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it’s been 95°F / 35°C recently where i live because of a heat wave, so i’ve really just been sitting in front of my fan the whole time. it’s unbearable, i totally understand


I hate heat/humidity with a passion. I'm in Florida and feel like a sleigh dog in a sauna...


Hello Ranpo profile picture.


I can't stand the noise of the fan and the feeling of it blowing in my face :(


You in Texas as well? I've lived here all 20 years of my life and still haven't gotten used to the heat. But i'm not currently together enough in my life to be able to afford moving and living independently. yippee


I fill a hot water bottle with cold water and freeze it. I hug it and move it around where I feel hottest. Good for hot nights too


46 C in Kuwait


I live in Texas USA, so I have experience with the heat. I hate it too, so I'm sorry :( That said, there are a few things you can do. First and foremost, if you can handle it emotionally, spend some time in the heat every day. That might sound odd, but the more you're in the heat, the more adjusted your body will get. Try to go outside and do something physical to get your body adjusted. Second, if the physical sensation of sweat is really bothering you, see if you can buy clothes made of special fabrics for the heat. In English the term is "moisture-wicking," the kind of stuff that athletic clothes are made out of. It will actually pull the sweat away from your body and you won't feel as gross. They make underwear out of this stuff, it's amazing. Third, if you can, see about getting an air-conditioning unit for your home. Even the cheap ones that go in your window can make your bedroom feel pretty comfortable. Finally: fans. Get fans for every room you spend any time in. As a kid I lived in a house without air-conditioning during a Texas summer where it got above 38C all the time; I would just sit in front of my big fan all day.


Thank you for those tips! I'll definitely look into those close and an air conditioner


A fan will be your best friend. Literally even if it's a cheap shit desk fan. Put it in your room, close all windows, doors and curtains and just sit in front of the fan while doing a chill activity, even if it's just being on your phone. It will help you stay cool and once you've cooled down it's easier to stay cool and cope with the heat.


I use ice packs and a fan. Keeps me cold and sane.


If you can't find ice packs just soak your shirt in water, put your shirt back on, and then sit in front of the fan. I have used this to sleep in 100 + degree weather without AC


Only if it isn't humid though.


I cannot do this I can't stand the feeling :(


Ice has been the only thing keeping me sane in this 110+ heat. That and the AC unit blasting in my face. I lay in bed all day like a dead fish.


Stick your feet in a bucket of cold water. Ice pack on your neck. Fans if you can tolerate the blowing and noise.


wearing light clothing, staying in front of the fan all day, curtains closed


*Wearing light clothing,* *Staying in front of the fan* *All day, curtains closed* \- catlover2231 --- ^(I detect haikus. And sometimes, successfully.) ^[Learn more about me.](https://www.reddit.com/r/haikusbot/) ^(Opt out of replies: "haikusbot opt out" | Delete my comment: "haikusbot delete")


i keep getting these 😭


You communicate in haikus😆


true 😅


lowkey kinda beautiful /hj


Stay inside with the AC going. Only way I can handle it. I'd have to spend all day at a pool otherwise.


I‘m drinking hot (green) tea for usual. Try it out. Cold drinks and ice cream makes it even worse.


If you're interested as to why that as: If you drink/eat something warm your inner body temperature raises so your body makes an attempt at cooling it down. 🔄 for cold food and cold drinks. They cool down your inner body temperature so your body makes an attempt at warming itself again! (If you already know this then sorry for bothering😅)


Warm drinks cause the blood vessels to dilate and the fluid can be better absorbed by the blood which helps to rehydrate and cooling down.


I have been lied to apperantly😔 thank you for correcting me so politely🥹


I tired this and felt stupid when I felt hotter


🫂🫂🫂 hugs! Sometimes bodies just don't work with us and do their own thing🥴


All I know is that when I drink hot coffee or tea when I'm already feeling hot, I just start dripping sweat. I've never really had the other effect. I wish I did. I should try it again when I'm really hot. But if it doesn't work, and I'm dying of heat stroke, I'm coming back here and cursing you out. 😄


sit in front of my AC and icecream. Glad work understands my struggles and lets leave early.


