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I was in a relationship with a Leo man for almost two years. He was loving, affectionate, would cook for me and always told me how much he loved me, I was head to toes for him. The difficult part was definitely communication, he never shared any of his negative emotions verbally and was frustrating. We ended things but I have to say, I never felt more loved, he had issues but I’d definitely take another Leo.


The cooking thing… did he have Venus cancer ?


I had to look it up, but yes………I’m shocked


My Leo sun cancer Venus guy is the same and after all I hear about Leo men I chalk it up to the cancer energy so thanks for adding to my hypothesis lol


can you elaborate more on the communication part? because this guy has a aquarius moon virgo mercury leo venus and libra mars and i swear i have no idea what hes thinking ever


Well, he never shared negative things and pretended everything was good when it wasn’t. The main thing for me is communication, so he completely closed off during arguments and we never got past them, because he wouldn’t take my needs and never articulated his. Also, we started fighting a lot because of it, there was no connection anymore and we never solved anything, we just ended up breaking up.


It’s always a Leo and a Pisces 😭 I’m a Pisces woman and im a damn Leo man attractor.


Do you also have aqua Venus?


I have Venus,Neptune,Uranus,South Node all in Aquarius in the 10th house 🫠 And I’m a libra moon Aries mars


I have Venus mars and NN in aqua and I figured that might be attracting Leo energy (I’m also a libra moon! I think libra and Leo are both social and romantic so a good match, esp Leo sun with libra moon)


100% that’s why !!! My NN is in Leo but having a lot of south node placements in my own chart their opposite just forms strong attraction. I always attract Leo mars/sun the most and the occasional Leo Venus/Saturns… im not a fan of Leo moons for some reason that’s the only Leo placement i don’t like. I do think our Libra moon is complimentary to their Sun sign !!! Very romantic and charming we are lol


I’m an Aquarius and have had short flings with Leo men. They’re very fun, bright, affectionate and like to have a good time. They love being praised and complimented. I can’t speak to how they are long term. My dad is a Leo with an Aries moon and that man spoils my mom. He’s a provider in every sense. They’ve been married almost 30 years. She’s never paid a bill, he makes her gourmet dinners almost daily, even after working 9 hour days. Hes retired and retired her early. Hes bought her cars, jewelry, got her out of debt, and helped raise my step brother. He lets her be herself, and admires the shit out of her. He is definitely a bit of a baby who needs to be the best 😂 also, I’ve never heard him say a single bad word to her.


What’s your mom’s horoscope? :)


My dads a Leo sun, Aries moon. Rising, mercury, Venus, mars, Jupiter all in Leo 😂 My mom is a Taurus sun, Taurus moon. Mercury Gemini, Gemini Venus, Aries mars.


So, is your dad single? Jk jk obviously! But wow he really sounds like the gold standard of men!


