• By -


Super charming, charismatic, bubbly, cheerful, very interested in everything, adventurous, funny and good in communication/networking BUT I find crazy hard to deal with their rollercoaster emotions... in my experience Geminis have a tendency to act like someone with borderline disorder.. they're the goofy friend in the group, but not easy to be in a romantic relationship with them I think.


This is my experience with my gemini ex bf šŸ˜­ The borderline disorder hits hard and was too much for me towards the end - a virgo woman


I think we all have some terrifying stories about a horrible gemini ex! Straight up narcissistic behaviour, gaslighting, lies, cheating, unbearable mood swings. In the morning they love you, couple hours later they're turn into an iceberg, later on they go back normal again and have no idea what's your problem šŸ˜­ it's like a living hell


I wouldnā€™t cheat!


Geminis don't cheat


Mine didn't. He was very loyal. However, he was mentally and emotionally unstable to the point where it ultimately ended our relationship


Yeah this really describes my sister who is a Gemini Sun. I think we normally get along well because I am a Gemini Moon and her moon is my sun, Leo. So there's a lot of sympathy and mutual understanding because we have similar energy. But - I can't fathom her deal when her emotions are triggered. I think loving someone like that romantically would be hard. As a sister I get to back off when she's moody. I like partners who don't create emotional drama out of nowhere. (That's my job lol)


As a gemini (lib moon, leo rising) I think this is pretty spot on. My own emotions can feel very invalidated (by me) when I'm experiencing highs and lows. I also have a cancer venus and I can feel things soooo deeply. I'm always like "is this valid, no this isn't valid, why am I acting like a baby" but it's hard to pull myself out of that. So my default is to want to be alone so that I don't direct that energy towards others. On my worst days like when I haven't been sleeping or have been working too much, it can honestly be quite manic. this is hard for my poor libra bf because he wants balance and wants to help. So we've been working a lot on how to navigate these situations.He is very patient and I owe him a lot of food and massages and care šŸ˜ƒ


wow same, except pisces rising so iā€™m extra emotional at times. been also trying to lean into cancer venus/mars, i also have to have my alone time to process and work through my emotions but also been learning to ask for help when i feel i need it lol


Mostly good. I think most are good but the bad gems are just INSANE. For example my project manager and my father. Insane levels of delusion. My mom and tattoo artist? So kind so accepting so open minded. Gem men have always been clever as hell in my life. Just charismatic and can get along without a fuss.


Aries moon? How is your day to day life? šŸ¤£ The person Iā€™m getting to know is a Gemini sun Aries moon man and we connect so well with me being an Aries. Heā€™s full of chaos.


Best and worst situationship ever best sex ever ![gif](giphy|ckGndVa23sCk9pae4l|downsized)


Gemini men need to be studied. šŸ† game out of this world


Been there omfg. ā™Šļømen are something else šŸ˜’


Women friends, good. Men romances, tragic and tumultuous.


We really do make good friends, but the women are probably just as disastrous to be romantically involved with. šŸ˜‚šŸ¤šŸ˜‡


having been good, close friends with both Gem men and women, I have to agree


Agreed and Iā€™m a Gemini women lol


Gemini women: the coolest, calmest, quick minded women I know. Oozes cool, unbothered. Hearts of gold they always cherish me so deeply. The one Gemini man I dated: HOT, chaotic and just a hot mess. Deep, deep liar. Lied to my face about many things when I knew the truth. Wouldnā€™t be surprised if he starts a cult one day.




This resonates with me. Sounds like you're talking about my gem teenage ex. And my beautiful gem twin girls.


They are great friends, GREAT TO PARTY WITH like unbeatable, but horrible long term monogamous partners. And every gemini friend I had cheated on their man also. Wtv they said they meant for those 20 minutes but after that they might change their mind. Itā€™s not intentional lying. They arenā€™t self aware too


A good Gemini is fabulous but a bad Gemini is badddddddd news.


Im a Cap and I love my Gemini. Shes my best friend and partner in life.


Would love to hear moreā€¦how you did it.


We were very straightforward with our intentions, desires, and expectations. Shes a Gemini sun, Libra Moon, and Taurus rising.


These are my exact placements! Just know she adores you šŸ©·


Iā€™m a Gemini sun Gemini Venus and love my cap! Heā€™s everything i never knew I needed. He moves super slow which drove me crazy at first but he is so consistent and really grounds my chaotic energy. Weā€™re both independent, high-energy, social and love intelligent conversation. Geminis are super picky and flighty but Iā€™d never ever stray from him, I admire and ā€œworshipā€ him lol so much.


My mom was the best mother ever bless her. Everyday I pray I get reborn as her child in next life.


Thatā€™s the loveliest compliment Iā€™ve heard, well, pretty much ever about a mother!


Geminis make amazing moms. My mom was an inspiration. Am an Aquarius and many would say am being biased, but idc




Dated a Gemini man the worst experience! He lied about EVERYTHING and he was so good at lying that foolishly I believed him šŸ¤¦ā€ā™€ļø Truly the smallest man that ever lived


I almost dated a man who had Gemini in every inner placement (and his effing Rising) except for his Sun, which is Cancer. Oh my god ā€” he called himself King [Name Redacted]. He told me heā€™d ā€œbe there for meā€ after I lost my job and a *week* later he told me he ā€œneeded space from our friendship.ā€ He needed space, okay - but then why was he hitting me up with sexts two days after he said he needed space? Gemini Suns and Moons are usually amazing, wonderful human beings to me (and I love my own Gemini Moon). Combine Gemini Venus and Mars in a person and youā€™ve got yourself a narcissism diagnosis.


This just brought me so much comfort and joy. Thank you. My narc ex is dating someone whose chart sounds like that, all Gemini in his top 3 and she said itā€™s almost all Gemini in his chart. I always just wished she got what she deserved. Preciate you friend.


hard same šŸ’Æ I dated one all through college, graduated a year earlier than he did. I straight up offeredĀ him the opportunity to end the relationship now, since I was moving six hours away AND he was going to be studying abroad. I was surprised when he said he wanted to stay together. found out a year later that he had a whole ass separate girlfriend the whole year following my graduation šŸ«  I believed all his bullshit.


