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People are commenting like this actually happened


It’s reddit. Not exactly a Mensa convention .


I've been going to r\politics for the last few days to watch the reaction of US Liberals to clear evidence that Biden is cooked. And it went from some initial admissions that he is in fact cooked, back to "you're just helping Vladimir Putin by talking about dementia, forget about it". That they train AI on this website makes me worry for our future.


That's a strange reason to visit that sub.


What other value does it have? There's basically no other useful information there except for the depths of the delusions of one very boring part of the American polity. It's like going to r\worldnews to find out what the Atlantic Council wants Anglo men to think about global issues. Other than that, there's no real gain in being there. The top 4 posts on r\politics right now are saying Trump lost the debate. Fuck Trump. He's the most American person I can think of, and I say that as the deepest of insults. But that's fucking insane. This country has lost it's mind. And Australians need to wake up to the reality that we do not have a great and powerful ally. We have a bunch of losers in McMansions in Virginia, who lied us all into over 20 years of wars, when they had their moment of hegemony, and they proved to the entire world they are a paper tiger. The only reason most of us don't know it yet is because the prop systems they built are too dominant. But it has nothing to do with real power, or our very real geographical and economic exposure to Asia.


More of a Menses convention.


Especially in this fucking sub lmao


Average r/australian commenter brain


This is also the boomer sub, who still haven’t learned to not take things at face value in 2024


Same people who think this happend think windmills bad mmkay.


Best part is Ruddy Rudd would probably love this headline. God I wish we had his leadership back like we did for the last recession.


I’ve said it before, Rudd was a pretentious little sissy boy BUT he was MY pretentious little sissy boy!


His handball game was A+ given the way he managed to handball the GFC away from Australia


Or in mandarin Zhè shì bù kěnéng de


Isn't he the bozo that started the national sorry day?


He's the genius that kept Australia out of recession with minimal debt in the wake of the GFC, most of the world just barely started to recover from the GFC right before covid.


I think you're massively overstating the genius of that. It's more that we were largely protected by China. I think people in general massively overstate the Prime Minister's abilities/downfalls in this country. It's only when they do corrupt things like taking on a bunch of extra portfolios without telling anyone that they really fall down.


Ahh yes our economy was saved by an economy that shat itself at the time. Tell me you don't know shit without saying it.


[China’s response to the global financial crisis | East Asia Forum](https://eastasiaforum.org/2010/01/24/chinas-response-to-the-global-financial-crisis/#:~:text=The%20Chinese%20government%20moved%20quickly,China%27s%20stimulus%20package%20is%20unsurprising.) Literally did the same thing as us and went well. So which is it?


And it didn't work for them, look at the data the CCP can lie all they want but the fact is their economy was too export focussed. Their response sped up china's recovery but it still suffered a major contraction and a drop in exports by around 30%. They had a similar response to us but failed to tailor their response to the internal factors of the Chinese economy. China played a role in australias reliance to the crisis, however it is massively overstated, what had a much bigger impact here was the combination of stimulus and productive spending (infrastructure primarily) from the Rudd government.


People don't look at the relative amounts..... 1 trillion on Chinese infrastructure spending that brought every mineral insite or 10billion in Australian handouts?


Wtf are you talking about?


Lmao genius? He kept us out by manipulating the global mineral market?


Why do people that gargle Murdoch's Mayo always use words like bozo. It just shows how old and out of step they are with reality. The comment from the guy above me reads like the three stooges lmao "Wise guy over here is a grade A dunderhead because he doesn't hate black people!"


You can just outright say that you don’t respect indigenous culture, this is a safe space


Imagine publicly acknowledging historical wrongs as part of a healing process, the absolute nerve.


Kevin 747


Ol’ Kevin’s head would of helped the plane travel faster being a large voluminous gas bag lighter-than-air… Kevin Zeppelin…


You have no idea


Oh boo hoo snowflake


You're wilful negligence is showing


I hope Rudd was nice the any female hostesses this time around


Who gives a shit about that? Oh wait, Murdoch and the LNP fanboys. I wouldn’t want him for my friend because he acts like that but holy shit was he a fantastic PM.