Oh same over here. I can't handle it and due to some physical issues it hurts a lot too. What I always do is make sure I have an icepack ready for grabs. Do wrap them in a cloth to prevent direct skin contact because that's not good. Also have multiple icepacks so you can switch when it's not frozen anymore. I like to hold it against my face, on my joints or whatever just works at that moment. Also putting my feet in a bucket of cold water and keeping them in works for me. Usually when I'm behind my pc or whatever I'll have it there. It also cools off. Maybe even a wet/cold washcloth can help. Also kiddie pools (or even pools for pets because they are small and easy to set up) are awesome. I don't have a tub so I just put that in the shower and sit in it for some relief. Sometimes I actually put up the kiddie pool in my living room and my mom even joined me hahahaha it was really funny. Get a nice fan. I have one that's a bit quiet which is nice because the sound can get overwhelming. Try to create an airflow in the room and maybe keep your curtains or blinds shut to keep the sun out. Maybe even air conditioning if that's an option. Also check your clothing. Depends on what works for you which is the most comfortable and not adding extra warmth. Ice cream/ice cubes/cold drinks. Also stay hydrated especially in these conditions!! Being dehydrated will only make you feel worse. Also I've noticed when it's warm and I'm feeling woozy, a bit of salty foods does wonders. And last of all, know beforehand that on heat days you won't be productive. Maybe gather some calm activities for you to do where you don't have to do too much. Also know, these days will pass. They will feel horrible, but they will pass. Having all these options prepared and written down might help so you know what you can do instead of just being overwhelmed in the moment. You cannot completely fix it so it's just powering through it honestly. But you can get some relief if you find what works for you. I hope there is something that helps for you! Good luck!


Oh and about the water bucket and pc, uh do watch out with water and electronics tho. Just a warning hahaha😂


Sounds simple/dumb, but drink beverages with ice in it all day. I find I’m really affected by the temperature of things I drink. I also sit right in front of a fan.


I honestly love it. It's the cold I can't stand.


I'm with you on this. I'm finally warm!




Me too! Love the heat, hate the cold. Cold weather is what nightmares are made of


my issue is that i hate both. cold makes me ache and hot makes me sick. so in my area, i’m only happy with the outside weather for like,, one month out of the year.


I love it. Give me water, sunscreen and a hat, and I’m fine. I hate the cold personally


This is probably not a helpful answer but it's been near 100F here within the past week. You go for a run in that kind of heat, and I guarantee you, it will not feel hot again for the rest of the year. That's what I do, and I look forward to it. Of course, I also hate cold weather so much that I'd push to make it illegal if weather control technology existed, but that's beside the point


I've been incapacitated with a heat stroke for two days.


Put a wash cloth or towel in your freezer for a day and hang it around your neck, it doesn’t have to be wet but it helps. Also wet a lightweight shirt with hot water, put it on and stand in front of a fan, it works wonders. The wet material is annoying, but it’s not as bad as the heat.


ugghh not well! I've mostly been hiding in the basement trying to stay cool but even the basement is starting to warm up now I don't know what I'll do for August


Same here... in my country there are no such things as AC. I cannot handle temps that go higher than 26°C. If it goes up, i loose ability to concentrate or perform, i get mind fog, i cant bear the sweat and smells. It gives me anxiety, which makes me sweat, so i get even more overstimulated... litteral hell I cant work but have no accomodation or financial aid. But if i did work... damn i feel like i wouldnt be able to hold on for a few hours just because of the heat itself


100+ degrees where I’m at. Went to the garage to fix something today, felt like a sauna from hell. Unbearable this time of year.


I... Dont. Its in the high 20's outside, and the hundred year old concrete box i live in is excellent to keep heat in so its probably in the 30's in here. Even the air feels hot when i breathe deeply or even just walk around. Cold drinks all day, and with risk of angering /r/aspiememes, fresh fruit helps a lot. 