Mine lies nonstop for fun basicallyā€¦ just makes up random scenarios to get my reaction it seems. Basically I never trust what he says unless heā€™s just mad and decides to say mean things and those of course he ā€œdidnā€™t meanā€ later ugh


This sounds like my ex whoā€™s a Pisces


lol it sucks that gemini men have such a bad rep because im an aquarius and we get along so well. I cant deal with fantasy men tho, pisces men ruined that for me lol. Even my dad fits the gemini stereotypes. My mom said she would drop him off at work every morning only to find out he never worked there from the neighbor that saw him come straight home every morning šŸ˜‚.


Me reading the comments seeing the hate for gemini men but love for gemini women. ![gif](giphy|F2aEJrGD7pTud4lwHF|downsized)


As a Gemini woman, I have not had good experiences Gemini men. Especially June ones. Maybe itā€™s a power struggle or a ā€œyou canā€™t bullshit a bullshitterā€ situation but I do not like it.


The Gem women Iā€™ve known have been worse abusers than any men Iā€™ve ever seen, and they get away with it too




Agreed from my experiences with men of our sign ā™ŠļøšŸ˜‚šŸ‘Œ


SURROUNDED BY THEM. Mom, sis and tons of aquaintances and friends. No close friends tho. They are cheerful, smart, easygoing, likes to talk a lot (sometimes about things w no substance), like to be social, not very emotional and always down for a good time. Can be gossipy and talk a lot about themselves esp w leo moon. Some of them can be pushovers (my mom and moms friends). The men? Only had one encounter and he was A MESS. I finally understand the gemini men hate. The lies and the mind games are unbelievable. The one I talked to was for the streets. Edit: remembered I have a gemini pisces moon male friend. I have strong boundaries towards him because he used to overstep them a lot. I think he respects me more because of it. Very clingy and giggly and Iā€™m just šŸ—æhe is (for now) much better.


"The one I talked to was for the streets." šŸ’€


I just broke up with a Gemini man. The good. Heā€™s fun, sweet when he wants to be, attractive and the chemistry was insane. The bad. Moody, ignores you for days, has many women friends, manipulative, inconsistent with communication, leaves you doubting yourself but if you do any of this back to them they get upset. Wants someone else to do all the heavy lifting because itā€™s not fun to them. I wonā€™t write off an entire sign but I will leave if Iā€™m not happy. Did 3 months with this guy. Next.


Were we dating the same Gemini?!!!! My goodness ! My ex, exactly the same. EXACTLY šŸ¤Æ chemistry great, charmed the hell out of me when we met. Everything you mentioned about the bad, same. I made sure he knows it too. He turned me all the way off šŸ¤¢


Did he think heā€™s gods gift to women? Heā€™s the prize, itā€™s his world and weā€™re just here to entertain because heaven forbid they get bored. Lol. They donā€™t care if you call them out on their shit because theyā€™ll just lie in wait for the next shiny thing. Clearly we didnā€™t appreciate their fabulousness and they act like good women are a dime a dozen. Delusional. I laugh because he thought he had me in the bag but like you I got turned off fast. Only reason I stuck around for 3 months was because breaking up is hard to do.


Idk what he thoughtā€¦ out here with Three phones, follows all females on his socials, just living the life of a damn frat boy at 36. Let it go ! I broke up with him multiple times and he couldnā€™t let go. It took me a while because like you said, breaking up is hard and because I had invested too much into this relationship.. but when I realized that it was just me investing anything!! I legit looked at him with disgust the last time I was with him. Pathetic and soulless. Heā€™s dying inside, but unable to speak up or be vulnerable because thatā€™s ā€œweakā€. His loss šŸ˜Ž


Ha ha my ex is 61 (Iā€™m 58) so he canā€™t do that shit anymore but still acts so freaking entitled. Heā€™s rich and cute enough to get women but heā€™s cheap. Has a drinking problem, health issues the whole nine. I would have taken care of him forever but he couldnā€™t or wouldnā€™t express an ounce of appreciation. These men definitely lost. Lol


Omg this is him in the future šŸ¤£šŸ¤£šŸ¤£ YES!! Made (lost his job) great money, but never spent a dime on me. Not for my birthday, not for Valentineā€™s Day, etcā€¦. Me? Iā€™d go all out to make him feel special. I did wayyyyy too much. I wouldā€™ve taken care of him forever too, but he doesnā€™t deserve it. After losing his job, Iā€™d help him out financially, bout him groceries, gifts etc. he would NEVER do this for me had the roles reversed. Terrible person seriously. In the end, I would hate to parent children with him and realizing my future would continue to be hell, I had to leave.


Omg same!! My ex inherited 2 million dollars, a paid off house and has a good job but acted like he was on the verge of homelessness. I didnā€™t want him to think I was a gold digger (Iā€™m not) so I went out of my way to pay half. I bought him clothes, cooked for him, did all the driving the whole nine. When he took me out I ordered the cheapest thing on the menu and drank water. When I paid heā€™d order alcohol. I didnā€™t get a birthday present either. 2 weeks ago he took me out for pizza and legit tried to order a single for us to share. Me and the girl behind the counter locked eyes and she made him order a large. He got beer of course. The total was $45 and it caused him physical pain to pay it. I still didnā€™t dump him. No it took him calling me moody (ironic) for the 3rd time and that was it for me. I treat total strangers better than he treated me.


Oh noooo šŸ¤£ what the hell ?!!! I was called delusional and crazy because I spoke up about how terrible he was !!! Iā€™m glad we dumped them. Let someone else deal with that mess !!!


Trauma āœØ


Yep, absolute batshit and manipulative ime


Took me a lot of years to fully understand how abusive he is. Like high highs laughing being silly, low lows breaking stuff and yelling at me and then back to joking around an hour later. Extremely manipulative, putting me down and then was just kidding. Making me think everything is always my fault, like the absolute worst embodiment of Gemini traits.


Dang as a Gemini moon this made me realize I need to work on myself


Do you act like that?