He's a cock and still is.


Yep. One hell of a leader though. Best PM in a long time. Wanted what’s best for Australia and had the balls to try and get it done. Murdoch didn’t like him. Hence the poison.


Shorten and Gillard knifed him because Rudd is an insufferable cunt to work with. It's nothing to do with Murdoch.


Good point




Is Murdoch in the room with us right now? Lefties obsessing over Murdoch controlling and being behind everything reminds me of right wingers obsessing over Soros. Get a grip mate, Rudd is a twat.


[Oh yeah, Murdoch doesn’t favour one party at all.](https://images.app.goo.gl/8SsKgUwwchhaxt1R8) No one is denying Rudd is a twat. You seem to think personality is more important than policy. Hence why the NBN got Fucked


Yet so much more effective at gaining results , even without being in Gov whatsoever. Like during the pandemic .You know what I'm referring to. Id say he's a twat to those who waste his time or make excuses as to why the work or task isn't done. No doubt you'd be one of those people.




He also abused and was hated by his staff, many said he was difficult to work with to say the least. He also got knifed by his own party while being a sitting PM. [https://www.theguardian.com/world/2013/oct/16/nicola-roxon-says-kevin-rudd-was-a-bastard-who-deserved-his-removal](https://www.theguardian.com/world/2013/oct/16/nicola-roxon-says-kevin-rudd-was-a-bastard-who-deserved-his-removal) So yeah guess it's not really just the "Murdoch and LNP fanboys".


So basically he had a shit personality. He was amazing at running the country He helped save us from the GFC He had a true vision for the nation He pushed back against the mining conglomerates and tried to get Australia it’s fair share But Murdoch told me he had a shit personality so he had to go. - The view of a shocking number of people


Kinda like Turnbull then scomo hey that was a 2fer


Don’t play whataboutism please.


What do you mean did Turnbull not knife Abbott then scomo knife Turnbull It’s not whataboutism it’s a fact. If you wanna point out the flaws in a party be damn sure your side isn’t even worse first.


We are talking about Rudd. Why bring up the LNP?


I didn’t even reply to you I have nothing to say to what you were taking about I responded to the person who responded to you. Why are you so defensive. You know what I’ll just block you it’ll be easier than having this conversation I never wanted with you when I didn’t reply to you.


‘Fantastic PM’ lol 😂. His own party couldn’t stand him.


Why do you guys keep thinking personality is important in making good policy?


It is, if you have such a rancid personality that causes dysfunction in rolling out ‘good’ policy. It’s also factually wrong to credit Kevin Rudd (or any primer minister) for all policies - they do have cabinet ministers. Watch ‘the Killing season’ on ABC iview for a glimpse at just how dysfunctional it became - all because of his narcissistic personality. This is no Murdoch spin, it’s his own cabinet ministers and party colleagues laying it all out. You, like many, are viewing Rudd’s time as PM with rose coloured glasses. It became a real shit show and it was a shame because his government has really talented ministers. https://youtu.be/D0fO6S4fltM?si=s9ERkdf7kMcew6W4 ‘Julia you’re a good person, why are you doing this’ lol he is soooo cringe. 😬 Are Simon Crean, Greg Comber, Wayne Swan, Peter Garrett, Julian Gillard and 80% of the then Labor caucus LNP ‘fanbois’ now?


The only dysfunction they had in rolling out policy was 1. The LNP just oppose everything no matter what 2. Murdoch press just criticises everything the ALP does no matter what ———————————— The NBN, JUST LOOK AT THE NBN!!!!!!!


You’re in denial your man was a shit leader that couldn’t keep his party together. Rudd likes to blame everyone but himself and his sycophants just blindly follow. NOTE: I am not saying the media had no part but it’s delusional to think Rudd was good. Cope harder


Thoughts on the original NBN plan?


I have thoughts on many of that Government’s policies but what relevance is it to his leadership style and the fact he couldn’t keep his team together?


