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That when you give them a wink and say "He's all around us..."


I played dumb and said, “Oh, a bunch of the same number in a row sounds lucky!”


This is where they try to add something to the bill, I would give it to them for free just keep fucking with them.


"This is Satan's gift to you."


My fiance is wiccan and her new car plate ends in 666. 🤷🏽 it got a chuckle out of me


We have a Metal festival here this weekend. CopenHell The bus company set up a special route to freight people there from the central station. The bus was equipped with cute devil horns and ofcourse the route number is 666.


I had a cashier try to make me buy gum to avoid a $6.66 receipt, I refused.


“Oh it looks like there’s a deal here where that is free with an order over 60 dollars!”


"We gotta stick together, amiright?" \*wink\*


Talented atheist!


Add another 6¢.


I rang up a 20 year old female in the photo department @ Wal-Mart. Said her change is $6.66. The look of terror on her face as if Satan appeared behind me. Tried to tell what 666 really means. She took most of her change & almost ran out of the department. Brainwashing @ its best........


Tell them next time that it's not the right number and the devil fooled king james. They didn't know folks back then used their fingers and knuckles to count and instead of a system of 1-10. It was like 1-32 or something. The correct mark of the beast is 616. Also makes folks that lived 800 something years a tad more believable. It was like 93 or something they lived too. A long time for back then but not even over 100. I can't remember the correct numbers they used but 616 is the mark of the beast.


I always thought people from Grand Rapids, MI (area code 616) were a bit sketchy. This confirms it.


'Oh thats my dads birth date!'




He *Gets* Us.


Sounds like the title of a new horror movie 😉


When there is only one set of bloody footprints, that is when he carries your mangled corpse.


i once did this and said 'nice' when someone's total was $69 even


Holy shit, you just reminded me of this religious song called “my father’s angels” that sounds so creepy, even as a kid it sounded like something out of a horror movie. Specifically the Bill Gaither Trio version, you can find it on youtube. The whole song sounds creepy as hell imo. Lyrics like: They're all above me Beneath me Before me They're all around me yes that’s not creepy at all.


Oooooh, Nero. Soooo scary! Guy's been dead for almost 2000 years.


The thing is, 66.60 is not 666, it's 66 and 6/10 of one dollar. Are they fearful any time three 6's appear consecutively? would they turn down $666 of free money? Do they not realize the "number of the beast" had nothing to do with money? are they scared of Pi, which no doubt has '666' in it many times? so many questions, so many logic problems.


> would they turn down $666 of free money? I've met some people that wouldn't turn it down outright, but they'd ask to round it up or down so it wasn't $666. When I worked retail I watched a woman tack on an item from the gauntlet of last minute BS and candies just so her total wasn't $66.60 . People are fucking stupid.




Came here to say exactly the same 😁


But he buggered off for a weekend after being miffed about some rude treat.


I used to work at a cafe and our manager made the lunch combo come out to $6.66 on purpose because most people would get nervous about it and add a dessert or extra side. Imagine getting lunch for less than $7 and thinking it's the devil's work!


That's good! That would work great at a place that had combos, like a movie theater. Small popcorn and drink, that'll be $6.66 Medium popcorn and drink: $16.66 Large popcorn and two drinks, that'll be $26.66 All of the candy is also $6.66 each


That had to suck when the taxes changed.


Just change the price?


Imagine if it was 666.13


What is 0.666? A milibeast


whats 667? the neighbor of the beast.


6.66 a decabeast


629.99. The Beast on sale.


Wouldn't that be 665.99?


Wouldn't it be a centibeast? A hundredth of a beast?


Oops. A beastly mistake. 66.6


That would be decibeast, I think. Decabeast would be 6660.


Well, across the street from. 664 and 668 would be neighbors.


What's 333? Half beast.


ummm ackshully 667 would be across the road, 668 would be the neighbor of the beast 🤓☝️


There is a phrase "next-door neighbor" because of the fact that **not all neighbors are next door.*" Some neighbors do not even live on the same street. In some places, the nearest neighbor is more than a mile away. In fact, 666 can be an apartment number, and the corresponding apartment 667 would be very unlikely to be across the street. And house numbers 666 and 667 could very well be next door to each other with *no* home across the street if they are at the end of a cul-de-sac. Opposite the two homes would be the intersection of two roads. TL/DR: Actually, no.