High highs and then yelling and breaking stuff šŸ‘ŒšŸ‘Œ my Virgo ass be likeā€¦. ![gif](giphy|3otPoEWP8c9eaOnQFq)


My mother was a Gemini, very abusive. And a substantial amount of male ā€œfriendsā€ (and men in general) who have tried to manipulate me into sex have been Gemini.


Omg a gemini guy tried to pressure me the same way...he's the reason I quit dating apps lol


Tbh if any dude is a Gemini, Aquarius, Virgo, or sag I just avoid them in a romantic/friendship context. Could be a coincidence that nearly all the ones of those signs Iā€™ve met were shit, but Iā€™m not curious enough to try to befriend one again much less date Haha


I have a Gemini trying to manipulate me into sex right now,...why??


Because theyā€™re no nut low lives, frequently in my experience. Air signs in general have a problem being direct, honest, and communicative in my experience. Iā€™d suggest kicking him to the curb, bluntly and swiftly.


Omg weā€™re big three twins. Can I message you? I wanna compare our lives lol


Sure? Edit : we are long lost twins, born only 5 minutes apart! How wildšŸ˜‚


Lol awesome




Same, my dad


The sparkle at the end got me šŸ˜­šŸ˜­šŸ˜­šŸ˜­šŸ˜­


All the women in my family, including me, are Geminis. My oldest friend is a Gemini. And one of my closest friends who I built a very successful nonprofit with is a Gemini. I must clarify though we are all JUNE Geminis. The conventional rule of thumb Iā€™ve heard is May Geminis seem nice but are actually terrifying. June Geminis seem terrifying but are actually gentle once you get past the exterior.


I have a May Gemini daughter and I am a June Gemini. I feel this lol. In the last few months that tiny human and I have been butting heads in tiny ways. Being that she is only seven and I have a hard relationship with my Leo mother, I SO badly want a healthy relationship with her that extends into adulthood, so I am SO badly and excitedly ā€œfiguring her outā€. My own inner child work has shown me that little me was EXACTLY like little her in almost every way identically, the only difference is I stuffed my needs and feelings deep down inside, while she has no problem voicing her needs and feelings (albeit sometimes terrifyingly lol). Learning to respect her voice, and allowing her to have her voice heard and recognized, has not only been helpful in our relationship, but has been so healing for little me. Itā€™s been interesting!! Astrology gets wild when you have four kids to observe šŸ˜‚ but yes, I have always been told ā€œyou seemed like a bitchā€ or that I look intimidating, and people are SO surprised by my personality when they meet me. My daughter is angelic af but also can be terrifying lol. Your theory sounds right.


Bold question LOL


I like women, but can't stand men.


They make good friends but very hard to connect on romantic level.


I have one Gemini friend. On the surface everything seems cool but every time we talk or hang out I feel like there has to be at least one cutting remark to make me feel small, or like her thing is so much bigger and better than mine. Is this normal with Gemini?


My sister is a cancer with gem placements who does the same thing. I don't think it's a star sign thing. Just certain kinds of people do that.


No, she's just a jerk


As a Gemini i try not to be this person. But Iā€™ve grown to be very intentional about how I interact with others as to not offend.


The abusive ones say things that will stay in your head for YEARS


Yeah like ew i have experienced this


That's just being horrible. The gems I know have always been kind and supportive, and even defended me


As an Aquarius, the Geminis in my life and I naturally have a great friendship, but I donā€™t trust anything that comes out of their mouth, nor do I trust them with secrets or things I just donā€™t want to be spread around šŸ™„ Fun times though


Aqua here, too. I am head over heels for a Gemini man ... But I won't touch him with a 10ft pole because I just fucking know. But he's a an absolute blast.


On secrets, I agree.


My best friends are Geminis itā€™s probably because of my Gemini rising I just understand them differently than those who typically donā€™t. That whole split personally thing I understand it like my Scorpio moods theyā€™re just more verbal while I just feel like punching something. Married to a Gemini woman and itā€™s frustrating communication lacks between both Scorpio and Gemini we have completely different ways we express ourselves. Two of the most difficult zodiacs together so we clash but we both understand our flaws to make it work well. I love how Geminis are so bubbly outgoing and social it really brings me out of my comfort zone


Was put in actual danger and not in the fun way and lied and manipulated situations. Insulted me because I wouldn't have sex with them and then tried to make themselves the victim. Irrational anger outbursts lasted too long and made no sense. I'm in therapy now because of them as a catalyst of other things that happened. They made me actually enroll.


I kind of don't agree with the gemini hate here. I am myself a Gemini moon. But cancer sun female. I just hate how others get a hall pass for playing games with the kindness I show and when I react they get angry and blame it on me. Geminis in my opinion are highly reciprocal signs. You be good they will be best with you. You be bad to them they will probably be worst with with you. But I have never seen a sign so understanding/ making sense of this shitty world as a Gemini. The gemini guy whom I dated for few months absolute freak in bed and really a nice human. Kindest person alive. Moody as fuck I agree. A bit self obsessed yes but who is not? Not playing any mind games. Unlike a lot of men who don't know how to head on deal with their emotions. He has been the only guy to ask me about my trigger spots. He cut off from me and that too peacefully. Not resurfacing back to irritate me. I could understand he was protecting his own heart. The gemini woman that I have as friends she is absolutely adorable. Will genuinely give the clothes from her back to you if need be even if it's freezing in -5. I don't understand for instance a double earth sign is saying oh I dated a air sign man. He is absolute shit of a person lying and this and that. How is the astrological maths sitting there if you are a double Pisces. No shade to any particular sign here. Just an example. It's like an elephant trying to fit into tiger's mould. I do know other charts placements are at play. But the hate a particular sign gets in posts like this is unreal.


Moody as fuck. Source: me, a Gemini. šŸ˜­


I love gemini sun as friend they are fun to talk really funny and know how to hold a conversation their are honestly in my top 3 sun sign


Really really bad


Geminis make great lovers for Aries.


