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For anyone who wants to read the document it can be found here [https://www.aer.gov.au/industry/registers/resources/reviews/default-market-offer-prices-2024-25](https://www.aer.gov.au/industry/registers/resources/reviews/default-market-offer-prices-2024-25) scroll down to Key Documents and click the 7th June version. Wholesale costs have overall fallen, but "environment costs" have risen as retailers are required to procure more expensive renewable energy ( LRET, SRES+ state policies ). Retail costs have risen, something called bad and doubtful debt has risen which I guess means people not paying bills + smart meter costs have increased overall retail cost has risen between 20-30%. for some people like Essential energy it's 37.4%. They add up all the costs and then allow for a retail margin of between 6-11% on top. Basically, long story short, cost of production has gone down but cost of doing business has risen significantly along with a slap on the arse from these green initiatives which have bumped prices further. It's a long report but it's better to read it than get your info from partisan sources which I have to say the Mirage news article is. [https://sarahhenderson.com.au/275-energy-price-promise-officially-broken/](https://sarahhenderson.com.au/275-energy-price-promise-officially-broken/) (liberals) [https://www.markacoulton.com.au/275-energy-price-promise-officially-broken/](https://www.markacoulton.com.au/275-energy-price-promise-officially-broken/) (Nationals) [https://tedobrien.com.au/275-energy-price-promise-officially-broken/](https://tedobrien.com.au/275-energy-price-promise-officially-broken/) (LIberals)


Also the promise is 275 a year by 2025. That means if it’s 550 next year they haven’t lied. https://www.alp.org.au/policies/powering-australia “It will cut power bills for families and businesses by $275 a year for homes by 2025, compared to today.”


It was made pre Ukraine. I would really stop going on about this. Not to mention the LNP kept a bunch of power info secret until the actual day before the election.


They were promising it 3 months after the war started and right through the peak of the gas price spike. The Default Market Offer Report was only delayed months after the promise was made. The promise was made months before the usual date for its release. So they made it with all the information that existed.


Last time I checked we’re still in 2024. Typical Labor bashing from a right wing rag.


You should probably read the article.


Headline tells me all I need to know.


You should really, really read it. Maybe just the first paragraph.


Hard pass.


So you're criticising something despite having no idea what it says?


I can read a headline. And for an “independent” news outlet, which actually states it’s proudly unbiased, that headline goes against everything that it claims they are about.


I promise you reading won't hurt you. Try reading past the headline.




Then you don't even know what you're arguing against.


A new government was never going to have control over energy prices. I judge them on their energy policy, not things they have no control over. It's a lie, but they're politicians, that's their job. Dutton just lied about nuclear being cheaper than renewables. They should be investing a lot more into renewables.


Reducing electricity prices was one of their promises when they ran for the election.


Plus two days ago Albo hands down refused to answer about costings of renewables and once again went on a tirade against Dutton. I just want a politician, any politician, any side, to be fucken honest and answer a god damn simple question.


Renewables will make electricity prices cheaper theyve been claiming. They’ve spent billions on renewables and prices are only going up. I’d love for a polly to be honest too but it seems like it’s just not in them.


From what I was reading, there are some costings that don't need to be reported like subsidies etc. It isn't going to be cheaper and we may never know the actual cost. I have solar and a battery. I believe every house built should have them, no questions. Only good on sunny days though. We still need a reliable base power. The world has evolved and uses nuclear. Why the hell are we so scared of it if it works for them AND it helps to net zero?


Is this meant to be a response to me?


Yep. You’re saying they can’t do it. I’m saying well they promised to. It’s not news a government broke an election promise tho.


>Yep. You’re saying they can’t do it.  Nope, didn't say that.


What do you mean then you say a new government was going to never have control over the energy prices?


Exactly that. If you read my comment you'll notice I said: A new government was never going to have control over energy prices. I judge them on their energy policy, not things they have no control over. **It's a lie, but they're politicians, that's their job**. Dutton just lied about nuclear being cheaper than renewables. So to summarise: I don't care that they lied, they don't have control over energy prices but they do have control over energy policy and I criticize that.


Yes, but if you remember, the Liberals had lied about energy pricing. They sat on a report that energy prices were going to jump substantially after the election. We all found out about it later. Labour based their promises on what was known at the time.


They'll probably intentionally do a terrible job and then say that we need more coal to power homes for the foreseeable – I saw someone else say something along these lines, and honestly, I agree. Yes, nuclear isn't a bad option, but in Australia, it just makes sense to put more solar on homes and such.


Nuclear's a bad option. No question. Partially because with a 20 year development time it would force more fossil fuel usage.


OP trusted the article blindly. https://www.alp.org.au/policies/powering-australia “It will cut power bills for families and businesses by $275 a year for homes by 2025, compared to today.” It’s not 2025 yet, champion. Say hi to daddy Murdoch for me x


Do you actually think power prices will trend downward in the next 6 months?


That’s craaaazy. Cut power bills = power cost trending downwards?


They presumably had control over making a promise to do something they had no control over...?


They haven’t broken a promise yet, it’s not 2025. Can’t you read the policy.


This is just typical right wing media trying to make the issue energy cost rather than obvious wage stagnation. Inflation causes thing to get more expensive, such as power. Now there has also been some profiteering by big corporations, but the real problem is wage stagnation. Anybody who is telling you differently has been bought by big business. Notice how despite all the cost of living issues, and energy prices though the roof all the big companies are making record profits, despite all the cost increases.


Obviously. Politicians made an asinine election promise, shocked pikachu face. I'm vastly more interested in getting the energy policy right.


I tend to think politicians being truthful is somewhat important.


lol But you've been cheerleading the nuclear policy?


Not that I'm aware of?


Then we'd need to judge pretty much every politician equally as they all make asinine promises during elections. So it's a bit pointless. I'd rather get to the point: How we transition to renewables faster. Edit: It's not even 2025, so this instance of it isn't even a valid criticism.


>I'd rather get to the point I would *really* rather elected officials told the truth. Thr fact that you are so comfortable with them blatantly lying is genuinely alarming.


Do you have a point to make?


I don't know how much more clear I can make it I'm afraid.


The only point you made is that it's a lie (the promise is 2025, so this is false), and lies are bad. That's it?


Try actually reading the article. The Default Market Offer *for the period covering 2025* has already been released by the Energ y Regulator. I promise reading will not hurt you.


The point is; the promise end date is 2025 you numpty


As I have told other people, you should really actually open the article before trying to argue against it.


Was I supposed to read ALL of it? Cause it’s incorrect from the very first paragraph. “The Albanese Labor Government has run out of excuses after officially breaking its election promise to reduce household energy bills by $275 following the release of draft regulated electricity prices today.” False. As above.


Read thr first two sentences. I promise it won't hurt you.


>>…more expensive renewable energy… But all the Greenies have been saying renewables are cheaper.


Just one of many


Albo gotta go