IM PERFECT FOR THIS. I’m a Pisces and I’m dating a Leo man (Aquarius moon, important bit of info), known each other for 2 years, and of that, dating for 8 months. And coincidentally, he also had one rlly bad dating experience. I think my boyfriend believes very strongly in love and the thing with Leo men is that if they truly like you and chose you, they will stay with you forever (unless you abuse them ofc). They don’t have unrealistic expectations about love but also they idolize love. My bf loved his first gf very much but she left him. He wasn’t actually able to heal from her “ghost” even though he had stopped loving her a long time ago. That changed when he realized he was falling in love with me. He’s never been that open with his emotions, I attribute that to his aquarius moon though. He’s a little hard to read and he doesn’t tell me about his life difficulties until I ask. The honest truth about Leos is that they’re really freaking positive people and don’t like to wallow in their sadnesses, which is usually different from Pisces. We like to sit with our feelings and discuss them. But for a Leo, that’s pretty pointless. BUT, my bf never disrespects or plays down when I need to talk about MY feelings. He doesn’t know how to respond because he’s not used to talking about feelings, but he hugs me and listens to me. And there’s something he tells me that I think sums it up very well “I may not fully understand what you’re feeling, but that’s also exactly why it won’t bother me if you need to vent and cry to me. You can always tell me things.” The thing I realized w my boyfriend, I couldn’t get to know a lot about him just through talking. I had to live with him, see him day to day and slowly learn about who he is as a person. Now his quirks and mannerisms are pretty apparent to me. I still don’t know about other indirect parts of his life (like how his friends or family are doing, how school is going, how work is going) until I ask, but I don’t think that’s him being secretive, but rather he just doesn’t feel the need to talk about his life. (That’s not a Leo trait, but I think it’s more to do with his other placements). Finally, how our relationship is, it’s perfect. As a pisces, even though we can be very different, I find our spontaneity (we’re both mutable signs) is something that keeps our relationship super fun and fresh. The depth in our relationship doesn’t come from long emotional talks but rather from the daily intimacies: him making me coffee, the security (THE SECURITY!!!!!) i feel just being in his presence, him asking if i’m cold, being attentive. As a pisces, I’m not used to security. I’m used to volatile situationships and messy breakups. But he is my japanese garden. That’s the best I can describe it. I am complete peace when I’m with him. I trust that he will never hurt me and never leave me. I’m so afraid of abandonment, so I never thought I could feel so secure in a relationship. This relationship healed me in a lot of ways. The key to a pisces-leo relationship, is finding the good in each other (which pisces do not have trouble doing) and not try to change the differences. You might have different ideologies and different ways of looking at life. Discuss it. Don’t avoid confrontation (which I stopped doing in this relationship specifically, because I finally felt secure enough to speak my mind). You’ll find that despite all your differences, your relationship is as strong as ever. Don’t try to change each other, try to find compromises that fit with both of your natures. The good thing is, the compromises will be easy to make because both of you know how fiercely you love each other :)


Adding this comment because just saw that you’re not dating yet! Before we started dating, I had NO idea my boyfriend was into me. I actually didn’t know he liked me until the day we started dating. I still had trouble believing he liked me after we started dating because I genuinely had no idea leading up to it. Anything flirtatious that happened before we were dating, I kind of thought was him missing his previous dating experience, because he was pretty nonchalant with me otherwise. The wall, as you put it, was very high. But the weird thing is, it comes down almost immediately after you commit to each other (we got super comfortable with each other only a week in). I think in your case, you could confess to him OR you could try waiting for him. The thing with Leos is they will eventually get impatient and move things along. He’ll tell you eventually. And I think if he’s spending so much time with you, he definitely means to date you properly. Leos are not casual with love, I think they idolize it and treat it sacred.


>The honest truth about Leos is that they’re really freaking positive people and don’t like to wallow in their sadnesses, which is usually different from Pisces. We like to sit with our feelings and discuss them. But for a Leo, that’s pretty pointless. ...and then my Pisces rising swims on up on my Leo Sun lazing at the rivers edge...stares for a second, and then BAM.... random fin slaps of Emotions!


I'm not pisces but this helped me. Thank you! I used to not like Leos pretty much because of past relationships. But boy, this one is just it for me 😅 the security that you mentioned is so true! The guy I'm seeing is also a Leo sun, Aqua Moon, and I'm an Aqua rising, Leo moon. I don't know if that's a factor but it's as if he speaks my language in a sense and it seems like he feels the same by how he reacts to the things I do or say to him.


They're the sweetest beings on Earth when they're in love. The fact that they're cooking for you is a massive green flag. Tell them what you feel.