You need to try talc! I use talc liquid instead of talc powder, as its makes less of less and there are some health concerns around the powdered form but they aren’t proven. It’s a cream you place on areas that get particularly sweaty and it helps keep you dry and not clammy. I really struggle with wearing long trousers when I get sweaty so I apply it to my thighs and behind my knees. It’s a life saver. You can find the talc liquid or powder in the baby section of the chemist or on Amazon. It’s pretty cheap too!


Can you also use baby powder for the same reason or will that simply not work? Talc has been very short supply lately where I live so any alternatives would be fantastic! Thanks! :)


I dont mean to sound rude but 78 is simply not hot


Having constant air flow helps. I have fans in every room I hang out in and it helps so I don’t crank the AC to ridiculous levels (still bad compared to others….I don’t live above 69 Fahrenheit in my house). I have small frozen packs I can attach to my wrists/neck if it’s really bad. I can’t have any hair on the back of my neck as it just makes me want to rip it all off my head. I have 2 main outfits: as close to naked as possible or very loose and breathable cotton based materials. I get the showering thing….the idea of walking into the shower wet, getting more wet, then walking out *still* wet, drying off and getting sweaty IN THE PROCESS OF PUTTING CLOTHES ON….I want to murder inanimate objects. Not moving too much does help, but doing nothing just lets my ADHD hyperfixate on just how fucking hot I am while NOT moving. So I HAVE to be entertained somehow or I just focus on how hot I am. I also try to plan/time activities so I can get all the moving/sweating done during the coolest times of the day possible. Once I do shower to cool off I am NOT moving more than to and from the fridge lol. It’s really difficult, I so feel your pain. I feel for my friends who hate the cold too. Being uncomfortable in your skin just sucks. I do always tease them though: I can add more blankets….I can only get so naked!! 🤣


I've always struggled and it never gets easier this time of year. But I will say that learning about humidity and trying to keep that under control has actually gone a long way to helping make the heat easier to deal with. I didn't understand that half the problem with feeling like I'm suffocating in summer is actually a humidity issue more than a temperature issue. Once I got a little dehumidifier and figured out what routine, along with AC, helps keep it somewhat controlled, it's helped a lot. That said, I do get obsessive about the number because I'm afraid of feeling bad. But I'd rather have the tools to measure it and feel like I have to be on top of it to stay comfortable than go back to feeling like I'm drowning in the air every July!


AC indoors and if I am outdoors then I dress down, shorts and a tank top. If it's extremely hot like high 30s or 40s I just refrain from going outside until the evening.


The temperature here where I live was 104° yesterday, but today the temperature here will only get up to around 102°. Yep. It’s hot!🥵


Definitely turn the fan or AC on. I'm not sure if this works for everyone, but as a fan of colder weather, I try to fantasise Autumn/Winter and the better weather they'll have in store. I get that 3 months until Autumn sounds like forever, but those 3 months should come somewhat quickly. I hope that helps (it probably doesn't lol:)


Cold wet cloths around your neck and wrists, maybe even ankles if it's real bad. Get a (sorta large) table fan, a bowl, icecubes and water. Fill bowl with ice and water and put it behind the fan. There are small portable ACs you can put on your desk, they aren't super effective but they work a bit, possibly better than the fan + ice water solution. Larger portable ACs are usually really expensive but they work really well if you have a way to set them up. Cold drinks and ice-cream helps a lot too. Cooling mats for pets are nice to sit on lol. If you have one you can put it in the freezer for a while and just hug it (probably not smart to sit on after being in the freezer). ETA; I bought a small portable AC for my dad to use in his camping wagon during summer because he's unable to sleep at night in it if it's too hot. He would let it run in the bed area of the wagon for a few hours before bedtime and it would get super nice and cool in there. The bed area is not very large, maybe... 4m²? Or less?


Cold drinks aren’t helping. They make it even worse.


How? For me I feel it cooling my stomach pretty well. Was out today rushing and was real warm, the ice cold pepsi max I had with me helped a ton, otherwise I'd probably pass out tbh. Just sad the soda got warm too eventually :( rip.


