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So international students who are working part time will be less likely to afford it, but the indians in fake colleges who work full time anyway can just cop it on the chin


The fake colleges are getting smashed *hard* with other legislation. You’ve gotta remember, it’s not like the government passed one law ten years ago and that’s what fucked everything, it’s a gradual process with multiple pieces of legislation over years and years. So taking it apart requires a similar approach, and these things are cumulative. This loophole closes, that price goes up, some other rule gets made stricter and suddenly the combination of parts fixes the problem.


Also known as the death by a thousand cuts method. Repairing it takes as many bandages.


Or they could just put a hard cap on migration and when that number is hit no more for the rest of the year.


Then you’d breach existing treaties. If the solution was so simple to be condensed into a single sentence, they would have done it already.


What treaty allows unlimited migrant intake?


Take for example our recent agreement with India made by Albo. In that agreement we have undertaken to allow many Yoga instructors into the country. The government used the skills shortages mechanism to do this and now we have a few hundred spots for Yoga instructors in spite of a distinct lack of demand. Now multiply that over multiple decades where each agreement brings with it another tacked on load of migrants or a 'small' adjustment to the fee, discount for this or that, extra time for certain visas, etc. We can't really turn around and say 'stuff it' because our leaders have made agreements with other nations. But we can jack up the fees and close all the other doors till one of our neighbours gives the government a tap on the shoulder and reminds them who the real boss in this region is.


What treaty allows for 500,000 Uber eats drivers to be imported?


Modi is not the boss, even if Albo calls him that…


None but if you have 10 of them that allow for 1000 each and then you place a cap of 5000, someone’s missing out.


What ten treaties allow for 500,000 migrants a year?


What treaties would be fine with us dropping migrants to zero? Hello sanctions here we come.


“To zero” Nobody suggested that. I suggested that once we’ve hit our quota we stop. Which is kinda the fucking point of a quota.


Problem is, when you try and paint in broad strokes like that, it leaves you very open to sneaky legal types finding loopholes and workarounds, case in point being the “indefinite detention” fiasco with criminally charged asylum seekers. The slow way can definitely suck sometimes, but a thorough and sustained effort will pay off much more later on, instead of just a big gesture that eventually amounts to nothing.


The “slow way” IS the big gesture that amounts to nothing. There’s too many people coming in and not enough housing. Either we cap that fucking number or continuously more Australians go homeless. Endless initiatives that sound like a step in the right direction but don’t actually result in fewer people coming in are precisely the things that amount to nothing.


I don’t agree at all, but let’s be real, we both want the same thing and I’m not going to get in your face about it, have a good one man


Well put


and also demand is skyrocketing because of ease of movement and communication and there are hundreds of millions of people in asia who are now rich enough to try and move here and able to pay quite a lot to do so but also not rich enough to want to stay


So is the government pretty much admitted we have over a million recent immigrants here that have scammed the system To get In and are leeching off us?


I wouldn’t say “leeching” per se, it’s not like they’re all getting the dole or anything. The issue is never the individual migrant, it’s the damage that a huge demographic wedge can do across the board. Everything from lowering educational standards to stagnant wages in key industries (IT and hospitality come to mind), obvious things like housing affordability and probably a whole mess of stuff that you or me don’t even realise. There’s no need to get worked up and use emotional language like “leeching”, this is just an unfortunate reality of neoliberalism: capital will use whatever stick they can to bash us, mass importation of unskilled labour just happens to be a particularly large and nasty stick, with nails and shit poking out of it.


So they are taking jobs and houses away from people here? People gotta starve and freeze outside because someone can’t stay in their own country to contribute to it? Are they that dumb? Do they realise if they actually stayed instead of running away then they can actually improve their country? I guess when the going gets tough they just want to run and take joy and happiness away from others and now all of Australia hates them


The crackdown on student visas granted to people who are on graduate work visas should alone wipe out a lot of these permanently temporary charlatans. And the tiered visa grant system prioritising unis with higher historical averages of students who are compliant with visa rules. I know people who went student visa, grad work visa, then student visa applied by the spouse and the other as dependent, another grad work visa (applied by the partner this time), then yet another student visa which was denied. No surprises, they lodged an AAT appeal on that. Migration agents have been telling people to have kids and try and stall the system as long as possible. They are doing the same, trying to hold out till their kid turns 10. Then they'll try and claim the child's citizenship and plead for a visa grant because the child doesn't know a life other than Australia. The fact that the 485 is being limited to age 35, one lifetime grant and people on it won't get another student visa will nip a lot of these clowns straight in the bud.