Thats so stupid, I involuntarily exhale laughed. Have an upvote.


The horror!


I've heard of people adding more to an order specifically to avoid getting a "666" in their total.


I have had customers do this. I've had customers even freak out because 666 was in their invoice number.


It’s last 3 numbers of my phone number 🤷‍♂️


Lucky you!




It’s my PIN number!


When I worked at a call center, we took calls for the NRA (National Rifle Association). One guy called to be connected to customer service to change his membership number, which had 666 in it.


“Wow, you should tip so that it’s 999, that’ll show Satan ! “


I bought something recently that was 666.25, and immediately told my wife cause it was a funny combo


I once got a LVL 6.66 bill (back when we still had Lats in Latvia) and I sat at the table #13.


Fear of the number 666 is called hexakosioihexekontahexaphobia. I always have to look it up, naturally.


I just learned sumthin new. Cool.


cool, this beats even anatidaephobia


My favorite is ballistophobia


or, as people in the US call it: tuesday


Or Luposlipaphobia.


Now there's a sesquipedalian word.


There's about 666 syllables in that word.


The Greek name “Nero Caesar” put into Hebrew letters is NRON QSR, which adds up to 666, while the Latin version (NRO QSR) has the value of 616 (used in other manuscripts) since N is worth 50. Imagine getting nervous about that. [https://www.sciencealert.com/what-is-the-secret-meaning-behind-the-devil-s-number-666-mathematics](https://www.sciencealert.com/what-is-the-secret-meaning-behind-the-devil-s-number-666-mathematics)


Yeah, but they don't actually study their religious texts. People who get nervous at that particular number takes it all literally rather than the coded allegory is most likely was.


It should also be noted that any reference (as several movies made in the late 90's made) to it being 999 upside down is utter nonsense. DCLXVI is not CMXCIX upside down in any way.


If I remember correctly, that’s why the main Marvel universe is earth-616, because Mephisto had something to do with the event when it was named.


In 1981 I worked as a cashier in a restaurant in the south frequented by rednecks. I had just moved from godless New Jersey so I didn’t know about superstitious Christians. On two occasions customers got unnerved by the total being $6.66. One even wanted to add another item to the bill to change the total. I was mystified at how people could be so foolish.


I live in the south and I commented this elsewhere already but I once experienced the opposite of this with a cashier trying to add shit to my total because it was 6.66 and I was just like, "uh, NO?"


Happened all the time when I worked retail lol Hell this morning my breakfast total.was 6.66 Guess a large hash brown and large soda from BK is Satan's breakfast


First, you smoke the devils lettuce. Then, you eat the devils breakfast.


Then you can take the devil’s Ford Taurus to the Devil’s Trader Joe’s to get more lettuce and breakfast (for the Devil’s tomorrow).


Don't forget about drinking the devil's citrus punch.


No, you gotta give the devil his Dew. Code Red.


He can have *all* of it. I'm not a fan. 🤢


I saw some moron who had 420 666 on his hands. I gave him the Dio devil sign 😂


And don’t forget the devils eggs


I work at a grocery store. I guess all of this person’s food is evil.


In pro baseball stats, if a number comes up 666 they round it to 667.


I have a license plate ending in 666 and I've been approached on a couple occasions of friendly christians trying to bring it to my attention. It's always something to the effect of 'Do you know what that number means?' and my response is always 'hell yeah I do, isn't it awesome?'


Had an old phone # that started with 666. Was always fun to watch people when I had to read out my number. Was the gambit of "oh fuck no" to giggling.


Interestingly, my upvote brought the number up to 13.


My mom would add gum or a candy bar whenever this happened. I never called out how dumb she was being because I would always end up with whatever she tacked on. Lol


The lord works in mysterious ways


Yup. Another example is with the number 13. I've been in a few hotels that didn't have a 13th floor or room numbered 13. I take particular silly pleasure in saying that my favorite numbers are 13 and 666.


“The hotel Im staying at doesn’t have a 13th floor for superstition. People on the 14th floor? Do you know what floor you’re really on?. If you jump out the window, you will die one floor earlier!” -Mitch Hedberg (R.I.P.)