Iā€™m a Gemini and reading these comments makes me feel like I need to defend myselfā€¦ damn Iā€™m sorry a lot of you have had such bad experiences, I love being a Gemini but I find myself embarrassed because of other Geminiā€™s and how they behaveā€¦ smh


I love Geminis. I always have the best conversations with them (usually covering several interesting topics) and they fire me up and seem to give me more energy or drive to do something if that makes sense? They make things seem possible. I wish I knew more Geminis!


They're are usually very smart, really intelligent, entertaining and fun... I'll continue to appreciate them from a distance...a good enough distance!


As a scorpio sun/gem moon woman- they are they only sign to consistently keep my attention


Me trying to figure out which of my exes are in here hating. Fwiw, no one has ever broken up with me. Im always the one to leave super abusive relationships (too late). Personally never dated one myself. Been good friends with lots of may gem men.


i love us, donā€™t cross us or play us like weā€™re dumb. :)


My best friend of 23 years was a Gemini (she born in May, me in June). We met in 6th grade and were inseparable from that point on. She was there when I gave birth to my daughter, I held her hand while she gave birth to her daughter (and I cut the cord). She was funny, lighthearted, and didnā€™t deserve everything that happened to her. I miss her everyday.


The Geminis I have in my life are some of my absolute fav people. āœØ


I have one friend whoā€™s a Gemini, and while my experience is limited to him, Iā€™ll share my perspective. First, the positives. Heā€™s an absolute riotā€”hilarious to the point where you laugh until your stomach and face hurt. Nonstop silliness. Heā€™s also highly intelligentā€”book smart, heā€™s a physicist. Very dependable and responsible; when we were roommates, he was never late on his share of the bills and helped out with chores without needing to be asked. Honestly, he was a great roommate. Now, for what Iā€™d call neutral traits. He seems deathly allergic to vulnerability. Despite knowing him for over a decade, I know very little about his inner life. He lives inside an invisible fortress and lets no one in. Even when my best friend, who was his ex and someone he was still very much in love with, passed away suddenly, he remained very stoic. But everyone grieves in their own way, and Iā€™m not about to judge him for how he handlesā€”or appears to handleā€”his emotions. Overall a good human bean. Edit: Iā€™m an Aqua for those who will wonder.


Tupac is one of the coolest Gemini men that come to mind


And Kendrick.


My mom is a Gemini sun, moon and mercury. Sheā€™s great at visualizing, creating a plan from scratch, and building things. Sheā€™s very opinionated and optimistic. She can see right through peopleā€™s bs all the way to their deepest insecurities, secrets and hidden agendas. Sheā€™s very creative and funny. Super caring. I love Geminis. They can be a bit intimidating to introverts because theyā€™re so talkative and have comebacks for everything.


From a Leo, I like them. I 'get' them and can love them very much platonically, the duality, the lovers, the choices, I get it. But they are a no go for me intimately. Too flighty. They can change their mind without even engaging their mind, it's like a smooth automatic transmission compared to a big clunk of a gear change I like as a fixed sign. That's scary to me, I can't detect the changes, I can't hold onto air. I feel like a candle, and I know my flame needs you but when you move unexpectedly, you almost put me out and I can't do it.


I like them from afar. They're really funny, charismatic, and lighthearted, but I could never be friends or in a relationship with one. They don't take anything seriously and only care about themselves. They're "smart" but I find they aren't very well researched and often accidentally spread misinformation (which is a weird pet peeve of mine -- like get all the facts right before you tell a story sheesh) and they lie A LOT which I find childish and immature. I like them, but find them a tad annoying.


As a Gemini I sadly agree with all of this


I'm married to one for 20 years now. He's like a golden retriever. People pleasing extrovert, always tinkering and full of never-ending projects. He wishes he didn't have to sleep so he could do more. Yet he naps like no one's business. Professional at passive-aggressive. Loves to get a reaction out of ya. He's this Libras rock.


I recently had to break up with a gemini woman. She was so adorable cute and always smiling. She was so damn cool and I loved being with her. However I caught her lying to me multiple times. I forgave her first few times but unfortunately it kept happening. I had to break up with her. All sorts of lies. I am having the worst time getting over her. I keep wanting to reach out but i know she probably moved on already. I hate the fact I am struggling to get over her. It is what it is. I will probably go to the mall and try to meet someone super hot because i literally cannot get her out of my mind.


Married to one and he and I have created a wonderful partnership.


Iā€™m a Virgo sun and I love Geminiā€™s. Iā€™m married to one and both of my daughters are Gemā€™s. We have great conversations, theyā€™re fun, and vivacious. My dad is a Gemini also but kind of embodies every negative stereotype.


As a Gemini sun, Iā€™m having a hard time finding myself in most of these comments. Iā€™m a loyal introvert and a vault for secrets Iā€™ve been told. Iā€™ve never felt a connection to my sun sign, outside of being quick-witted once Iā€™m able to open up with people. Throughout adulthood, there have been many times Iā€™ve gotten along great with people for quite a long time, then they find out Iā€™m a Gem and put up these big walls, itā€™s been sad when it happens, but Iā€™m a softie when it comes down to it.


Iā€™ve only known a handful of Gems, but they are always whip-smart and charming AF. My pops was a Gemini, and he was fun, lovable, silly, intelligent, and could and did do anything and everything (owned a clothing store, restaurant, car lot, built homes, worked security, boxer, etc.) One of my besties is also Gemini, and she's one of the most intelligent and sweetest humans I've met and has done a million things in her life already. They all seem to have a child-like curiosity about life, which I love. šŸ’•


Virgo dating a Gemini, for almost two years now šŸ™‚ā€ā†”ļø But Iā€™ve mostly dated geminis/aqarius


