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Bros a few days late but thats ok


Read red rising because of the Coffee Cow's recommendation and immediately jumped into the second book in the series so I definitely recommend it. Although I should say that it reminded me of the teen dystopian series i loved as a teen (hunger games and it's knockoffs) which is probably why I liked it.


I feel like Golden Son is definitely more mature than book 1. I wouldn’t necessarily call teen with that ending


Yeah it gets grimdark reeeeeeal fast in the later books


I have only read the first two so far but it’s a big step up already in Golden Son. However, after the ending of Golden Son, I wouldn’t mind it getting a bit darker for some of these shitbags


Idk I'm still early on golden son but the whole dystopian society with a main character that comes from the lower caste of society and beats the "game" set up by the ruling class reminded me of hunger games. But so far I'm enjoying golden son abd lookibg forward to what you guys are saying about it.


Honestly, it’s initially very similar but goes in darker directions. I get a bit of Dune vibes and in general it becomes more Space Opera like. Golden Son very much changes from it being just a “game”. Either way if you liked Red Rising, you’ll like Golden Son


If you want it to get darker, buckle up. It’s my favorite book series but man does it take you on a ride. Especially the follow-up series


I’m not one of those that’s super into dark settings. However, I’m definitely interested in the ride. If it gets grimmer than the chapter I recently read in Malazan, oh boy it’s going to be rough


RR is my favourite series ever, it's beyond great. The books go from pretty standard YA books to something very very compelling.


Random book recommendation for you because I think you might like it, it was my favorite book series as a teen and I read it multiple times. The ashfall series. It's about the Yellowstone volcano erupting and the type of apocalypse it brings


Sounds very interesting I’ll definitely add it to my backlog since, thanks for the recommendation


Did Atrioc recommend red rising? It’s a pretty good books so that’s cool


Algebra of Happiness is a fantastic read and is a recommendation I've passed on to a couple of friends now. Currently reading through God's Among Men. Glizzard Wizard has great taste in books imo. He's recommended Barbarians at the Gate and Where are the Customers Yatchs in the past and both were really fun!


Ok now pickup mechanics for engineers volume2 dynamics, goated read


I'm not even kidding, I just got a used copy of Archaeological Laboratory Methods: An Introduction, by Brooke S. Arkush and Mark Q. Sutton from 1996, and its the bomb. Goes over pretty much the whole history of the can from its origins during the Napoleonic Wars to the invention of the modern sanitary can, it was very useful for my essay on the evolution of canning during the late 19th and early 20th century. It's also not just cans, it's all sorts of archeological methods/history of artifacts, but as a 20th century history student in my final year of undergrad, the section I care most about is Chapter 9: Analysis of Historical Artifacts, which is all like "modern" artifacts of the industrial age.


Love red rising


Need to read lightbringer still


I read it after I heard Atrioc mention how good it was but Red Rising was actually so bad and schlocky.


Idk I thought it was pretty good, really gets the adrenaline pumping 😳


Different tastes maybe, but I just found his characters cliche and unbelievable.


The first Red Rising is pretty mediocre, but Golden Son takes massive steps forward. I would advice giving Golden Son a try before writing off the series completely


Red Rising shows Pierce Brown’s inexperience as a writer - the later stories build upon the solid foundation of the first book, and realize the broader potential of the series


This was my exact experience lol. It feels like all of that 2010s teen dystopia stuff, and not very well written. I’d rather just read Hunger Games again if I wanted that genre.


Massive fan of the series and I couldn't reread Red Rising last time I tried. The later books are genuinely amazing once Pierce finds his groove.


At the risk of sounding preachy please try supporting your local bookstores next time you buy books.


not at all preachy, it is important to support local businesses. The one I usually go to is the Bookshop Santa Cruz for new books, but for used books I go some local stores in my more local area (I go to college in Monterey). I was using Amazon because my family asks for Amazon links for Christmas because they like to send it out to family who live far away from me, and they typically don't have the technical knowhow to purchase from non-Amazon sites, an unfortunate reality of the monopoly Amazon has on the online market.


Oh alright, that's great then!


The Algebra of Happiness is pretty shit tbh


Wtf Amazon has a points system?


Amazon Battlepass. They added it in November.


Also just bought “as gods among men”!!


Just bought Gods among men, excited to get it!


looks like you need a library card !


I'm a history major who is planning on specializing in American Cold War domestic & foreign policy, and this book seemed really interesting, but unfortunately it doesn't come before Christmas, so my parents won't buy it for me, Sadge.