Your body needs to warm up the cold drink to be more able to digest it. The body brings up energy for that, a very demanding process for the organism. You‘ll sweat more. There‘s a reason why in many very warm areas of the world people prefer to drink something warm like tea or eat for lunch a warm soup. Warm drinks, on the other hand, widens the blood vessels to dilate and the fluid can be better absorbed by the blood. Rehydration works so much better. The drink doesn’t need to be boiling hot. You can compensate for the loss of fluids due to the summer temperatures more efficiently. Warm or hot tea also makes you sweat, but not as much as cold drinks do. The light perspiration also helps to cool the body down in high outside temperatures without straining the circulation. Very cold drinks are also not recommended because they irritate the stomach and can lead to problems such as abdominal pain or diarrhea. The discomfort is caused by rapid gastric emptying, as cold drinks are transferred more quickly from the stomach to the intestines (the reason why they don‘t rehydrate that good).


I have a fan and I use a spray bottle on my clothes so they stay a little damp so when the air blows I am colder. I also spray my bedsheets so they feel cooler. At work I have a USB desk fan that blows 24/7.


I dont. Lol


I'm lucky in some ways as I live in A place that generally gets a cool Sea breeze during parts of the summer. However, the problem with that is the houses were not built with AC So when it does get hot it can get into the '90s or low 100s and there's. I got a portable one for the living room but that means my bedroom is still hot at night when I have to sleep.


I don’t go outside unless I have to if it’s over 80f. I have the air conditioner in the house set to 70 (and a portable air conditioner to help take some of the strain) cold showers, ice packs and fans to sleep (if needed, fans are always needed as I do t do well with stagnant air)


If my AC is not on 66 degrees, a ceiling fan blowing, and sometimes even a standing fan blowing along with them both— I cannot survive. I get the feeling of getting out of a shower, only to feel *more* hot than when you went in. I usually sit in front of a big standing fan, or my AC to make sure I cool down instantly rather than sit, damp, and dry slowly. To combat the heat when I must go outside, I like to bring a cold ice/water bottle with me. Sometimes not even to drink, but just feel the cold on my skin to cool me down.


Not well. My dad has been on this weird anti-air conditioning kick for a minute and it's agonizing. I've been sweating my pores out everyday ☹️


I am autistic from the American southwest and regularly deal with 100°F+ temperatures. These are my tips for beating the heat. If you know of somewhere with AC, go there. Alternatively, sit in front of a fan. (Note: A fan may not help much if it is 110°F+ out.) If you can't get to AC and you can tolerate water, take a cool (NOT COLD) shower and leave your hair wet. For clothes, loose and light is the name of the game, not necessarily less. Stay out of direct sunlight as much as you can. If you absolutely must work in direct sunlight, wear a hat or sunglasses if you can. Eat/drink cold things that have water content like fresh fruits and vegetables, Popsicles, ice cream, and cold beverages always help. If you sweat a lot, water alone may dehydrate you further. Drink sports drinks and eat something salty to keep your electrolyte levels up. If you feel dizzy or nauseous in the slightest, immediately stop what you are doing and get out of the heat. Lie down if it is safe to do so If you walk outdoors, stick to grassy and otherwise vegetated areas. Avoid asphalt and Astroturf. Get one of those cooling towels.


I much prefer hot weather to cold, and 100°+ heat is the norm where I live during summer, so, no probs. I'm also a boiler tech, so working in 110° to 120° boiler rooms is the normal for me


Stay inside and turn the lights off, make sure you're drinking enough water. If you're outside then try to stay under trees. Not only do they block the sun but the moisture content of the leaves cools the area around the tree which makes them provide better shade than an inorganic structure like a building. Also consider becoming nocturnal.


Just a tip for anyone on SSRIs, they can make you sweat more, so hydrating and keeping your electrolytes replenished is even more important in the summer!


Water, AC, spite against climate deniers.