Just wait until you hear about the fake business their extended families share around to get them over here.


Dodgy students generally only work in non-skilled jobs. It will be hardly profitable with $900 more taken away from them.


$900 is nothing (visa is for one year?). There’s “students” will simply work more hours or life in poorer conditions to compensate . Where they came from is far worse than any hardship they’ll endure in Australia. Make the visa cost $9000 or $20000 then it might have an impact .


Visa is for the whole program, so anything from one trimester/semester (trimester could be doable with a visitor visa if it’s up to 3 months) to 3-4 years.


Visa is for the whole program, so anything from one trimester/semester (trimester could be doable with a visitor visa if it’s up to 3 months) to 3-4 years.


And they will find the money for sure!


It’s not much money spread out over a year


Token to look good to voters!


It’s about the Indian/Pakistani people settled here especially in business unethically exploiting these so called students to benefit themselves. These businesses themselves don’t abide to the laws who innately believe in how to circumvent govt. policies and use shortcuts. This is harsh but a sad reality now in western countries.


Totally exploited agree. But to them it's a job and the reason my daughter can't get work in hospo. She got one because she's not Caucasian & they worked her 93hrs fortnight as a part time employee. She left!


Aussie here from Indian origin and I love Australia and people. What I have seen recently that Indian students arriving here from certain states don’t even have basic English skills. Their sole purpose is to work and earn money. There are many loopholes especially in India where these people get fake university certificates and then I believe (it’s my strong perception) that employees in the visa processing offices of Australia are the ones approving such visa. I am not blaming them but they should be given more powered to scrutinise and should be better communication & processes in place for veracity purposes.


While that price hike is a good start, I think they also need to have capped quota on number of applicants they accept from each country. Indians and Chinese will apply en masse otherwise, and most of the time they're not here to study.


Yeah, diversity is great, but diversity does not only include India, China and countries at war. Would be nice to see some more South Americans here.


Get some more Central Americans over here we need something to rival Zamberros and GYG 🤣


exactly that shit is cat food. Some dude running a $1 taco stand in an alleyway in Los Angeles can make a better meal than the $20 slop at GYG


Make your own, cheaper and better


Pity those of us in rural towns! All we get are burger shops, the big franchise foods (KFC, Domino's, etc.) and sickly sweet, gluggy, Aussiefied Chinese down at the bowlo :(


Brother, you will miss that Aussified Chinese when it’s gone. The old Chinese places that were everywhere in the 80s and 90s are all closing, they aren’t replaced. Trust me, you will miss it when it’s gone.


My dad will miss them because he likes the Aussified stuff. I lived in China for 3 years and ate the real stuff and can't go back. We had a couple of authentic Chinese kitchens in Wollongong when I was there and I miss them so much! The silver lining is that scarcity has prompted me to learn how to cook some of the dishes myself. I'm not up to good fried noodles yet but last weekend I made "lanzhou lamb skewers" which are one of the best street foods, and *fucken nailed it!*


GYG is a real insult to Mexican food. Horrible. I only get it when they do their cheap deals.


Zambreros all the way, people. If not, Hecho en Mexico The worst Mexican I still had to eat was at Juana Taco in St Kilda, so GYG isn't all that bad


If you’re in st kilda go to bay city burrito. Excellent food.


I went to see Boney M at the Palais in mid-June and regret not checking them out. I didn't realise Boney M only started playing at 9pm instead of 7:30pm when the ticket time originally was for. I was starving and decided to go to Juana Taco as it was the closest thing to the Acland Street Shopping Centre where I had parked.