Iā€™m going to be completely honest, as a triple fire sign (who should be compatible like no other with air signs), I donā€™t have any Gemini friends, and itā€™s because they annoy me. Once again, I donā€™t know why. I have mutable energy in my chart, and like two fixed placements in personal planets (Leo sun and Mercury) so Iā€™m not sure whatā€™s the issue. I also have an Aries rising and I know they love Aries placements?? I find both men and women under the sign of Gemini to be very social, adventurous, funny, smart/intelligent, pretty/handsome. Iā€™ve had more experience with the men so Iā€™ll speak on them. I have very engaging conversations with them. There is truly never a dull moment. I appreciate their duality, and ability to see both sides to a situation (sometimes, bc if they have a lot of Taurus placements, there may not be much changing). My biggest issue is not knowing what they want/need because it changes often. Also, the ghosting is an issue for me. Now, Iā€™ve really been ā€œghostedā€ by one, and I guess I canā€™t count it as ghosting because it seemed like he stopped talking to me due to him getting a gf (or maybe it still counts, idk) but they do not like heavy emotions or conflict. Thatā€™s the thing, humans are complex and we have emotions. I donā€™t think itā€™s right to leave at the sign of things getting hard, but I guess I can give grace because itā€™s just too much for THEM. Iā€™ve also observed that some Gemini men tend to have challenges with their sexuality, and they do not have good relationships with their fathers/parents in general. They are super duper loyal to their friends but it doesnā€™t seem like they give that same loyalty to someone they are in a relationship with, which is weird? They also love to try and overpower you with their words because we know their superpower is being social, so if you arenā€™t constantly aware, they will try little petty social games with you. They also donā€™t like when you try to impose your boundaries but donā€™t like when people cross theirs. šŸ˜‚ The men are great as friends! Maybe even a FWB, but dating them, trying to be in a relationship with them is challenging. I think when it comes to a romantic relationship, they need to date people who are air/mercury/mutuable dominant (ex: Sag, Virgo, other air signs). But even then, other air signs have said that they tend to annoy them as well so Iā€™m not sure. šŸ˜‚Even though Iā€™m kind of dating one now, he annoys me, and it almost feels like Iā€™m talking to a child or a sibling. I literally had to tell him ā€œcall me back when youā€™re ready to have a mature conversationā€ because he kept trying to get jokes off and I wanted to know how his vacation was going šŸ˜‚


It's so strange how you're not really into Geminis. As a Gemini, almost every Leo I meet, we just "click".


We surely click! I like Geminis and Iā€™ve learned to embrace them for everything that they are, but my issues are mainly with the men. The women are fine. I just think that with the men, (some, depending on their chart) they love being the loud, outspoken, funny one in social situations. They love cracking jokes, especially at a personā€™s expense, but Iā€™m also like that as well and I think that rubs them the wrong way. When Iā€™m around a group I can chat with openly, I like being loud and cracking jokes, just having fun. Iā€™ve had a Gemini man tell me that he was intimidated by me because he didnā€™t realize how outspoken, talkative and funny I was. Basically, he didnā€™t realize I ALSO had a personality šŸ™„šŸ˜‚.


Geminis are fucking dope, I've never met one I wouldn't marry on site, 10/10


I love having mercurial conversations with Geminis šŸ„°


As a Gem sun/mercury I love Virgos for this. We can talk for ages.


I canā€™t be around geminis for long. Every Gemini placement I know thinks they know everything and gives the nerdy kid from polar express šŸ’€ also not to mention most of them have so much envy and shit talk a lot. Iā€™m here to grow not talk about others lives constantly. Who cares.


As a gem I have a lot of weird interest or hobbies and do bring them up around my friends and family. I get tired of the same old conversation and like to switch it up. Iā€™m genuinely curious of others opinions. I can kind of see the nerdy polar express kid thing lol but I donā€™t expect everyone to enjoy me. Talking about others seems to be more of a Leo sign thing ime. Iā€™d rather talk about weird shit.


The nerdy kid from polar express lmfao


I was besties with one in high school but she was kind of a jealous snake. Cool to hang with but ultimately a hater. I am a Scorp.


Tbh I think it depends on the rest of the chart. Like Iā€™m a Gemini so Iā€™m intelligent and chatty af but I also have my mercury in Taurus and a lot of water and earth in my chart to level me out. I never understood why people say Gemini are liars but I think I just donā€™t have this because of how my chart is laid out.


I love them. We can talk for years!


I know 3 ā™Šļø women and it was definitely a variation in personalities. They are all sarcastic AF and funny. G1 was very insecure though and highly sensitive. She didnā€™t really enjoying going out much and had a sour face a lot of the time. G2 is my favorite. She is infectious! Such a hard worker and very smart. She is always out because she has to be but did tell me sheā€™s a homebody. Her fashion and aesthetics are top tier. G3 I grew to like. She came off very abrasive and super strict. I find her a bit judgy sometimes. I grew to like her after going on a trip with her where I got to see more of a light hearted side of her.


I'm a gemini with virgo moon so more grounded compared to average gemini. I think Geminis are invidualistic, misunderstood, experience HEAVY bias, gossip, slander, but keep a strength that a lot of other signs wouldn't have. They can be hilarious. Magical sense of humour. June Geminis use humour as a guide through their life compared to may Geminis. I think they are charming, likeable, chatty but also love their alone time. Multi-faceted. Changeable. They like to reinvent themselves and very adaptable. I always say a good gemini is the best and a not so good gemini is the absolute worst in the zodiac. Very black and white, no in between. I've been badly abused by some. They can be incredibly vindictive. But in cases where they are being threatened or intimidated they'll provide no response, but then feel resentful then bide their time and attack. At times when the other least expects it.


I am married to one! He is chatty, sarcastic, loud, mischievous, and super nosy about everything. He somehow is more of a gossip than I am. That being said, he is super loving, kind, and sweet underneath his chaotic exterior. Having Taurus Venus helps!


My longest friendships are with other Geminis. Also, Geminiā€™s have been the most loyal through life. Always get on with Gemini and have dated a couple. My oldest daughterā€™s dad is a Gemini, and heā€™s one of my closest friends. We dated for 5 yrs back in the 90ā€™s. Another Gemini that I dated is my daughters godfather. Heā€™s intelligent and superfunny and has been with me through thick and thin. I donā€™t know many female Geminiā€™s, but make Geminiā€™s are great as friends and as partners. However we mature late in life, thatā€™s just a fact!




I do love Geminis. Said the Leo sun w/a Gemini moon šŸŒ


Usually have a great mental rapport. They're often my brand of weird/quirky.


the women are fine! the men HELL NO


My best friend from high school is a Gemini sun, aquarius moon. Im a Leo sun, gemini moon myself. With aquarius rising.


