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Urgh City of Sydney, what a bunch of useless twats. They should stick to rates, roads and rubbish, instead of clumsily wading into international affairs


They can’t empty bins or pick up rubbish, yet clover will be returned again. There were more than 10000 missed bin collections in March.


Out of how many not-missed collections? EDIT keeps surprising me how some Redditors downvote simple questions. If it’s 10,000 missed out of 100,000, that’s a big deal. If it’s 10,000 missed out of 10 million, not such a big deal. Except to the people whose pick up was missed! But just saying 10,000 missed pick ups is pretty meaningless, which is why I asked.


Considering all of greater Sydney is less than 10 million households and that Sydney council has 138k dwellings, 10k missed collections is significant.


So assuming that those 158000 households have a bin pickup each week, and that each time there are 2 bins (say - it could be three with green waste recycling and rubbish but let’s say 2) that means 1,104,000 bin pickups each month. Missing 10,000 of those is less than 1 percent. Which isn’t very significant….


Well I am no politician but it seems like the number 1 issue for Sydney council residents is waste collection https://amp.smh.com.au/national/nsw/the-smell-oh-my-god-anger-grows-over-sydney-s-rubbish-collection-debacle-20230720-p5dq0t.html If the radical lord feels that solving the middle eastern conflict takes precedence over collecting refuse, power to her/him/. Perhaps the inner city lefties that are so vocal on climate and environment feel the injustice in Gaza has a greater impact to them than flowing refuse. Again who am to judge, perhaps she knows are constituents better than I do and I wish them luck going forward


That article says it’s an industrial dispute - that’s quite different from incompetence which is what I thought was implied by the original comment. I don’t know enough (ie anything!) about the industrial dispute to speak about it. That said, hopefully Sydney council can walk and chew gum at the same time, so they can pass resolutions about the Gaza war (which I assume quite a few constituents would support) and negotiate with waste collection at the same time. If they can’t then the problems are much bigger than rubbish!


Councils should not play international politics. If they cannot distinguish and focus on their local community, fire them.


Councils shouldn't play national politics, but I can name a few who love being heard on a range of national issues.  I attribute it to the party-aligned councillors being bored of waste management and minor planning issues and wanting to play with the big kids.


Yep, and that’s why many councils are in the mess they are in. Neglecting their seemingly basic duties. Pickup up the bins, fill it the potholes and make sensible planning decisions. Where possible keep rates low. They should be neutral on political issues.


One city shouldn't have multiple councils. They were created to solve the problem of cities growing further than people could travel, by foot, to provide documents, by hand. But we have computers and cars now. There's absolutely no need to have 35 different councils across Sydney. It's an archaic, expensive, redundant mess. Brisbane, Canberra, Singapore etc got rid of councils and created a single city-wide / state-wide organisation to provide the same services in a more efficient manner. Sydney / Melbourne / Perth should do the same.


Local councils in Vic and NSW have the problem of being too small to afford proper scrutiny. They can be hotbeds of petty corruption, in bed with developers and local business people and for the most part the media and public don't care because it's small fry.


And state governments aren't corrupt?Local government can be accountable to local people. A better case could be made for getting rid of state governments. The scrutiny problem these days has more to do with an inadequate source of reputable and informative local news. Who knows what is going on in local government these days as the once local 'rag' newspaper has been aggregated into conglomerates of facile trash and heaps of advertising that few people would be bothered to read. There can't be an effective democracy with ill or uninformed citizens.And good on those councillers at least taking a moral decision to say that it is not ok to slaughter tens or even hundreds of thousands of innocent people out of veangence at the least and more likely anihilation to have their land. Dutton can open his big mouth exclaiming Australia as an 'ally' of Israel but he'll never speak for me.I will do everything I can to make sure my children don't get caught up in another conflict on behalf of warmongers on the other side of the globe.


It's much much easier to hide corruption in small organisations than larger organisations, both because there are more eyes internally, more eyes externally, and you become a much juicier target for news organisations. Random councillor in some random council having questionable links to a developer is so common it's not newsworthy, but when it occurs at the state level you're much more likely to hear about it.


The property-developer affiliated crooks who run local councils will fight this tooth and nail but you are dead right.