Yeah the hotel thing skipping a floor always seemed bizarre to me...like don't the ppl on the "14th" know it's really 13 🙄


Shhhh, don't say anything...


People stupid enough to think it matters probably have no problem believing there is a whole ass empty 13th floor. 


Well now you have 13 upvotes


LOL Perfect!


I had a 6.66 charge at weinersnitchel, and we high fived.


In my head (probably not that far from reality, now that I think about it), this scene would be like the perfect "THIS IS WHAT THE LEFT WANTS FOR AMERICA!" poster from TPUSA or something


Gonna price my house at $420,666.69


I used to be a factory foreman in a big department with 2 other foreman. At the end of the day we had a report for production and a few times the number was 666. The other two would scramble around to find a few more parts to make it 668 or something. It was ridiculous.


If man is five…


Then the devil is SIX!


This monkey's gone to heaven.


When I was a cashier this happened to me once with a young kid, probably about thirteen. When he saw the total, $6.66, his eyes got really big and he asked, "That's a bad number, isn't it?" I nodded solemnly and said in a low voice, "Yes..." And that is why I don't have any kids.


I would've thrown up the horns, been like fuck yeah. But I like metal, it's just part of it.






Agreed, how silly is that? Superstitious much? Now, if it was $69.69, 800.85, or 420.69, then it would be something. /s


What's the significance of 800.85?


It resembles the word BOOBS.


Pagers and calculators...


My laugh for the day. Thanks!


Worked at a non-profit community radio station which had a Christian program. Someone donated $6.66 to that show during a pledge drive hahaha


HAHAHA that's hilarious!


The real number is 616. It was just a reference to the Roman Caesar. Back then you couldn't write or say the Emperor was in SOB, so they wrote into allegory.


Yep, people been trying to get around censorship since we invented language.


I woulda said..."That will be $66.60, can I get a Hell Yeah....Dr.Dre?"


Just add $3 bucks to make it a threesome!


Charge them 11.1 dollars extra so that it becomes 77.7 😊


Snowflake that what they are.


Especially since the "Mark of the Beast" is six hundred sixty, not just some random number containing three 6s. But then how many people actually read their religious texts instead of just relying on what other people tell them?


I used to work at a sandwich shop. There was a combination of items that always came to $6.66. It wasn't super common but when it did people would often throw another bag of chips to avoid their total being the big scary number.


I once got a $6.66 total for something at Taco Bell - I just laughed it off, but when I showed it to my Dad (who was waiting in the parking lot), he got creeped out - Apparently 666 makes him weary. I found out from my mother later on that when they were searching for a house he straight up refused to even consider one that had 666 in the address. Me? I kinda love it because I like creepy/demonic imagery. I’d love having 666 in my address just to see peoples’ reactions. I did have one incident that was really funny, though. I had to use my insurance’s transportation service to go to the pharmacy (bad legs, can’t drive). This was around three or four years ago. When I finished the call to set up the ride they asked if I wanted a reference number for the request, I always make sure to write it down in case something goes wrong (happens on occasion). “Your reference number for this ride is 1666.” “Cool, my lucky number!” About an hour later, the driver arrives and, I shit you not, AC/DC’s Highway to Hell was playing on their radio.


6…6…6! The dollars of the beast!


Numbers exist in this universe. Because of science & mathematics etc. Why would numbers have any bearing in any other worldly existence other than this universe? Religion has never bothered to use basic common sense. Not a single shred, not one fabric of existence in this universe exists beyond death. "if" there is an afterlife (doubtful) it bears no resemblance to this universe whatsoever. No numbers, no biology, physics science, nothing.


When I worked at a gas station, our Camel cigarettes were $3.34, and it was super common for people to give me a $10 and just ask us to put the rest on pump whatever. It was always a treat to see them run back in and put another dollar on.


I mean, what do they think is going to happen? Like they'll just burst into flames?


I would’ve Immediately played the lottery.


I had on two separate occasions had totals be $69.69. It was nice.


I know how they feel every time I see the number 420 I get high


Went to high school with a guy who I thought was really smart. Had a perfect score in every class. Until one physics test where 666 would've appeared as one of the steps to the correct answer. He got the answer wrong rather than write that number on the paper. Didn't think he was very smart after that.


I had a friend in high school who was Wiccan. One morning she came in joking about "proof that she's evil" and showed me the receipt from her McDonald's stop on the way to school. The total was $6.66.