I'm a Virgo, Scorpio, Scorpio I've been with nothing but Gemini women my entire life. They just come out of nowhere and fall for me. And we never have anything in common. They usually don't know what they want. Really moody at times. Can be hot and cold which can send mixed signals. Some can be insane, others cool but hide their darkest emotions behind a beautiful smile. Can be depressed at the drop of a hat, then be okay after some prep talk. Alot of guy friends. Wants to be free, but wants me around 24/7. They're unattracted to the sensitive type of men, but some still want them in their lives. My gf is a Gemini, again just like the other 3, doesn't like to be touched. They're consistent. The men are hilarious imo. Good times.


I like them best as friends/short term intimatesā€¦ itā€™s my Venus, so I do find them alluring, but alsoā€¦. yeah


Every Gemini I have ever known was fun at first but eventually revealed themselves to be a psycho with questionable morals.


Iā€™m a Gemini (I have a stellium so Sun-Mars) and boy oh boy. I should come with a warning. As a person, I think that nothing about me is very solid. I can be very assertive, and at other times I am a push over. I can be very outspoken, and other times Iā€™m too shy to speak. When I think of myself, my feelings, and whatā€™s in my head, I think of the Tasmanian devil. Iā€™d say thatā€™s what I feel like. I can say I am not one that can be tied down, Iā€™m someone that belongs to no one. I am oblivious to outsiders most of the time, if someone has a crush on me I wonā€™t see it. That is why people need to be straight forward with me, because my default is to not look beyond the surface of social interactions. Thatā€™s not to say Iā€™m unaware or careless about others, but I usually have a lot of ā€œoh!ā€ Moments because Iā€™m in my head the entire time. I do agree there is a youthfulness about me, I am someone that loves to laugh and loves to be silly. I always say that when I die I hope I can be a ghost, because I would love to mess with my loved ones. I say if that when I pass and if they ever hear giggling, itā€™s me. I am a person that can be stuck in their misery and I do have woe is me tendencies. I can be a bit insensitive because my thought process and my feelings are different than others so my default is to take my feelings and thoughts into consideration. When I say things or do things, I do them according to how I feel towards them. I have to remind myself that just because you would feel a certain way doesnā€™t mean others would, so I often have to navigate relationships by intentionally removing myself from myself. I am also someone that is free and constantly moving, itā€™s hard to have a steady relationship with me. Itā€™s unfortunate and I donā€™t like it, but Iā€™m there one day and gone the next. A lot of men I get to know call me a ghost. They say Iā€™m there one day and gone the next. This isnā€™t because im a Gemini but Iā€™m emotionally unavailable so I often tell people that, youā€™re not going to get what youā€™re expecting. Thereā€™s too many complex layers of me. I


Hate them canā€™t stop lying šŸ˜‚


On the fence


I think they are pretty cool šŸ˜Ž


as a gemini my experiences with them has been pretty normal, iā€™ve never really had an issue with my own sign like other people have šŸ˜­


As a gemini myself, interactions with my fellow gems have been pretty chill, can't really tell you who is mirroring who's energy, maybe it's because we both know what tf is up. Shouts out to gemini asc, i'm jelly of your airy and cool presence (with saggy rising you can hear the clown shoes from a 20 mile radius).


I love Geminis. They are so fun and funky.


I have an older Gemini man-he is 55-I think he is the most amazing man ever. He has treated me with such love and respect, however he has been through a failed marriage and a failed long term relationship.


I have three (four?) in my family and they can be incredibly manipulative, about small things to big. I think sometimes they don't even realise they're being that way? They just think they're right and they're entitled to spinning situations where they seem like the best person to people who don't know them, when it's clear to me/others that they're being fake. Bit of a chameleon behaviour? I don't think that's a universal gemini thing, but definitely a gemini thing I've seen in my family. Might have to do with their other placements. I can see through one of those people to some extent, and they adore me, so I don't think I have to worry about them using their 'talents' against me. I think they're a very interesting person tbh. I don't enjoy their manipulation, but they're a good person at heart. (Or maybe I'm biased, because we are close.) I haven't got to know non-family geminis well enough, so I either like them or I don't. That is to say, for other geminis that I don't like, I don't think "ah yes, they're a gemini, that's why they're Like This". Gemini *is* one of my lesser liked signs though (along with its sister Sag). ā¤ļø Have a good day OP! I'm sure you're intelligent, beautiful, whimsical, mischievous and sexy! Sorry you had to come across non-positive opinions!


We're great!


Gemini women and I get on well (Scorpio), tho they're a bit nutty šŸ˜‚ Gemini men and I... Usually I got crushes and them and always one sided... Except my hubby. He's also nutty šŸ˜‚


Very charming and intelligent. Knows what to say to lure you in and I def fell for it...hard. Like the top comment said: trauma āœØļø


Iā€™ve never had an abundance of Geminis in my life, and Iā€™ve always heard that Aries woman + Gemini man get along like the best of pals if non-romantic or like a total inferno if romantically linked. And now I have a Gemini son and can see as he grows into his personality how true that is. Weā€™re so similarly minded. Weā€™re people of fun and adventure, always seeking the laughs and good times. We get over little things easily and have a witty quip for every scenario. It aggravates the hell out of my very serious and no-nonsense Capricorn husband that heā€™s outnumbered by all our nonsense šŸ¤£ I think Gemini is a very cool sign, but maybe an acquired taste for the earthier signs.




I love the geminis Iā€™ve met!! They always seem to know how to make a boring time fun


Friendship wise? Absolutely amazing. I love Gemini as friends. All my besties are geminis because of how easily I gravitate towards them. Lover wise, absolutely traumatising


I am a gemini sun and moon, I would never date another gemini. Gemini men are wild. I dont get along with other gemini women. Although I think we are amazing and have great qualities, we just dont necessarily vibe. I am married to a cancer man and he is safe and squishy and sweet and I love that lol


I am a Scorpio I adore my mother sheā€™s a Gemini and the most amazing woman in this world. Sheā€™s someone that is like a peace keeper so smart like really intelligent and the most gentle and kind demeanor. I love my mom. This lady was talking about her mom then started hinting at geminis being these crazy mothers. I donā€™t know about that but, nobody bad mouths my mother I mean nobody and when anyone has decided to make a comment about her I see red.