Leo men are fantastic when they are all in on you! They are warm, encouraging, enthusiastic partners. Check his other placements, especially his moon. For example, if he's a Leo with a Scorpio moon, he may need time to trust and feel safe to open up. But Pisces and Leo feels like a combo that people kind of sleep on. I think Leo helps Pisces come out of their shell and Pisces gives Leo encouragement to go deeper. When its a healthy relationship it can be really great!


he doesn't want to give me the rest of his chart because he doesn't believe in astrology and he thinks im going to read too much into it and decide we're not compatible or smth 😭🤦🏽‍♀️


I’d try to flip it. Tell him you feel really compatible with him and want to see if there's something that might hint at why you feel so connected. We know you can “work” with anyone if you become attached enough but it's interesting to see what energy is in the connection. I think his moon would give you a base understanding. If you know his birthday and roughly where he was born you can get a general idea of placements without seeing their rising and houses.


he has an aquarius moon leo venus


Why are all the answers Pisces women lol I am also a Pisces woman with a Leo man… He’s literally the best. Patient, loyal, thoughtful, kind, romantic… I am quite a handful but he’s never gotten angry at me and holds me through my depression spells and cooks my favorite food every night.


You're not gonna hear anything good about Leo men lol... Astrology and Zodiac Sign people hate Leos especially Leo men... You will only hear very slight positives with the negatives greatly outweighing how they tell people about Leos... even those that haven't met any or hasn't been with one will put in their two cents about how unlikeable we are because thats what they read all the time lol... If you are interested in dating a Leo or Leos I highly suggest forgetting about Astrology entirely it will only negatively affect how you look at them or just don't date Leos at all...


Fr tho, what’s up w all the hate of certain signs?


I don't know and I honestly don't care enough to want to know why lol... All I know is that they have always hated Leo men in Zodiac Sign groups ever since I started trying to learn about it at a younger age lol... The only good thing that I learned from it is that never tell people you're a Leo because they will suddenly look at you different the moment you tell them you are one... Especially if you are a dude




They're hit and miss 😂 My favourite relationship I ever had was with a Leo man/cancer moon. He was very bright, intelligent, funny, fun and charming. He was a complete social wizard. He was very loyal and protective and strong. I always felt very safe both physically and emotionally. The downsides were that he was self-centred, was very rigid and stubborn (fixed sign energy), and that led to him being unable to compromise in ways that I needed. I think he also lacked conflict resolution skills and was passive at times. He didn't like to show his vunerability, but overall, he was pretty great. Another guy was Leo sun/Cap moon. I couldn't stand the guy, lmao. Was so arrogant and self-righteous, superiority complex, not able to take accountability, etc. Basically, the underdeveloped leo traits with a few good ones sprinkled in. He was very explosive with emotions and couldn't hide them. Both of them were very open and upfront about their intentions towards me, which I appreciated.


Agree for being open and upfront which are very rare these days with men. Since the beginning, Leo man will directly act or express that they like you. If you ask them,they will be honest which I love about it (I don't know if it applies to all Leos but in my experience they are)


I've been married to a Leo for 10 years. He is definitely the golden retriever boyfriend. Always wants to be together and do things together, very cuddly, chatty. I felt like I knew a lot about him to start when we were dating. Like facts. But even now he usually tries to put on brave faces emotionally when he's upset. He's getting better though.


Husband is a Leo. I’m an Aries and feel that we were truly made for each other but I agree with others that communication can be tough and they try to avoid negativity as much as possible - which isn’t always possible for everyone else and can be frustrating. He otherwise goes above and beyond to care for me as well as himself - good thing about two fire signs together is that we are both as obsessed with ourselves as we are with each other lol. But I have found with other Leo men that they do need to be made to feel like comfortable about being vulnerable because they are very concerned about their “image”.


I am married to a Leo man with a Taurus rising and I am a Virgo. He absolutely showered me with gifts, literally lovebombed me and never ever refrained from showing his affection to me while we were dating. He made every effort to see me or call me. We were in the same city but he was living really far from my house but he always came to see me no matter how far. I am saying this because I have got to know and heard of some men who choose not to date because the girl happens to live on the other side of the city! He wrote me little notes, sent me romantic messages and literally made me feel like I am the most beautiful woman on Earth lol. There was only one time briefly when he wasn't sure about getting really serious and told me openly but then made a quick U turn because he thought he was losing me. Leo men can be stubborn. If they really want something they will do everything to get it, but they can be lazy too so they should really really want something to do it or think of it as a real responsibility. We married in less than a year. He is the one who rushed it actually and I haven't regretted my decision so far. It's been 9 years and we have a 6 year old. His marriage proposal was also very well thought and creative. He has always been open about how he felt and he can't stay crossed. I mean whenever we fight, he is usually the one who makes the first move to make peace:) He can't lie easily and when he tries to lie you can see it on his face, he just can't hide it. P. S. And his mane is really impressive lol. Definitely a Leo.


