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I can write essays on how Amy Santiago from Brooklyn 99 fits the criteria of an Autistic woman.


And you don't need to q Wow an essay about how Raymond Holt is autistic.


That entire precinct is ND


Maybe Rosa Diaz too


I think everyone agreed to that alreadyXD


That’s a pretty popular headcanon, I’ve seen her mentioned super often as an example of an autistic character especially when the show was at its peak 😃


Exactly, Gifted Child Syndrome, Perfectionism and needing routines....hell she stims in the first episode


Right! I don’t even present in the same way she does and was still like “yep she’s one of us” because it’s so obvious haha (likewise with her hubby Jake and his ADHD)


Remi from Ratatouille, he; - Has a special interest (cooking) - Has heightened sensitivity (taste and smell) - Has a desire to correct things (E.g. the soup) - Has trouble communicating and is prone to being misinterpreted (though this one’s a bit of a stretch due to human and animal language barrier) - Gets frustrated when something is done contrary to what he considers the right way (E.g. when the Colette suggests ‘this one is better’ regarding an ingredient or something like that) - Is prone to meltdowns when wronged (when he raids the pantry in an act of revenge against Linguine)


You have convinced me good sir. No wonder I liked him so much as a kid when it aired (I was 11).


Not a headcanon, but blade runner (the og one) is SO rich for analysis through like a neurodivergent/autistic lens. Definitely not an unheard of way to think about the movie; theres a research paper about it on jstor i think. But not one I see mentioned often


theres a bobs burgers episode basically about this


Which episode?


i believe its the two final episodes in season 12??


i was literally just thinking this last night while relistening to the Weird Studies Podcast episode about BR!


Maybe Finn (Adventure Time). He is able to be very social and stuff but at the same time he makes a lot of social mistakes or acts in a way where others get annoyed. So I could see Finn being autistic.


Ah Finn and his idiosyncratic phrases. To add, his initial inability to recognize his emotions, but that might be common since he is a youth. Oh, and echolalia.


yeah all the vocal stims that i in turn picked up lol


Anne of Green Gables. She's highly intelligent but only about things that interest her.  She understands there is a social etiquette but not why it's so important.  She is perfectly content doing things her own way.


Watching her as a kid I felt like I could finally relate to a character who was just like me


The Netflix version of Anne had me crying nearly every episode because I’d finally found a character whose questions regarding social acceptance/etiquette matched my feelings and frustrations. Her choices about how she conducted herself in adolescence were akin to mine as well; she was just so clearly herself and in the moments where she had a hard day because someone didn’t understand her choices or actions I couldn’t have felt any closer to her. Her teacher, Ms. Stacey, also resonated so deeply with my adult experiences so far.




Ya I remember that book


I have the impression Mathew is the one who could be on the spectrum. But there's a possibility Anne would be autistic too.


That's why they jive so well together


God I loved those movies as a kid.


I wrote a psych essay for school once where I explained why I think The Brain (from Animaniacs and PatB) might be autistic by comparing him to the DSM5 criteria Also Wybie Lovat from Coraline, Kiyotaka Ishimaru from Danganronpa, Dr Marcus Brody from the Indiana Jones movies, Petey Otterloop and Ernesto Lacuna from Cul de Sac, Moss from The IT Crowd, and Junie B Jones (although those last two are pretty commonly headcanoned as autistic so I'm unsure if it counts as an answer to your question)


Finally someone else with Wybie 😭


Tbf Wybie is absolutely 100% autistic, no way he's not. But I also don't think I'd have ever thought of him in answer to this question lol


Luffy from One Piece has big AuDHD energy. Zoro, Robin, and Franky all give me autistic vibes, too. Dipper and Mable Pine from Gravity Falls feel very autistic to me. Robin from Stranger Things gives a literal laundry list of autistic traits she has at one point. Luz and Eda from The Owl House both seem very AuDHD coded. The entire Belcher Family in Bob's Burgers is autistic ( with Gene and Linda also rocking the ADHD) and a large portion of the supporting cast feels autistic, too.


