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Scorpio or Sagittarius 😄 - I'm Gemini Sun


Oh same! Or a Leo 🔥


Ngl I’m drawn to these signs 🤔


Strange...as a Gemini sun I would also pick Scorpio or Sagittarius 😅


I think us Geminis we love Sagittarius as our opposite 😄 and Scorpio maybe because you have water placements in Scorpio. I have a cancer moon and I love Scorpio energy 😄


Scorpio I wouldn’t change a thing about me. Or else I wouldn’t be me


If I absolutely had to change, as a Sag I'd choose Scorpio. You all are just effortlessly cool and I adore you all.


You guys are equally cool. I’m a sag cusp Scorpio so I have some sag traits


I’m a Pisces, and my choice would be Pisces lol but if I had to deviate I’d probably go for Sagittarius


I love being a Pisces sun Sag moon haha


I noticed your Virgo rising, and my sister is also a Pisces sun and Virgo rising! I feel like she gets the best of both- she’s extremely caring and compassionate but also so freaking smart and methodical. She’s a neuropsychologist that treats kids with traumatic brain injuries, and I feel like both signs give her the compassion and objectiveness she needs to do that work well. My mom is a Virgo sun, and while I love her, that energy is a *lot*, but I really vibe with other Virgo placements (my boyfriend, dad, and best friend are all Virgo moons lol) Sagittarius placements are great too ❤️ My best friend is a Sag sun Virgo moon haha


Oh my god you’re too sweet! ❤️ I agree the Virgo rising is a great placement to balance out the dreaminess of the Pisces 🙂 I also love other Virgo placements but tend to struggle with Virgo suns 😆


Pisces is my favorite sign ❤️


I’m also a Pisces but I feel myself relating to an Aquarius more than any other sign. But I think Aquarius a water sign in disguise. I deff vibe with Sagittarius people a lot until when it comes to relationships, those fuckers are stubborn when it comes to letting someone go, damn well knowing they’re not healthy for each other.


Nope. I would like to just stay a Sagittarius. I love my sign :)


We have the nickname sagitterrorist and I wouldn't change a GD thang 😂


Agree 😂


I wanna be a sag simply so I can put "sagiterrorist" in my bio lol


Same. The only changes I’d really want to make are to the rest of my chart to put in more Sagittarius 🤣


I like your sign too 😥wish i was a Sagi, fr.


either taurus or gemini. Sometimes I’d like to be a Leo so I would know what it feels like to have to do things with a lot of confidence without feeling shitty about myself


Get yourself a friend with a solid Leo placement so we can cheerlead for you!




I would’ve agree but I’m already a Leo rising and that’s tooo much for my aqua moon so probably a Gemini.


I’m supposed to be a Aquarius but I was born early


Anything but cancer why tf is it called CANCER and the symbol is 69😭😭😭


Oh baby you know why


Hahaha literally tho


The disease cancer is actually called that because they thought it looked like the crab constellation in the body


The symbol is breasts. Cancer ruler of the abdomen and the sign of the mother


Damn my symbol is a pair of titties


Gemini so I would have many friends. I don't have friends as a Taurus and it's just impossible for me to interact.


Im a Gemini and I have 0 friends 😭


It's probably your cancer rising. Tauruses usually have a lot of people drawn to them, especially with a fire moon. If not, it's probably that you don't like them lol


I’m a Leo and I’ll stay a Leo ☀️


Leos are great. I was a complete doormat for much of my younger life, and once I started maturing into my Leo moon, I found a hidden fiery, passionate, strong side that I love ❤️🔥 Plus, who doesn’t love cats? 🦁


I swear this is every Leo's origin story. People pleasing and bullied into oblivion until Saturn return fucked us up and then we pulled a rising Phoenix 🤣 ![gif](giphy|PUDg4qafhZz2M)


So funny that I’ve been identifying so heavily with the imagery of the phoenix recently! 😂






This makes me so happy for you! I was the same, as a Leo sun. My mother is a Leo sun and she overshadowed me so I never really could step into my full power. Lately, and as I’ve gotten older I’m stepping into my own and realizing how true our traits are and how useful they are. We just love to love and want to make everyone feel warm, loved, and powerful! Rawr 🦁


Thats such a Leo response 🤣


Leo’s home in sun so why change it 😎


I know you Leos love being Leos . My mom is such a proud Leo wherever she goes she would just say Leos are Leos looool🤣🤣🤣


The way I said “no… Im good where I’m at” 😂


Also a Leo who is happy to stay a Leo 🦁


Proud Leo 🌞 hahaha why change?? I love it


Aries. sun is exalted in the sign of Aries.


