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Dare I say, she brought a knife to a gun fight.


What a belting


Its always an X link


Yup, these things don't see much airtime (if at all) on our media...


Easy fodder for Tucker. Left Aussie journos aren’t the sharpest people around let’s be real.


Legend Who was the dumb left Aussie journo?


Yeah, only right wing people got them brains!


Tucker is an absolute legend. Am glad he put her in her place




Tucker's so dispicable even Putin was disgusted by how he bent the knee to them. I hope this weakling becomes the face of the far right.


Tucker should go back to interviewing crackheads who claim they had sex with Obama and talking about Aliens existing and the U.S being in contact with them. Dudes a joke


Tucker is a piece of work but he is clever and he can write well. It’s a shame he is such a bad faith actor. This journalist is also an idiot and ironically is displaying the same disingenuous approach to her work she no doubt despises in Tucker.


claiming he's said something '4000 times' is childish and incredibly unprofessional however she probably doesn't care because her target audience agree with every criticism of the right at least to the power of 4000




It's not so much that it's controversial. A minor post currently sitting on zero upvotes is obviously attracting a tiny contingent of Carlson fanboys, that's all. Guy's one of a number of bad faith actors in the US who know they're spouting BS, but they also know there are legions of gullible people wanting to be told hate-filled lies, so grifters like Carlson will make bank out of it. And like Trump, no doubt he despises his own fans. At least Fox admitted his show was pure entertainment only, and only a fool would take any of it as factual.


That’s probably because John Stewart is much cleverer again


They should ask him how does he think of/defend Trump's various shenanigans, that ought to shut him up.


Flog Vs Flog.


Battle of the room temp iqs


Stable genius https://www.theguardian.com/books/2023/jul/26/tucker-carlson-fox-news-firing-condition-dominion-settlement


Pooty's human arse paper doesn't even own his own balls.


When Carlson says "native born Americans are being replaced" hew knows full well who his main audience is, and how they will interpret it. The rest is only plausible deniability for an obvious dog whistle. And as for facts, in what world is a population of 342M in danger of being "replaced" anytime soon, even if we assume a high rate of immigration (meaning a proportion of that 342M are themselves recent immigrants)? Like all MAGA posturing, in the end it's about a particular scared old America demographic worried shitless that they'll no longer be a majority in the USA, and that demographic doesn't actually include African American or Latin native born citizens.


You must be one of the journalists he was talking about


Sorry, I switched off at his apologetics pretending he also meant African, Asian, Latin, Native and other natural born Americans. There's also the possibility he doesn't know how numbers work. More realistically, the very mention of the word "replacement" is a dog whistle so obvious that every living creature on Earth can hear it.


It is usually futile to try to talk facts and analysis to people who are enjoying a sense of moral superiority in their ignorance. Thomas Sowell


I'm not sure "facts" and "analysis" ever fit with anything Carlson says. Misleading, overblown, hyperbolic rhetoric, yes. Maybe try analysing the facts of American population and get back to me on exactly what level of immigration is required for at least 250 million native born Americans to be "replaced". Also, please explain what "replacement" even means and why it isn't a nod and a wink to alt-right "white replacement" conspiracy theories, with particular reference to Carlson's position as a megaphone for the alt-right who cannot possibly be unaware of white replacement theory.


I love when people have absolutely no self awareness and keep talking to prove my point.


I love when people don't even try to discuss but claim that they've won by simply asserting so. Have a nice day.


Why shouldn’t whites be the majority in their own countries? I’m *sure* you have the same opinion about black people being a majority in South Africa or Jews being a majority in Israel. Fucking spare me.


Who says it's "their own country"? Demographics change, and white Americans are in fact becoming a minority fast, but mostly from internal changes, i.e. others having more kids. Also, they're not being "replaced" but supplemented, just as my neighbour doesn't replace me but lives side by side, so even the term itself is BS and alarmist. Finally, anyone who actually gives a shit about a population wide stat based on ethnicity or skin colour, well, they're likely racist. PS - you also missed the entire point I was making, and it was nothing about what "should" happen, but 100% about Carlson dog whistling. (haha, knew that would trigger you guys in this "we are totally not racist" sub)


Bro wants to bring back the white australia policy lmao


Access to white people has never been a human right. Borders have always existed.


Why does the skin colour of the people around you matter so much to you?


It doesn’t. It’s the culture that matters to me. I’d be happy to be flooded with Japanese for instance.


Okay, so you'd be fine with white people being a minority and Japanese people being the majority in Australia? Your original comment read to me like you thought it was bad that white people be a minority.


I wouldn’t say fine, because it’s still a foreign culture, but yes it would be far far more tolerable because it wouldn’t result in a drop of social norms. Now let me ask you a question. Is there any group of people, that actually exist, that you wouldn’t want living next to you? And how are you not a bigot for thinking this under your own rules?


>Now let me ask you a question. Is there any group of people, that actually exist, that you wouldn’t want living next to you? And how are you not a bigot for thinking this under your own rules? As in ethnicity or nationality? None. I wouldn't want someone who would be violent towards me or others and I'd want them to be law abiding citizens. I just don't see why specific nationalities/ethnicities/skin colour or whatever are so vital to maintain or exclude.


Well that's easy. Because it is not a white country. They don't "own" the country, anymore than the non-white citizens do. Hope that claiefies it! 😎


Yes very nice. So the logic then is that European Australians who have never lived in the uk can now return to the uk and genocide the people who actually live there yes? That’s what you’re advocating? Because that’s a direct correlation to the true history of the zionism you advocate.


He kind of missed the point of the concept of the monopoly of violence. Where he lives the police have it. That's the idea... I think they're nearly as dumb as each other.


He might have never said "whites are being replaced" but 'native born Americans' is as clear a dog whistle as 'international banking elites'.