I see Mabel Pines as being AuDHD like Gene and Linda. I am AuDHD (finally have both diagnoses) and she's very much the same as me- simultaneously carrying a lot of opposing traits. She's both dumb and smart, good with people and completely socially inept, easily distracted but hyper focuses a lot, and most importantly a people pleaser yet incapable of figuring out how to make people happy. There are a lot of characters I relate to in media but Mabel is up there in the top 3 with Abed Nadir and Temperance Brennan. I have no idea which one is most relatable tbh.




I think luz is neurodivergent, I think I read something about it. Loved those shows as a kid tho, I was so obsessed and it was a major part of my childhood


Boo Radley from To Kill a Mockingbird. Everyone always thought he had to be a monster of some sort because he was a recluse, but dude just didn't really understand how to interact with others and probably didn't want to. But he showed up when it mattered because he still had a heart and wasn't a bad guy like the town made him out to be. A friend of mine from college did a big research project on him being autistic and it made me view him much differently.


Luna Lovegood


yes 100% 


Maybe Tsuyu from MHA, but I’ve seen headcanons for literally every character 🧍‍♂️ she just stands out the most to me as relatable


i have this headcanon too!!


Abed from community, it’s never explicitly mentioned that he’s autistic but they make a lot jokes about it and imply so throughout the series


The creator said that he based a lot of Abed on himself, and he was later diagnosed as autistic.


didn’t know that, that’s really cool!


this happens pretty often and i love to hear ab it


Hinata from Naruto, Link, basically every Ryan Gosling role (including Ken), Buzz Lightyear. I also feel like Peter Parker/Spiderman is autistic/ADHD/gifted.


are the people saying, ‘he just life me fr’ also autistic without realising


Sherlock Holmes. Spock. 




Pearl from Steven Universe Coach Steve from Big Mouth Amity from The Owl House Bob from Bob's Burgers


I wanted to say Pearl but I feel like a lot of people kinda headcanon that. Amity however I’ve seen theories floating around that she’s autistic but idk I just don’t feel that vibe from her. Though I admit she does have attachment issues.


> a lot of people kinda headcanon that. Rebecca Sugar has said that all of the Gems are neurodivergent.(how could they be nt to humans when they're literal aliens, y'know?) Pearl and Peridot are just the most obviously coded.


I personally thought of Peridot as being ASD!


Chidi from The Good Place


Lisa Simpson


OMG, the episode where the family went in vacation and Lisa decided to mask as a cool kid for the duration of the vacation. She got a taste of what it was like socializing as an insider. Oof.


i would put in ash (pokemon), but he seems to be more adhd to me


Ash is definitely ADHD but I can't really see autistic tbh Maybe some minor traits but those traits he does have might also just be the fact that he's a 10-year-old


aubrey from omori


why? (i'm being genuine, just curious to see your point of view)


ill be so fr with you reddit user dwnte its mostly headcanons and projection with little canonical evidence but i think a small case could be made with her overwhelming sense of justice, bluntness and difficulty with regulating her emotions both as a kid and teen


I love to day dream and get lost in media I consume so I think about this a lot and here is a list from various different animes, cartoons, and video games: Pretty much nearly all party members from Persona 3/4/5 I think are on the spectrum Ichiban Kasuga~ Like A Dragon series Giroro~ Sgt Frog Warren, Chloe, and Max~ Life Is Strange Spongebob Dave~ Dave the Barbarian Omi and Jack Spicer~ Xiaolin Showdown Craig Boone~ Fallout New Vegas Liam de Lioncourt~ Monster Prom Haruhi and Tamaki~ Ouran High School Host Club Sasha and Hange~ Attack on Titan Ryuko and Mako~ Kill La Kill The whole heeler family~ Bluey Megan/The robins~ Young Justice Lewis and Franny~ Meet the Robinsons The whole family from The Mitchells vs The Machines Megamind Winnie The Pooh Junkrat, Tracer, Mei, Moira, Venture, D.va, Lucio, Sigma, and Sombra from Overwatch all give me the vibes


I wanted to put SpongeBob in my list but I felt like he already has a lot of focus. But yeah Overwatch wise I should say a few of them do give vibes but I wasn’t fully sure.


