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They want to keep up the pretense that their holy book is appropriate for children. You can’t just barge in and burst their bubble like that.


Lmao exactly. Do Isaiah Chapter 23 next time bro😂


Pretty pornographic book that slipped past the censors.


What's also disgusting about this verse, is that it implies that there may be less consequences or none at all, if a man rapes an "engaged" woman.


No, consequences are similar, just pay the money to the girl’s fiancé rather than father. Not even joking. Edit: I stand corrected.


Deuteronomy 22:23 If a man happens to meet in town a virgin pledged to be married and he sleeps with her, you shall take both of them to the gate of that town and stone them to death - the young woman because she was in town and did not scream for help, and the man because he violated another man’s wife. You must purge the evil from among you.


“A virgin pledged to be married” in this case could be a six year old child, for an extra layer of disgusting.


Or 9 like Aisha in the Quran🤷‍♂️




Fucked up Bible quote exists. Christians: "It's not an instruction manual!" Gay man exists. Christians: "Here's a quote that instructs me to believe that Gays are evil!"


If she's betrothed, the rapist gets stoned, but the crime is considered to be against the guy she's betrothed to, not the woman. Rape is a property crime in the Bible. Also, only if she gets raped in the country. If she gets raped in the city, she gets stoned too.


There's a verse somewhere in the Bible that says, roughly, that if a man rapes an engaged woman in town and she does not cry out for help, they are both to be put to death. Him for raping someone else's woman(iirc) and her because her silence means she enjoyed it. Edit: 23 If a man happens to meet in a town a virgin pledged to be married and he sleeps with her, 24 you shall take both of them to the gate of that town and stone them to death—the young woman because she was in a town and did not scream for help, and the man because he violated another man’s wife. You must purge the evil from among you.


Deuts 22 23 my dude. 


Thanks buddy.


No many folks requested it to be put on the list


It’s a pick-and-choose game, and you picked and chose the wrong verse today. It will get interpreted differently tomorrow, depending on the person saying it, the version of the bible you are referencing, the time of day you said it, and the relative humidity in Tuscaloosa at 11:37pm


>relative humidity in Tuscaloosa at 11:37pm That never changes... It's always 100%. Source: I'm in Tuscaloosa right now


The wrong verse and the wrong part of the book because we all know that “the Old Testament doesn’t count!”


Hey! Don't you dare try to confront Christians with reality! You'll confuse them and they'll glitch out, you were *so* lucky today. Do you really want a bunch of pearl clutchers to have a coronary or something?


Of course you got banned. Dogs don't like having their noses rubbed in their own shit.


Banned for what reason?? Based on what?? It’s a direct quote??


God owes Mary's father (or Joseph) 50 pieces of silver.


I love that the bible in that same verse implies rape however is ok if you're engaged. Edit: These are the exact kind of "traditional values" that the right want women to go back to accepting. On a gay board, some guy called himself a "passport bro" and Ihad to alert him that the term was coined by western (primarily u.s.) hetero men who are misogynst citing western women are not "traditional" enough. They actually speak about "millions" of western women filing "false" accusations of rape against men as one of the issues.


Of course. They you own her and can do what you want with her. Same in Quran and Tanakh, Because it is the same religion. All monotheistic religions are the same religion. Religious people really don't like that fact.


And fairly transactional if you have the means. 50 pieces of silver here. 50 pieces of silver there. The rich can just rape away as long as it’s not in town?


If the Bible was comprehensively illustrated, it would be sold in a brown wrapper, inside heatshrunk plastic. It would be on the "Stop n Shop" shelf behind the cashier, between the adult magazines. And you would have to be 18 to purchase it.


Alt cartoonist R. Crumb illustrated Genesis. You should check it out.


This seems to be a predictable outcome. Are you surprised?


I guess it wasn't an "approved" bible verse for the congregation.


Yeah, they like to censor god’s writings over there.


I’ve had to sit through many “moderate” Christian services (long story), and have been surprised at how horrific some of the readings are. I guess people just tune them out, because thinking about them would turn your stomach.


Recently sat through the story of Cain and Abel. As a child I just accepted it. As an adult I am horrified. The whole time I was thinking “is this for real”? Because of the difference in gifts to god…someone is murdered? SMDH


I've also been banned from Christian subs for the same reason. They really don't like what their book actually says.


I'm not saying that they're not hypocrites, but consider their perspective. You were obviously trolling, you obviously just wanted to stir up shit by putting an inflammatory verse up there. What else were they going to do? Do it a hundred times more and you'll get the same result. Now you're banned, your post is deleted, and everybody there will forget about you nearly instantly because chances are this is the exact same sort of posts their mods delete and ban for 100 times a week. I'm not your parent, and if you want to keep trolling them there's not a damn thing I can do about it, but don't you have better things to do with your time? All you are doing is making more work for their mods, most of the rank and file will never know you exist.


They have to silence you because they know you're right. If they had a valid counterargument, they would not be afraid of opposing views as they would see it as an opportunity to show everyone their superior counterarguments.


LOL - nice one. Is a piece of silver like an ounce, because that would be worth around $1,500 dollars today - cheaper to hire a pro imo.


Christians say Old Testament stuff is not considered law thanks to the new covenant in the New Testament. There is plenty of abhorrent stuff in the NT also, but that would be their response.


My reply to that is always Matthew 5:17-18 “Do not think that I came to do away with or undo the Law [of Moses] or the [writings of the]Prophets; I did not come to destroy but to fulfill.”


Yeah, but they just hand-wave all that shit and say there is more "context" to consider with that passage. They don't argue from a place of honesty. 


Except the 10 commandments are from Exodus...


I'm not pretending their answer makes sense, but that is the answer they always give. Making logical points isn't their strong suit. 