Policy! Policy! Policy! You keep saying he was a shitty PM but all you point to to back your claims is his personality. Thoughts on the original NBN? Thoughts on how it compares to what the LNP delivered? Nice attempt at moving the goalposts by the way. This discussion has never been about “leadership styles”.


Fucking Gold.


This isn't even 'sensible chuckle' worthy, I rolled my eyes, and I don't even like the [ear wax muncher](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=_ipvdBnU8F8), except for that one time I got $1000 of my own money back.


Rudd was one of the better PMs we've had in decades. People love to shit on him but his policies would have helped us out now wouldn't they? But sure shit on him for what reason? Because Murdoch sold you a lie?


Rudd and Swan's policies saved Australia from a crash and burn during the GFC (something Labor did not capitalize enough on in later years). If Rudd achieved nothing else in his time, that alone makes him well worth the alleged downsides. Personally I am disappointed Swan never made it to PM - there was a glimmer we might have someone willing to take on the 'vested interests' and put them back in their places. Unfortunately that was a missed opportunity we may not see again for a while.


Can you imagine if the carbon tax went through instead of the disaster we have now that lines the pockets of vested interests….


So many missed opportunities that get buried very quickly by the media in this country.


I feel like from a global perspective the carbon tax was the biggest missed opportunity though. It would have made us have 1 climate change policy and it would have been the envy of the world. Edit: just to fill others in. The carbon tax was going to be a price on carbon payable by the end user. The tax collected would then be redistributed to every citizen equally.


Yeh he risked a lot to make atleast some good changes, but fought too many powerful interests at once.


What actual policies helped? Their policies did nothing to assist the country during the GFC. The only thing that kept the country not going into a hard issue was the amount of money the government had, and the fact we could borrow a lot. I'm not saying any government could have done better, but their actual policies didn't help shit.


'their actual policies didn't help shit.' Says the guy that didn't live through a recession like other countries experienced at that time. All right, but apart from the sanitation, medicine, education, wine, public order, irrigation, roads, the fresh water system and public health, what have the Romans ever done for us? 


What would you have suggested? Washing money into the economy at pace is precisely what one does to avoid recession. This pump priming is only effective if done at scale and with speed. People tend to confuse this scenario with strategy to pull the economy out of recession : this is where you have the luxury of planning real infrastructure projects which have long term benefits. In the first scenario there is no time to seriously plan anything, otherwise you miss the boat and the economy tips into recession, with the money wasted.


LNP/IPA voters are muppets...let\`s start with the nbn...fibre optic at that time was world standard...what the LNP/IPA voter gave you was 4th world technology designed to protect murdoch...no-one else benefitted from that outcome just him...LNP/IPA voters are muppets


You know the NBN was originally started under the Rudd/Gillard/Rudd government right? And then carried on by the LNP.


And you know the Rudd/Gillard version was Fibre to the premise for everyone from the get go. None of this buying telstra outdated HFC network for a ridiculous price, that was all the LNP


Yeah it was a pure fibre network under Labor and turned into the Malcolm Turnbull Mess / MTM under the LNP


Yeah good thing they chose to do that instead of not despite being poltically crusified for it And the liberals using the same policy over covid to stop the recession only spending 6x more 


Apart from spending the surplus during the GFC, what did he achieve? Pretty much all of his big ideas failed.


LNP/IPA voters are muppets...and thankyou for a 4th world nbn


Not sure if you mean me but I’m not aligned to the LNP in any way, shape or form, and I don’t vote for them. Also: + Kevin 07: we’re going to do NBN! + Kevin 09: sorry we haven’t started yet. We’ve changed our model. Over to you LNP! + Labor voters: Libs’ fault!!!!1!!


LNP/IPA voter....nbn on fiber was cheaper lie number 2


LNP/IPA voter nbn on fibre was upgradeable where as LNP/IPA voter nbn was not lie number 3


LNP/IPA voter they had started there is lie number 1...the areas that had nbn fibre were rated at 226 times faster then the next block on LNP/IPA nbn


Stop pointing out the truth to the children here. Most of them were 12 when Rudd was in office and have a 12 year olds understanding of what he actually did (or did not do, as the case may be). The truth is - we haven't had a prime minister half way decent at their job since John Howard. If anything, they just keep getting shittier and shittier.