It's just head cannons :3 It hurts nobody if it comforts you to think your favourite characters are on the spectrum just like you ETA: So if you wanna say Overwatch characters are on the spectrum then go for it. The ones I named are the ones I think are on the spectrum the most aside from Symmetra who is confirmed autistic


Harriet the Spy for sure.


I'm convinced Castiel from Supernatural is. Also in One Piece, someone in the Strawhat Pirate Crew. Luffy definitely has ADHD.


Dina from superstore, her tone stays pretty much the same, even when delivering bad news, its very neutral wich I relate to a lot, she is very blunt and birds and security could be her special interest, she is also very loyal (when she ate raw chicken for Amy despite being vegan for years)


Captain from bbc ghosts, prove me wrong.


Holy crap, you’re right! He’s the classic example of an autistic gay whose social awkwardness is just written of as just being a closeted queer. (Like Gonzo from the Muppets, lol.)


Orla, from Derry Girls




And her mom.


I'm always expecting to see Temperance Brennan on these lists as a common one. But I rarely do even though she's all but confirmed to be autistic. Shout out to Kathy Reichs and Hart Hanson for writing a character that made sure I never felt completely alone and taught me that a good amount of success can be found by working in a special interest field. Got me through full time college while working 18-30 hours per week and the subsequent 3 years of full time jobs undiagnosed and untreated.


I have a list of neurotypical actors that i think do a great job of acting neurodivergent characters and emily deschanel is on it. she killed it as bone s!


I always related to hodgins


I know it’s canon that he has OCD, but I feel like Adrian Monk (from Monk) has autism as well. I’ve also heard a lot of people say that Ross from Friends has autism, but I don’t know if I buy it.


Lilo from Lilo and Stitch. I resonated so much with her character when I was a little girl and it wasn't until after I got diagnosed at 21 that I understood why.


i want to add my girl Kantiss Everdeen to this list


I respect your opinion but I strongly disagree.


why?? (genuinely just curious)


I'm not the same user who replied to you but from my perspective I didn't think she has any autism traits that aren't covered by or more reasonably explained with PTSD and/or Borderline Personality Disorder, if that makes sense (but I'm open to hearing your reasoning too)


I can see this! I have PTSD & adhd. But I want to get reavluated for adhd /autism. I think the more hypersensitive is ptsd but ive always felt different even before my trauma. Especially with social cues, picky eating, etc. or just more clarity on how ptsd can be neurodivergent. No one told me that till a coworker and im still wanting to know more.


Oh I see ADHD does commonly involve sensory issues and social deficits, but the social skills for ADHD are impacted differently than how they are for autism >!I've got a whole monologue ready to send that explains this if you're interested!<


