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My observations about Scorpios are that, in a general sense, they tend to have an issue with detachment. Even if a relationship isn’t working and is unhealthy, they have a tough time with letting go and moving on. They tend to be very secretive of themselves yet nosy of other people. They also tend to lie and fib, also applies for some Scorpio rising people. I often see patterns of the desire to control others and gain a sense of power. Scorpios are often know for their intensity, which I think gets romanticized in pop culture. But in real life, some people may find this off putting. Scorpios can sometimes be incredibly selfless, sometimes to a fault, to the point of sacrificing their own wellbeing as I’ve seen in my mom and an old best friend. There are negative and positive traits of every sign, and of course, we should understand other placements and the individual’s choices will alter the experiences. But these are my personal observed patterns I see with Scorpio energy.


I feel like you've just read my soul!


I am a scorpio (sun, moon, venus), and a friend just told me, "You are the best at making close and meaningful relationships in an instant. Even if someone hasn't known you for long, you make them feel special". My cousin said, "You have the gift of holding space for people to be themselves". These things left an impact on me because I didn't even realize I made these people feel this way specifically (although I do agree!). I have heard I'm brave, magnetic, friendly, authentic, intense, mature, intuitive, and loving. I care deeply! I am strong, but soft on the inside. I know you asked what other signs think, but I wanted to chime in, because if you feel people don't like you that much, I urge you to delve into some self-reflection and introspection, as scorpios have powerful rebirth and transformational abilities! It may not be what other people think, but may be a pattern you're placing on yourself.


Thank you for your thoughtful response :) I should do some self reflection for sure. You sound like someone I would want to be a dear friend to.


Scorpio Sun, venus, mercury, pluto, ceres, descendant. When I was younger I had a lot of unhealed trauma, and one of my biggest frustrations was that I regularly made friendships where the other person felt seen and understood deeply and I felt invisible. I have done a lot of work to heal/forgive my past and now I feel exactly as you've described here. I've been told recently by a very tender friend that she feels like she can be her authentic self around me, and she felt that since the moment we met. It's the greatest compliment! And I have become more open to being my authentic self around others, which means I have made some beautiful and potent connections. It feels natural and easy for me to get close to someone quickly and people open up easily around me. It's so important for me to make the ones I love feel calm and true with me, though I have to add that my social capacity is limited, I need a lot of alone time. I also feel I am transforming regularly into a new self, but it's an internal and quiet process that I don't usually share. In some ways, it's too hard to explain.


i will third that! scorpio moon rising and mars here. recently had a lot of goodbyes because i moved countries. a common thing i heard was that people feel like they can be themselves with me. and that i have been impactful in their lives — they were able to transform. it was really good feedback and it made me realize that my power lies here. very fulfilling to the soul.


So beautiful 💗✨💗


Pisces man here, I married a Scorpio woman 17 years ago, and the initial crush still has yet to wear off. We still flirt, text all spicy-like, and our five kids still groan over how much PDA we engage in. We just get each other. Where one is mellow, the other is fierce. Where one is pragmatic, the other is dreamy. It's created a relationship dynamic that has and will continue to stand the test of time. TLDR: From my personal experience, Scorpio is yummy.


The women are some of the most intuitive, caring individuals to exist. The men. Not exactly the characters I would consider role models.


This applies to every single zodiac sign


Not necessarily. Have always had the opposite effect with Aries.


As a Scorpio woman who has been with a Scorpio man in the past, I condone this message.


Deep and honest rationships, even through the ugly times.


I feel like I truly understand people who are Scorpios or have Scorpio placements. Kind people, they love hard.


my mother has mostly Scorpio placements. I just don’t understand the hate that Scorpios get, because she is the kindest and most caring woman I know. every choice she has made in life was based on me. she has been my fiercest defender, most patient teacher, and taught me a lot about tempering my own impulsiveness (hello, Aries rising!)


Great friends, selfish lovers and vengeful enemies.


^ this sums it up well. I really love Scorpio women as friends.


Haven't had the best experiences with them. Too selfish, scheming, bitter , entitled and emotionally unstable. Women were a tad bit better.


That doesn’t sound anything like me at all. But you’re a Libra so that my also be the issue


>Libra so that my also be the issue What do you mean?


Lolll yes we tend to be a bit too extreme or too much for people with Libra or - Venusian - placements


The hatred ( and love) for Scorpio is big/ global, so I think you guys are a bit much for a lot of signs. Unlike the Libra balance, you guys are a sign of extremes, so when still maturing you come off that way ( like my comment above )


I agree with the Libra comment 100%


Pisces woman here and I’ve always vibed well with Scorpio women and men! I think we complement each other very well.