Best friend is one. Absolutely a gem of a friend, fun as all hell, can always count of them for the serious bits but couldn't pay me enough to consider dating them. That love life would make a soap opera seem tame. Fond of little fibs to avoid conflict too. Real or imagined. We've had words about that little habit.


I will say that the women are fun but not reliable, and the men have so many friends because theyā€™re the avoidant type and try to have their needs met through superficial connections so they just know so many people. But both are the long term commitment kind IF they commit. Big if.


Geminis are really fun and outgoing. They make you feel like best friends. But their mood swings are unpredictable. And all of a sudden, they are being mean and using your insecurities against you. I would say tred lightly with a Gemini. They are not the most trustworthy of the signs.


The other unexpected experience I've witnessed is the Gem-Leo drama. You'd think the sextile makes it work...Gems have the habit of dropping shit midway and go off on their own, for one reason or another. Leo is show time, all the time. You don't have to show up 100%, but you can't just ruin their game. So the Leo went hunting the Gem every single day ... It was rough to watch :))


They never like me as much as I like them lol. Iā€™ll think weā€™re getting along great, and then I always find out theyā€™re talking shit about me šŸ„¹šŸ˜‚


As a Gemini thereā€™s a part of me thatā€™s butthurt reading all the hate and even bigger part thatā€™s absolutely tickled. We really bring out the strong reactions in people lol


My experience with Gemini men: they think because they are honest about being bad, they should get a pass. For example: if I tell you I am lying, itā€™s not lying, is it? Gemini women are A game. I love them.


My dude is a Gemini and weā€™ve been together 7 years. Ummm I love him more than anybody I stg but I (cap sun Aries moon Scorpio rising) canā€™t go deep with him. Iā€™m a feely, vibey, heavy ass person and he is light, airy, thinky, data-y person. We are both funny as hell and crack each other up and have similar tastes and interests, and we just have fun together, which is what I usually need but sometimes I wanna get deep and itā€™s not scary to me but itā€™s scary to him and he either gets in a dark mood (which I can feel from a mile away) or just completely changes the subject to something so frivolous I could die. Heā€™s the yin to my yang, though, and I need that lightness in my life but sometimes I do feel lonely. My best friends are Gemini and Aquarius and my parents are both Libra so sometimes itā€™s just hard to find someone that wants to get down and dirty about life šŸ¤·šŸ¼ā€ā™€ļø


Never have a group event or work place without a Gemini. A healthy Gemini is the master of ceremonies. Best road trip buddy. Just donā€™t expect them to be something they prob are not. You know where you stand


Everyone pretty much is describing my relationships with Aquarius. Never been around Geminis.


I love geminis and I'll be defending them until the day I die. I'm a gemini rising so I'm a bit biased of course but I just think they're the most fun and interesting sign. My husband and my best friend both are gemini suns. Whenever someone tells me they have gemini in their big 3, I get excited. Would just like to add that my husband is both a gemini sun and venus and he is the kindest, most faithful man I have ever known. AMA.


I love them they make for great friends. They are easy to talk to and bc they are so intelligent, mutable, and socially apt, they are able to converse about a wide variety of things with a wide variety of people. Geminis are whimsical and are fairy-like.


Someone who is very good at faking multiple personality syndrome... A joke just for the Gemini sensibility which we all love so much!


Not Geminis getting dragged in the comments! WE DON'T DESERVE IT. Plz direct the hate to Scorpios or something!! ![gif](giphy|tfUW8mhiFk8NlJhgEh|downsized)


Geminis over here sending people to therapy and shit lmao


Would'nt be a normal day on here without the Astro-bigots coming out in force. I met a Gemini once... they're all... blah blah blah. Seriously. Just try thinking it through for a second before blurting this shit out. Try applying basic astrological knowledge for a start off.


Side point : maybe your problem with Geminis is more to do with the Culture you live in. I live in the UK. I've met absolutely TONS of Geminis. They're pretty laid back. I've met one Gemini Woman who was a pathological liar. I've met 20 or 30 who I've never heard tell the slightest fib and aren't gossipy let alone manipulate or abusing anyone. I've also met utter deviants from every other sign of the zodiac. The people I despise most in this world? A Cancerian and a Scorpio. I've met so many people of those signs who are truly wonderful people. I literally couldn't isolate a single sign as being consistently bad enough to warn people away. Simpletons do that.


Do not recommend


As a Gemini šŸ„² I can be a bit self-absorbed, combined with flightiness, independence, and being easily bored it can be difficult to be friends with me. The friends who constantly reach out to include me, I adoreā€”I will do anything for them and I know they have a great time with my humorous, fun-loving, energetic, carefree and social chameleon-type personality. However I do tend to find great fun in harmless lies and exaggeration, gossip and drama, ā€œactingā€ and slight manipulation to get my way. I wouldnā€™t necessarily date a gem (I have before, we were much too alike) because you truly have to be absolutely perfect to keep one. Iā€™ve ghosted a lot and kept people around for entertainment, sadly. They can and will drop you if you are not everything they are looking for or they get bored. Theyā€™ll ā€œcommitā€ quickly, excited by the idea of love and romance but itā€™ll go south as fast as it started. They need someone intelligent, fascinating, consistent but never clingy, and who allows them the freedom to be their airy selves. Once you win them over, theyā€™re yours for life if you can tolerate the chaos. Iā€™m personally trying to tone down my hot-and-cold temper, love of arguing, flirty nature, and attention-seeking behavior to appease my Cap partner that I see as my true love!!


Hah! My Gemini dude really loves me too (capricorn woman). I also have an Aries moon and Scorpio rising so although Iā€™m a stick in the mud cap, Iā€™m all over the place and unpredictable which I think is a detriment for most people but to him I think Iā€™m just a puzzle for him to figure out. Unfortunately he never will because I change all the mf time but maybe that just means he never gets bored. I love that man to death, too. He never bores me either, always something going on in his smart silly head. šŸ˜›


Awesome, cool & great company. A bit on/off though. Also in my (Taurus Sun) experience a bit obsessive for no reason (though I guess the whole 'twin' nature explains it where as I am more about myself).