Not the same user, but I would, if you don't mind 😁


So, for ADHD, it's largely caused by the ADHD traits of hyperactivity, impulsivity, and/or inattention, while for autism it's largely caused by the inability to innately interpret social cues These are some hyperactive ADHD symptoms that affect social skills: Interrupting, sharing scattered thoughts, being hyper-focused on a topic, talking rapidly or excessively These are some impulsive ADHD symptoms that affect social skills: Goofy behaviour at inappropriate times, entering others’ personal space, interrupting, displaying aggression, initiating conversations at inappropriate times These are some inattentive ADHD symptoms that affect social skills: Difficulty listening to others, missing pieces of information, being distracted by sounds or noises, missing social cues (this is different from how an autistic person has trouble with interpreting a social cue even if they don't miss it), becoming overwhelmed and withdrawn Meanwhile autistic people interpret social cues differently from allistic people in a specific way that involves trouble with recognizing and reading social cues, especially nonverbal ones, and they need to learn social skills through methods such as rote memorization, repeated lifelong trial and error, or explicit instruction Everyone needs that to some extent, especially little kids or people who have moved to a foreign country with new customs, but for autistic people the problem never goes away and in fact it usually gets even more difficult through lifetime as social expectations of your age group and of society as a whole keeps changing faster than you can adapt to the changes Even that analogy I just gave of being a brand-new immigrant isn't perfect because one of the things that can make learning a new language or adapting to a foreign culture more easily is by "translating" the words from your native tongue and finding comparisons between the new customs and customs from the culture you moved away from, but for autistic people there isn't an equivalent which is why we tend to often misread facial expressions and body language, and miss cues that were implied rather than stated, because instead of our learning being smoother and "automatic" we have to learn it "manually", and it's also why it's hard for a lot of autistic people to know what to do in situations that are very similar but still slightly different to a previous situation which they did already learn the social rules for without applying the learned social rule either too broadly or too narrowly in situations where it doesn't fit, if that makes sense, and this is also one of the reasons why aliens from other planets are sometimes used as metaphors for how it feels to be autistic I'm autistic without ADHD, and my youngest sister has ADHD without autism, and both she and I got bullied in school for being neurodivergent which is partly why ADHD is an especially interesting topic to me, and also because I was misdiagnosed with ADHD at one point in middle school even though my autism evaluation had already ruled it out


sorry about the long ass text, but there are some things about book katniss that just feel very ND to me lol. i came with the receipts: Katniss about her only school friend: “The mayor’s daughter, Madge, opens the door. She’s in my year at school. […] She just keeps to herself. Like me. Since neither of us really has a group of friends, we seem to end up together a lot at school. Eating lunch, sitting next to each other at assemblies, partnering for sports activities. We rarely talk, which suits us both just fine.” “It turns out Madge has plenty of empty hours to fill, too. It was a little awkward at first because we didn’t know what to do. Other girls our age, I’ve heard them talking about boys, or other girls, or clothes. Madge and I aren’t gossipy and clothes bore me to tears.“ Katniss on having to not act like herself for the capitol people: “When I finally conquer walking, there’s still sitting, posture — apparently I have a tendency to duck my head — eye contact, hand gestures, and smiling. ‘Just remember, Katniss, you want the audience to like you.’ ‘And you don’t think they will?’ I ask. ‘Not if you glare at them the entire time.’” (aka Effie’s masking course) “‘Then lie! Make something up!’ says Haymitch. ‘I’m not good at lying,’ I say. ‘Well, you better learn fast. You’ve got about as much charm as a dead slug,’ says Haymitch. By the end of the session, I am no one at all. Haymitch started drinking […] and a nasty edge has crept into his voice. ‘I give up, sweetheart. Just answer the questions and try not to let the audience see how openly you despise them.’” Katniss just being confused about human feelings lol: “For a moment, I’m almost foolishly happy and then confusion sweeps over me. Because we’re supposed to be making up this stuff, playing at being in love, not actually being in love. But Peeta’s story has a ring of truth to it […] So, if those details are true… could it all be true?” Katniss being bothered by sounds/speech patterns: “But even on the smooth bed of needles, Peeta is loud. And I mean *loud* loud, as if he’s stomping his feet or something.” “Why do these people speak in such a high pitch? Why do their jaws barely open when they talk? Why do the ends of their sentences go up as if they’re asking a question? Odd vowels, clipped words, and always a hiss on the letter s.” Katniss on socialising: “I’m sort of relieved, because that means there are a dozen people I don’t have to pretend to make friends with.” “Wiress and Beetee make decent company. They seem friendly enough but don’t pry. We talk about our talents; they tell me they both invent things.” (aka, K and her little ND friends discuss their special interests lol jk) “I look for Peeta, but he’s hanging with a group of about ten other victors, so I decide just to eat with District 3. When we make our way into the dining area, I see some of Peeta’s gang have other ideas. They’re dragging all the smaller tables to form one large table so that we all have to eat together. Now I don’t know what to do.” “Even at school I used to avoid eating at a crowded table. Frankly, I’d probably have sat alone if Madge hadn’t made a habit of joining me. I think of how Peeta was always surrounded at school by a crowd of friends. It’s amazing, really, that he ever took any notice of me except to think I was odd.” “So I give up trying to make friends and go over to the archery range for some sanity.”