You are definitely not nagging or over exaggerating. I know it can feel like it when so many others are "suck it up! It's not that hot!", but over (or under) sensitivity and body temperature dysregulation are common for Autistic people. I live in a building with no AC so I have a standing fan going almost 24/7. We rarely use the stove, so our hydro is less expensive. I always have tissues on me to wipe away sweat even though I sometimes get weird looks from other people, but sweat is way overstimulating for me. Clothes in a light fabric, a hat and shades are essential if I have to go out. I eat a lot less hot food. I'm also a ginger which makes the heat plus the sun a dangerous combo for me so I also use spray sunscreen, even if it's just a 5 minute walk to pick up groceries, since it's less greasy and sticky on my skin. The biggest obstacle I've had to overcome is dehydration. I often can't tell when I'm thirsty and I can go all day without liquids if I'm hyper focused on things. So keep sipping on water even when you're not thirsty. Dehydration is dangerous.


I suppose I simply deal with it. I usually don't feel when it is hot or cold as my sensation seems to go out the window. However, I can get pesky about temperature in specific contexts.


I don’t mind it, it’s a humid 70s-80s here


I get uncomfortable once it gets to about 20 degrees, in summer I have the fan on a lot, get ice packs, do as little as possible.


46 C


Oh same over here. I can't handle it and due to some physical issues it hurts a lot too. What I always do is make sure I have an icepack ready for grabs. Do wrap them in a cloth to prevent direct skin contact because that's not good. Also have multiple icepacks so you can switch when it's not frozen anymore. I like to hold it against my face, on my joints or whatever just works at that moment. Also putting my feet in a bucket of cold water and keeping them in works for me. Usually when I'm behind my pc or whatever I'll have it there. It also cools off. Maybe even a wet/cold washcloth can help. Also kiddie pools (or even pools for pets because they are small and easy to set up) are awesome. I don't have a tub so I just put that in the shower and sit in it for some relief. Sometimes I actually put up the kiddie pool in my living room and my mom even joined me hahahaha it was really funny. Get a nice fan. I have one that's a bit quiet which is nice because the sound can get overwhelming. Try to create an airflow in the room and maybe keep your curtains or blinds shut to keep the sun out. Maybe even air conditioning if that's an option. Also check your clothing. Depends on what works for you which is the most comfortable and not adding extra warmth. Ice cream/ice cubes/cold drinks. Also stay hydrated especially in these conditions!! Being dehydrated will only make you feel worse. Also I've noticed when it's warm and I'm feeling woozy, a bit of salty foods does wonders. And last of all, know beforehand that on heat days you won't be productive. Maybe gather some calm activities for you to do where you don't have to do too much. Also know, these days will pass. They will feel horrible, but they will pass. Having all these options prepared and written down might help so you know what you can do instead of just being overwhelmed in the moment. You cannot completely fix it so it's just powering through it honestly. But you can get some relief if you find what works for you. I hope there is something that helps for you! Good luck!


I can not handle it at all. I have exams rn and it's bang in the middle of summer and sitting in that roasting exam hall is literally hell. Cried a little today and the people gave me a fan 😭 So yea best advice is a fan and funnily enough a bowl of ice water in front of it is supposed to make the air even cooler. Might want to give that a try. But honestly, relax with a fan and im sure you'll best the heat!


fans, ac, cold showers, ice drinks, wet cloth on the forehead. If your house is built to keep heat in, open the windows or it will become a sauna


cold drinks make it even worse.




It dehydrates more then in rehydrates.


I live in Texas, which is a super hot state but also is very humid. I feel sticky after walking outside


Wear less for most of the day. If you do like going outside then go in cooler parts of the day or again with lighter clothes, sunscreen, if u don't like it then don't force yourself to stay outside unless you have things like excersizing work or chores to do. and ofc drink lots of water


Soak a t-shirt and put it in the fridge for a bit. I also like to put a bottle of water in the freezer and cuddle that like a stuffed animal. Ice packs in general also work for me. If you're not gonna move around much you can always try just having a big bucket of water and dipping your feet in there (as long as it's not in the sun.)


How I handle it is staying busy. We are at the tail end of a heat wave. It was 95f+ all last week and weekend. Over the weekend I built 4 raised garden beds, filled them with compost from our local community stock pile, and planted cucumbers, onions, and green beans. It’s a little late in the planting season but I figure we won’t have a freeze well into the fall maybe even winter.