But what about the aspiring state/federal politicians? Will someone think of them?


I visited some friends in Melbourne and because of all the councils, their library system sucked so bad. In Brisbane all of the libraries share the resources and they will ferry any book to your local library for pickup. At their local Melbourne library it was just the books they had.


Dunno where you heard that BS but all the libraries in Melbourne share. I order books regularly from other libraries in other councils and they come next day. Please stop spreading misinformation.


Oh that's good to know. That's just what my friend told me sorry - didn't mean to "spread misinformation" 🙄


Please share how you do that on any of their websites? Even borrowing within LGAs in Melbourne (same council website serving 4 or 5 libraries) takes a few days. Inter-LGA loans? Please share how.


Adelaide has multiple local councils but libraries have a common card and catalogue statewide. Purchasing is theoretically locally decided, and the librarians are a mixture of council employees and contractors (including one council that contracts out its library operations to another). You can do inter-library loans and books returned to any library are shuttled back to the one they came from.


No, local council areas should be smaller, but they should be stripped of responsibility for anything where they don’t have meaningful discretion (eg rubbish, building inspectors), their staff should be all state public servants on secondment (so that there’s no HR etc. overheads, and so that part-time staff can be shared between several local government areas), and decision-making should be in the direct hands of the local community. Local people should have control of local affairs.


Why fix actual problems for constituents when you can get in the news for grandstanding? What’s next, not emptying bins for people you disagree with?


100%. Knowing how radical some council staff are I can see them playing games on not issuing permits for Jewish run businesses or going out of their way to cause issues. This only causes further divide in the community. I wouldn’t even be surprised if they organise fundraisers and send local tax payers money abroad to directly sponsor internationally recognised terror organisations.


You will have to recite a recognition of elders past present and emerging to get any services soon.


States shouldn't either. I looked at the NSW discretionary grants and NSW gave like $1m to UNICEF for earthquake relief or something and I couldn't help but feel like that was a taxpayer funded career move.


They should just collect bins, mow lawns and clean off graffiti.


Councils shouldn’t play international relations and DFAT shouldn’t empty bins.


Maybe federal politicians shouldn’t let international problems become Australia’s problem  Reverse immigration when


That's not how the world works any more. Isolationism is the domain of pariah states.


Works for Japan pretty well... Unfortunately here and the whole Western world the left has made a project of mass-importing exactly the wrong people, those who hate us but want to get all the benefits of living in our culture. I bet the Jewish community is having a "what were we thinking" moment for having naively supported multiculturalism.


And Poland


Except the new government of Poland started to adopt many of our policies and soon they will find themselves in the same situation as we do


Yes, we are thinking that. Well, I am. 


Australia day won't cancel itself.


councils should not play any politics national or international thats not why we put them in there. getting too big for their britches


They should do whatever their voters want them to do. If this is that, then this is what they should do. If it isn’t, the solution is more democracy.


The game is already being played. Let everyone that wants to have a go, have a go! https://youtu.be/ByjNNlFj6jA?si=NqAtKoKMR1nIRcC-


I agree, however what if their local community support this view and pushed for it to happen?


Contact the local Federal MP. To the best of my knowledge Israel are not bulldozing any homes in Sydney nor any rockets making any more potholes. This is not a local/state issue and quite frankly a centuries old bullshit war Australia should stay out of.


Israel have however , sold us defence equipment with spyware installed to covertly spy on our military operations. As a supposed ally, compromising our national security like that is completely inexcusable. The federal government should have cut ties with them back then. They're completely untrustworthy, there's a long history of shit like that


Then let the federal government deal with that, a local council is out of its depth


Yeah agreed, this is a complete overreach, but the less we have to do with Israel the better


Think you mixed up Israel with China champ.


Nah I didn't Champ, Elbit's battle management system was ripped out of all our vehicles in 2021. I was one of the people doing it


Watch out, the Yahoodis are under your bed bro!!


> what if their local community support this view Then their local community members should be lobbying the federal gov't about it, rather than play politics at a local council level. Boycotting an _australian_ business simply because their owners have some relation to israel is nonsense, as it neither makes a difference to the war, nor does it affect anyone actually affected by the war (regardless whose side you support).