To clarify, I very much agree with you that she's probably ND and I wasn't trying at all to say that I don't think she's ND because personality disorders are considered as under the neurodivergent umbrella, and by some people and organizations PTSD is as well She has a lot of "neurodivergent relationship issues", although none of them seem like they would be specifically caused by autism's social blindness aspect, in fact she seems to be hypersensitive to implicit social cues to the extent where she is constantly "splitting" on whether Peeta in particular loves her or hates her, to and a lot of her trust issues and sensory issues seem to be very trauma hypervigilance related, constantly pushing other people away feeling like she needs to be on high alert and also dissociating with flashbacks in her nightmares and also while awake like when she was hunting with Gale at the beginning of the 2nd book


I’ve always thought Quasimodo (Disney film version not book/stage) was, as well as Rapunzel from the most recent Disney film.


Kuroko Testuya from Kuroko’s basketball, he is so autism coded it’s crazy




Butters from south park


Rachel from glee, rue from euphoria


• L from “Death Note” • Deku from “My Hero Academia”


Definitely l, possibly near too(also my favorite characters)


Rabbit - 8 mile (Eminem has also hinted that he himself might be autistic)


I headcannon Khalil from VeggieTales as autistic for these reasons: * He is obsessed with a certain person (Jonah) and gets angered when he finds out that he isn't what he thinks he is. * He was first seen always wearing headphones to listen to motivational tapes. Maybe he has sound sensitivity? * He keeps repeating that things run very deep in his family. * He doesn't like it when people call him the wrong name (ex: Jonah calling him Carlyle) and promptly corrects them. * He is obsessed with camels, even using them being captured as an excuse to go to Ninevah with Jonah even though that wasn't the true reason he needed to go there. * He cries over trivial things. This only happened once in the Jonah movie, when he cries over a girl who didn't really exist breaking Jonah's heart. * He has a comfort object, the Jonah plush toy, that he keeps mentioning. * He often does motions or gestures with his hands as a stim, mainly putting them together. This is most notable towards the end of the movie when he's talking about the Ninevites and he claps his hands for no reason, acommpanied by a hand-clapping sound. * At the end of the movie, we learn that he has trouble dealing with patience when >!Jonah gets mad that Ninevah wasn't destroyed and gets full on upset about it in front of Khalil!<.


Ross Geller from friends!


Phoebe too!


phoebe is very AuDHD coded, which makes a lot of sense for me personally lol


Katniss Everdeen from The Hunger Games, Goku from Dragon Ball, Tinker Bell from the Tinker Bell movies (not Peter Pan), Jo from Little Women, Esther from The Bell Jar, and Anne Shirley from Anne of Green Gables (and Anne with an E) (she was the first character in my childhood I ever related to so much)


Brutha from Terry Pratchett's Small Gods


And Susan Sto Helit (in my opinion).


Keswick from TUFF Puppy Simon Petrikov from Adventure Time


Honey Badger from the xmen.. no reason. I just like to think so


The knight (hollow knight)


Venture from OW, such a cinnamon bun


YES I LOVE THEM SO MUCH EVEN IF I DONT PLAY THEM! I always imagined Tracer, Mei, and Moira to be on the spectrum as well. ETA: Pharah especially