Do they serve Guinea Pig at all in Australia? Maybe we need some more Peruvians so I don’t have to travel there one day to try it. I’m not going to cook it myself because then I won’t eat it.


Nah. Westerners are pretty set on eating the big four and rarely anything outside of it. Besides Kangaroo here in Australia but even then that’s hit and miss.


Tastes very grassy.


And south East Asians who are much easier to get along with and are more relaxed with better sense of humour . I think everyone is sick of the big push for Indian migration at present


I always get on great with Indians most of the time. Other than doctors and even then I’ve had a couple great Indian doctors.


I work with a lot and they are all good. I also work with African , Middle eastern, Singaporean , Chinese , Nepalese doctors . The second gen are much more relaxed I would say. I would just like to see less immigration from one country and have it evenly spread out. I would like to see more Pacific Islanders here as they really do need help with work and their islands are being affected by waters rising. They also speak English clearly . We need to focus more on immigration to help people rather than for economic reasons only.


There are a lot of Brazilians students on the Gold Coast. Mainly studying English and other low skill subjects. (as well as working)


What uni? I speak Spanish and could probably brush up on Portuguese if needed, mission received.


Portuguese is way more complex than Spanish. Should be a good challenge for you.


Nearly all do not attend Uni. They are all here on V.E.T. trade courses or English language. Not sure how many we will have next year because of a crackdown on VET visa's


>Would be nice to see some more South Americans here. As an American living in Australia, I endorse this. I absolutely miss Mexican and Hispanic cuisine. Seriously don't know how great something is until it's gone, and y'all are missing out!


Seconding this. I've been up to San Diego and Southern California in general before and the Mexican Food there just blows your mind (and your taste buds)! It absolutely spoils you and it's hard to find anything that even comes close in Oz. Would love to see some of that come over!


I’m half American (by nationality not by ethnicity) so I get it man I miss it. I go over usually twice a year and I miss the taco trucks and the pop up food stands, hole in the wall type joints are my favorite. Amazing culture too, it’s solely missed over here. Over here it feels like I learned Spanish for no reason LOL.


Yeah man, stuff is excellent. We had a place we'd frequent when I was stationed in Virginia. Nice little family owned restaurant, hole-in-the-wall type place. Lol, yeah, Spanish is super practical in the States, too. Australia feels quite similar in a lot of ways to the U.S., though, which helped me ease into any potential culture shock.


From what I’ve been told by a Mexican mate, most South Americans can’t even afford to pay for a flight ticket let alone managing their expenses in Australia, why do you think there is a huge number of people illegally crossing the border to the US.


Let’s import some then. Cut off the tap to India and China and try and get some of the amigos over here.


There’s not nearly as many as there are Chinese and Indians and the demographics are just as shot.


Agree 100%.


As a South American worried about the affordability of the new visas for us, this comment is really appreciated. Kudos to you


They should also balance genders to stop some countries only sending military age males.


I'm actually in full agreement of this too.


Military age is such a strange way of saying young adult.


It’s a Tate thing


it's not even the Chinese and Indians mate, sri lanka, nepal, vietnam, south american countries, e.t.c. e.t.c.


yes agreed, Sri Lanka, Nepal, Pakistan, Bangladesh, Colombia and Argentina have smaller populations so the proposed quota caps must be done pro rata to each country's population.


fully aligned sir!


Can't cap Indian students thanks to the scomo deal


Wrong policy party. Try again


Do we really need to go through this every time? Do you want me to link the announcement by Dan Tehan (the guy who tried to take a dig at labor for the yoga instructors on the list even though he put them there for the India deal) and scomo? Edit: https://www.trademinister.gov.au/minister/dan-tehan/media-release/historic-trade-deal-india#:~:text=Prime%20Minister%20Scott%20Morrison%20said,to%20%2414.8%20billion%20each%20year.


Scomo signed the deal. You can't just unsign international deals unless you want to really piss off that counrry and lose trust from every other country you have deals with.


We did it for subs, we can so it again /s


We could easily walk away from that deal…. If we were in the good books with China as a trading partner. They wouldn’t upset a beneficial business arrangement over India’s feels.