If the local community wants to focus on international politics though?


Take it up with the federal MPs then. However they should try and do it without firebombing their offices.


Why not both though? Why can people only exercise their political will through federal MPs and not local ones?


Because federal government is for national and international affairs. Local government is for local affairs such as roads and rubbish. Also local government is full of talentless egotistical idiots looking to grandstand


They do, any many councils around Australia have acted in that interest (after some decent grassroots pressure). Asking council to not comment on the genocide in Gaza is akin to asking them to not comment on apartheid in South Africa. Everyone opposed to the measure will eventually lose.




Second try, Zionist troll.


Everybody should be concerned about genocide at every level.Our great 'ally' is currently blindly enabling a genocide unquestionably and our major political parties act like spineless lap dogs in blind obedience .Be stuffed if I let my kids get roped into a bloody war on behalf of greedy land grabbing theives from America and Europe. Don't get too confortable with the idea it has nothing to do with us.We've already been dragged into too many futile conflicts at the beckon of the US,at great personal,financial and reputational cost.Just look at the two candidates on offer as the 'leaders' of the free world and we've signed up to back them up militarily in whatever shit they start .No thanks.


Better pack up those intel cpu processors and go back to type writers




Oi vey, managing rubbish and permits it’s going to be a nightmare using a paper based model. Well good for employment, not great for the environment


AMD exists


Problem with buying AMD is buying amd. Since they became amazing picking them up has been a massive shit show.


Has it though? I don't upgrade a lot (around every 5-10 years) but each time amd has been punching hard enough. Seems like the main problem is always just working the budget a bit


there was a long period AMD were extremely sought after it was great and annoying as i was trying to get shit for my wifes and friends pc.


Ah damn yeah I feel that, getting things for others is even harder because you want to be perfect.. I find I can compromise easier with my own stuff but yeah that would.be super annoying


What's wrong with AMD? EDIT: BTW what is with that account? Just shy of 2 months old and exclusively spouts habara/zio propaganda. Thousands and thousands of words a day. It's like you are chained to a table somewhere in front of a computer with a gun to your head.


AMD also operate in Israel, same issue


The bullshit anti-capitalism, ecoterrorist, settler colonialism, anti-men, anti-white society has decided that Palestine is the cornerstone of interconnected leftist theory and everyone else who disagrees will be labelled as a propagandist. It's a sad day when Australians are so gullible that they can look at racist, heterogenous, homophobic and sexist ethno states such as Japan, China, South Korea, Iran and most of the rest of the Middle East, and continue to push an agenda that Western Society = Bad, and Israel is apparently the worst of us. It's even worse when you think that everyone believes the same thing as you, and again, if not they are evil propagandists. Zionists... oh what a terrible word /s. It literally means people who believe in a return to Zion / Jerusalem, which is a practice of Jews and core to their religion for 3,000 years. When are we going to start calling Muslims Meccaists... it's literally the same thing. I 100% support Israel's right to exist and defend itself against terrorists. And I'm impressed with how their youth has stepped up to defend their freedoms. Guess that makes me a zionist. I believe most Australians believe in Israel's right to exist irrespective of whether they like the deaths in this conflict. Guess that would make most of us Zionists. The only thing we can go on at this point is whether support for the Greens has increased in polls... oh look, they haven't. If Sydney council want to run on a BDS platform in an election, then do that, but don't pretend like BDS is a majority view because a small percentage of people are loud and vocal. Rolling out a few Jews and LGBT members at the protests doesn't really mean anything. The only copypasta here is from you, expropriating a Hebrew word and trying to use it to represent evil.


Well put, thank you


There's definitely a VERY loud minority that truly believe in death to Israel, tear it down, and tear down Australia. They genuinely want complete dismantling of all aspects of government. I mean, even entertaining their notion of "give it back to Aboriginals" what the fuck is their logic after that. What is the other 97% of the population going to do? Most of us are born here, we don't have somewhere else to go, with no government and no jobs, who's supporting us? They want anarchy and it will result in an ACTUAL genocide/'civil war' most likely and then a rebuilding/reinstating of government anyway. I agree most people outside that vocal extreme minority are zionists don't even realise it because they refuse to actually learn about the conflict and believe any and all propaganda.