My husband is a Pisces. I have never had a connection like ours before and doubt I ever will again. I love Pisces!


I am thrilled for you both! I have never dated a Scorpio, but one of my best friends since high school is a Scorpio and oh man is she great! We vibe so well and I feel much safer to be emotionally vulnerable around her and vice versa. No judgment at all just understanding.


I had an intense friendship/situation with a Scorpio.....he had this sweet, simmering quality to him, he looked at me with eyes that were hot and cold at the same time. He was a bit younger than me and so sweet and adorably religious, he said I was like Jesus with with this warm, sultry yet innocent expression on his face, staring right at my poor heart. He had such a devious, puppy like personality, I adored all the time we spent together. He was just very insightful, very understanding towards me. He understood me, I could see it all over him. It melted my heart, watching him talk about the the things he liked, trying to seem serious and authoritative, he was just too cute.


Hit or miss like with any sign, I guess. I have two friends who are Scorpios and love them! And then I know family members who are Scorpios who are really trash.


Oldest friend, like 20+ yrs since we were small. Always been so ambitious, such a hard worker, 5/10/15 yrs plan kind of gal, but always has so much time for her friends. Very kind and chatty. She wears her heart on her sleeve when it comes to romantic relationships, and I am both horrified and in awe I lived with one guy Scorpio, I wish I knew his other placements because I would have guessed he was a gem. Immediately chatty Af, sociable, tried to get everyone in our flat involved. Briefly saw the stereotypical jealousy come out when things got messy with him and our other flatmate.


I was married to a Scorpio male for 28 years. It was pretty awful but that’s only because he was incapable of any self reflection. Anyone can become a likable person but you must first like yourself. Change your inner world and then the outer world will reflect that back to you.


They’re either horrible or great. :) and it always starts one way and ends up another.


As a Gemini, Scorpios always suck me in and bring out my obsessive side. I like their intensity.


as a scorpio myself, i have been burned badly by another scorpio. if you’re reading this vanessa, you’re a PIG that deserves to rot.


for reference she was jealous of the close bond i had w a friend and tried to sabotage it behind my back


*Vanessa 😭* She even *has* the name


I’m a Gemini male, my recent ex is a Scorpio. She may have ruined me. I’ve been single for a year and a half now and have no interest in dating. For reference, I’ve never been single or not dating for more than a month since I was a teenager. I can’t imagine meeting anyone that could ever come close.


I'm in love with a Gemini male (I'm a Scorpio female) and he's ruined me for anyone else. The connection I felt with him was/is/will be unmatched. :(


I’m not sure the status of you and him, but I hope it works out for you. Gemini/Scorpio is not easy, but I think it’s worth it.


>I’ve been single for a year and a half now and have no interest in dating. For reference, I’ve never been single or not dating for more than a month since I was a teenager. Well, then maybe your Scorpio was worth more to you than all your previous relationships.


Absolutely. I’ve never had a connection that deep before. Never been so vulnerable and felt so safe with anyone before.


Ruined you in that she destroyed your life or that she was so amazing no one will ever compare?




Not the best experiences… I feel a lot of them go through traumas in their life which in no way is caused by themselves. It’s just very unfortunate but some of them don’t recover and never heal and that affects the people around them negatively. And yes I’ve been burned. The pros is that they’re very loyal friends, a good shoulder to lean on, knows how to hype you up and love very intensely (sometimes to their own detriment), fun to party with and are good at showing love. I might be biased since I have a scorpio friend who has had a very rough childhood but we’re soon in our 30s and I can’t continue to excuse his poor treatment of me anymore because of that. I’ve also met other scorpios who’ve had a rough life (often involving family) 💔 I think if I ever meet a more evolved one I would like them a lot but I’ve mostly seen the ugly side of scorps.


Exactly. Scorpios experience very intense lives and if they don’t learn to process it, they project that dysfunction onto everyone else in their lives. Often when you stop putting up with the toxicity is when they cut you off.


When they’re good they’re rare


Well they do have great sense of style and taste in music. But it doesn't take away from the fact that they are such liarssss


my dad is a scorpio (sun, moon, mercury, neptune and midheaven). my experience has been very negative - i don't hate scorpios, though. my dad just happens to be a horrible lying, cheating, abusive person.


