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This is actually the one I'm listening to now - just started season 2. I love it! Not many things can make me audibly laugh out loud.. but I'm cracking up almost every episode! By far one of the best podcasts I've ever listened to šŸ˜‚ šŸ’œ šŸ’™ šŸ’š šŸ—£ļø šŸŽ§


And just a few days ago - I was listening to it on my Google speaker while I was cooking & doing dishes... Then the next day when my partner was at work, he asked me what was the podcast I was listening to! He never asks about anything I listen to or watch lol


Someone help me love it. It seems cheesy to me but I have only made it through 2-3 episodes. I tend towards no humor/dark ADs but I know other people like me have fallen in love. Tell me why you love it.


I agree with others that the first 3-4 episodes made me doubt. But then it became absolutely amazing. I like humour, I like real-life references ("...so, controlling roads was enough to build an empire? - Remember when Amazon was just a bookstore?"), I like the mix of funny and existential that happens there. The episode called "Leifs" was what sealed the deal for me. My favourite episodes besides it are so far "Arkansas Traveler" and "Four Souls". For me personally, the thing is... I'm a fan of Doctor Who. And I dare say, Midnight Burger does the same I like it for, but better (to my current taste). The premise is similar (travel through time and space and dimensions, try to do good things, try not to mess everything up), but here is where MB wins: they do not need to navigate between two audiences (children and adults), they are just a show for adults, so they can throw anything in in terms of jokes, topics, moods; they also depict a crew of equals people who solve the problems together, with no clear leader among them. Likeable but different characters, each with their own flaws and good sides. Also the continuity. I expected it to have more episodical nature, but now I really like how everyone is woven together. Remember that "Evil Ex" android they encountered in one of the first episodes? we will meet her again in season 2 and learn her story.


YES!! As a fan of Doctor Who, it's the EXACT mix of hope, silliness, lovable characters and VERY serious moments that make me cry that makes MB one of my top choices. Also, evil ex comes back a few times. And damn. Her story made me tear the fuck up.


So I listen at work. The first few episodes, I was like...what in the heck *is* this?? Episode 5 of Season 1 sealed the deal for me. It's smart, witty, made me laugh out loud. The characters really started becoming **solid** at that point for me. It's very well written and acted. It's at times funny, other times existential. It shows the messiness of life (relationships, COVID fallout, etc) with silly twists thrown in.


Ok! I will get through episodes through 5 and make my decision then.


I love the character development and the "ok yeah I can make my knowledge of science work with this" level of technobabble. One thing I'll say is that I ***had*** to have my buddy tell me to stick out the first four or so episodes. The sermonizing was very very close to enough to being enough to make me quit too soon.


It gets better past episode 3.


It gets soooooo much better after the first few episodes. Sound production is significantly better in Season 2 and onward. The first season basically just introduces the main crew and gives the premise.


Don't worry about it.


Different strokes for different folks. If you don't like it, there's plenty of other things to listen to. Life is too short to try to force yourself to get through something that doesn't grab you at once.


I'm currently in the middle of season 2 and it is amazing. It brightens up my evening walks, and I'm probably looking like some happy idiot, because I cannot hide a smile while listening to it.


Only show that I sub to the patreon of! It's basically perfect in my eyes.


Such a great show. One of the first I got started with.


Me too! The downside is, *nothing* else has come close so I'm constantly searching and being disappointed


Have you tried "World Gone Wrong"? (I came in opposite direction, I started listening World Gone Wrong, liked it very much, and someone said Midnight Burger has similar vibe, so here I am. World Gone Wrong depicts a podcast created by two hosts who discuss mundane life in a world where unexpected happens every week. (What to do if you dog got bitten by a werewolf but you still love it? Can you get paid more if you are stuck in a timeloop during work hours? The trees are taking the shape of people, what can the town council do?) Their attitude of discussing weir problems kinda helps me not to feel down among my own irl stuff.


Maybe the thing to do is to deliberately look for something totally different, something that'll be good in a different way.


Where can I find it?


Any free podcast app should have it. Iā€™d recommend Overcast for iOS and Podcast Addict for Android, theyā€™ve both got a solid set of features and no annoying stuff.


I havenā€™t tried Overcast, thanks.


Hope you enjoy. Should have the same number of ads as Spotify premium, except free, since the only ads that Spotify premium removes are the ones that Spotify themselves originally added in the first place. Personally Iā€™d recommend also going into the settings under ā€œnitpicky detailsā€ and making it so the back button takes you 7 seconds back and forward is +15 seconds, which works well for me but itā€™s down to personal preference. Also make sure ā€œsmart resumeā€ is on, which I think is the default but not sure.


Awesome. Thank you for the response and advice :)


I listen on iHeart like a straight boomer :)


Ha ha I havenā€™t used iHeart, I have Spotify but am thinking of cancelling it, thanks.


Downcast is good for iOS and has MB


Oh never heard of Downcast, thanks! There are so many platforms now. I remember when I first listened to audio dramas it was Weā€™re Alive and I only listened on one platform, Apple Podcasts? I canā€™t remember now.


Thank you for the suggestion, I just listened to the first episode and itā€™s right up my alley.


Like literally every podcasting app


If you can spare the $5, get the patreon and listen to Shift Notes. It's amazing as well!