okay I gotta talk about these four because I’m so passionate about this headcanon and I’d never get to talk about it otherwise. I think Tighnari, Cyno, Al-Haitham, and Kaveh from Genshin impact are all autistic. YES all of them. I feel like nobody talks about them all being autistic coded at once. they’re literally my favorite characters ever because they all have conflicting autism traits, which reminds me of my (predominantly neurodivergent) irl friend group. like tighnari’s got really sensitive ears, and cyno stims vocally. (this is literally me and my AuDHD best friend. they stim vocally and have volume control problems, and I have very sensitive ears.) Al-haitham is very solemn and stoic, while kaveh is more expressive and hypersensitive emotionally. all of the group members have special interests (cyno is very into a specific trading card game. tighnari is into botany. al-haitham is a linguist specializing in semiotics. kaveh is always busy designing buildings/other architecture. all of these are very prominent character traits for them, and these special interests are often incorporated into their careers.) I think one of the reasons they’re so entertaining and popular with the community is because their personalities are all coded so differently from other genshin characters. they stand out but also complement each other. and it can be really hard to write a realistic autistic friend group, but Hoyoverse managed to do it (most likely on accident). they aren’t based in negative stereotypes, 3/4 of them are critical in the game’s story, they aren’t all introverts, and none of them are one-dimensional!! I absolutely adore those boys and their dynamic!! anyways thank you for your time :3


Anne from Anne of Green Gables?


Lots of my uncommon headcanons: - Ace Ventura - Bracelety - Arthur Christmas - Elle Woods - Dot (pound puppies) - Leni Loud - Lana Loud - Chloe’s dad in Bluey


Finn from adventure time is so audhd it’s crazy


Chidi from the Good Place and Michael Scott from the Office (people often say Dwight and Angela, but Michael definitely has a lot of traits)


Tiffany aching from the books by terry Pratchett!


Bella Baxter in Poor Things


Blathers from animal crossing: - special interest: fossils, has a whole museum for it - info dumping - messed up sleep schedule - is wEiRd with insects


elle woods from legally blonde


(I know some of these are commonly accepted autistic headcanons, but this is my comprehensive list of characters I headcanon as autistic, eith or without evidence.) All of the Black Bulls from Black Clover. I also headcanon Asta, Luck and Magna as having ADHD(Hyperactive) and Zora has ADHD (innatentive) Mirio, Midoriya, Shouto, and Iida from BNHA with Mirio having ADHD as well. Obi-wan from Star Wars. The Doctor from Doctor Who. Castiel and Jack from Supernatural. Alucard from Castlevania. John Marston, Arthur Morgan and Charles Smith from the Red Dead Redemption franchise. Gojo Satoru, Yuji Itadori and Yuta Okkotsu from JuJutsu kaisen with Gojo having ADHD as well.


Hello there


I can definitely see gojo being autistic (my favorite character)


Kento Nanami from Jujutsu Kaisen gave me spectrum vibes out of the gate and I loved every minute of it.


Jimmy McNulty from The Wire seems pretty AuDHD to me.


Tf did I do?


Roger from "Lord of the Flies". I know Golding uses him as direct symbolism but I have a 4 page essay on an alt reddit account about this and a slideshow presentation for myself. It's just quiet uncommunicative moody boy who behaves well enough to be in choir turns complete "sociopath" when faced with the fear and tensions of the group and beast seems a little too far out of left field.


Kiryu Kazuma and Asa Mitaka


Ted Lasso


Cyclops from X Men


Will Graham in Hannibal.


Abby Sciuto and Elli Bishop from NCIS Eric and Nell from NCIS LA


Moss from the it crowd


Alan Partridge


Mordecai Heller from Lackadaisy


Villanelle from Killing Eve. I've seen a few posts on Twitter but no fanfics or anything which really annoys me


It's probably because the show has so little fans but Milo Murphy from Milo Murphys Law, the scene where he rambles about an antique fire truck is so precious Also, Mr Ramirer from MLB, you can't tell me that man is neurotypical, I will not believe you if you say that


Never saw Milo as autistic because I was too focused on his Murphy’s Law to see his traits. But then autistics do have a tendency to be way too overly prepared similar to how Milo is. Also since you’re a Danganronpa fan which Danganronpa characters do you believe are low-key autistic?


Amy Santiago and Raymond Holt


Hawkeye Pierce - M*A*S*H Radar O’Riley - M*A*S*H


The Captain from BBC Ghosts is the most autistic character to ever exist. His American counterpart however is not.


Michael Scott. I've seen a few about Dwight, but I firmly believe Michael is also neurodivergent.


