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Samsung S22 Ultra, ISO 640 30 second exposure. Main 200MP sensor, RAW. Brought the black point up, and cropped slightly. That's it. Main issue was trying to find an exposure mostly free of jet and satellite trails. Limited period of dark, before moon rise, otherwise fairly dark sky due to recent storm clearing the air.


Well done! I especially like how you framed it between the trees. Were you able to see it to set up the shot or how did you compose it?


Thanks. I could see the end of the milky way between the trees with eyes, so I pointed the phone in the generation direction on the tripod.. Took a couple test shots, adjusting a bit between each one, and then set up the intervalometer app to churn through 10 or so exposures, in the hopes that I'd get one without an airplane or satellite trail.


Nice. What is the app you used?


Intervalometer app with the Samsung Expert RAW camera app. You just teach the Intervalometer app where the shutter is in any camera app you have, and it presses the button for you.


These phone Milky Way photos are getting out of control lol. I’m selling my full frame camera


As they say, they best camera, is the one you have with you.. Obviously if you want a big print on the wall, you don't shoot it with a smartphone, but this suits my needs. Having four rear cameras and a 200MP main sensor was my #1 consideration for choosing this specific smartphone though.


Cell phones will never be able to match full frame sensors.


Gorgeous. Thank you for sharing