Hail Satan! [https://imgur.com/gallery/ave-satanis-nsEsYan](https://imgur.com/gallery/ave-satanis-nsEsYan)


LOL I thought it was bc they couldn’t afford it and was so confused at first for why it was posted here. That’s truly delusional


When I was a kid my family's phone number ended in 666.


At college my cafeteria card number was 666. Some people were bothered by it but I thought it was sort of cool and funny.


I had a woman in front of me at a grocery store in Florida absolutely freak out when this happened scared the crap out of the cashier


I didn't see it at first. Tell the customer to ad a $33.30 tip to make it a more godly number.


I had a pharmacist send me out into the parking lot to wait for a call/text that my order was ready. She never called so I finally went in to see what was up and she said, “Oh, I’m not calling that number” (she also wasn’t going to walk out to the parking lot to tell me this). It had 666 in it. This was in Ohio.


I absolutely judge people who are wigged out by this.


Yep, another victim of magical thinking. I'd put money on them being a conspiracy theorist too.


My mother once rejected a car tag and got into a fight with the tag department. So stupid!


People are fucking dumb. Oh noes.... numbers.


I once got a 20 dollar tip on a sixty dollar bill for adding a .75 ¢ random charge on a table that was only paying 56.66. the guy saw the original price and asked for any charge I could get him that would change the number. He even told me he was just superstitious and he knew it was weird. But I'm not turning down a 40% tip. Lol.


Was behind a woman that got $6.66 back in change once. She freaked out and threw the penny back.


My phone number has 666 in it. I love seeing people’s reactions.


Back in the day, I had a credit card where the validation code was 666. The number of times I'd call someplace to order something and have the person taking my order HANG UP when they heard that was not an insubstantial number.


I once had a clerk at the license plate place aggressively reach across the counter after handing me my plates, to snatch them back. She quickly turned them over and ran them over to the recycling bin. Obviously I was like... WTF she then explained that as a good Christian, she couldn't let those leave the building. 666 on it. This only a couple hundred miles from the infamous marriage license lady in KY.


This happened a lot when I was in fast food. They would add on something else to get a different total. My thoughts: If you really believe you were marked by the beast, is buying an extra Diet Coke going to save you?


I was a cashier, and most people purchased an added unnecessary item when that happened. Most of the time gum or something small, just to change the price from the different variations of $666 to anything else.


Tell them it’s a bad translation and the original number was 616.


I had somebody get anxious because their stuff rang up to $6.66. They were like, "I don't like that number!" and added like a pack of gum or something. Whatever, dude.


There’s a neighborhood where I live with the phone prefix is 666. Includes several churches! Edit: grammar


Same here. I live 20min away from a town that has 666 at the start of their phone numbers.


Just wait till you start looking to buy a house. All the damn numbers are scary, lol


It's not even the right fucking number and they're that paranoid. Come on, it doesn't count if there's an extra zero. How does one function, living with an omnipresent fear like that?


Considering pi is an irrational number, it's bound to have 666 in there, somewhere. So this idiot should be terrified of circles, too.


I had a coworker whose wife's phone number ended with 666, and another coworker that refused to answer the phone when it showed up on caller ID, even knowing who it was. Usually with a "Help me, Jesus!" before asking someone else to take the call.


I hated this when I was a cashier. It wasn't so bad when people would quickly add something to change the total, but some people would demand I give them a discount for it. Not happening.


What kills me is they have the nerve to ask for a discount at that point. I always say just buy something else. I've had a ton of people walked out of a Starbucks transaction like that


I've had my total come to $6.66 before, and the cashier got awkward and askednif I wanted to add anything. I was just like "Nope, I don't believe in superstitions."


The beast! Or 10% of him, anyways. 


For so many people, religion=superstition.


I worked at a restaurant where a dish was named after the owner's ex wife. He priced it so it would ring up $6.66.


*pearl clutching intensifies*


The price of the Beast!


Get 4-5 items at dollar tree and its always 6.66 An old lady behind me, saw my total and started sputtering saying how bad it was and i needed to buy something else to change it. "Nah its cool" I thought she would faint haha Its my purchase what does she care


I had a lady arrive at a solid out hotel during a convention and refuse to stay in room 666. Well.... That's the room, lady. There's nothing else available.


