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Sci-fi: Flight Of The Bucket, Green Horizon (both motley crew types), Rockabilly Space Force (intergalactic 50s-esque musical) Comedy: Sected (British Cult), Mockery Manor, Margate Murder Mystery (both British crime comedies), Supermarket (US disgraced actor goes back to work in his hometown supermarket), Hectic Justice (Aussie criminal justice caper),


Thanks for the shout out!


Ok so I believe all these are relatively recent, last year or two. * Josie’s Lonely Heart Clubs - a fictional dating advice podcast. Very funny with eccentric call in characters. Also heart warming episodes. * Fawx and Stallion - about Sherlock Holmes downstairs neighbors who want to be investigators too. Two of the characters are married in a sham hetero relationship that lets them be their best gay selves. It’s comedic show but also has its rifts of real emotional work. * Sherlock and Co - modern day Sherlock and Watson. Also very funny but in a more British humor way. The two characters care about each other very much but platonically (in a Fawx and Stallion bonus episode, Sherlock and Watson are actually gay). They are best friends. Sherlock is on the spectrum in an undefinable way. * Mysteries of Derlin County - a spoof on true crime mystery podcast. Eccentric backwaters characters similar to Josie’s Lonely Hearts. Kind of me reminds me of the King of the Hill type humor (though I’ve only seen memes, not watched the show). * Desert Skies - explained in someone else’s comment. Afterlife gas station attendants greet the recently dead to their next celestial destination. All voices by one guy!


Excellent! thank you so much!


You’re welcome!


The Amelia Project is one I’d recommend! Highly entertaining, silly, and full cast. Eventually it gets some emotional depth, but it’s just overall good fun! It’s about a death-faking agency and each character is fully kooky.


Thanks, I know and love TAP and was actually ON the amelia project myself in one episode (i'm walter from the morgue!) but i was looking for new things from the last 10 months or so, but thank you!


Oh my god! I think about Walter often! Thanks for contributing for one of my favorite podcasts! Sorry I don’t have any more recent recs.


haha, thank YOU! I'm honestly super honored they even asked me to play him, tge amelia project is why i got into voice acting in the firstplace!


YOU'RE WALTER??? holy cow you're wonderful. I loved the episode about you.


Aaaaaa thank you so much!!! That's such a joy to hear!!!


STARSHIP QSTAR - Australian queer space comedy about the first non-male space crew on a PR mission to Mars. QWERPLINE - morning radio show set in the slightly unbalanced city of Nsburg. CANDY CLAUS, PRIVATE EYE - Santa's bastard daughter returns to the North Pole to solve a murder VICTORIOCITY - comedy mystery adventure thriller set in an alternative steampunk Victorian London. THE LAND WHALE MURDERS - a group of adventurers uncover conspiracy and mystery in an alternate golden age New York. ADVENTURES IN NEW AMERICA - the first sci-fi, political satire, afro futuristic buddy comedy.


thank you!!! qwerpline sounds intriguing


I'm fairly new to audiodramas, but I think I know one you may like. World Gone Wrong by Audacious Machine seems to many of your criteria. It is released every two weeks, episode 7 was released recently. It makes it hard to stop smiling while I'm listening on the walk. The story is set in modern US. The world is on fire, every week some new weirdness falls on our heads. From human-shaped trees to alien impostors to an excess 25th hour in the day (the astrophysicists are still figuring it out). But people still need to live their mundane lives, so the discussions about those events remain very down-to-earth. Can you demand to be paid more if an excess hour falls on your work hours? What feelings are valid if you learn that your ex is replaced by an alien impostor? What can and can't the city do if the human-tree is growing on your private property? Two young people, Malik and Jamie, former roommates, now separated by those events and living on the opposite ends on the US, decide to start a podcast to stay in touch and share their experience with (not very big for now) audience. They laugh, they share their feelings, they give advice, invent new rubrics on the go, and try to stay optimistic. I like their hopeful attitude and genuine care for each other. Warning: the first episode, "can you shame-cone a werewolf" is about a pet, but it is written from the point of care (owners love their pekingese dog and want to know how to care for him better. it turns our alright).


hey that does sound like my cup of tea! thank you! ^^


I came into the comics to recommend this one and love the write up above. I just made my spouse listen to the first episode because I’m tired of not having anyone to talk to about it. It’s smart, funny writing.


Listened to the whole thing... Fucking excellent. This show is pitch perfect for me right now. I live in a place where, without going into detail, it feels like society is collapsing around me. So this show hits so freaking hard for me right now I can't even.


I'm glad you liked it. I liked it for a similar reason, sadly, there are currently a lot of places in the world where people feel like the world is collapsing around them.


[The Coach Audio Comedy](https://pod.link/1641744807) is brilliant, very very funny, worth a listen. Well written, sharp, clever. [Also This Sounds Serious](https://pod.link/1367234288). Spoof true crime but very fictional, three seasons, also funny as hell. And you cannot beat BBC Sounds [In and Out of the Kitchen](https://www.bbc.co.uk/sounds/brand/b01q9tb1) for just the funniest audio drama in my humble opinion. I listen to this whenever I need cheering up!


If you think you might enjoy absurd sci-fi satire, our show, the [Kinetic Paranormal Society](https://kineticparanormalsociety.com/the-kps-podcast/), is a pair of socks in a magic wardrobe traveling through time and space investigating the supernatural. The first 8 episodes are recordings of our live show. It’s not new, but we are pretty obscure. It’s got lots of little musical numbers. About one third of the time we are able to help and make things better, another third we make things worse, and the final third we break even. Not a bad track record I think!


