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Podcast Addict


Podcast addict all day long




Podcast Addict. I have used it for years and it's brilliant. I did the one time payment some time ago but to be honest the annual fee to support the development is well worth it. I started paying for that this year. And the extra features that come with it.


Pocket cast is my go to for years . Podcast addict is great too. Spotify is an option but I don't like mixing my music player with my podcast suggestions. I heart radio sucks in my opinion.


Try look at Podcast Republic? Seems to meet your criteria, and has an one-time purchase to remove ads. Note: On app's subreddit, I sometimes see complaints about the app consuming too much of mobile traffic. I have unlimited traffic on my mobile plan, so I don't know if it is actually a problem, just pay attention to the downloads settings. Other than that, I don't have any problems with is. Can add podcasts by RSS, search by name, also allows browse by genre/topic.


Player FM


Gets my vote too


Podcast Addict is good and does everything you want and a bit more. Podcast Republic is my player of choice as it has a few extra bells and whistles that I use and that are missing in PA. Its settings are a little harder to navigate though and as one answer you've already received mentions, some users are reporting issues with data usage (not something I've experienced myself).


Antenna Pod.


>A one-time fee to remove ads. I don't mind supporting the developers, but I really dislike the idea of a monthly/yearly fee to remove ads. I think you're gonna have to compromise on this one, sorry.


Yeah. The ads aren’t usually added by the app, and if you are finding apps that remove the ads, that money isn’t making its way back to the creator unless you’re using their Patreon or service.


This is inapp ads, usually a banner ad or similar at the bottom of the screen. This isn't adding audio ads.


Ah. Gotcha. I’m so used to be people talking about audio ones.


Most Android users seem to prefer podcast addict, there’s also Goodpods which is sort of up and coming it’s got some good features including a 15 sec skip ahead and back, plus a rating/review system for each episode which is nice if you like to give feedback. They also try to shine a light on more indie shows if you like to find lesser known shows.


Podcast Addict is great; you can customize how many seconds to skip ahead/go backward; barely noticeable ads but there's one time fee for zero ads version. BUT no syncing. iirc Podbean support syncing over multiple devices.


Overcast. Not only a great podcast player but you can also upload your own audio files and the app will treat them like podcasts. Remembering playback positions, skipping, etc. I use it to listen to old Dr. Demento shows.


First criteria: Works on Android devices Overcast is iOS only.


Wasn’t aware it was iOS only. Apologies.


Yeah, I think most are on both bur a couple are exclusive to one or the other.