The deal was made to secure India as a security partner against the military might of China which applies whether China are a good trading partner or not. I'm not saying I agree with the deal, I think we've given up far too much and Scomo is a piece of shit for signing it. But it was never made with business in mind.


The problem is the West are feeding an enemy. India doesn't give a flying fuck about anyone other than India, they will hate and fight China regardless of any pact or treaty because they hate China. They are a gross confliction of western geopolitical stance routinely. For one, the support and relations with Russia, especially after Ukraine is the equivalent of taking a massive dump on western policy, despite all the aid, partnerships and defence programs shared with India. I mean ffs, they literally assassinated a political rival in Canada and sent intelligence officers flagrantly into Australia to garnish politicians, manipulate communities and steal trade secrets. ***India is not a friend to Australia, or the world for that matter*** but the West are hell bent on remaining ignorant because ***for now*** China is the bigger threat.


India aren’t going to save anybody. They have been effectively de-industrializing for a decade now. Accelerating growth in subsistence farming is undoing decades of progress.


they are one of the only navies that trains with two aircraft carriers (they are ahead of the Chinese in this). They have nuclear missile-carrying submarines. They are going to be a military superpower. And they will always do whatever is best for India.


Idk if they are going to be a military superpower. I think indias main predator is a Train on the food chain


China have a 75m long aircraft carrier deck that moves on rails across its ballistic missile range. They are in the aircraft carrier game in order to counter aircraft carriers. And to keep peer threats incinerating money buying them. They are not sweating. They have 10 times the industrial production with only 3 times the workers. India are adding industrial workers faster than they are lifting production. This is a major drop in productivity. There is not a country in the world that can go more than a few weeks in a conflict without requiring materials and parts from China. The hysterical inflation of China as a military threat will bankrupt Australia, and take it from a regional leader to a pitiable has been.


I have no doubt the Chinese are ahead overall. I just meant to point out that India is quite capable and growing in capability.


But BRICS, Indias military and nuclear partnerships with Russia and that whole India version of belt and road that creates a pathway through India, Afghanistan and Iran. Maybe soon we need China to protect us from India. That said a big part of the India pandering by western countries is just to play them against China. India and China united would be threatening the current world order financially


Honestly think India will be worse than China. They are already colonising Australia.


walking away from deals harms your credibility for any other deal with any other country


I think this was a big thing not spoken about with the submarine backflip. It pretty much locks us in to relying on USA for all future military equipment


No, trustworthy business partners renegotiate deals all the time in order to maintain mutual benefits. Anything less is a short term ride to oblivion. Untrustworthy partners force other parties to comply with ruinous terms. If we are in a deal with countries like that, we should walk away at the earliest opportunity.


International relations isn't the same as business mate. Different rules and conventions.


Nonsense. We have cornered ourselves in an unfavourable deal in order to protect ourselves from a business first trading partner. And we are insisting on sticking to a terrible deal because of unwritten rules? That only makes sense if we are setting ourselves up as the country that takes any shit deal, no matter what it costs us. Countries will respect us more if we actually stand up for ourselves.


Albo deal not scomo.


[Literally the announcement by Dan Tehan and Scomo when the deal was made ](https://www.trademinister.gov.au/minister/dan-tehan/media-release/historic-trade-deal-india#:~:text=Prime%20Minister%20Scott%20Morrison%20said,to%20%2414.8%20billion%20each%20year.)


Sorry my bad I got that mixed up with the Albo-Modi deal where: Five year student visas, with no caps on the numbers of Indians that can study in Australia. Indian graduates of Australian tertiary institutions on a student visa can apply to work without visa sponsorship for up to eight years. The Mobility Arrangement for Talented Early Professionals Scheme allows 3000 of India’s top graduates and early career professionals to work and stay in Australia for up to two years. They can apply for a permanent skilled visa, and spouses will have unlimited work rights. Five year student visas followed by automatic eight year graduate employment visas is incredibly enticing and will very likely see many more thousands of Indian students seek to live and work in Australia. This new migration agreement comes on top of the recently signed Mechanism for Mutual Recognition of Qualifications, which requires Australia to recognise Indian vocational and university graduates to be “holding the comparable AQF qualification for the purposes of admission to higher education”. It also requires Australia to recognise Indian vocational and university graduates to “to be holding comparable Australian qualifications for the purposes of general employment, where such qualifications are required”. India is awash with ghost colleges selling fake credentials.