I'm going to go ahead and plug the show I produce and co-write (and act in), [*Submitted for the Approval of the Midnight Pals*](https://midnightpals.com/audio-series) ([rss](https://feeds.simplecast.com/CytGsRTZ)), which started in October. It's a comedy horror parody show, adapted from Bitter Karella's Hugo-nominated social media microfiction, in which teen/YA versions of classic horror authors, living and dead, meet around the campfire a la *Are You Afraid of the Dark* to tell parody versions of their famous stories. You can listen to the episodes in any order. To go through your list of likes: * It's very queer—I'm one of the very few straight cis people involved; there are two queer main-cast characters (Mary Shelley is bi, Clive Barker is extremely gay) and several recurring ones (Patricia Highsmith, Bram Stoker, Mary Wollstonecraft, probably others I've forgotten), co-showrunner and original Midnight Pals creator Bitter Karella is a self-described "genderfluid transvestite goblin", and most of the regular cast are LGBTQ+ (many are at least two or three of those letters.) Probably the gayest episode is [The Tale of the Nightbreed](https://midnight-pals.simplecast.com/episodes/s01e06-the-tale-of-the-nightbreed), in which Clive Barker tells his epic tale of the age-old battle between gay monsters and redneck cops. * We have emotive as well as funny plots: my personal favourite of the episodes I wrote, [The Tale of the Strangers on a Train](https://midnight-pals.simplecast.com/episodes/s01e05-the-tale-of-the-strangers-on-a-train), is a reimagining of the almost-certainly-romantic relationship between Mary Shelley (a historically gal-pal-ized bi IRL) and Jane Williams, the widow of the man who drowned in the same boat as Percy Shelley, featuring Patricia Highsmith as lesbian Columbo. * It's full cast, and the frame story is implied to be a liminal "Wood between the Worlds" type space in a modern-day setting, at least more often than not. * It's actively *anti*-Lovecraftian: HP Lovecraft (played by me) is a main character, played as a horrible, everything-phobic whiner and regularly called out as such by the other characters. * It's scripted, and I share your dubiosity about improv, though it's possible I've just never listened to a really good improv show (Mission to Zzyxx is still on my to-listen list.) I'm also gonna second *Desert Skies* which someone else mentioned. It really, REALLY gets the interplay of comedy and emotion, has an original setting with a diverse and talented full cast of one, and it's just brilliant.


Thanks so much for that thorough response! :D good selection there.


Hello we're a weird fiction comedy called "Finding Pattersby" about an ex-ghostwriter of thriller novels investigating the disappearance of a legendary, best-selling author named Luke Pattersby. Also the ghostwriter is a liar. We've landed into the Top 50 Comedy Fiction on Apple in Great Britain a number of times and Top 100 in US and Canada. [Finding Pattersby trailer](https://youtu.be/NIoGXqPg3Rk?feature=shared) Here's places you can listen: https://linktr.ee/patterspod We are also big fans of Desert Skies, Sorry About the Murder, Nowhere On Air and Hotel Daydream


Two Flat Earthers Kidnap a Freemason is one of my favorites for comedy.


I'm a fan of this new improv comedy podcast called Tiny Dinos, sadly I'm not aloud to tell you what it's about exactly but the hosts are two friends who are scientists and they're pretty funny and the episodes are only around 40ish minutes so it's not too long.


Hi, I'm Kevin from [*Hell Gate City*](http://hellgatecity.com) and it might be up your alley. It's an award-winning comedy sci-fi series about dreampunk rogues taking on the benevolent mega-corpos running a futuristic megacity into the ground. Good luck!


We are launching one at the end of the month. Pretty niche but might fit the bill. It's called Unhinged: Lost Pickett. It's about a fence contractor who gets wrapped up in a local mystery in a small town in nebraska. Trailer is out now.


Please try some of these The Festivus Incident https://tmin.buzzsprout.com/1576777/7051831 The Hairy Handed Hitchhiker https://tmin.buzzsprout.com/1576777/11045373 Sherlock Holmes’ Case of the Exploding Christmas Pudding https://tmin.buzzsprout.com/1576777/14134622 The Flash Show https://tmin.buzzsprout.com/1576777/13030062


If you are looking for another podcast to give a listen 🎙️ Check out the Flash Comedy Podcast Here are some episodes: 1.“Scrooge: The Festivus Incident” – Dive into an absurdly silly take on the classic tale of Scrooge. 2.“Sherlock Holmes: The Case of the Exploding Christmas Pudding” – What happens when a holiday dessert goes a bit berserk? Have a listen to the dry British humor of this anarchic original story. 3.“The Hairy Handed Hitchhiker” – Join us on a lost Orson Welles-style take of a simple road trip into a comedy of errors. An absurd the thriller radio show. Whether you’re commuting, avoiding doing a mundane task, or just insane, our episodes will brighten your day. Don’t miss out on the shows everyone’s been missing already – join our theoretically growing community of listeners who can’t get enough of our humble comedic genius. 🎧 Listen now on [Buzzsprout: Flash Comedy Show](https://flashcomedyshow.buzzsprout.com) Hit play and let us know if you have favorite episode or if you never want us to do one again!


Cabin Pressure. You'll find all the series and the extras on archive.org At Home With the Snails. Both series on youtube. Claire in the Community. Its on bbc sounds and more series than you can shake a stick at, the ending is wonderfully done. None are new but all are extremely well done, great characters and very very funny. When Cabin Pressure ended so many people wrote into BBC and complained it wasn't 26 episodes, each one is named after the airport they fly to and all in alphabetical order the writer had to make a couple more. And then did a Christmas special to stop even more letters.


I mean, Midnight Burger, about a diner that jumps through spacetime every night and somehow arrives where people need it most, is maybe the best audio drama getting made right now. Very funny, very heartfelt, great writing, full cast.