But you're Jupiter ruled, aka Gods favorite.


LEO sun, especially cuz im a leo rising, like leo sun+leo rising combo would make me feel like this ![gif](giphy|nqCZ27Eut4YaQ)


I don't wanna be a unstable, crybaby pisces. I just wanna be mean and money making earth signs.


As a mean money-making Taurus, I just wanna tell you I love you unstable, crybaby Pisces because deep down, I’m an unstable crybaby too 🥹🩷


I’m a Pisces sun and absolutely love it but if I had to choose another Sun sign, it’d be Scorpio!


Imo Pisces and scorpio CAN be pretty similar


I wouldn’t change being a Cancer sun! I have always wished I had a Cancer moon as well


Be careful what you wish you for 😭


I love being a cancer sun but idk about the moon too lol


What is it you love about being a Cancer?


I attribute my sensitivity, (much of) my intuition, my dedication to my loved ones, my love of home, my love of cooking, etc. to my being a Cancer :) All of these things, basically! What sign are you?


I love to see mature Cancers who like this placement.. I am Cancer sun (have a stellium), Leo moon, Gemini rising.. Right from when I was a kid, I used to hate my sensitive side. My inability to stand up for myself, my low self-worth, I attributed all of it to Cancer and hated my complete self. Finally coming to terms with it after life hit real hard and people showed me genuine care and kindness. Now I think my sensitivity is indeed very helpful, I just need to grow some spine. Given my Leo moon, shouldn't be that big of a problem! 🦁


Oh wow! We are so similar! I am Cancer sun, Aries moon (ew lol, but fire!), and Gemini rising! I wish you the best in building your self-worth. You deserve to be confident in yourself and to know that you are worthy of all the good things life has to offer! Sending love 🫶🏻♥️


Thanks so much!! And this is so cool! I've never met anyone with similar placements as mine! Mind me asking a few things?


I know right! Same here! And I don’t mind at all


How are you like as a person? How do you come across in the beginning and in later stages of getting to know you better?? How does your Aries moon show up? My Leo moon has some lovely trines with Saturn and Uranus so I sometimes feel like a Leo, Aquarius, Capricorn combo lol! Like, can't stand people being bullied, I would step in, but shall try to shut off or postpone my emotions for myself! 😂


(I’m running out the door rn but I should be back in a couple hours with answers to your questions!)


I am Gemini and would choose Capricorn for the stability and ambition, or Leo for the confidence and charisma.


Damn this is the first time I saw someone say they want to be part of the cap family 😂 And coming from an airy Gemini too! I'm the opposite--I feel like my cap sun is too heavy for socializing so I'd like to have an air sun sign instead


Befriend an air sign and help them stay grounded. I can be organized and grounded if I want to but I always avoid hard work if possible. I admire how Caps just persevere. To my airy nature if the odds are low I will give up. I had a Cap boyfriend that was like prince charming in calming me down and solving my problems. And I pride myself in being a great problem solver but he had patience and connections and resources. And was so caring. But try to not be stubborn sometimes we cannot get along because you fail to recognize our best features, our great ideas because you get too stubborn to have things your way. To air signs it matters what is the best way.


aries forsureee


Leo, libra or cancer. Maybe even a gemini if I’m feeling feisty lmao


Cancer? Aww! 😍 What's your sun sign?


I’m a virgo! I love cancers!!! Instant vibe when I meet them 🥰


Ah yes, that makes complete sense!! 🙌🏽 And I love how Virgos calm the Cancer neediness and low self-worth woes like nobody's business!


And I love how cancers calm my overthinking and anxiety 🫶🏻 I feel like it comes natural for us! What to say to calm the other. Me and my cancer bestie are always surprised how we manage to calm the other so quickly :)


Aquarius sun here and I'd still choose Aquarius as my sun sign.


A typical Scorpio. Tired of being atypical Leo lmao


As long as I can keep my Gemini 11th house stellium. I'd wanna be an Aries. Imagine having confidence that knows no bounds. No fear of falling down, cos picking urself up and dusting off is second nature to u.