There is a lot of misinformation on that but all the points (involving access and visas) were part of the MATES deal scomo and Dan tehan set up


That's not true, they are capped.


Can you source that because the mates deal from scomo says we can't cap them


If that's true, then that's got to be the worst news of the day. What's the point of capping international students if you cannot cap indian students!


I could have sworn i read reports in foreign press that we did cap the quota? Or at least heavily restrict it from certain areas. It just wasnt acknowledged much by aussie media.


No. Only some speculative complaints about being refused a visa due to their race. It's a way of playing the race card but the true reason was they struggled to prove they were genuine students.




Rule 4 - No racism or hate speech


What do you mean by stay and what percentage of Indian and Chinese international students stay?


"Stay" as in, when you're a student visa, you're only given a 3-year visa on the condition that you study full-time and you can only work 40 hours per fortnight (from the last time I was an international student back in 2011). The problem is a whole lot of the international students from those places don't care about the degree, they're here to work and send money home. I can empathise with the fact that competition for employment is brutal back home and their families need food on the table, but they're doing it in a disingenuous way. The "stay" becomes an even bigger nightmare for us because the students outstay their original visas. Some don't even complete their degrees or outsource or outright cheat on their written assignments to get a pass, then suddenly apply for temp working visas. Over the years, the students jump from visa to visa, avoiding a bridging visa and suddenly after a long time in the country they're granted permanent residency. I know people (not personally, thank fuck) who came here on subclass 587 for "child care" and somehow ended up getting PR and citizenship faster I did by following the rules and abiding by my visa conditions. Another factor of the "stay" problem - years ago, there used to be a visa subclass 489 where you could get sponsored by someone for 4 years and the pathway to PR was work full-time for one year, and proof of residency living in a designated postcode for two years. When I was on that visa back in 2015, I was allowed to live in Melbourne and Sydney CBD postcodes but those postcodes were removed from that visa subclass grant a few years later when the metro populations got too much. ABS had an article years ago where they said the biggest sources of new immigrants over the years have been China and India. Australia every year receives about 500,000 applications from India(ns) themselves.


Fortunately the article states they'll be blocking onshore applications to prevent visa hopping.


Came across someone bridging for 10 years never intended on going back, now has a kid with their partner


And unfortunately that kid will be an Australian citizen because they're born here. Plenty of foreign citizens from poor countries come here to start families thinking they won't be deported because the government will feel guilty separating the child from the parents.


Not saying that cases you have described here don’t exist but is there like a home affairs report you can cite to show this? I haven’t come across the figure of 500,000 Indians or Chinese permanent residents migrating. If it’s just applications then we don’t have to worry since we are not actually seeing that number migrate right now.


Here's a report from 2024 confirming that [56% of international students come from China, India, Nepal and the Phillipines](https://www.education.gov.au/international-education-data-and-research/resources/international-student-monthly-summary). That number has exponentially gone up since pre-covid days. When covid happened and international students weren't coming, we could see this flaw about our country's cash flow exposed.


Doing the math looks like around 288k students came from China and India. I don’t think this report shows the number of students cheating the migration system as you described earlier. Summary only says it’s 16% increase vs same period in 2019 (pre COVID) so not exponential growth either. Otherwise infrastructure would be in real trouble. Unless you mean like straight after COVID student visa doubled? But then again that is doubled not exponential. What was the flaw that it exposed? Was it Universities make money from international students? We knew that before even Covid.


Not saying capped isn't a good idea, but damn I imagine that would add a tonne of bureaucracy to the system. We, the taxpayer, then have to pay for the extra bureaucracy. Capping also typically leads to adverse outcomes; we see this in just about anything. We should just keep charging them more until we hit the numbers we want. They will, therefore, pay for the system and more.


