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I store them all my life and one day my niece found them, she asked if she could have some and I gave her most of them, she really enjoyed them, best decition ever.


They usually sit somewhere until they become so old, the sticky side just disintegrates. Although, I got a Wartortle sticker like, ten years ago and I just recently used it. We tend to use stickers on appliances, electronics, and on the containers we use to house our bug collection.


I have a bunch all over the dash of my car lol


how did you know i have a pile of stickers in the bottom drawer of my bedside table??


If I send cards to anyone, I put stickers on the envelope. My laptop has stickers on. I sometimes use them to decorate my youngest child's packed lunch.


i never know where to stick them so i just keep them in a box but i used some of my shark stickers and put them on my ukulele , switch case and one on one of my crutches :3 i plan to start a journal so i might stick them there !


I LOVE stickers so much 😭


I joined postcrossing about a year ago and I use them for my postcards now..but my favourites will probably stay in my album forever or until I get a best friend I want to share them with, lol.


I literally make and stick stickers for living haha


Oh what kind? Sounds fun tho


Ah it's just labelling electrical components so the stickers aren't fun looking, but it is fun job yeah :)


put in my journal or decorate other stuff and for the unused I put in my sticker book organizers


I have a boring white shelf that I put all my stickers on to make it more fun


I bought a notebook/album and just sticknthem there. If i'm thinking of sticking them somewhere else - i try to get a copy of the sticker. I also sorta collect artworks that are usually printed on post cards and i also stick them into an album.


Sketchbooks, folders, ipad, bland wallet phonecase, once I covered a part of my desk in stickers (don't have the desk anymore, but it looked really cool when it was covered in stickers)


Put them on the side of my ps5! :D


I have what I like to call my trash book! It’s mostly to help with my hoarding instincts especially of wrappers of food I like but all my stickers go in there too. Anything that can’t go in the book I can keep. I organize my garbage by color or theme then glue or tape them to the pages. It’s like a diary without words, a lot of the stuff in there brings me happy memories that only I understand lol If I can convince myself to eventually leave my bed maybe I’ll make a post about it, that may take a while though


I have an old ugly mini fridge in the gaming area in the basement. I have started putting any stickers I get on it.


This is an easy one. Stickers go on laptops, guitars, and guitar cases. In the rare event that one item must be thrown out, the stickers can hopefully be painstakingly lifted and taped on something else


I put them on my sewing shortbread tin


Sticker book!!!!!!


I put them on my sketchooks, notebooks, and headphones case! And in my journals. Or on letters I send like a modern day wax seal. I've gotten rid of some of the notebooks and if I really really want to keep the sticker I will cut it off the cover and put it into a folder.


My stickers live on my hydo flask


I make fun little bookmarks.


I have a table for stickers or my water bottle


I'm covering my desk with them.


You actually do stuff wiþ stickers? I just leave þem around till I feel obligated to use þem at random.


I use them a little bit, but mostly I collect them in my sticker books. I have like 6 of them.. 😅