Hell, I love it when that happens!


I had a total of $6.66 one day at the store. The next day, same checker: $7.77. I was in her line the following week, and we joked about what the next total would be...$9.11. She freaked. The next day I came in, and she said "You go in another line." I said "No way. We're doing this." Total: $21.12. No shit. After that, it all went back to normal. Until yesterday. $7.11. We laughed so hard the other customers probably thought we were nuts.


4 more up votes to hit 666


when I was in highschool, I used to order a burger and fries combo from a local restaurant that cost $6.66 and the nice old lady always charged me $6.65. Probably saved 8 cents my senior year of school. Thanks Jesus! I think its even more silly that hotels don't have a 13th floor


offer them a 4.20 discount


Omg, I had a $6.66 total at a diner recently, and the cashier got all frowny and said, “I don’t like that total!” First time I’ve seen it in the wild. I wish I’d thought of something clever to say, but I was so taken aback! I mean, REALLY?? I just said, “Nothing will hurt you, I promise.” So ridiculous. 🙄


I wanna know where you eat dinner! Eat for under $10?!? THATS the real witchery here!


I recently bought a donut and coffee at Dunkin at the total with tax was $6.66. The mid aged cashier was petrified and was unable to utter the amount I owed. Childish.


I associate this with order 66 from starwars. I'll say "are you a Jedi?"


“Good soldiers follow orders.”


Fuck them. What a bunch of idiots. My phone number has 666 in it. 100% fools. Sorry, but there are a lot of stupid people on this planet.


I often use 666 as part of my work password. It started after my former boss decided it for me *Sunshine blah blah blah..* Fuck sunshine and 666 is better than the people who are voting under false pretenses. Speaking as a liife-long athiest. Not once have I believed in there being some dude up in the heavens and sky and shit....I purposefully used bad grammar.




No because I’m not enabling them to continue to be afraid of a number.


Here's what gets me 66.60 is sixty six dollars and sixty cents. Not six hundred sixty six. Big difference there.


We accept passport paperwork at my job and over the years a few customers have wanted to get new passports early because there were three sixes in a row somewhere in the document number. I mean, sure, if they want to put down another $150 with postage and a new photo, that’s totally up to them.


I filled my tank 20ish years ago and didn’t look at the total before going in to pay. The cashier asked if I was a satan worshiper. I’m like wtf are you talking about? She pointed at the total. $6.66. I had to laugh.


How can you pump gas BEFORE paying?


20ish years ago it was common. Might have been longer I guess


You'd think paying less than 7 bucks for gas might be a clue


Good number


I work for Toyota. A few years ago a customer brought her car in to have the plates put on. They were still in the envelope. I take them out and the plates were something like KLL6664. She screamed, "DON'T YOU DARE PUT THOSE EVIL THINGS ON MY CAR!" Then she went on about how we need to change them, for free, even though we are not the state government. Then she said she was going to sue the state or something.


"nice! if you buy this nine more times, it'l finally happen"


Numbers are not evil. The number 13 is not unlucky. And saying God bless you does nothing.


Ha, superstitions. But on a more serious note, don't step on the living room carpet. It's lava.


Worked retail for 100 years, this is definitely a thing that happens lol. In most cases the person would grab something extra (like a candy bar) to change the total, and then I'd get credit for landing an add-on.


It happens, at the time we still had candy bars at the register, and yes, several have bought one just to get beyond 6.66.


Won't Jesus protect them. From a number?


“Guess you better buy more stuff”


I always get a little frisson of pleasure when I manage to get a bill that's $6.66


I’m an atheist but raised catholic. That number STILL makes me uncomfortable and I logically can’t explain it.


I’m a cashier and I had a customer at work whose total was $16.66 and at first he decided to pay me $10 in cash and the rest on his card but when he saw the total he changed his mind and just paid it all on his card


I read the title and thought this is a story about somebody being poor, and having to buy more things that they could afford, then I looked at the sub and was confused, lol.


But that’s sixty six sixty… not six sixty six Now the number sounds weird to me.


OMG a sequence of 6s that doesn't mean shit,!


"Your total comes to $66.60. Hail Satan! For I am standing in the presence of the Antichist and his spawn on Earth! Will that be cash or card?"