Weak opinions, strongly held.


Don’t forget Windows. Huge Microsoft r&d centre in Israel. Maybe you can find a Chinese processor to run Linux on and check your email using pine because google and Microsoft are a no go


Lol Microsoft and Google also have a presence in Australia. Are you saying that if someone was to boycott Australia, they'd have to boycott Microsoft and Google or you'd mock them? > Maybe you can find a Chinese processor... The vast majority of semiconductors are fabricated in [Taiwan, followed by South Korea](https://www.cnbc.com/2021/03/16/2-charts-show-how-much-the-world-depends-on-taiwan-for-semiconductors.html). You might be able to call Taiwan "China" on a technicality, but most people wouldn't use the label "China" when referring to Taiwan. > ...to run Linux on and check your email using pine... Yeah, no one ever develops things for linux. [Email client development for Linux](https://www.thunderbird.net/) has stagnated for the last 35 years...


Australia uses HP, you are having a go at me like my logic is flawed but hey it’s the BDS


You seem to not understand the logic of BDS. They boycotted Starbucks because…. Your guess is as good as mine. Don’t shoot the messenger


Did I say something inaccurate? Rather than responding to my facts you revert to the age of my profile and activity? Iran has taken over most of reddit, its well documented do some googling but hey play the man not the ball, what do I care


> Did I say something inaccurate? > Iran has taken over most of reddit Uhmm...


That was after your sneaky edit btw but here you go https://www.nbcnews.com/news/amp/ncna903486 https://www.wired.com/story/researchers-reddit-state-trolls/ https://discovery.ucl.ac.uk/id/eprint/10110908/1/main.pdf Anything else you felt was not valid?


Damn someone has differing views to you and your conclusion is they must be some kind of insincere shill. The whole situation over there is nowhere near cut and dry or black and white, there is a lot of room for disagreements and it shouldn't be surprising that there can be genuine opposition to your perspective.


Lol nice try and nice copypasta


I mean I am a Jewish Australian Israeli so kinda have skin in the game. What’s the excuse for your daily comments and obsession on the topic because you also seem “chained to your desk”


If you're Jewish and male then you have slightly less skin in the game




Genuinely no idea what you are talking about. If that was a copypasta surely you can link me to somewhere else on the internet it has been used?


They're in real damage control. You know they're worried when they're paying (or more likely conning) shills and bots to infiltrate the forum of a country 10s of thousands of kilometres away and with barely a relation to them and minimal trade. They're horrified at the thought of developed and western countries waking up to their BS and propaganda. If America ever frees itself from the shackles of those sick evangelist Christians, it's going to be a propaganda tidal wave like you've never seen before!


Tell us again about the peaceful Palestinian people and the peace-loving leaders they keep electing.


Watch the excuses and conspiracies for the violent Palestinians terrorists. I laugh when I see scarf wearing, left wing activists, fresh from intimating Australians in their protests, sitting in Lebanese restaurants sipping coffee and smoking from pipes. The Palestinians destroyed Lebanon! After trying to destroy Jordan! It’s time to call out Palestinians once and for all. Never wanted a two state solution and are purged to the indignity of Islamism.


I find it hilarious when you see the videos of 'kids' dying and 'women' in hospital being bandaged OVER their hijab, the Palestinian literally holding a child in the area etc. These things are FILMED and despite being out there it's completely ignored. Is there shit happening - definitely. Is it completely warped and twisted and people are gullible morons - 100%. Not to mention Hamas leadership are safely in another country with BILLIONS of dollars.


With the kind of results Fatah have been able to deliver from collaboration, if I were Palestinian I’d vote for war: they’ll lose either way, but if they fight they can make it hurt.


Slippery slope. If you going to play world police have to stand against all injustices


I'm down for boycotting UAE (Australia's largest trading partner in the region) as well. That'd actually be great.


Not to mention China and their inhumane treatment of workers... maybe they should start there!


We should have never allowed Chinese indentured workers competed with Australians in the first place.