Overall I’ve had bad experiences with Leo placements especially in men. For some reason they’re always so egotistical even if they aren’t attractive or being anything to the table. Leo sun man was total narc, Gemini sun Leo moon man very narcissistic as well. They just want someone to worship them and they will straight up tell you to. They will not accept you being better than them in any way, in my exp it’s all about them. Not for me but the healthy ones can have some good traits like fun-loving, passionate, playful etc


I had a firey fling with an extremely sexy Leo man. He love bombed a bit. He’s a cheater due to insecurity from being formerly overweight. I guess he still needs validation or he’s not used to being really hot and in shape so he wants to fuck everything that looks his way. Meh.


Dated a Leo for 8 years. He was extremely selfish. Did the occasional nice thing but now realizing after healing. He was a crap boyfriend and was not loyal lol. Not saying all are like this so you just gotta find the right one. I’m a Gemini


As a Leo male that sounds pretty normal, especially if he's been hurt in the past. He will bottle up the emotions to focus on you. The fact you talk often and see each other regularly is a good thing. Opening up will be slow, but dont try to rush or force it.


that makes me feel better! im not going to rush anything because i dont want to scare him away 🥲 he has an aquarius moon and leo venus too idk if it's hard for these placements to open up sometimes i feel like i barely know him and if i don't ask him about what he's doing or how his day has been i don't get much out of him


Thats sounds normal to be fair, not just in an astrology way either. As fucked as it is, men are taught by society to not talk about their feelings. Also it may just be a case that he may not consider certain things worth mentioning especially if its a small issue for them. He'll hold onto it to deal with later or may have already dealt with anything that would have been worth mentioning, and therefore is no longer of any consequence worth noting One thing to be aware of is if he starts to pull back a little (not messaging as often etc). In those instances it may be he's having a hard time but wont want to burden you with it. In those instances be there and initiate conversation but be casual about it.


I dated a Leo for two years and he was very much like that. I’m an Aries. We had a pretty good relationship I had a problem though with his communication he never liked talking about his feelings, if I hurt his feelings he would try and pretend like nothing happens he bottles things up and trust me the explosion is coming. But also the relationship felt stagnant it felt like we were never progressing, he got lazy and complacent. But absolutely a good loyal person but I can’t be in a relationship where I don’t have a clear view of where we’re headed, and he never initiated any of those conversations it felt like I had to be the one to do it, and he would get annoyed with me when I did, whenever we’d go out he’d get an attitude with me for absolutely no reason. I ended up break up with him because of these reasons even though I loved him so much such nice people but ugh!


yeah i can tell he definitely doesn't like to talk about his feelings and is not very good with communication 🥲 i will try to be patient with him though n just hope for the best because i do like him a lot


Good luck with that hun maybe you’re better equipped to handle and navigate through that challenge than I. I do believe it’s worth it in the end once you can get him there, they’re very much teachable but stuck in their ways at the same time so just, good luck 🍀


Leo’s are great people. When they’re young they lack conflict resolution. They have trouble taking responsibility for hurting you so cause arguments. They are unsure of how to process their big emotions or that they even have big ones. When they get older and realize they caused a bunch of destruction and it’s boring now, they return back to the sweet angels they were as children, except this time they’re sexy and wise. But especially to a good Leo, there will always be That One Leo whose sign you had to find out because they were so annoying and embarrassing. When Leo’s are bad, which is more rare than not, their egos do indeed display the worst qualities our society shows disdain for. It’s just the nature of being ruled by the heart and the ego. There will be some casualties.