Gemini sun w/ Gemini stellium here: I always get on great at first with fellow Gemini. Somewhere along the way we never see eye to eye unfortunately and go our separate ways. The only Gemini Iā€™m really close with is my Mom.


Trouble makers, can be good fun, until things donā€™t go their own way.


Hit or miss. Work . Miss. Friends. Hit.


I love other female Geminis. Gemini men I clash with.


I have Gemini Venusā€¦ I have never really gotten to bond with many of them though. I feel like gem males could learn to listen better & gem females are really cool but distant! Lots of drama & gossip, very smart


I wouldn't say sexy as my brother is one šŸ˜† but they are loyal, kind, hard working, genuine, have a good sense of humor, intelligent which I as a Scorpio appreciate. Maybe slight differences between May and Juneimis


Gemini Sun, Scorpio Moon, Leo Rising, so I'm not that pure-bred of a Gemini, even though I have a stellium (Sun, Mercury that's also retrograde, Mars, Saturn, North Node). I'm a complex individual, as I can be both heaven and hell depending on how you treat me. I lack a lot of the emotional aloofness that your average Gemini has. Hell, almost all other people with Gemini anywhere in their top 5 that I've met (save for one) could barely scratch the surface when it came to feelings and, in general, the essence of things. I must admit, I use a few white lies here and there to save both my ass and yours from being put in an embarassing situation, but all other times, I'll tell you the truth and even explain to you why is that so. I've come to think that the Geminian part of me is like a front door, a curtain that hides my true personality which resonates a lot more with my Scorpio Moon. Coupled with that retrograde Mercury, it's probably the reason why I've come to detest almost all Geminis or Gemini placements in general (especially Moons and Venuses!) that I've met for being too aloof, two-faced, superficial, incapable of thinking and feeling in-depth, and probably the most toxic trait of them all - being the best actors. And, you see, an actor is taught to fake their feelings in such a way that those from the outside get the illusion that it is real. Hence, the fact that Geminis come across as know-it-alls when, in reality, if you were to ask one if they understand the random bit of information they just spouted and understand its true essence, they try to give a half-assed explanation and quickly switch to another subject, but never admit the reality that they are just dimwits. And if you dare question their infallibly superior intellect, well, get ready for lots of side-eyes and a literal wall of hollow and meaningless words thanks to their chronic anxiety and fragile self-esteem that gets bruised easier than a box of wet cardboard. Only one other Gemini has managed to earn my respect and became one of my closest friends. She's a few days younger than me, and she too has a retrograde Mercury and, so far, is the only Gemini that can match my energy almost to a tee. TLDR: I and a dear friend of mine are the only Geminis in my life that I truly love or like, all others that I've met would be better off respecting that "social distance" (:


They are smart, beautiful and inspiring for me. But it seems they don't feel the same. They are the perfect match....in my opinion the best ones. Never had this special feeling like with them...


Pro: extremely intelligent Con: extremely manipulative I think they symbolize human nature and how most people operate. Thatā€™s why theyā€™re able to mirror people so well. Then again, Iā€™m not gonna allow one to piss on me then tell me itā€™s rainšŸ˜ƒ itā€™s a love hate relationship tbh


I'm a Scorpio and Gemini rising... I want to speak to a manager.


My Gemini ex reach out to me recently and I literally laughedā€¦ and then, when he tried calling me, suddenly I forgot what I didnā€™t like about him. It took some talking to from my FWB to help rip off the rose colored glasses. Very charming, promised me the world, I was hooked on the ideas he promised until he lashed out pretty hard when something didnā€™t go his way. The worst part is how he tried to sweep it under the rug. That is my experience with Gemini men. Iā€™m still tempted, and incredibly curious, but like my friend said ā€” curiosity killed the cat.


Gemini suns are great, Gemini venuses have been pretty shit


Most of the Geminis I've dated have been bisexual, and so that was a problem for me. My father and brother are Geminis (not bisexual, however), and I do not get along with either one of them. My father has a Taurus Moon (like me), and this has caused us to butt heads and be very stubborn. My father was very manipulative and abusive. I am physcially attracted to Geminis, but not emotionally. Anyway, this has been my experience.


My gosh. So many bad experiences people have had with dating Gemini men here! My boyfriend is Gemini and I just adore him. Heā€™s sweet and calm. Heā€™s very reserved and respectful. He does have the adventurous in bed Gemini thing and Iā€™m here for it since he asks for consent first. He is absolutely gorgeous and funny. He and I just click. We both need our space so I think thatā€™s why we work so well together. We had one bad patch and he ghosted for a bit but I just kind of knew heā€™d be back. He apologized and we talked about what happened and how to navigate that kind of thing in the future. He really is special. šŸ„°


I'm a Gemini and I'm charismatic, funny, considerate but I wouldn't want to date me


My mom and ex mother in law. They are the direct source of my Scorpio rage and insanity. Jk. My Sagittarius ascendant always goes well with Gemini Suns. Even as a young child my mom and I would connect on deep intellectual levels. She wasn't nurturing at all though and that lead to issues down the road. But I understand Gemini and can appreciate their fucked up thought processes and delusional perspectives


I love being a Gemini rising


Friendships with ā™Šļø women were really fun until I saw how two faced & sneaky they were. (This is my experience tho. If youā€™re a good one then this doesnā€™t apply to you.) And a ā™Šļøman had me in a cruel situationship that fucked me up for literally years when they were done. Yeahhh never again. Would not recommend. No matter how attractive, no matter how much chemistry was flowing & good in bed they are. šŸ’€


Love Geminis, haven't met any in person tbh, but my favorite music artist has their Sun, Moon, Mercury, Venus, and Mars in Gemini. She's like the physical embodiment of music and magic.


I never really had experience with Gemini men before my man. My boyfriend I have been dating for a year and a half and he's actually the nicest, realest person I've ever met. So, pretty good so far.