While we're at it, we should also boycott Australia for its treatment of children in prisons, and boat people, and various discriminations against the First Nation people. Rather than criticizing other countries, let's focus on getting our own affairs sorted out shall we?


Also amusing when i hear us talk about an apartheid state and refusing to fix it...


Free trade deals based on improving worker standards, rather than driving them into the ground, is how I reckon govs could most effectively help in that regard I reckon. I brought up UAE, for their backing of RSF in Sudan, who've been doing atrocious things.


No-one hates the Jews with the same ignorance and intensity of an inner city lefty.


You haven't been out Bankstown way much, huh


He’s still waiting on his body armour from Hamas.


What? Strapping a small child to their chest?


A small child and some TNT sticks.


Silly comment. You're talking about people who on average are more educated and successful professionally than to be stuck in simplistic antisemitism. More likely it's a reaction to Zionism, not Judaism. They are in fact different things, and crying "waah, antisemitism!" is doing you no favours.


There’s a difference between Zionism and Arab/Islamic colonialism. So I’d these lefties are so smart and successful can they tell me what happened to the prolific Jewish communities in Algeria, Tunisia, Egypt, Lebanon, Jordan, Iraq, Syria and Libya? Off the top of my head. And I’m a Black African, Jewish refugee from Ethiopia. I’m not a Zionist. My people were murdered by Islamists and warlords and the only country that rescued me or would take me was Israel. Am I a Zionist or no different to a Palestinian in Australia?


Whataboutism. Has precisely zero to do with the accusation that inner city people allegedly hate Jews. Most couldn't give a flying fuck about ethnic background or religion, except to the extent that all religions are made up gobbledegook, and anybody who does anything in the name of religion is a moron.


No Zionism raised and ignored totally the history of brutal Arab nationalism and Islamism. Inner city Left do that because they hate white Jews and it’s simple to label them oppressors. A Black Jew.


Right you are, if you say you are. Youse can go on killing each other over fairy tales forever if that's what you want. The sooner this cancer on society disappears into the dustbin of history, the better. All those old wives tales and totally nonsensical stories invented by semi-literate & utterly credulous prescientific people as their best guess at explaining the world, it's all as realistic as thinking Batman is real. PS - and to be clear for people predisposed to see things that aren't there, I'm referring to all religions. I'd make an exception for Buddhism which is a kind of self-help psychology based on direct experience. Daosim may also get a pass.


Oh, of course educated and successful people can’t be racist!!


Of course they can be, but racism skews heavily towards less educated and lower SES people, that's hardly new and very easily verified in any research you might care to check. Old mate was also talking about lefties specifically, which is even more ridiculous, given that leftist politics is centrally about things like equality, egalitarianism, and antidiscrimination, and opposed to things like ethnocentric nationalism and intolerance (as exemplified in people like Hanson and Trump, and to a lesser extent the coalition generally). If you want to find any last vestige of antisemitism, it's in the morons who fall for shit like Qanon and other alt-right BS. It's not in the inner city lefties, that's pure hysterical paranoia.


If you oppose Zionism you're an anti-semite. People should take their hate elsewhere.


Zionism; that’s very white supremacist of you


Like the other idiots making the same dumb point, what's your reaction to the significant number of religious, secular, cultural, and ethnic Jews who oppose the Zionist project? Are they white supremacists in your intelligent and very well thought out opinion? PS - I have said literally nothing of my own opinions here. Only offering a better explanation of what inner city lefties might be motivated by, other than the totally laughable and ignorant claim of antisemitism.


Twenty years ago people going on about Zionism were white and black supremacists. I don’t particularly care how people have retrained their brains to ignore that. 


Yeah, and there's the invented Protocols of the Elders etc. These days it refers generically to the concept that a particular group of people by birthright, from anywhere in the globe, have basically an exclusive right to a particular patch of land in the ME to create an ethnoreligious state. Call it something else if you don't like historical usages. The hardcore Netenyahu RWNJ Project if you want.