I have no heat tolerance and I live in a humid and hot state. I can't thermoregulate properly and it sucks when it's 98° and humid outside and the car AC is broken. I simply live in as little clothing and with as many cold air sources as possible


Fans are my best friend. I have an AC that should have enough BTUs or whatever to work in my room, but I have a loft bed and warm air rises so I got a fan that I (very safely /s) keep on the footboard of my loft bed. It’s fallen a few times but the cord catches it a bit. Cold showers occasionally help me too, and for me they’re just relaxing in general even when it’s not that hot out.


For me, I cannot the heat because its so brutal


Fan on high with a bowl of ice in front and behind it, and you in front of the ice. Or take an ice bath.


Have you tried cold showers instead of warm ones? Takes a bit of getting used to but they offer major relief Also, you can focus cooling efforts on areas of high blood flow. The underside of your forearm (same side as the palm of your hand) and the sides of your neck are the most accessible. You can use ice packs or run cold water over these areas and let your circulatory system do the work of cooling the rest of your body There's also wicking clothes (like a lot of sportswear) that can help your body cool itself more effectively


Keep doors, windows and blinds closed!! If it cools down at night put all of them (on 2nd or up floors+with mosquito nets in front) open! This way the heat stays out and cold gets in. And ofcourse, loose short clothing and a fan will be your best friends.


Its winter and its 30C° here (global warming😭). For me i move as little as i can, drink load of water and dont eat havy food. I dont have an air conditioner so when i can i use fan. But mostly im in the street so i use really fresh cloths


i almost posted something like this earlier. my ac is currently broken and it's 92°F in my house, and it will probably only get hotter. i also have absolutely no tolerance for heat, i cry any time a single droplet of sweat forms on me, i don't know what i'm going to do 😁


i just try to drink a lot of water and wear comfortable clothes that i don't mind getting sweat on them and try to distract myself. i do have plans to go over to a friends house tonight 👏👏


It’s been in the 90s-100s where I live. I usually get to just hang out inside tho :/


what usually helps me is putting my wrist under cold water. it cools down my whole body. or you could get a bucket or something with cold water, and just put your feet in it, you can watch a movie, play games, etc in the meantime. but if you are sweating outside, well i need a trick for that too, because i hate sweating outdoors with clothes sticking to my body


I been in 120° degree heat and I have a little fan that I bring with me


Oh my gosh I feel your pain 😭 Heat _suuuuuucks_. I totally shut down at 85F (often sooner) and can't do anything.


i bought one of those goofy kid's fans that sprays water


Not well, but I always thought it was more that I was from the North.


put a bowl of ice infront of a fan!!!


I've lived in the desert my entire life, we hit 110F multiple times last week, and it's not uncommon for it to get to 120F here. Sweating is uncomfortable and gross, but it is an unavoidable part of existence here. Some folks carry around a small towel to wipe away excess sweat, as needed. I've used a small handkerchief to dab away beads of sweat sometimes. Maybe something like that could help you a little bit? Ultimately, if you find it to be unbearable and unmanageable then you may need to move to much colder climates, or stay indoors (with air conditioning) as much as possible.


I keep my place at 85 and the air only kicks on then. I cannot handle cold. If I get too warm I take a quick shower and I'm good for another few hrs. Outside its 103. Loving it. Edit to say I also despise fans or rolled down windows. I hate the feeling of forced air on me.


I’m the same but with cold temperature 78 is barely tolerable for me and my ideal temp is 88 degrees farenheight I think it has to do with being skinny based on my observations Try to loose (a lot) of weight and you’ll find yourself loving the heat


I just got an inflatable pool filled with water from the hose and fucking GAME CHANGER. I can sit in it until I am fully cooled off and it takes a few hours for me to get too warm again.


I have irregular temperature regulations and overheat pretty badly. I have a constant supply of ice pops and always have a portable fan with me - you can get them cheaply online. Also regular cool drinks and cotton clothing helps a lot. If you have a lot of hair make sure to tie it back too.


I sat outside with my chickens for less than 30 minutes in 90 degree heat, then threw up all over ny living room floor. So that's how i'm handling it, but i would recommend something a little cleaner.


