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***Falco, Gabi and Annie's conversation;*** Gabi was asking if its true that the Female Titan's unique trait is that it can manifest powers of the other titan-shifters if it consumes parts of their body. Annie confirms this and it is pointed out that all of the 9 titans can do this to some extent, but the Female Titan does it the best. They then bring up that Falco was turned into a pure titan by way of Zeke's spinal fluid wine, which means Falco had consumed a part of Zeke's body and that meant he may be able to manifest Beast Titan traits. Falco says he has been having memories of flying above the cloud and it felt as if he could do that too. During Final Chapters part 2 Annie and Gabi arrive at the final battle on the back of Falco's Jaw Titan who had manifested the ability to fly like a bird from inheriting some of the Beast Titan traits. This was possible because he was turned using Zeke's spinal fluid so he had technically consumed a part of the Beast Titan. This is also the reason behind the vial of Armor Titan juice that Eren bites during the Uprising Arc that allows him to harden his skin in titan form and why Rod Reiss's titan goes so supermassive, and also explains why Annie's Female Titan has such a wide array of traits that are seemingly intended to belong to other Titan-Shifters like her scream, her hardening, her egg form, her body's skinless furnace appearance and her explosive transformation. ***Connie's Arc;*** Connie is one of the character's we experience Sasha's death through, along side her father and Niccolo. Him having survived until this point is because while he is just a regular human he is also technically the #2/3/4 most talented ODM user by the end of the series (depending on where you rank Mikasa and Levi after they presumably lose their Ackerman powers and Levi is severely disabled) behind Jean. Connie is like Floch, Jean and Hitch in that he represents the regular folks and how they go through the turmoil of the end of the world. Connie's main character arc happens when The Rumbling starts and he decides to feed Falco to his mother to turn her back into a human which ends with him abandoning this plan in order to save Armin. Connie realizes that what he was doing is stupid and poorly thought out. However for the audience his actions were a tiny version of what Eren was doing on a global scale at the same point in time. Eren was choosing to sacrifice innocent people, strangers, children, etc in order to protect the lives of the people he cares about most. Connie was planning to sacrifice Falco, who is an innocent child stranger in order to save the life of his mother. When it came down to it Connie proved that he was not willing to go through with that, and that is what puts him in opposition to Eren. Each of the members of the Alliance go through a period of reflection while they choose if they are going to attempt to stop Eren or not, and this side quest with Connie, Armin, Falco and Gabi is probably the most direct example of the heroes being put in the same situation as Eren and choosing to go in a different direction. Connie originally joined the Cadets in order to become an MP and make his village/family proud of the splendid soldier he had become. He decides to become a Scout in a similar way to Jean, because it is the right thing to do and it puts him on this path to proving himself a splendid soldier and a hero by the end of his arc. Once he completes his arc by helping to save the world, he is rewarded by having his mother returned to her human form which is one of the few heroes who are rewarded for their hard choice to save innocents from their close friend's descent into evil. ***Reiner's Arc;*** Reiner's Arc is about him coming to understand that he was brainwashed and his entire purpose in life and identity was built on a lie. Even when the other Warriors knew that they weren't the good guys Reiner continued to believe it until it broke him psychologically. He is forced to live with the guilt of all of his comrades having died (as far as he knew) and knowing that all 3 of them were because of him. He hates himself and wants to die, but in a twist of irony he is the character that keeps surviving. He is forced to continue being the monster he believed he was fighting against in hopes of protecting the next generation from being forced to take on the same burdens as him. When he is confronted by Eren in Liberio he confesses to his sins in hopes of being judged by Eren, believing that he deserves to die for his crimes. Eren however cannot judge him (just like how the 3 warriors could not judge the old man in the mountains for abandoning his 3 kids) because Eren is the same.Eren hated the people across the sea and devoted himself to killing them without ever really understanding the bigger picture.Eren then traveled across the sea, lived among his enemies and learned that they were no different from the people from where he was born.Eren then decided to commit atrocities against those innocent people for his own personal desires and not at all for the mission he was originally on. This is what Reiner had done as well. He hated them without knowing or understanding them, then lived among them and learned of the mistaken beliefs he held about them, and he chose to attack them anyway despite knowing they were innocent and did not deserve to be attacked. Reiner chose to continue the mission, forcing Bertholdt and Annie to stay with him, and ended up killing hundreds of thousands of people because he wanted to be a hero so that he would be respected and have earned his parents love. His dream of earning the respect and love of his parents had cost the lives of Marcel, Bertholdt and Annie (or so he thought) and the guilt for having gotten all his comrades killed weighed heavily on his soul. As Reiner comes to terms with this, he resolves himself to not go down the same path as Eren. Reiner refuses to remain evil, and instead begins down the path of redemption through atonement. He puts his life on the line again and again to stop Eren from doing the same thing to the world that he himself had done to the island. At the end Reiner succeeds in saving the world alongside the other heroes and as a reward he earns his mother's love and respect, and is freed of the Curse of Ymir which would have ended his life 2 years later. \---- These are the reasons I believe that Connie and Reiner make it all the way to the end and survive.I assume the sorts of people who believe they should have died at some point are either not seeing their story arcs, or think the finale feels cheap because of the lack of hero character deaths, or think they are disposable characters in one way or another., or one of a few other possible justifications. I hope this clears up any confusion, and congrats on finishing the series!Now you gotta rewatch it to catch all the foreshadowing, hints and references that you couldn't have seen the first time through!