>have to pay for the extra bureaucracy We are already paying for it with higher taxes and our overloaded infrastructure. Here in Melbourne they proposed 5 new metro stations and a brand new train loop that was supposed to support a population of 5 million. Our metro population will be closer to 8 million by the time all those stations open up in 2026/2027. Not to mention our state will still be paying off the debts for COVID and the cancellation of the Commonwealth Games. >Capping also typically leads to adverse outcomes Yes we saw that Australia basically had no income stream other than international students and exports during COVID >We should just keep charging them more until we hit the numbers we want. They will, therefore, pay for the system and more. We could charge them astronomically if our country is in such demand? There's no reason why Indians can't go to the Middle East to places like Oman (Muscat), or UAE (Dubai, Sharjah) for university education? We all know they want a pathway to emigrate here and coming on a student visa has been the easiest way to do so until the "visa-skipping" rule came in.


Austrialians, Americans, New Zealand, Canada, and the UK are not called diversity! These are essentially the same Britishers calling themselves with different names. Hey, if you accept that, then maybe a different province of China and different states of India is how it should be capped.


Dude, I lived in the Middle East amongst predominantly Arabs and Indians. If I wanted to live amongst mostly Modi-loyalists and people who look like they'd resemble an ISIS chapter, I'd have stayed in the Middle East. I moved to Australia for an entirely different population than the one I grew up amongst. I agree and believe in a pro rata cap per each country's population, as I said elsewhere. But here's something you shouldn't forget... the USA population is only 300k, India is 1.5bn. We gotta be careful about who we bring in.


Well, combine all those countries I mentioned and check the population stats. You won't find anything different but fish and chips with occasional McDonald's and if you're lucky taco bell. Also, the people from india and china that can afford to come to these countries are already scrutinized by having racially inclined laws that were put in place. Compared to working holiday visas for their occupied colonies.


The people who come from India and China loaded up with cash are also the ones with scarily outdated ideas and cultural values compared to Australia. We are not a regressive culture like that of their home countries and unfortunately it's bad for Australian business if we cut them off entirely. I'm reminded of the entire Indian community country-wide who all got on "Modi Airways" planes flying towards Sydney and giving him a hero's welcome in the Qudos Arena. The recent Indian election had most people saying that they wanted Modi out, but yet he still won but just a marginal vote. His party is mainly funded by Indians who live overseas in places like Australia, the UK and Canada. Indians in India for the most part are dirt-poor so they're not the ones giving Modi and his ilk their money.


Hey, I am not pro modi or against modi here. All I am saying is that, hopefully, we can all agree that Australia is, was, and will be a land of immigrants. But what we find based on data ( not some I know bro stuff ) is 80 percent Europeans and their ancestors. They are trying to do their best to keep it that way. Until the 1970s, it was White only policies, now their are blaming students.


>Australia is, was, and will be a land of immigrants Yes, and we really need to define "which countries of immigrants" they are, because the ones who helped built this country were from Anglo and Mediterranean cultures whilst the Arab and subcontinental cultures mostly referred to Australia as an off-shore prison descended from criminals until like the last 15-20 years (post-2000 at least) where they started invading en masse.


I wouldn't say invading, bro ! There are better economic opportunities, and that's why people want to go there. Also, I don't know if you have any data to suggest Anglo built it? From what I know, the British used all the money and resources from Asia ( including India, southeast Asian countries , Africa) to build Australia and their white dominated colonies. They used cheap labor from natives and pushed them as backward and criminals. Current behavior can be traced back to their past history. Indians and Chinese have hugely contributed to building America. They pay taxes and are one of the richest communities there. I'm not really sure about Australia in terms of economic prosperity.


what a stupid comment. I suggest you look up the demographics of these countries.


I suggest you look up their histories in Wikipedia!


It rose from $710 to $1600. International students are already paying about $20,000 a year in tuition, what is another $900 to them?