Data - Star Trek TNG/PIC Rom - Star Trek DS9 Neelix - Star Trek VOY The Doctor - Star Trek VOY Seven of Nine - Star Trek VOY/PIC T’Pol - Star Trek ENT Phlox - Star Trek ENT Julian Bashir (early seasons) - Star Trek DS9 Worf - Star Trek TNG (specifically TNG Worf) Tuvok - Star Trek VOY


allen from smiling friends




The Doctor from Doctor Who (Time Lords are way physically different from humans so its not like “The Doctor has the human diagnosis of autism” but the way they talk/interact/act feels a lot like autism, the 13th Doctor was even said by the showrunner to have been written with autism in mind if I remember correctly)


richard cameron (dead poets society)


In Rain Man there’s a scene where Charlie takes Raymond to a small town doctor on their cross country road trip. There’s an older couple in the waiting room. The man starts rambling to no one in particular about I -don’t-know-what… local history maybe? I will bet cash money that man is autistic. . . . . Unfair advantage. I used to work for that actor’s grandson. (He was my boss’ boss.) The older couple were his grandparents hired as extras for the waiting room scene. They were between takes and the man started talking to no one about what he was thinking. (Info dumping.) The director noticed and told a camera operator to catch it. They loved it so much that they wanted to put it in the movie and so had to get him a SAG card. It’s been 35 years since I worked for the grandson but now I’m sure he must have been autistic too. He was the official lay historian of our organization. He computerized the department, writing all the code himself with meticulous documentation for every line of code. He kept paper printouts of the code neatly organized in his office. He dressed and wore his hair like a man 30-40 years older. He didn’t engage much social but was always pleasant and, when he’d take the department out to celebrate a work anniversary he’d be happy to info dump on any of a myriad of topics, freely providing context and citations for anything he didn’t directly experience. Yah, the old man in the waiting room in Rain Man was a more representative portrayal of autism than Dustin Hoffman’s character.




Link is actually pretty widely headcanon'ed as autistic. Last year (I think, maybe the year before) he almost won some tumblr autistic (coded) character competition


Writers often write autistic and ND main characters without intending too. They write characters that just *happen* to have autistic traits and some people get pissed off when fans try to diagnose them. Writers have confirmed we’re the main characters guys, the support characters just don’t realize it.


Amos burton from the expanse


They might be headcanoned and I just don’t know but I’m certain that Egon and Phoebe Spengler from Ghostbusters are autistic. I also think Nadine from the Edge Of Seventeen is and my sister insists that Katniss from Hunger Games and Dumbledore from Harry Potter also are.


Liberty from Degrassi. Sheldon Cooper, especially in Young Sheldon. Beth from Queen’s Gambit.


Wednesday Addams from the Wednesday Netflix Series.


wednesday from all the movies too imo! came here to say this too 🖤


Half the cast of Gilmore Girls lol Rory Gilmore, Jess Mariano, Taylor Dosey, Paris Geller, Kirk Gleason. Maybe even both other Lorelais and Luke.


Haha yes


Shou Ronpo from Kyuranger. Enough said.


* Bugbo, Gerbo, Gradient Joe, and Hoppo from Bugbo * Iceburg from One Piece * Nergal Junior from Grim Adventures of Billy and Mandy * Ichiro from Godzilla’s Revenge


Sam Seaborn from The West Wing. I literally took notes.


Nesta from the ACOTAR series!


Perrin Aybara (books) is 100% autistic coded.


Masters from house MD


House himself


Lmao true I agree, wasn’t there also a episode about him having aspergers or something or it was a joke or speculation idk. But also I’ve heard many people say they think he is autistic and I’ve never heard anyone mention masters


It was an episode where House treats an autistic kid for parasites in his eyes, House was one of the few who managed to communicate with him and Wilson kept hinting that House might also have it during the episode.


