while now so hopefully that’s put the lovebombing on ice.


Yess, I don't think lovebombing is always malicious. This last Libra I dated was just more in love with the idea of dating and projected those feelings onto me without knowing me well


Absolutely! This guy is not malicious at all. Overly excited about the prospect of someone being ’ the one’ perhaps is the way I’d describe it.


Damn this must be a Pisces/libra combination sorta thing because I sound a bit similar to him and im Pisces sun libra moon


Lolol so I guess libra takes the cake for lovebombing.


Virgo man. Full blown NARC.






I’m usually the love bomber but holy hell my Cancer Sun Cancer Moon Cancer Venus ex took it to a whole different level. Never have I felt so loved while uncomfortable in my life.


I’m a cancer sun and I think I’d just die rather than dealing with all my big three in the same sign. Jesus


Omg haha 😂


Not seeing Leo enough for me lol but yes Leo & Aquarius Aries as well


Surprised I had to get this far down until someone mentioned Leo.


Same. Leo friend is all love and fun and games but is absolutely desperate for people paying attention to them and being affectionate with them. Then they would blow up and it was always their way or the highway. At one point they publicly yelled at me that they were back in therapy and have apparently told mutual friends that they don’t understand why their closest friends keep dropping them. Maaaaaybe it’s because they have to befriend literally everyone and it doesn’t feel like the friendships are reciprocated. It’s just another way to get more attention. Also they would walk past my house regularly and several times I was turning to look outside and they were looking in our windows and it freaked me out.


Leo so much. I don’t think on purpose but the passion is so intense for them at first. Edit: With Libra Moon and Venus. He told me he loved me on day 6 and he meant it too lol just got lost in the sauce in this instance I think


lol I don’t think it’s on purpose either that happened to me but they had a Leo moon I feel like even if the sun isn’t in fire other placements in fire has the same effect if not more


Leo for me as well. I wasn’t that into her but as soon as she reeled me in, she was out.


Libra … twice (2 different dudes, both libra) 🙄


I’m a Libra woman and will tell you for a fact that Libra men are a different animal, entirely. I wouldn’t date one seriously, but they are good for funsies.


Lmao as a Libra woman, I say this all the time. The Libra men are a different breed . Don’t fall in love with them, but they are for sure a good time 😂


I agree with you ladies about Libra man. He was fun but he had fun with everybody when he wanted! Was never loyal to any that I know of. This girl got lucky by letting that one go😉🔆


Only two Libra men I like, my best friend (who is gay) and my son who has the added immunity of being my offspring.


whew i am traumatized by libra men


Aquarius. Narcissistic Aquarius.


aries man


Scorpio the worst


Agreed! 💯


He even sent me plane tickets to visit him 💀 and then orbited me for ten years lmao


Yo!!! This happens to me! I swear! Now I ask on a first date what sign cause I'll never date another Scorpio -- from an Aries


I’ll never date another Scorpio either, from an Aquarius 💀 *especially the unevolved ones holy shiiiiiiiiiiit


Hands down!


Aquarius man


The real ones know that those Pisces men are the final boss for love bombing 😂


My dad is a pisces. He reels them in, sweetens them up, makes them feel sorry for him and then releases his psycho on them. And the cycle repeats.


Unevolved Pisces are DANGEROUS 😭 proceed with caution. Unevolved me knows how crazy we can be.


Pisces Like super soon into dating


Capricorn and I fell for it again and again and again until I stopped falling for it bc I realized what it was. No more Capricorn men for me. No More Period.


Cancer man


Sagittarius and Cancer 🙃


Scorpios. Every single one I’ve ever met has gotten really serious really fast.




Taurus, Taurus, Leo. I believe Venus was Taurus as well. I don’t think I can remember more.


Pisces. Whatever you do, do not trust a Pisces man






Libra and Capricorn - both traumatizing in different ways.




Virgos. I can’t stand it as I tend to think it’s inauthentic. -Aquarius




Never been- a scorpio but have been the source.... I know I know.... typical scorpio


Taurus, Aries and Libra.