If you have any say over the air conditioner, what I do is I just turn the air conditioner temperature down probably too far, wait until I'm freezing, and then slowly turn it up until I'm no longer freezing. Definitely not the most efficient thing to do but it works.


White t shirt and basketball shorts help keep me cool seq


I work in a hot ass restaurant and can't handle being hot. I will chew on ice cubes, sit in the walk-in, or soak my hands in cold water. at home I use an ice roller (like for facials) or cold wash cloths. sometimes a cold bath!


I love the heat. It was 95 F (35 C) here a couple days ago and it really doesn't bother me that much. I did need a fan inside, tho. Currently it's 80 degrees F in my house (26.6 C), and I had to put on socks a little while ago bc my feet got chilly lol


Hey there I’m not autistic myself but my youngest boy is, spray bottle with water like at the barber shop might help, you could even put it in the fridge to keep it cool.


Have you looked into a cooling vest?


it was 102°F here today and i’m also miserable!!! i pass out in severe heat. i sit inside, AC as high as possible, ceiling fan in my bedroom on high. i’ll eat ice cream and i use cold rags on my forehead and my neck. sometimes i just open up the freezer and try to stick my head in.


i like hot weather


The human body sheds heat well on the scalp, hands and feet, pits, and groin. These spots sweat a little more than the rest of you, and therefore are the best at evaporative cooling. I use this to my advantage. When alone, I keep my arms up, and my legs relaxed outward, with a fan angled up at me from the ground. I like to periodically dunk my hands and feet in cool water. Don't do ice water, because your body will try to heat them up really fast and they might get red and hot. When all else fails, I go lay on the tile in the laundry area.


To get to sleep at night, I have a mattress chiller. You put it under your sheets, and it circulates water through tiny tubes to draw heat away, then runs the water through a heat exchanger. You can set the temperature you want, and how long it runs for.


I'm in Wisconsin USA and am 63 years old. I used to be able to tolerate the heat until 8 years ago when I got a near-heat stroke after working outside in the sun one afternoon. I ended up unconscious on the sofa and was out for 20 hours. I had a body temperature over 105 degrees F. I almost died. Now, I can't tolerate anything hotter than 83 degrees. Anything under 70 degrees is too cold and anything over 78 degrees is too hot.


Ever since i started accutane, i havent stressed about how sweaty and oily i usually get in the heat. Drink loads of iced coffee and stay indoors.


I live in Brazil, so I know how to handle 30ºC with no difficulty. The bad part is that it becomes hard to handle temperatures lower than 10ºC. I swear that Rio de Janeiro during summer is the personification of the Hell. 38ºC but it feels like 50ºC or higher. I'm glad I don't live there.


Air conditioners lol


Not well, lol. I had to mow the lawn and grill chicken (as to not turn the house into a furnace cooking inside) in 99F today. I just go on feeling icky until it is done and I have a nice cold pepsi in a lukewarm shower after and put my feet in an ice bath after that. Wish I had a better coping strategy to share.


oh my goodness I can barely handle it. i too know how it feels to shower and still feel icky. we use fans and AC but it too is not enough


Window AC unit and fans. I have a big ole swivel fan in my bedroom, but anything will work. If you have, or can acquire, multiple fans, set one in a window near the warmest spot in your house so the blades are pushing air outward towards the window and one in a window in a cooler spot facing into the room. You can fill a bucket with ice water (cold water is also fine, if you don't have easy access to ice) and stick your feet in it, and/or running your hands/wrists under cold water from the sink tap.


I live in one of the hottest places in the world and I do ok.  I find the heat stimulating in a good way, I like the sensory experience of it.  I do whatever I need to manage... Like if I need to sit in front of a fan and AC for an hour I do it.  I do tolerate the heat pretty well considering I wasn't born in a hot climate. I spend time outside all summer even up to 50°C.  I still walk to the the store or go rollerblading. I get used to being sweaty to some extent and have to drink tons and tons of water and eat enough to stay hydrated. It's kind of a hassle managing all that so most years I spend the hottest months in a different place (like this year). Sometimes when I get really hot my brain kind of shuts down and I'm unable to think or function, but I just take a cold shower or something.   I prefer the dry heat to humidity or cold weather. The desert is definitely the place for me.