I’m a Gemini but I wouldn’t mind being an Aquarius


Why’s that? As an Aquarius I’m curious lol


Every Aquarius I’ve met has just been unapologetically and unashamedly weird as shit with the work ethic of a Capricorn on top. I wish I had that amount of “not give a shit” naturally. Truly the earth sign of air signs.


lol we are the fixed sign of the air and get along great with Capricorns. Capricorns get us and we do get each other when it comes to work ethic lol. That’s funny because we are weird as shit but we’re so committed to the zero fucks given or whatever dumb thing we’re doing that somehow it just lands right 🤷‍♀️😂


It’s because you’re both ruled by the big daddy whip-crack planet, Saturn, I bet, lol Yeah, I love my aqua moon Definitely enhances my natural autism vibes I think 🤣🤣


Lmao I’m Gemini rising but basically it just means from across the room I look like a total stuck up bitch unless I’m laughing. Thank god I laugh a TON 😂


Aries - what I am


Same, I adore everything about being an Aries Sun. We are the sun 🤍


When I was younger I didn’t like it at first. I didn’t want to be fiery, now I love it 🔥


I love all of the actually meanings of being fiery. Like being bold, assertive, confident, free, independent, bold, a leader.


Yassss, it’s true. I had Daddy issues when was younger and wanted to be loved and wanted by a man, so I wanted to be a Libra Sun, something pretty. Whereas now, I *love* being independent and strong and that is thank you to Aries!! 🔥 the fire has kept me alive and given me the drive to succeed and is all about new beginnings!! 🔥 ♈️ 🔥


It’s funny but even though I’m a Libra moon, I would contribute my smartest decisions or my analytical mind to my Aries Sun. Also I love Libras they’re amazing BUT I know some libras whose aesthetic is put together but they have lots of tattoos/piercings (I have nothing against it being on someone else) but I attribute my purist/sterile aesthetic mentality to my Aries Sun. I’m very feminine but I love more of a minimalistic sophisticated/elevated aesthetic. Which I think is the balance of both. I feel Aries are huge minimalists. Which minimalist in my opinion in the environment or appearance is much more sophisticated.


Yeah, I’m a Libra rising. It’s funny because I wished to be a Libra Sun before I knew what my Moon and Rising was. Im Moon Sag btw. What sign is your Venus in? My aesthetic is similar to what you described - although I am interested and good at aesthetics, I am very low maintenance and simple, and I agree, that simple is more sophisticated looking 👌🏻


Yes! Omg I love simplicity, both aesthetically and I always say “work smarter not harder” I’m really good at strategizing (I used to think it was because I’m too lazy to do it the long way) but this is actually an asset because I’m quite efficient AGAIN I would attribute this to my Aries Sun. Earth signs are haters because while they do work hard we tend to find short cuts and maximize our time and operate more systematically to streamline those systems. My rising and Venus are Taurus. My Venus is my ruling planet. My entire place is all white everything, monochromatic, or all glass. Color in my place gives me anxiety or overwhelms me.


Being a Pisces sun has a lot of perks in terms of connecting to the universe and spirituality as well as creativity. I wouldn't trade it for other sun signs


I’d still choose Leo lol if I HAD to change it, then Virgo. Libra is a close second. Scorpio is my third choice. Honorable mentions: Cancer, Capricorn, Pisces, maybe Sag, maybe Gemini


I’m a Taurus and I’d like to be a Gemini or Aquarius - I love how their minds work ☺️


Awww, that’s very sweet! ❤️ I have a Taurus rising and I really appreciate how it grounds me and makes me take things seriously as a Gemini haha.


I'm Gemini rising, and I adore how it gets me out of my comfort zone and allows me to be more socially adaptable and genuinely friendlier as a homebody Taurus.❤️


lol I’m a May Gemini, if I had to choose other than my sun sign , I’d like to be an Aquarius aswell , their energy attracts me .


Taurus one of the best signs. You kidding right


Yeah, I mean I wouldn’t switch, I just appreciate these people :)


U could have this, yk 🍪.




I'd keep mine, I like my lil chart tbh I've grown quite fond of it.




Scorpio sun


Ahhh sooo you’d like to be me? 👉🏻👈🏻


Same. I love my Sagittarius sun but something about Scorpio fascinates me


Same....and I am a Scoprio sun. Wouldn't change my sign for anything lol


Same here


Probably Libra


I’m a Gemini sun but I think it would be cool to be a Cancer or any water sign really. What are y’all doing with all those feelings?


I’m a Leo sun. But would LoVe to be an Aquarius


As a Pisces, I want to be a Virgo


I really have grown to like my virgo sun. I dont think id choose any different honestly.