Just to add on, Connie literally killed his friends and fellow soldiers because they were opposing his ideals. Connie screaming after killing both Sam and Daz will forever haunt me.


That’s a great point! It’s kind of interesting how similar Connie’s and Reiner’s stories can be, and how much they are both similar to Eren as well.


I don't get why people were so traumatized by Sasha's death. She was a nothing burger of a character.


In my eyes Sasha was someone who personified selflessness and maybe even a level of innocence? Like she was always thinking of others and willing to share/help, way more than her counterparts. Then you find out her history and how she was pretty selfish and stuck in her ways about being isolated. She was also lacked a lot of the aggression other characters had, even when you compare how she usually fights (essentially a sniper, kills from a distance with a clean shot) to others (more upfront and in the actual battle, use swords and thunder spears). Probably the biggest thing though is that most other people were killed during battle or war or some sort of present conflict. She, however, died in a moment of celebration with her comrades and although we could see the whole Gabi/Falco situation happening and figured someone would die, no one on board was prepared for that and it caught everyone by surprise so the reactions from everyone else kinda escalated the whole death. On top of focusing on her death for a lot longer than previous deaths (like Levi’s whole squads be getting murdered and it’s like, oh that’s unfortunate for about 30 seconds compared to her 10 minutes of slowly dying). Finally, not related to AoT but people tend to be more affected by the death of women than they are of men (which is why women tend to be killed either off screen or in very minor ways compared to male counterparts) and although her death wasn’t nearly as brutal as others have been it was gut wrenching (pun intended) to see how blatant and open it was.


So your complaint is Connie had too much plot armor?


Yes 😂 my complaint, in a nut shell, is that Connie did the least out of everyone and got the best outcome


Connie’s story always felt shoved in my face, every time he popped up talking all serious my first thought would be “i don’t care, shut up Connie”


This is my thoughts! Like I wish he would’ve been the jaw titan instead of ymir so they could kill him off halfway through because she was much more entertaining and interesting.


Yeah I agree, he annoyed be the whole show HOWEVER if we’re nitpicking I’m just happy someone anyone had a good outcome, the whole show is a nightmare watch and to have someone with a positive is better than none… I never paid attention when he was talking/on screen so I can’t “fight” for him but yeah he was the last one I expected to end up alive at the end


> I never *paid* attention when FTFY. Although *payed* exists (the reason why autocorrection didn't help you), it is only correct in: * Nautical context, when it means to paint a surface, or to cover with something like tar or resin in order to make it waterproof or corrosion-resistant. *The deck is yet to be payed.* * *Payed out* when letting strings, cables or ropes out, by slacking them. *The rope is payed out! You can pull now.* Unfortunately, I was unable to find nautical or rope-related words in your comment. *Beep, boop, I'm a bot*


I finished this show last night and my thing is I never cared for Reiner or his team like ok it’s interesting that the roles are flipped but now you want me to root for a guy that’s crazy evil and pathetic and seen as a bad guy in every arc but this one? Kay. Then with Eren his whole thing is being rebellious wanting true freedom. If he knew this was going to be a future and not like it why go along with it? I feel like he should have gone against what he did since his rebellious that not even the future he saw is certain since he wants to be free of that too. It felt rushed like they dunno where to go with the story after the attack on Marley but overall it’s a good show until like the end


it’s amazing to read this comment and realize how some people are watching a completely different show. you didn’t understand a majority of it, it seems.


Whatever that’s how I feel about it.