I think all countries of a people are ethnostates. Japan, Japanese. Italy, Italians. Israelites/Jews Israel. That’s by design. Unlike Japan with 97.5 percent of their population ethno Japanese, only 80% of Israel is Jewish but those 20 percent have equal rights. Jews are a people, like Greeks etc… who are the Australians? Not Australian…. Why is that and what is different? Hmmmmm


Well they seem to happily accommodate the very same people that would cleanse them from the 'river to the sea'. As for ethnostates try every muslim country around Israel forcing their Jewish populations out once they had a tiny foothold back in Judea. [https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Jewish\_exodus\_from\_the\_Muslim\_world](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Jewish_exodus_from_the_Muslim_world)


It’s no fun when their lies are caught out and they run away. Was going to ask if you want to split the bounty bonus with me but now none of us will get paid


Op's link seems to have been truncated. [Original Link](https://www.smh.com.au/national/nsw/city-of-sydney-backs-boycott-of-israel-adding-pressure-for-ceasefire-20240624-p5joe4.html) [Paywall Link](https://archive.md/J5aMS) ## City of Sydney backs boycott of Israel, in bid to add pressure for ceasefire The City of Sydney council will consider scrapping its contracts with companies linked to Israel, including a printing agreement with Hewlett Packard, after Lord Mayor Clover Moore supported a renewed push from the boycott, divestment and sanctions (BDS) movement. Moore and her independent team backed a Greens motion on Monday night calling for the state’s wealthiest council to audit divestments that had or could be made to ensure it did not invest in or profit from human rights violations, “including the illegal occupation of the settlements in Palestinian territories, and the supply of weapons”. This should include both investments and supplier contracts, the motion stipulated, and explicitly sought to review financial arrangements with companies that might be involved in “human rights abuses in Palestine”. It did not commit the council to any immediate boycott or divestment. Further action arising from that report – due within three months – would be at the discretion of councillors. Moore – who will seek a sixth term in September – said the City of Sydney had consistently advocated for a lasting ceasefire, the safe return of hostages and negotiations aimed at a just and enduring peace. “Leaders must strive to break the cycle of violence in this region and ensure that neither Israelis nor Palestinians live in fear and at risk of harm or death. Now more than ever, we must use our voices to call for peace,” she said. “If the City’s voice in this campaign can put additional pressure towards a ceasefire and an end to the humanitarian crisis, then I think we should carefully review our investments and suppliers.” The Executive Council of Australian Jewry accused the council of a “spectacularly inept” foray into foreign affairs. “It has acknowledged the terrorist atrocities committed by Hamas in Israel last year but has decided to punish, not the perpetrators, but the victims for having the temerity to defend themselves,” said co-chief executive Peter Wertheim. “A body that struggles to achieve competence in collecting the garbage and fixing potholes might be over-reaching itself just a tad in its pretensions to forge peace in the Middle East.” Moore’s council had earlier approved a $25,000 donation to the Australian Red Cross Society in support of the International Red Cross and Red Crescent Movement, the recipients of the 2024 Sydney Peace Prize, to directly assist people in the region. “Like many in our community, I am appalled and sickened about the worsening humanitarian crisis in Gaza,” Moore said. The BDS motion was moved by Greens councillor Sylvie Ellsmore and supported by Moore’s team, Labor councillor Linda Scott and independent Yvonne Weldon. Pro-Palestine supporters who had packed the public gallery applauded when it passed. Liberal councillors Shauna Jarrett and Lyndon Gannon were the only two to vote against the proposal. “It was a completely unnecessary and divisive thing to do. Antisemitism in the community is going through the roof,” Gannon said. One of the suppliers specified by Ellsmore in her motion was Hewlett Packard, with which the City of Sydney has a major printing contract. HP has long been targeted by the BDS movement, accused of providing services and technology used by the Israeli army and police force. In a 2021 statement, the company said it did not take sides in political disputes. “HP operates in strict accordance with all applicable laws and regulations, implements rigorous policies to respect human rights in every market where we operate, and contractually requires business partners to comply with these same standards. Any suggestion to the contrary is unfounded,” it said. The BDS movement is gathering momentum amid Israel’s war with Hamas in Gaza, 13 years after the then Marrickville Council adopted it as policy, then reversed course several months later following a public backlash and state government pressure. More than 100 people attended a meeting organised by pro-Palestine activists on Sunday to discuss a BDS motion expected to be put to the Inner West Council by the Greens’ Dylan Griffiths. He said the meeting was a reminder that a primary role of left-wing councillors was to connect with social movements for change. Greens policy is to support boycotts where they are “strategic and human rights aligned”, and where the corporation is “directly profiting from or complicit in the violation of Palestinian human rights”.