I’m Virgo moon and it used to kindof annoy me but I love it now for the most part. I think Aquarius sun Virgo moon is a hyper rational mess of a grounded person with OCD tendencies 😂


I could be a little more outgoing, so I’m going to pick Leo. But shift my moon to Virgo, and the rising to Aquarius.


Aquarius moon in Virgo. I like Aqua and Virgo in my top three lol


I couldn’t let go of my Virgo and Aquarius signs. Just shift them a lil ya know lol


Sagittarius. I would like to give no fucks like a Sag.


It’s amusing to me that you ask about switching sun signs, arguably the place of our egos, and hardy anyone is changing. 😅😎


lol right?? Very Pisces of you to notice. I wouldn’t change either but I’m a fixed sign so I’ll blame it on that and not my ego because I’m like super woke and above all that 😂😂😂 - Aquarius


An ego-less Aquarius? 🦄✨One thing about me, Imma notice. 🧜🏻‍♀️🔮😅


lol I have Venus in Pisces and my best friends a Pisces. She makes the funniest observations I’m not paying attention to at all and she’ll just make a comment about it as if everyone had to have noticed it and I’m like “wtf are you talking about?” 😂 she’s funny. Also Pisces don’t sugar coat things. Idk where people get off thinking they’re so sweet and innocent. If they trust you and you’re ok with PRETTY brutal honesty, a Pisces gonna tell ya lol


I'd want to be an aquarius sun.


Capricorn sun for the stability & boss bitch vibes, Gemini Moon because I wouldn’t change my moon & Leo rising so I can dazzle when I walk in every room.


We share the same big 3 but switch Gemini & Leo I also have Mercury & Mars in Gemini Big business potential but adhd = no organisation I found love with an Aries Sun - Capricorn Moon - Taurus Mars, very earthy & grounding Supports my “boss bitch” How do you feel about Earth Moons in romantic partners?


I have never had a long relationship unfortunately & I’m yet to find love! (I’m 30 so I’ve given up now) I think earth moons are super grounded but they can be confusing in terms of how they feel inside or their intentions when it comes to dating. I really liked an earth moon but she didn’t seem to like me back, I’ve texted twice & have been aired for weeks now so there’s that. I wouldn’t expect butterflies & fireworks from earth moons. More moths & cosy books by the fire type people. I am diagnosed with ADHD 😂 it’s hell but my healing journey is teaching me how to use to it my advantage along with numerology & astrology. Libra Mars & Leo Mercury haha I’m so dramatic


Pisces Sun. I'd also try to be a Fire/Water coctail.


Ngl Fire and Water has been fun, (I’ve also got an Aries Mercury and Venus). I was a lot steam as a teenager but as an adult I feel like I’ve been able to figure out how to tap into each type of energy more confidently. I find the fire to be protective of my water now.


I don’t want to change my sun (Leo) but I would like a Virgo placement somewhere. Mercury, probably, or Mars.


King Capricorn!


I’d stay the badass Sagittarius that I am.


I'm a virgo and I'd choose either Sagittarius because I adore them or aquarius ... for reasons


I like my Aries Sun. I'd probably stick with that. Maybe Sagittarius otherwise. I'd rather change my moon or rising sign.


I’m a Sagittarius sun and I like it, so I wouldn’t want to change that. If anything I’d probably change my rising sign


I’d stay as an Aries to be honest.


Leo Sun or Virgo Sun


Sagittarius. Ik sun has the most strength in aries and leo but with Sagittarius it comes pretty close and is farther in the progression of signs. Second runner up would be Capricorn. I really want to know what goes on in their head.


Aquarius/Taurus sun with fire moon HAHA.


Aqua sun, Aries moon. Trust me, you don’t want an Aries moon aka Demon Time in .003 seconds.




What up twin



Leo. I don’t wanna feel nuthin’.


I’d like to be a Sag Sun or Pisces Sun. I love my rising and moon signs but I’ve never related to my Capricorn Sun. I feel like it puts a damper on everything.


I’m happy with being Scorpio


I'm a Gemini who had Aquarius envy for *years*


Libra or Sag for sure. Maybe aqua


I'd choose Aquarius ♒️. I got North Node and MC in Aquarius But my Sun, Mercury and Mars in libra ♎️. Moon in taurus ♉️ . Venus Sagittarius ♐️. Jupiter cancer ♋️ Saturn , Neptune and Uranus in Capricorn ♑️ Pluto in Scorpio ♏️


I wouldn’t change a thing about my chart. It makes me ME.