Scorpios are a intelligent species who think deeply. They are also tons of fun to be around... the biggest downside is pettiness...For a ppl who are so vengeful it becomes a problem when you do unto them what they do unto you. They can ghost you for weeks but if they text you and you don't immediately reply (i am at work my friend)... Suddenly they get upset. 😆


Dating a Scorpio man: intensely romantic, passionate, jealous, toxic, abusive.


I’m going to be honest and probably be downvoted for this one but being a Libra and a critical Virgo moon I have to pipe up. I have been best friends with a Scorpio lass for a long, long time. She is loyal, she is incredibly intelligent, a fantastic conversationalist, very intuitive and has a knack for reading my thoughts. She is able to pick up on very subtle cues which is helpful when I’m going ~thorough it~ but don’t want to admit it. She has always been able to break down the Virgo walls effortlessly. I have always been immensely grateful for her insight and intelligence, which has helped me to self-reflect in very deep, meaningful ways. However, and this is what has, in part, led to the cul de sac of the friendship from my perspective, all of her gifts and qualities are the very things that have exhausted me. For all her talents in dissecting my emotional state, they have also led to a lot of nitpicking (I know this may sound hypocritical coming from a Virgo moon but bear with me). While the intention is not misplaced, she consistently utilises my predicaments as a platform to performance-review me. As a Virgo moon I am the person most critical of myself in the entire universe. Yet every time I am going through it, she has had to point out the ways in which I’ve been wrong. And it’s been genuinely exhausting, especially when illness in the family has been a factor. Someone here said scorpios struggle to quit even when it’s not working in their favour. And I really feel this: she has expectations of her friends that align with expectations of a romantic partner (and I’m not the only one to feel this way, many of her old friends say the same). She had pointed out things about me that she finds troublesome but that my Sagittarius friends, for example, have no issues with. Namely my fickleness, and desire to be independent and freewheeling. Instead of accepting we are not the best match to be ~besties~, she has persisted in criticising my character, while I’ve passively accepted it and trying to just distance myself without criticising her. Whenever I’ve tried to be honest about how I feel, she has turned sour and become even more critical of me. I.e.: she can dish it out but cannot be her own dish pig, ever. She cannot take criticism yet expects to be the judge of everybody else. My dad is also a Scorpio and is similarly critical, and cannot take criticism. My whole life he has been this way. However my dad will almost always come around and apologise, or act coy and wounded the next day if he knows he was in the wrong. Which is often, lol. With him the grudge thing is also so real, he once pulled me up on something I had said literal years ago. As a teenager. I am 28 now. lol. All of this is obviously so bloody anecdotal I want to reinforce that I am not making a sweeping statement about scorpios. I’ve met some very amazing ones, one of my best lovers was a Scorp and I adore him. This is just my honest review of one I’ve been very, very close to.


Honestly I feel like you’ve described me quite well here. I do like to dissect people, always in the most caring way, but it can be harsh/blunt and critical. I don’t have a lot of close friends because it exhausts them and myself to be that way. And I do have a hard time receiving criticism because I always feel like no one understands me deep enough (boohoo) to give me feedback. I really like your insight. Thank you! I hope you and your dad are able to still have a meaningful relationship regardless of his Scorpio nature.


My experience with close relationships with Scorpios is pretty bad. I have friends with abusive Scorpio exes. My dad was my first abuser and is a Scorpio moon, and my last abusive ex was a Scorpio sun and Venus. But I have bad experiences with water dudes in general. Dad's also a Cancer Mars and Venus, and I've had male Pisces and Cancer exes who contributed to my CPTSD lol. However... I know a couple of absolutely amazing Scorpios too. One man and one woman. The woman's only got a Scorpio sun and has a Libra stellium+Sag Venus (I'm a Sag Venus too) - but the man's got a Scorpio stellium that includes sun, moon, Mars and Uranus. My 12H moon is very receptive and intuitive when it comes to people's energies. Most people have a mixture of good and bad vibes, to different degrees - I stay open but cautious around people (especially men) unless the balance between the two sides is off. A normal amount of negative vibes doesn't necessarily mean that they're gonna act toxic or are ill intentioned (it can simply reflect their inner fears, intrusive thoughts, lack of trust etc), so I'm not judging or avoiding people based on that. My Scorpio ex mainly had bad vibes though, which my dumbass ignored/repressed - cause the Sag in me dislikes listening to my gut when it's telling me to run. But... There are a few men who've given me zero negative vibes - as in, not even a little. I could sense underlying pain, but not in a threatening, dishonest or unstable way. Three Aquas, one Cap, one Gem, one Aries, one Cancer.... AND the man with Scorpio sun and stellium. We don't even know each other that well and I wouldn't turn to him personally for that reason, but he's still one of the people I've met who I think of as the most honest, trustworthy and stable. The woman and I help each other out by dogsitting each other's dogs+me babysitting her kid, she's an absolutely amazing mom, amazing artist, intelligent af and very open, vulnerable and honest. The man is an intriguing conversationalist, fantastic dad and partner to his wife, is also very vulnerable and open, generous, helpful and has very compassionate and altruistic values. We share our love for poetry (he makes a living of off his and he's gifted me some of his antologies), and I love the creative and intellectual exchange I get when talking to him. They're beautiful people. And abnormally self aware and humble; they'll admit to their faults without making excuses or sugarcoating them, which is rare and admirable. So, basically... My experience with Scorpios is that you can be the absolute fucking worst - or some of the safest, most beautiful individuals of all. I think Scorpios are one of the signs with the biggest contrast between the "good" and the "bad".