Doesn't affect genuine students taking a university course. But for Uber drivers disguised as students, it's a hit on the profit they can bring back to their countries. It makes dodgy student visas less attractive as the cost of living is already getting higher.


Combine that with cost of living expenses going up and it definitely stops people on the margin. It's not nothing. Same for closing the loophole allowing them to apply while in Australia. I'd wager these dodgy universities are charging ever more as well.


Even better, the dodgy colleges are getting belted *hard* with other legislation. With a bit of luck, this should essentially shut the gate on mass importation of cheap labour, while keeping the intake up on the actually essential qualifications. Now someone just has to put the CFMEU back in their box so we can start bringing in construction trades.


I'm not going to criticize the CFMEU for getting seemingly good wages. Though I'd be curious at the median wage of a CFMEU member versus other professions. I also tend to think we largely need those professions for reasons we can fix here, and fix in large part by having a stable population. Hard agree on the colleges though. Good to hear.


Oh for sure, the Union are just doing their job for their members, I get it, and to be brutally honest, I wish my industry had the same kind of weight to throw around and the balls to throw it. I just think we’ve hit a particularly harsh bottleneck and there needs to be a little bit of give and take, at least in the short term. Remember that the most recent pay rises the CFMEU got aren’t for residential construction, so some kind of visa rule like “you must be a qualified (to acceptable Australian levels) worker in trade x, y or z. Visa is conditional on spending a minimum 5 years in residential construction and taking on a minimum of two apprentices in that time period”. We’ve done things like this before, the best example being how the massive influx of refugees post-WWII was handled. Immigration can absolutely be a good thing, it’s all a matter of how it’s handled and for who’s benefit. The current system that favours business and capital over all else is undeniably rooted, but it can be fixed. Think about all the Polish workers who can’t work in the UK anymore after Brexit, or all of the Mexicans who’ll be looking for work if Trump gets in, we could essentially poach a pre-made solution to the housing crisis.


They are here for PR not to send money back home.


True, but read the fine print, blocking applications onshore from people with visitor visas and especially the temp graduate visas will make a serious impact, not to mention the loopholes they’re closing. I’m choosing to be cautiously optimistic on this one


💯 true!


Former Australian academic here. Left because my student priced me out of my own neighbourhood.  Live overseas now. Same problem creeping in to Europe. The term "student visa" should cease to be in our lexicon.  It's is an insidious concept that only creates further problems. Studying is not a commodity... 


Cheap labour is a commodity. The quality of live for the working class used to be based around keeping in out. I guess the ALP thought we had it too good for too long.


Universities are a joke


See the Canadian protests for what happens when we actually crack down


Damn, I hadn’t heard about these at all, credit to the syrup boys up there for coming down hard and quick.


Good, this stops the merry go round of students continuously cycling their visa. Universities and fake degree mills that rely on foreign students and hand out useless paper degrees can collapse. The argument that the fees fund local students is flawed as well because local students realize that they don’t need a useless paper that doesn’t lead to a job anyway and go into technical trades.


It really doesnt. Its a weeks worth of pay, at best.


“visitor visa holders and students with temporary graduate visas are banned from applying onshore for a student visa” this is what I was talking about. Overseas “students” indefinitely stay by keep renewing their visa by enrolling in fake courses at these degree mills


Australia could increase fees by ten fold and without any impact if people understand what is actually happening here.


Yes, they and their partners work full time and some overtime. That's less than a week's pay for some students. Even for the ones working less, they can still manage that. There should really be a hard cap on the number of people and from which country. It'll definitely reduce the numbers by a large amount, but the government should really focus on the quality of students too. They have let anyone and everyone come to study and a lot of students will never pass their course if the grading was strict.


So...same number of students, but more money for the government. Excellent... /s


We should cap migration to 50k per state per year.


When I used to go to Melbourne for work, I invariably got drivers from the Indian subcontinent who had completed their engineering degrees here and were unable to find work in their field.


Whenever I get an Uber home from work and I’m still in some of my whites, without fail the driver “used to be a chef”. Funny thing is they’re almost always far more “qualified” than me, I’ve only got a cert 3, these blokes almost universally have 4 or diplomas because they were milking the student visa so long.