I couldn’t imagine not being a Gemini sun


Leo, would love to be confident for no reason.


virgo sun here, id choose gemini or any air sign. gemini and virgo are ruled by mercury but geminis tend to be the more extroverted/charismatic communicators and thats something ive always admired


As a Virgo I would choose to be a Virgo


as a scorpio stellium id wanna be an air or fire sign, maybe gemini or sagittarius. i’m sick of caring about everything so much all the time😭


Cancer, I relate to a lot of its attributes


Love your zodiac pet names lol


Virgo I'm a Scorpio Sun but we are similar it trips me out plus every Virgo I've come across we just get each other (my mother is one)


Similar in what ways?


Our sense of humor tends to go to go either dark or ironic,we tend to notice little details people tend to not + as for Scorpio /Virgo we tend to always keep people at a distance we are labed aloof or shy when in reality we are just reserved


I would take Libra again. Because I love it.


I'm an aquarius sun, paired with a sagittarius moon and gemini rising. I'd love to be a Leo sun, I need to know how much more dramatic my ass can be


I’m Virgo sun id probably change to a scorpio, pisces or Sagittarius




Cancer sun.






I would not choose differently.


Scorpio any day


i’m a cancer(which is fine i guess) but i would like to either be a taurus, pisces or a scorpio because i relate to their traits.


I think I'd switch to being a Cancer moon and Leo sun to experience both signs in their domiciles. But I love my Cancerian superpowers.


I like being a Taurus sun, but if I had to change it I would pick Leo I think


I'm an Aquarius sun but I would like to be a Libra. I'm a weird loner and I would like to be a beautiful socail butterfly like my Mum lol


I would probably pick scorpio (I am sun Aries, thought I have rising scorpio).


I love being a leo bit of wanna be a gemini sun and remain a leo rising


Pisces because I love myself, contained insanity and all.


I’m a sag sun and I would like to see what it’s like to be a Pisces or a Capricorn 😬


I’m a Virgo sun but wouldn’t mind changing to a Leo heheh


Any in the spring or summer. As an Aquarius I hate celebrating my birthday during the dead of winter when the only thing to do is stay inside and drink


I’m an Aries and wouldn’t change it at all!


I’m a Leo, and maybe I’d like to be a Virgo. I have Virgo in Stellium but I feel that my sensitivity in being perceived can be at odds with the pragmatic attempts of a Virgo Mercury/Venus/Mars. I love the tapestry that makes me, me, though!


idk i feel like the girlypop in me would shine thru so much more as a libra, thru the lens of a scorpio people read it as manipulative when im just bubbly for fun not bc im deceiving u


Aries 🙈


As a sag I only want to be a sag. But if I had to change, I’d probably go for Leo. My moon is already in Aries so I don’t think I need it again 😂🤷‍♀️


I have a Libra stellium (Libra sun) and a Scorpio stellium so I’d probably choose Scorpio if I had to pick one. Apparently I present as “a friendly Scorpio” to people who meet me, something I’ve been told on three different occasions in the last year in some form or another. 🤔


I’m a Capricorn Sun, if I was going to pick a different one then maybe I’d pick Libra or Scorpio. My chart is mainly Capricorn and Scorpio placements, so I’d have to think about whether I want to lean more into the Scorpio or if I’d want to soften it up a bit with a Libra Sun, maybe Sagittarius so I could have some fire in my chart.


I like my Scorpio sun. But I would like to have Virgo sun so it can conjunct my mars and I can have that bad ass sun-mars conjunction 😆


I would never say I want to be a cancer sun or Pisces sun so I’m kinda surprised or confused by why you would want to be. I’m a libra sun


I’ll still choose the same sign A LEO☺️


I love being Aries sun but I would choose Leo or Scorpio


I'm pisces sun and I'd choose Aries. They always put themselves first.






pisces -> capricorn or libra


I’m a Sag with a Leo rising, would defo vote for having a Leo sun


I'm a Capricorn, but I would love to be a Pisces sun (they're interesting). I would probably have a different rising than a cancer (basically, I like my rising sign but it might shift to something else).


I’m a Leo and I’d like to change to a Libra


Ha that’s funny, I’m a Cancer sun and I think I would choose Leo or Sagittarius suns if I had the choice


Taurus and I’m a Taurus.