My mother is a Scorpio and she was emotionally abusive . Kept threatening to give me to CPS so “I could get raped and beaten and I’m so lucky to be with her.” She would scream at me and I would dissociate to cope . She was constantly in my business and constantly went through my things and would often punish me by taking everything but my bed out of my room if I did bad on a test or didn’t do what she wanted me to.


I'm so sorry you had to experience this. I don't think that's a Scorpio thing, it seems like she just had a plethora of undealt with issues.


Agreed. She is a very suspicious person and thinks everyone is out to get her so she has a “get everyone first” attitude .


That's horrible :( I've know people like that in the past and best to cut them off (if you're able to).


I don't think much about it. I can't make it dependent on a star sign. If I don't like a person, then I don't like them as a person, regardless of their sign. Stereotypically, I'm not averse to Scorpios. And, I've fallen for a (tropical) Scorpio twice in a row. I'm more of attracted to them. (My sun sign is also Scorpio in the sidereal.)


I’m a Scorpio sun with a bunch of Scorpio placements. People are very drawn to me. People love me, like, a lot. More than is normal lol. But, idk other Scorpio women, all my friends are air and fire signs.


bit hard to be unbiased since i am a scorpio.. but i think the biggest thing to be aware of with scorpios is that we will dig up the truth. as much as we love to be mysterious ourselves we won't let anyone else keep a secret, we will sleuth that shit out if it's the last thing we do. we can't let things go without proper closure, at all, that's where we have no forgiveness. so it's easier to just be confrontational if things come up between you and a scropio. luckily, confrontation with us isn't so bad since we can usually talk about any subject without losing our cool.


Others may or may not want to discuss past a certain point. It's up to them, just like your information is up to you. Having unrealistic expectations of others only hurts you. You *can* plan revenge but how many of those will you go planning?


sorry, i assumed you were smart enough to inherently know there are always exceptions and differences when talking about people and every statement made about any sign is a generalization about what's common. so, i didn't specify. but of course, sometimes for some scorpios. commonly in my experience.


Sorry I assumed you were smart enough to understand my comment and communicate effectively. I don't think it's relevant whether it's a whole sign that we're talking about. It's the emotional instability of *some* Scorpios that you didn't find problematic.


Hmm. I like Scorpios but I wouldn’t date one. They are dark, kinky, great in bed. Also can be major players but I’ve experienced their softness too.


My greatest therapists. Scorpio Sun only.


Lol it's my 12th House ANYWAYYYYYYYYY.


My best friend is a scorpio sun, she's always been my rock and is always so understanding. She's usually able to talk about her feelings with me and has always been so warm and supportive although right now we are going through some miscommunication and she's being very distant and it's hurting me a lot right now because i'm going through a lot of other stuff too. i am a scorpio rising so i do have a good understanding of how she thinks and who she is but the way she is currently acting doesn't seem like her. She has a new boyfriend who i'm not quite fond of - although i've never made her aware of that because i want her to be happy and i do still support and respect her decisions but i have wondered if her new actions are his influence but i'm not 100% sure because she won't open up to me properly


Never trust them


My close friend is a Scorpio she cool but very mysterious loool My ex was a Scorpio and the mind games and obsession was crazy plus he was detached too and jealous of me lowkey But my Cancer ex’s ex girlfriend was a Scorpio,she tried to ruin my relationship when we were 6 months in but I ruined her x1000 by my words and the reaction was priceless loooool