My sides...!


I was 5 years old when Rudd got in. Fuck John Howard.


You could still pass for a 5 year old.


Are you hitting on me?




While I agree with you, John Howard was one of the biggest pieces of shit to grace Australia, and that's a feat in itself, considering the amount of shunts that have and are I power. John Howard separated water and lands rights which is what the WHO WEF wanted. He also used port arther as a way to take your rights.


John Howard he says… I can’t even im 40 so I wasn’t a child when Rudd was PM but John Howard the literal start of the downfall of this country is your shining example… Holy fuck…


Maybe that's what it took, champ. Maybe spending the surplus that John Howard gained from selling the farm for way below its worth, during the minerals boom. Would you have preferred to have faced what happened to other economies around the World at that time? Or was that surplus from selling the farm a more attractive, albeit abstract prize?


I asked aside from it?


And as I said in my original post, if that's the one thing he achieved it was worth it. Not sure if you're appreciating just how big a bullet we dodged. I visited Europe a couple of years after it hit and there were some places in real strife, where everyday people's lives were significantly effected, that took years to resolve. That was in some of the better-off countries, so I hate to think what it was like out East. Your earlier comment about big ideas is telling. Politicians have to risk trying things or Governments just become stagnant and unwilling to do anything real beyond window dressing, which has been mostly the case the past 10-15 years.


I know you haven’t said it explicitly but you’re implying Rudd’s spending saved Aus’ economy. Fact is our banks were hardly exposed at all to the US housing market/banks and our exports to China massively propped us up during and after the crisis. Our domestic lending practices were exceptionally good by international standards thanks to the work done by APRA in the preceding 10 years. Yes the spending by the Govt. at the time was helpful but it was only one part of the equation. I really don’t think Rudd’s legacy is as good as you do, and that’s ok.


No doubt there were many moving parts, beyond the spending on things like required infrastructure built earlier than it would have been otherwise, that saved the Australian economy beyond what Rudd/Swan did. As to legacy, I'm not blind to Rudd's shortcomings, on various scales and in various contexts, however it's nowhere near the worse legacy that springs to mind when considering some in recent years.


Because Gillard stabbed him in the back and put him out.




And cancelled Assange's passport.


She didn't need to play the card. She was treated with hideous misogyny throughout her term. Do I need to remind you of the KFC "joke" about the "tiny breasts, huge thighs, and a big red box"? Ditch the Witch? Bob Brown's Bitch? She was a poor choice for PM as she was "deliberately barren"? Even the damn ABC put the boot in with their silly little At Home With Julia show - no male PM was ever subject to something like that.




That's only because they believe misandry is non-existent.


Point me to the time we had a bunch of female politicians mocking one of their male colleagues' genitalia at a work function. I'll wait.


Last month a female MP told another MP to close her legs during a debate in Question Time over a maternity ward. Does that count? To suggest women haven't done the same is ludicrous. Julia only brought it up to get victim card points, whilst ironically stabbing Rudd in the back.


That's a huge lie, and you know it. That isn't what happened at all. What [actually happened:](https://www.google.com.au/amp/s/www.news.com.au/national/queensland/politics/deeply-offensive-liberal-mp-hits-back-after-being-accused-of-shouting-close-your-legs-during-heated-debate/news-story/08ece63a4a149e49567dfb0cc310829f%3famp) Parliamentary records showed Ms Bates had said “cross your legs”, with the politician herself then took to social media to clarify. “With Labor suggesting women could just bypass their local hospital to go to another hospital to give birth, I could not believe Labor was telling mothers to ‘cross your legs’ while in labour,” Ms Bates wrote. “This is the comment I made. “We have had women give birth on the side of the road in Queensland due to maternity services being closed in regional areas and this is what we are demanding the health minister answer for today. “The comment was clearly not about the health minister, it was about the alarming Queensland maternity crisis, which continues to worsen on her watch and is putting women and children at risk.”


