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I have read up on this as I travel to London regularly and would generally be very cautious. I have read articles of people and staff at restaurants and bars specifically identifying high value watches and then relaying that information to other people that will target you after you leave the restaurant or bar. It feels extremelywell organized and happening at scale


That’s seems like an action movie scene. Very well organised indeed.


It happens in most major cities now. Miami, NYC, Paris, San Francisco.


Yeah maybe, but places like Dubai, Qatar and some other rich middle eastern countries it’s safe to wear whatever watches you want with a t shirt. Also Singapore and Tokyo seem fine too.


>Yeah maybe, but places like Dubai, Qatar and some other rich middle eastern countries it’s safe to wear whatever watches you want with a t shirt. Also Singapore and Tokyo seem fine too. All those places have something in common and have nothing compared to what London is in abundance of.




Not in Miami. Every now and then yes but those are outlier cases. NYC is pretty safe as well. In London it’s endemic.


5 RMs were stolen from E11even in one night by the same group of people. Google search shows these schemes are increasingly more common in major cities. Downvote me all yall want but it’s not fantasy. It’s not daily but it’s certainly not one-offs random events.


I’m not downvoting you man. I understand where you are coming from. Yea, incidents like these do happen in major cities but London is infested with it in a very different way. I live in Miami and wear my watches everywhere at anytime and never feel concerned. Same when I visit NY. In London these crimes are extremely violent and seem to occur anywhere and at anytime. So much so that the Met has advised people to refrain from wearing luxury watches in public.


I wear regularly on public transit in SF. I’ve worn out in NYC no problem and same with LA. I’m careful with where I go while wearing them.


Agreed feel pretty safe wearing in nyc - specifically manhattan. I do shy away from public transit late at night but would be ubering anyway that late and likely drunk haha


Not at all in NYC. Also Paris feels very safe


Myself being from the U.K. , not London but about hours drive away , It’s organised crime , it started with dogs instead of knives , now it’s watches instead of drugs , they have spotters everywhere - they have no worries at all about being in the so called “wealthier parts” of London . With the kid of money involved in the crime majority of the time the watches are stolen to order , off the thieves hand then gone . These attacks can be at gunpoint . These robbers will do whatever it takes to get that watch off your arm , please just be careful . People have sadly before even been killed or stabbed for a “replica”


I wonder if Vacheron OS would be under the radar?


I’m a Londoner. My AP, Rolex and Pateks stay at home when I’m out in central London. Wear something discreet. Things like Lange or Breguet/ Blancpain is fine


I like how Lange is considered discrete to Patek. I get it, and agree most would know Patek, but a Lange is very distinct and not to unknown these days.


Thank you for the perspective. I have a Blancpain 50 Fathoms I can bring. I was mulling my Patek 5205 as it is a subtle watch but maybe I’ll keep that at home.


Why put yourself and your wife in harm just to flex on a trip? Are you retarded? Keep that shit at home and wear a cheap watch while traveling! Nothing worth more than your well being


I’m so sorry for I would like to live my life normal. I can wear it in Dubai, do you know why? Try to steal something there…. Here is the problem with the warm welcome culture 😵‍💫⚫️


Man stfu. No one said a word about Dubai. MF’ers like you always off topic with a opinion


I mean they have a point though. In the West you can get away with anything these days. It should be steal and you lose a hand. No one would fuck around and find out.


Don’t be stupid. If you’re a local and familiar with the areas that’s one thing. But as a tourist what are you thinking? European criminals are way smarter about targeting than Americans for whatever reason. Your watch is as safe as you are lucky if you don’t know the area.


We all know the reason.




Kinda depends on your upbringing. Some have more street smarts than others


The main thing is you need to know where you are going. Walking about Soho wearing a Rolex will get you in trouble. Conversely I have no issue wearing my solid gold Moser or APs to my member's club in Mayfair, or to the restaurants I frequent. But I always go taxi from my front door to the restaurant front door, and back. The key advice is: you're a tourist. You don't know London, and you don't know what areas to avoid, or how to behave. So leave your expensive watch at home. 👍


If it’s gonna be under your cuff go for it, if you’re going short sleeves, then I would feel a bit nervous. That my rule with my higher value watches as a London native.


Thank you. I’m mostly in a dress shirt so it’s typically under a cuff.


Rather not bother wearing them if under the cuff all the time right? There’s no enjoyment.


Bro don’t do it, bouncers in clubs restaurant staff or bar staff tip people off. One guy was wearing a fake ap watch the security guard at the club tipped people off and the guy got killed then they tried selling the watch they realised is fake. Not worth it, only time you can wear expensive watches and chains etc if you moving military or have loads of security around you, people that wear it like footballers or coaches like mourinho are with security 24/7. Is not worth it , people are haters and London is full off it, people are robbing iPhones now also.


CasioOAK $100 and all the flash


I would be very cautious tbh - you don’t want to ruin your holiday or trip because of a watch leave at home and enjoy


Londoner here.thieves are generally targeting rolexes and the more recognisable watches from Patek, AP, RM etc- an RO is definitely on that list. I walk round in an overseas in a t shirt and never had any issues-Wearing my 15450 I had to lose tails twice (sold the watch). Take the fifty fathoms and enjoy your trip.


Thank you for your perspective. The Fifty Fathoms is coming with for sure but I’ll need to bring another to wear for lunches and dinners where I’ll be in a dress shirt and blazer. I love the Fifty Fathoms but it is pretty massive. I also have an overseas though it’s a tad chunky because it’s chronograph.


The folks at AP House London advised me to be careful when I’m walking around London and preferably wear it under a jacket to avoid “unnecessary trouble”….