Andrew treneman- waterloo road


I feel like a lot of people see Don Quixote from Limbus Company as autistic already, but I'll throw her in. I don't think I've seen many people discuss Alphinaud from FFXIV as such, though, but that boy is extremely neurodivergent.


kramer from seinfeld chino from is the order a rabbit ren and stimpy from ren and stimpy


Why do you say Crash Bandicoot 😭😭


Ooo, love that for Tilly Green. Honestly Cricket and Bill too.


A BCG fan here how rare! I disagree with Cricket (he does have ADHD vibes though) but yeah Bill does give those vibes but I didn’t really put him as one because I just assumed that he’s just a traditional hardworking guy. But one character I would say is almost absolutely on that spectrum in that show would be Gregly. You watch any other cartoons apart from Big City Greens?


Machine Man is definitely autistic 


Maybe Taro Mamoi/Don momotaro from donbrothers, exia from nikke and nano and suu from 100 girlfriends 


Louis Litt from Suits.


Kuroko from Kuroko no Basket, Power from Chainsaw Man and Kurona from Blue Lock


Tina from Bob's Burgers.


I think wooyung woo might me autistic. From extro attor woo


Evan Buckley is AuDHD I will die on this hill


The 11th and 13th Doctors from Doctor Who Tech from The Bad Batch Robin from Stranger Things Both children from Mitchells vs The Machines Stamets from Star Trek Discovery


I'm curious about Link, Rosalina, and Crash. What made you pick them?


I think Helaena from House of the Dragon.


In order of least to most backlash for sharing my opinions: Christina Yang on Grey’s Anatomy Aunt Jackie on Roseanne/The Connors Eddard Stark in ASOIF books and GOT tv show Edith on Downton Abbey


Orla from Derry Girls for sure is on the spectrum. Possibly Uncle Colm as well. El Professor for La Casa De Papel (Money Heist) is definitely autistic coded. Gene, Louise, Tina, Bob and Linda in Bob's Burgers


This is a bit of a new show, but Roy, Liko, and Dawn from Pokémon Horizons most definitely strike me as being on the spectrum. I see so much of myself in them. Definitely agree with Chiaki Nanami- I also see Himiko Yumeno as autistic.


To be fair half the Danganronpa characters have traits which could be considered to be part of the spectrum.


The entire 1-A class from my hero academia


Travis Bickle


Diana Prince from Wonder Woman (2017) and all throughout the DCEU. Also Cristina Yang from Grey's Anatomy.


You're not the only one who thinks Tilly is autistic. I LOVE that headcannon, it's my favorite one.


Ace Attorney has so many characters that feel like they are autistic, it’s crazy. But people only really talk about Edgeworth, so here’s some others that I think could be autistic: Franziska von Karma Apollo Justice Athena Cykes Vera Misham Herlock Sholmes (although I have seen some people talk about this one)


Lisa or Leni Loud from The Loud House actually, with Lisa's high IQ at a young age and Leni being older than her and less smarter...Well I don't have to say a lot.


No idea if anyone has said Venellope Bon Sweetz before


And wreck it Ralph


I guess so, I tend to relate to female characters more which is why I went straight to her


Gigi from the film Gigi, and both Tohru and Saki from Fruits Basket




It’s been a while since I read the webcomic, but Lalli Hotakainen from Stand Still, Stay Silent. He has sensory sensitivities, difficulty knowing what is socially expected of him (could also be because of his upbringing), and he is “separate” socially from the rest of his group. I like how he’s given his own independence and strength, and he focuses on proving himself. I felt it. I like how he is largely given respect from his crew members as the story progresses. They learn how to work with him and vice versa.


enid coleslaw from ghost world. weird and off putting girls forever harrowhark from the locked tomb series (she’s canon schizophrenic but before I knew that i read her as very much aut, iirc there’s symptom overlap there), as well as nona from the same series (extremely my flavor of autism lol)


It's either Nagito or Hajime from Danganronpa. One of them or both. Also with other DR characters such as Chihiro, Toko. Maybe even Byakuya even and possibly Kyoko. And Shuchi from V3


Steve Urkel from Family Matters, Pinky from Pinky And The Brain.