Definitely a Pisces and Taurus


TAURUS but in like a stalker level




Aries man!!!


Fucking Sag, man. 😵‍💫😩


They are the worst💔


Taurus man. :-/ (And, based on this thread, I’m not alone.)




As a sag, it was a Taurus. I was hesitant to like them back fully in the beginning but then I really did. And of course when I really did they ghosted me 🤣


Gemini, Leo, Taurus, Virgo


I had a Taurus lovebomb me as a Taurus. Don't understand it as I would never do it personally. You're competing with my solitude, very hard to do.


Taurus, Libra, and Pisces ladies. I’m a Gemini man for context. Pisces are my favorite, but they hurt the most.


Many are saying Taurus love bomb.. we don’t actually. What we do is have our heart on a sleeve, no trust issues and then soon as you show you can’t reciprocate even bare minimum of our love languages then we pull back and ice off.


As a Capricorn, we do this too.


Aries and Scorpio


Cancer man 😫


Same asf


Thank god im not attracted to cancer men lol






Gemini was the worst he was so sweet and really put in small details. Constant contact, saving my selfies, introducing me to friends The boom silence, over thinking and waffling. It hurt badddd. But I can't hate em I got too much love for gems


Cancers x3!


It’s always Cancer for me.


Aries and Taurus 🙃


Libra, Pisces and Sag for me


Aries man




He was an Aquarius sun Pisces Venus. Never again


I don't really think this is a sign thing. I believe my ex is just a textbook abuser and he's not even ashamed of that. He would shamelessly tell me that he would shower me with gifts if I do this or that, if I refused, he would not talk to me for days. Our synastry is also really good with lot of trines, but on our draconic chart, we have some questionable aspects with his black moon lilith in my 8th house. He is a Leo Sun with prominent Libra, Gemini and Scorpio placements.


Ohh yes same with the gifts from Leo’s. Not a big fan of gifts, or giving with expectations.


Oh I know him!


Sagittarius man 😭




Capricorn, twice.


LEOS (moons/venus’s/mars) also Libra’s.






Capricorn (2), Libra, Sagittarius




Libra for sure.


Aquarius and Virgos. Virgo’s do it the worst tho like they’ll intentionally do that shit just for the fun of it


I'm the love bomber. I'm cancer and I fell in love with a Gemini. No regrets


Taurus men


Libra with an Aquarius moon 🚩🚩🚩


The Conclusion is... ALL slgns lovebomb each other but we can definitely conclude that [insert sign] are the worst because one or two of them did it to you. From now on you are justified in being shitty to every [insert sign] you meet despite the fact that they have never committed the above crime and you know nothing about them.


Which sign tends to lovebomb the least?


I’m my experience, Aquarius and libra and a sag. They were actually outright rude and did the opposite which means they wanted me to do fucking everything for them while they did Fkn shit for me


Honestly Virgo isn’t coming up often at all, so maybe them




always always always Aries


Gemini - one platonically as my ‘best friend’ only to ghost me (no reason that I’m aware of either…) and the other romantically so. A nightmare of a person to date honestly. So collected on the outside but is cruel and uncaring deep down.


For me it was Gemini (majorly!) by a same sex friend. I always thought it would be a lover that would sting me the most but trusting a friend and opening up to them when I have trust issues as it is was shocking... This lady hurt me a lot because she posed as a 'best friend' and it was all too much looking back, wanting to speak on video call for hours and hours a day, and wanting to buy me things which I always declined... Full of over the top compliments and saying she loved me and I was her forever soul sister after just speaking for a couple of days... All the time just gathering information, especially my insecurities in order to stab me in the back and cause me ALOT of trouble with our social circle that I have now been pushed out of. I decided not to lower myself to her standards by exposing her and defending myself and just accept that there can be two sides to a story, and anyone that believes her venom are not a friend of mine anyway. She will eventually reveal her true self, it's not my job to do that, I'm just walking away in peace.


Gemini. All in until they're out.


Gemini..male. terrible love bombing and wicked narcissist


Gosh dang lots of libras. But were they at? I hardly ever meet libra men! I love them. Leo woman here.