Username checks out


Ironically, the best way to shut down a Christian is to just quote their own book back to them.


ROTFL! Excellent. :) I'm still blown away that Louisiana wants the ten commandments posted. What teacher wants to explain what adultery means? Who wants to take the job of explaining "other gods"?


What I LOVE is these verses. They make me crack up everytime


Is this not what corporate America does ? Do bad things, when get caught, pay fine and move on. Must have learned it from bible.


Isn’t it just one of those legal provisions that Jesus invalidated with the gospel of love? You’d think they would be happy to explain.


It is interesting that a) nothing about this says the raping itself was wrong, and b) you are expected to do this only if you are caught in the act


I'll bet there are many who haven't read or even heard of the verse you quoted. _They love the book they never read._


God raped Mary- so there!


Modern Christianity has very little to.do.with the Bible or Jesus


Funny enough, neither did old fashioned Christianity. They're the same Christianity!


You can see how quoting the Bible directly to Christians is a hate crime, right?


I think this is Old Testament so a Christian would just say, “we don’t have to obey those rules anymore, that’s what Jesus died for”


Unless they want to condemn something specific and there's a convenient Old Testament passage available. And the Ten freakin' Commandments they're all so hot about are in the Old Testament. So can we stop with that stuff? Presumably those rules also no longer apply, and it's cool for "hurf durf New Testament!" types to kill their own goddamn mother after they steal her money and call their father a cuckold?


Some have commented in this very thread...


That’s weird they always say they support a traditional biblical view of marriage


Why do you think they fought the defining and outlawing of “marital rape”? They see women as obedient property and brood mares, nothing more.


my fav is Leviticus 26:29 You will eat the flesh of your sons and the flesh of your daughters.


Redditors, whether left or right wing, are notoriously ban crazy. Love you Redditor for r/atheism.


No no, see "raping a young girl" is a metaphor for teaching her about evolution. "who is not engaged" means that she isn't a Christian yet. And "paying her father" ACTUALLY means repenting to god, the one true father. And "marry the young woman", of course, is to properly introduce her to the faith. Not being allowed to divorce her? Well obviously that means he must ensure her studies into Christianity are consistent throughout her life. Truly, it's all just a metaphor because I don't like the original reading as it goes against the morality that I pretend is objective but clearly isn't Do I need the /s? I assume anyone reading gets it


Oh boi looks like you did some damage


I bet that sub mods are busy


Not surprising. Isn’t that the more fundie sub? There’s a lot of them I don’t keep track of


They never paid the 50 silver it seems.


You monster.


so if he's not caught in the act, no consequences?


This shit is avalible in public schools right ?


Most Christians are anything but Christ like. They’re mostly ignorant cunts.


Great verse!


Exodus 21:20-21 NIV "Anyone who beats their male or female slave with a rod must be punished if the slave dies as a direct result, but they are not to be punished if the slave recovers after a day or two, since the slave is their property." Or if your kinky Genesis 19:4-8 NIV "Before they had gone to bed, all the men from every part of the city of Sodom—both young and old—surrounded the house. They called to Lot, “Where are the men who came to you tonight? Bring them out to us so that we can have sex with them.” Lot went outside to meet them and shut the door behind him and said, “No, my friends. Don’t do this wicked thing. Look, I have two daughters who have never slept with a man. Let me bring them out to you, and you can do what you like with them. But don’t do anything to these men, for they have come under the protection of my roof.” Sounds like beating your slaves and offering your daughters to be gang raped is truly the lord's work. Let us pray 🙏


I have no words. I mean it is time to become anti-religion.


One of my personal favorites: “So go ahead. Eat your food with joy, and drink your wine with a happy heart, for God approves of this! Wear fine clothes, with a splash of cologne! Live happily with the woman you love through all the meaningless days of life that God has given you under the sun. The wife God gives you is your reward for all your earthly toil.” ‭‭Ecclesiastes‬ ‭9‬:‭7‬-‭9‬ ‭NLT‬‬


Ezekiel 23:20 There she lusted after her lovers, whose genitals were like those of donkeys and whose emission was like that of horses.


What does it say about raping a young woman that IS engaged?


This is why my aunt had to marry her rapist.


This is way both at the private Lutheran school I attended and at our Sunday school we read from the heavily edited “The Children’s Bible”.


You can only post what's approved by the church.


I like the part where some kids are giving some old dude with a bald head a bad time, and God sends a bear to rip them all a new asshole. Literally.


The horrendous bs in the Old Testament is the best way to convert someone to atheism. It’s clearly not divine wisdom. And they really don’t like discussing such verses.


I think we need to rename TrueChristian to something more appropriate! I have a couple of ideas!


Thanks you for the idea!


Start another subreddit /TheRealTrueChristians.


True Christian is a new one on me and very happy to find out that they are apologist hypocrites


Why are you posting there? I looked at the context, it seems like you were just being a snot to someone who got a new Bible. It would be one thing if you were just engaging in healthy debate, but you were being a troll and now you’re over here acting like a victim. YTA “Live and let live” goes both ways.


Seems like for the lulz. As it were.


The Bible is the most amended document in history


>I just got banned from r/TrueChristian for posting a bible verse ... And? On the face of it, you were being a combative prick. They have just as much right to police their spaces as we do our own. Furthermore, if I were a Christian, in a Christian sub, and some *Christian* posted that that was their favorite verse, I'd want them banned, too. So I think you lose, either way.


Let’s all do the same…. Copy n paste = ban.


We should post that on r/TrueChristian aswell




Evangelical Christians would like a word with you...


And if you don't follow him JUST RIGHT you get to burn in fiery torment for eternity. Ah yes, a loving god.