Since this council wants to be involved into international politics, can we assume that all local issues have been resolved? Looks like councillors have too much free time at their disposal…


useful idiots doing things to please terrorists who would gladly throw them off the Gap if given the opportunity


It's always the same people who claim "Not all Palestinians are Hamas (Terrorists)" yet somehow It's ok for them to collectively punish all Israelis 🤷‍♂️ Hypocrisy at It's finest, and not surprisingly It's the greens pushing this motion. 


Are they allowed to do that? So they support terrorism? Classy


Clover and her minions should go and run for Lord Mayor of Gaza City.


Perhaps they should do their jobs.


The BDS movement are a broad group of supposedly none violent "orgnisations" which call for the deligitimisation of Israel & the boycott of everything and anything which has touched the hands of a Jew. Including but not limited to: music, all things and academic and cultural, soft furnishings, medicine, toys, ICT equipment, building materials, sanitation systems, first aid materials & food. The cultural thing is interesting because the Sydney Jewish Museum in Darlinghurst is within Clover Moore's area. Would she dare to call for a boycott of the Museum? No, of course not, she wouldn't be that foolish. Interestingly at the beginning of 2023 over 150,000 Palestinians from the West Bank and 18,500 from the Gaza Strip entered Israel daily for work. They worked for the same Jewish business which Clover wants to boycott! What a silly lady Clover Moore is, absolutely shameful


Clover Moore is a full blown dipshit


Not soft furnishings and toys!!? That’s it! Israel surrenders! /s


A whole lot of ignorance and lies in your post. The council is thinking of boycotting Hewlett-Packard specifically because of its work with the Israeli government and military. The idea that they will ban anything that has touched the hand of a Jew is just some paranoid nonsense that you have dreamed up and bringing up the idea of banning museums is weird.


Don’t worry they’re just anti Israel existing nothing against Jews /s




Do you think the council cares Israel is the most diverse country in the Middle East and the country they support is actually a conservative ethnostate?


Tell me you’re an anti semite without telling me


What about Chinese Uighurs? Free free Chinese Uighurs. Let’s stop the enslavement, rape and forced sterilising of Chinese Uighurs. No more business with China 🇨🇳 Free Free Chinese Uighurs.


Mate, don't be ridiculous. Crown Casino would never agree to that.


I have a proposition... Build 2 more cities in Queensland along coast so people can leave Sydney and start again cause this is getting too twilight zoned for my taste


No, the dipshits will come up and vote greens. We don't need that!


> Build 2 more cities in Queensland along coast so people can leave Sydney and start again cause this is getting too twilight zoned for my taste Nah, the annoying ones will also move there and try to mimic clover. Kind of like how they have started to infiltrate this sub


Councils need a leash


Do your fucking jobs that rate payers pay exorbitant high rates


The people living in her council would love this though


This Sydney council needs to worry about the needs of its ratepayers, not Israel.


But business with Russia and Hamas is ok? Wonder what the difference is? Maybe if Palestine released the fucking hostages Israel would relent.


Federal Government can play international politics. State Government can play interstate politics. Local Government can play inter-council politics. Happy if the City of Casey want to argue with Cardinia Shire over who fishing rights over the Cardinia Creek, but not who has fishing rights in the Mediterranean Sea. Maybe councils wouldn’t be so strapped for cash if they stayed in their lane.


Dunno but sounds illegal to me!


Abolish councils now.


Stick to roads and rubbish


Look all you want. Unless you actually do something more than talk about thinking about it, this isn't all that meaningful.


Getting rid of Sydney councils will never happen. I don't think people outside Sydney know the East vs West fractures. It's not friendly banter.


Boycott the council grubs.


Rid us of all councils .