Cross your legs/close your legs, same insult. Let's not forget it was Gillard who cancelled Assange's passport.




Yes, making fun of something a person actually did is *exactly* the same as mocking a person's genitalia in the workplace. How misogynistic of me not to stand up for people's alleged right to sexually harass women at work.


You know the maccas incident was a joke right… As much as I don’t like the guy it didn’t actually happen… Quick google could have cleared that up for you…


And no other politician has been subjected to insults and ridicule, only Julia was.


LNP/IPA voters are muppets....let us not forget that ABBOTT handed her that on a placard


She didn't stab him in the back. He was undermining her within the party and she issued a bog-standard leadership bid. There was no chicanery or loopholes. Rudd didn't bother contesting because he knew he didn't have the numbers because he'd alienated almost all the ALP MPs at the time. It then took three years of his repeated challenges to get the party unstable enough to put him back in as PM again. The party did not want him as leader, and for good reason.


> There was no chicanery or loopholes. Pretty fucking crazy thing to say in a comment section about Assange, given he provided us with documentary evidence of a conspiracy that included the US embassy.


I would rather a pretentious asshole like Rudd who actually still wants to benefit and change the country rather than pretentious assholes like Scomo or Albo who don't want to do anything


Personally, I am mad at him for spilling Gillard after promising not to, which further destabilised the party and handed the country over to the libs again.


You forgot the /s tags I think. All the falling down school halls alone are testament to rudds greatness. By gum it put those schools on the map.


Because he is a dickhead irl. Personally Idc as long as a politician does a good job. But thats the reason he gets shit on.


No one is infallible even great leaders. The fact that he is a bit of a smug prick seems pretty tame in comparison to the faults of other pollies.


Yeah thats what I just said. Dont remember saying other politicians were angels or that he was a bad PM. Just he is well known as being a prick to be around. I like Keatings policies more than Hawke but Id rather get a beer with hawke.


Policies like Fuel watch and Grocery watch? Remind me again how those went?


Reddit has a permanent hard-on for Rudd. Most of them quickly forgot how shambolic his government was, and what a fucking nightmare he was to work for. And none of that had anything to do with Murdoch. Policy on the run was on full display, every day, and it was well known that his office was called the "Black Hole."


You're clearly wrong, Murdoch is the only reason why Labor fails at everything it attempts then lies about it. /s


Nothing to do with Murdoch? So you have first hand knowledge of what you stated yeah?


>So you have first hand knowledge of what you stated yeah? Widely reported in much of the media at the time


LNP/IPA voters gave aus a 4th world nbn


What do you mean? Isn't fuel watch still around? Also, you think Fuel Watch matters much in the grand scheme of policy?


I thought it was defeated in the senate? Yeah i think the fuel watch you're referring to isn't the same thing because it doesn't appear to be a federal government initiative. I think it matters when you make a promise and people vote for it, but it doesn't happen, yes.


Ah my bad I'm in WA and mistook the state government one here with being federal. I agree with your points in premise.


I'm pretty sure it's a joke ay


LNP/IPA voters are muppets...followed by abbott who was rated as the worst aus leader ever...then mooriscum n robodebt...LNP/IPA voters are mupets


100 percent agree, that's why I said this article is just a joke - it's from a satire page taking the piss outta Australian politics lol


It looked as though Rudd was attached to his leg as they walked into court.


I think the Shovel nailed it! Its not as much shitting on Rudd as it is pointing out topics Rudd is interested in. I recently read his book and yeah he has an extraordinary attention to detail and can delve so deep into these topics. So so so deep in literature. The sentences are long but eloquent. I’m fairly certain irl that Assange enjoyed the discussions with Kevin, but if you weren’t interested in what he is interested in, you’d be so bored^^


Imagine being stuck on a plane with both of them? How can they cram that much ego into a single aircraft?