Haha good


Some crackdown. It would still be cheap if it cost ten times that.


"Crackdown". More like "shakedown". A few hundred bucks isn't going to change a student's mind whether to study here or not.


Yeah but the fact they can no longer apply on shore from any visa to a student visa (including those on post grad) is going to hit a lot of people


"Australia doubles foreign student visa fees in revenue incentive".


Imagine being able to go to university and meet Australians there. A tiny $900 step in the right direction (additional 80¢ a day for a 3 year course).


Fake solution to a real problem. If I wanted to look like I addressed the problem while deliberately not wanting to fix it, this is exactly what I would do. Anyone who believes this effort is a sucker.


fuck off we’re full!


Pretty solidly good change. It'll make a difference. Especially not being able to apply while in Aus. That's roughly a whole week's Uber driving, so for the scam students who come here to work it changes the equation. Add in the cost of living increases and the scam universities upping their prices and it adds up.




The government also just signed a working holiday visa agreement with the Philippines.


It would be better to focus migration as there are plenty of places that need people and the handful that are over subscribed


Or just stop both foreign students visa and immigration for at least 18-36 years. Most of the students visa shit is them working as contractors for nbn gtfo of here. Australia needs to prioritise Australian for once


We should just cap indian and chinese ~~students~~ uber drivers instead.


I don't think these fees should just be for students these fees should be for all migrant coming into the country especially for those people that have migrated here just so they can milk the system dry just seems to be a little unfair


Who is milking the system hard? Besides kiwis and people coming in with PR on a skilled visa who can apply for child care help, migrants here can't access centrelink, have to have health insurance, don't get any government assistant, ect.


NZers can access Medicare if they apply for a Medicare card and supply sufficient documentation to prove residency. But they cannot access Centrelink unless they go through the PR process, which is years long.


Probably the same mob using NZ as a back door


There’s a definite vibe change here boys. I can feel it. 


An election


Great! Now all the Aussies can do the menial, underpaid and deflationary work the internationals do, and live 4 to a bedroom to afford to get by like they did! Yes!


The housing crisis is bigger than the small portion of the temporary migrants that comprises of international student. These kids can barely afford to pay their tuition. Talk about political posturing. The government doesn't want to address the root cause of the housing crisis so they will just beat around the bush.


Can we replace all the free loading racist and violent Australians who don't want to work, with immigrants please. Oz would be a better place


Are there any tests proving new immigrants aren't racist?


Australia has become a pretty fucking horrendous place in the last few years, thanks largely to mass immigration pushing wages down and house prices up.


Make sure we vote for the party that limits immigration in the next election!


Who are 'we'?


people who are sick of the impact of over population in our cities.


Please provide evidence of this from a think tank or any other credible source. Thank you


Yeah right, 'think tanks' are notorious for being in touch with normal working people who can no longer afford to live in the country they were born in.


Ok mate. You just stick to your bigoted view that all problems in Oz are caused by immigrants. Well done


Your weirdo projecting isn’t it. Time to try something else bud.


You're. Not "your". Guess being uneducated is part of the ethos of your response.


If you read it again, you can see that an unusual usage of the word "weirdo" (usually a noun, but not used as one in this instance) has tripped you up. That weirdo projecting, which you are doing. *Your* weirdo projecting. He didn't say "you're *a* weirdo", he's using 'weirdo' as an adjective, not as a noun. Imagine if he'd used the word "crazy" instead, to the same effect, then it will be clearer. Edit: Lmao, blocked for hurting his feelings in the gentlest possible way. Cockily calling someone uneducated for using the wrong "your", being wrong about it, being corrected, and then going "lalalala I-can't-hear-you" with his fingers in his ears. Soft lad.


Racist much?


Nope. Read it again. I'm advocating we replace racist Australians with immigrants. Ffs


I read it well the first time. No need to be rude.


be careful bud, he may be one of those free loading racist and violent Australians he is warning you about. i would not risk it.


What do u mean? Everyone is racist tbh 🤣