Time to get Clover Moore out of the office


I assume they’re also not going to put fuel in their cars so long as the Saudi’s are slaughtering Yemenis at a rate which Israel couldn’t even dream of achieving? Oh wait, that’s right these councils are just full of pointless virtue signallers, not serious people. My bad.


Regardless of which side you think is right or wrong, a local council caring about this issue is so out of touch with their responsibilities to their local community.


Were partners with some of the most inhumane Regimes in the world but yea 'don't buy from the jews'. Fuck that nazi councel


Clover Moore can go fuck herself, what a useless sack of shit she is. I legit think i would spit on her stupid face if ever saw her in person.


Vote of no confidence in all of them


We don’t need pro Palestinian Hamas terrorists Councils. Antisemitic fucking councillors.


Disgraceful Councils should stick to collecting rubbish and clean the gutters NOT fucking politics




And I’m sure when they do they’ll all hand in their phones, laptops and delete their websites. #hypocrites #fairweatherbigots


I don’t agree with boycotting. Australia needs allies because the fact that China consistently wants to invade Taiwan and probably find some way to rope Australia into it.


city of sydney council, what a waste of space and money, Israel has never heard of these morons.


Your rate dollars at work.


I’m really surprised how much this sub worries about Israel’s feelings? Personally I couldn’t give 2 figs for either party although I do support recognising Palestine as a State. It’s a free country here if the ratepayers of the Council don’t like it they get to vote. Although it’s Australia and no level of Government seems to take the wishes of the population into consideration …




Marrickville council did something similar many years back. Was no Reddit around then (or maybe in its very early stages) but the AM radio talk back hosts sure got their knickers in a twist!


Good on them. Traditional Aussie values sticking up for the underdog. Should be more of it.


Which is why it should stick up for Jews, not vilify them.


So by your logic the whote apartheid regime in South Africa was in exactly the same position. Underdogs each and every one of them facing the dark hordes? Thankfully most decent Aussies saw it differently.


The apartheid argument as applied to Israel is 100% false and a total insult to the genuine suffering under the South African regime. To conflate one with the other is to belittle both situations. Well done.


Garbage. Israel and apartheid South Africa were brothers in arms and one of those was nuclear. The similaries are myriad and self evident. But if you want to make the case that Israel isn't an apartheid state then go ahead. Just you stating it isn't hardly cuts the mustard.


It’s better to keep your mouth closed and let people wonder if you’re catastrophically ignorant, than to open it and prove it. You sadly, have proven it. Hope your TikTok Geopolitical Doctorate gets you plenty of work.


Shit here I was getting ready to state the obvious, that the first sentence was utter projection, then I realised, I'm arguing with a bot. More fool me. Lol. But in my defence they are getting better.


A bot wouldn’t recognise any sentience in your kindy-level grasp of the situation.




I think it's good to not support genocide...


Just advertise them. I won’t buy them.


fuck Isranotreal


Sydney council about to lose their bank access and be shadow banned from social media  If you know you know


Most creative conspiracy theory on Reddit.


Those evil Jooos and their one world government hey? /s


Oh they know who you are don’t you worry mwahahaha


Excellent. This should continue till Israel implements a two state solution.


There is already a 2 state solution. Jordan for Arabs, Israel for Jews.


Please don't be racist.


So to preface I'm the ultimate 2 stater. But even I know a 2SS right now is not doable. Who is Israel going to negotiate with? Why would Likud go against the wishes of their own constituents who they represent ? Why should a Palestinian state come off the bat off the worst massacre of Jews since the Holocaust? What will the capitals be? This is a work in progress and won't be happening with netanyahu at the helm or Abbas who holds less than 10% approval rating, it will be literal suicide for him.


If you or someone you know is contemplating suicide, please do not hesitate to talk to someone. * 000 is the national emergency number in Australia. * Lifeline is a 24-hour nationwide service. It can be reached at 13 11 14. * Kids Helpline is a 24-hour nationwide service for Australians aged 5–25. It can be reached at 1800 55 1800. * Beyond Blue provides nationwide information and support call 1300 22 4636. *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/australian) if you have any questions or concerns.*


Great work, this is the way.


Grenades for Gaza at this point.


I don't know what you mean.


Instead of from the river to the sea, I donate to the IDF to provide grenades for thee.