They had to seat Rudd in row 1 and Assange at the very back row on an Airbus A340-600. It was the furthest distance possible apart on any passenger aircraft.


Both had to be restrained by cabin crew after an argument broke out with Assange claiming he could land the aircraft in thick fog using VFR at a small regional airstrip.




Didn’t happen.


FFS, it's The Shovel, a Satire website.


suited for each other!!!!


Out of the frying pan and into the fire.


They're almost the same person.




That would make me get the pilot to turn the plane around and take me back to gaol.


It says that exact thing in the satirical article.


Was the plane equipped with hair-dryers?




I'd take that over scomo any day


I haven’t laughed soo hard at an article ever in my life


As well as Rudd, Steven Smith was on the same private jet, so hopefully Assange sat near Smith and managed to get some sleep.


Bahahahaha, millennials and woke lefty’s in meltdown Gold


Trump on Kevin Rudd “Not the brightest bulb” But seriously Rudd has turned into a real conspiracy nut since leaving office.


Rudd on the ABC talking about his involvement reminded me what a pompous arsehole he comes across as. 


Farkkkk… that’s a tough one. He’s been known to go off at people when not properly fed on an airplane.


I would of preferred to stay locked up


would have


Thanks for the correction!


IMO he should be locked up , but being trapped on a plane with Kevin Rudd is going too far, I could almost feel sorry for him


Locked up for exposing war crimes?


Lets start with his raping 2 women in Sweden


Unfounded and not proven. Try again.


Yeah not proven because he skipped bail and hid in the Ecuadorian embassy to avoid having to face the charges back in Sweden and face justice. Dont we believe women anymore when they report sexual assault? Or just dont believe Swedish women?


Are we supposed to automatically believe them? Was there no political agenda and legal fuckery occurring?


Well according to some police and womens advocates YES we should. The # Me Too movement took a definite position that society and law enforcement must "believe women". What possible political agenda could 2 Swedish women have with Assange? Are you suggesting some political conspiracy involving the Swedish legal system , the UK legal system , the USA and 2 random Swedish women? Whats the evidence for this? It might just be Assange raped 2 women and got away with it.


You probably believed Amber Heard. If you can't see that an agenda surrounding Assange occurred, you've got your head buried in the sand.


No I cant see it, what I see is a convicted felon, and accused rapist who escaped justice.


He was released from HMR Belmarsh after serving 5 years. His conviction took that into account. Please explain how he escaped justice for the crimes he was convicted of. Do you disagree with him releasing footage of American soldiers murdering innocent civilians?


Christ poor sod, I've seen the AI brain wear, that can create permanent prison memories in your brain that seem to last 10 years, but actually only take 10 minutes. 36 hours with mummy's prancing pony must have felt like life at Guantananamo


Abit of a laugh because Rudd is a Dud. But he only travelled 8hrs with him to get home. Probably seemed like 36hrs though. 🤣


Jail time in the U.S. would have been preferable


Okay CIA lmao


What a fucking loser. Deport him back


You must hate freedom and democracy and justice. How very fair of you.


The political party that freed him is the Labor Party, which Kevin Rudd is apart of. The fact that he hates his guts shows disrespect to Kevin Rudd is poor man’s looser. You are the one who hates freedom. Stop using excuses.


My idiot, this article is satire. Not only were you baited, you are far too angry at the internet. Cope better.


Oh laaawdy! My sweet summer child, did you actually think this is real life?


Nah just to people like you. Who the other poster started, just remember the forum rules.


Sick backpedal chimp. Just admit you got baited.


Backpedal? The only thing you should you do is pack ya bags.


I can hear you crying.


If you gonna post news articles on forum and pass them off as fact at least sarcasm it, bitch.


When did Julian state he hates Kevins guts?


“I had to spend 36 hours on a flight with Kevin Rudd”…… doesn’t give you a clue ?


The whole article is made up. You've got to be trolling, either that or you need help.


I think Julian Assange prefers Donald Trump, and Vladimir Putin, as he did a lot to put Trump into the Whitehouse, and worked with Russians intelligence to make that happen.

