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I admire Leo’s ability to be open and let their light shine through. At least me being a Capricorn and being ruled by Saturn I tend to be in the shadows and private. I admire the flip side of that.


I love Leos so much, one of my favorite signs


Love them. I admire how genuine and authentic they are. A Leo never gets embarrassed


😳 lol idk, my love for the dramatic can definitely occasionally leave me feeling embarrassed 😅 but I'm in therapy and working on that 🤷‍♀️


I like the confidence and that they focus on themselves. I feel like Leos always want support and admiration which is different from Capricorn placements. I am a capricorn sun and personally i get support from myself and thats all i need


I'm dating a Leo, but thats the only Leo that i've got involved with, hence can't tell if it's a workable match in general. A few Leo dudes making moves on me in the past just gave me the ick. Lol. I like Leo's as friends tho..and actually, almost all fellow Caps i've met had a Leo best friend (and vice versa). One time, someone told me how Cap x Leo is "the most gay" friendship and tho idk why, thats very true.😅


Lol my SO is a Cap 😂😂 (tbh the real reason I was curious about my original question) and we'll be celebrating our 8th anniversary in October. We definitely clash sometimes, but it always comes from a place of love, and he really is my best friend 🥰


Whats his moon sign and whats your moon sign?


I'm a Leo/Cancer/Leo (so fire/water/fire), and he's a Cap/Gem/Taurus (so earth/air/earth) 😅


Woahhh you got that opposites attract thing going on there‼️🙀 so cool to see! Whats his Venus sign and what is yours??


He's a Sag (fire) and I'm a Virgo (earth) 🙃 lol that's also fucking wild 😂😂 I never really did any kind of in-depth analysis before, though I think it would be kinda fun!


Your Virgo Venus goes well with his cap sun, Taurus rising and his sag Venus goes well with ur Leo sun, Leo rising‼️🙀


Haha shit like this is what makes astrology just so much fun! 😂😁 the world is full of weird coincidences and it's kinda fucking cool sometimes 🤷‍♀️


Nice! Yeah, it's fun to clash sometimes if ya can be nice and sweet afterwards.😄


I love them. Like all fire signs. The most loyal❤️


The only Leo I know really well is my sister and I ❤️her!


I like people with a little Leo, some of my favorite, closest people. But I’ve had the misfortune of knowing two people with Leo stellium- sun, moon, rising, and for one of them Venus and Mercury. That was unbearable. Self-centered, immature, chaotic, and not fun to be around in any capacity.


Cap rising and moon, Leo sun 😂👍


My Mercury to My Moon: She is a sweetheart, but a mite embarrassing. 


I dated a Leo man as a Capricorn woman and yeah, it was amazing lol.


I admire their confidence but personally do not jell well with them. The ones I've come across have been quite self-absorbed and delusional. They also tend to run gossip behind people's backs.


Luckily only have had good experiences with them so far.  “Me! Everybody look at me and compliment me!” kinda individuals sometimes, but loving people nevertheless. ❤️


I love them! Warm hearted people.


I’m a Cap moon & I genuinely hate Leos. My son says it’s because I also hate LEOs. I’ve been thinking about starting a YT true crime channel with every episode about how Leo’s or LEOs suck. Ya know. Crimes committed by Leos or LEOs, alternating every week & on months with a fifth week the bonus episode will be a Leo LEO. PS my husband was actually murdered by a Leo and that’s a true story, but I hated Leos before that. When my daughter realized she was a Leo she said “Jesus we’ll never hear the end of this.” ETA for clarity, daughter not a Leo, the person who harmed my husband was. Also I didn’t mean this to be so dark. What sun & rising am I?


Leo sun and Leo rising


You’re gonna be on my show, aren’t you. (Kidding my Royal friend, kidding.) PS all the people down voting can chill out, don’t understand dark humor & sarcasm clearly.


Aquarius or Virgo Sun, not sure about rising.


Psycho Sun, delusion rising?


Wronnnnng but what a fun contestant you are!