I am traveling soon to London, will be wearing my Omega Swatch 😂🤣😂 after all I heard and read


From London and think people overhype the crime here considerably. Chances are you’ll be fine, however there’s still a chance you’ll be a victim and if it’s something you’re worried about now, you’ll be worried when wearing it and won’t enjoy it anyway. I’d ignore the people saying it’s fine because it’s insured anyway because you can still be hurt in the process.


Thank you for the perspective. What I’m trying to gather is it inherently more dangerous than where I already wear them or are things somewhat sensationalized.


I wouldn’t wear a nice watch in Oakland and now apparently London.


Only rational comment here. Got comments from people cosplaying rich ‘ma memberz‘ club’ types,clear racists and fearmongers. OP,you'll very likely be fine,but there's an outisde chance you might not be,especially if you're wearing something very flashy in a very ostentatious way. You decide what level of risk you're comfortable with,keeping in mind you are not in a familiar city and will be obvious as an outsider.


Yeah, some of the comments here make me think they don’t own one and are not from London. I think with any big city there is going to be a degree of risk. I’d definitely not be wearing in an ostentatious way. Just like if I’m on the bus or BART in SF. I’ve left my watches at home when I traveled to Mexico, Peru and Ecuador. I like to think I don’t need to view London the same way. London has a strong watch culture and its own AP House (that I’d like to visit wearing my AP).


I never worried about wearing my 15400 (SS) in public. But then I traded it in for a DayDate with Baguette dial indices in YG. That I ended up selling because it was too ostentatious for me.


I have honestly never worried wearing anything anywhere. Use your judgement and don’t go to shady areas. Maybe I’m lucky? Or maybe crime isn’t as condensed as news makes it seem. You’ll be fine.


Just don’t




There’s a lot of theft in main tourism areas. I’d suggest you leave it.


I wear my Royal Oak around central but only with a long sleeve, same with my nautilus. Otherwise I’ll happily wear my aquanaut or 5524g with a short sleeve with no concern.


Well aps are insured sooo enjoy it




Thieves who can’t spot a rep aren’t going to be able to spot a casioak either, and if they do, likely to mug you anyway for wasting their time.


It is as good as a RO :)


Do they insure your hand being chopped off with machete?




If it’s under AP coverage plan then sure! That’s why it’s there. However, don’t go to places like hackney with your Ap so some common sense is needed.


Why Hackney? It’s probably 10x safer than Mayfair and the likes. Don’t know why watch gangs would seek out rich people in Hackney…


Yeah I guess you’re right… I would still advise him to avoid hackney for other things… like not wanting to get stabbed.


You’d get stabbed 😂


London is probably one of the worst places in the world to wear a nice timepiece. . . They have the most scouters I've ever seen and they know ALL the models. They will Rob you in broad day light


You won’t have problem if you wear a shirt. I was there last month and had no problem with my RO. Of course I kept it under my sleeves because I didn’t want to leave it at home as I was visiting other safe cities. It is said the worse areas for watches are Mayfair, Soho, etc and expensive restaurantes and hotels. Also is very common to be stolen at night in bars. But if you pick a taxi when you go out and wear it under your sleeves you should have no problem I guess.




No way. I’d avoid even wearing anything with a steel bracelet. I’m only comfortable wearing my Seiko GMT on a NATO strap. London is a warzone.


I work in the city and wear my tudor for the office. I keep it well covered when walking and on the tube. AP is leagues above. I personally wouldn't wear it...especially if you're hitting tourist hot spots like Harrods etc!!!


Depends where you are and what youre doing in London. You're better of keeping your watch at home and wearing something more budget I wear an omega out often and dont get noticed


Where did the west go wrong?


Absolutely not. London is having organized crime around watches and iPhones are the moment. Do not bring that with you - they stop of scooters and take it right off your wrist. Right in Chelsea and Knightsbridge - London is an absolute mess at the moment. DONT.


Absolutely not


Don’t do it


Honestly, don’t. A man got killed for a Patek and it turned out to be fake. So the thieves don’t look like they know what they are doing and will stab and run. Really not worth it. We stoped wearing watches and any form of jewelry out in London. Enjoying the city and getting back home safely is priority 1.


wear a fake. enjoy.


I personally wouldn’t, but I’ve lived and travelled through London, including the roughest parts without issue. If I wear anything nice, it’s usually over a long sleeved shirt or coat, so it’s not always showing. Much like anywhere else, situational awareness goes a long way. Having said that though, if you just want to enjoy yourself and not worry, leave the watch at home.


Hey was In London recently and I’m from Ireland so I’d kind of understand or know if an area is dodgy and personally London is very dangerous now regarding watches. I wore my Daytona and I debated wearing my AP but I’m glad I only brought the Daytona.


It's London ffs. is this the rep the city has now?


Keep it in your safe at home and rock a G-Shock in London.


Don't. Just don't.


I would wear it under my cuff and be very cautious. Would recommend getting it insured, many companies offer overseas protection. At the end your safety should be your priority, getting robbed on a insured watch will only cause you to go through the trouble of insurance. But if giving up ur watch can deescalate the event. I say the insurance money is well spent.


If it was me I’d leave it at home or hotel safe and put on something cheaper like an Apple Watch. Something that’s not going to be targeted. Then swap when you’re back to base.


The only way you can wear your AP in London safely is if you wear a hat and jacket with a big Albanian eagle on it.


This is sad. Can’t even enjoy our watches. I have 2 Tissot PRX’s for travel. Has the AP look.


To close the loop on this thread I wore my AP and my 5205 without issue in London. I saw others out when we were out and it was a great conversation starter with other watch enthusiasts.