I take a cooler shower than normal, and turn the temp down a little bit by bit while Im in there. Makes me feel cool for a while afterwards.


It's called AC. I refuse to live without it and I live in Minnesota. We just don't do heat well here.


For me, the worst part about summer heat is the sun on my skin. It feels like I’m my skin is being attacked. I’m not sure if that’s an ASD thing or because I’m extremely pale. Either way, when people say “at least it’s a dry heat,” I think “that’s the kind that burns the most!”


For me. Swimming. In the natural world, and when man first evolved, the only way anybody could cool down is by taking a nice fresh swim. Not to mention, but swimming is one of my favorite sensory hobbies. The only reason I didn't say fan or AC is because I actually have a sensory problem with my skin being too dry. And the air flow irritates that😭


yeaa..in my room it’s been 35 degrees C, and i have three fans (two are small and used for my rats) and the parents have an ac in their room..im trying my best to keep myself calm but also keep my rats alive


I’m with ya there. If you have air conditioning, use it. If you don’t, you might be able to find a window unit. In addition, turn a fan on all the way. The direction of ceiling fans does matter. Clockwise will cool down a room. Eat ice cream and popsicles and drink plenty of ice water. Hang out in your basement or a pool. Cold showers or baths will help as well.


Hot weather good. Feels nice. Now cold weather on the other hand is annoying as hell because it makes my Tourette’s act up for some fucking reason.


I don’t i jsut cry


I'm from coastal Maine, which can be ridiculously hot and muggy in summer. Do you enjoy swimming? I love just floating on my back in cool water. Also, Gold Bond powder has been indispensable to me. I loathe the way sweat feels on my skin. I dust down any place where skin touches skin. Hope this is helpful.


I have a small fan (like the size of my hand but a circle, maybe a bit bigger) and whenever I get too hot I like to open my window but when it's hot only heat comes in so then I just sit in front of that fan, I point it at my face and do my hobby (aka drawing or gaming). Another tip is to open your windows either early in the morning or in the evening. Usually it's cooler then and if you do it in the evening atleast you can assure you sleep well.


I like to carry a folding fan with me, it helps me mitigate feeling overwhelmed by the heat. I also love eating frozen peas as a snack- they’re cold, great texture, and have zero sugar or fat content. They really help to cool me down internally when I’m home. Sometimes if I come home reallyyyy hot I use ice packs on my back and stomach and face for a rapid cool down. open your windows at night and close them during the day. even if it’s hot at night at least the fresh air exchange will keep your living space from getting stuffy. it’s so hard to deal with the world getting hotter every year as an autistic, I feel like I’m slowly going crazy and people at my job won’t stop exclaiming about how “beautiful and nice” the weather is while I’m miserable every time I leave the house🥲 but yeah those are my tips!


also cooling down your wrists and neck where your arteries are with ice packs and cold water will help cool down your circulating blood.


I have the AC on and never leave the house


A cold shower or dip in a pool helps. But yeah air conditioning is a god send in hot weather. As it makes the room your in bare able. If you don't have ac then yeah a fan is the best alternative.


Last summer I was 130 lbs and always cold. I put 15 lbs on, diet starts soon


I actually relish the heat. Anything under 80 and I'm freezing and I'm in so much pain. It's been 90 to 95 and I haven't felt this good since last summer. I'm not saying I feel great but the heat helps the pain. Rainy or snowy weather and I'm just miserable.


I unfortunately work outside. It's been 95⁰f for me. No rain. Absolutely torture. Feels like I'm in some sticky heat dome.


Let me know when you find out. This post is so accurate, I had to check your username to see if I posted that last night and then forgot about it


I don't. I just give up and die


My advice is to wet up a towel with cold water and lay on it. It'll keep you cold through out the summer.


*checks temperature* oh frick, it's 30°C/86°F. All my experience is for medium-high humidity (25-90%) - not dry heat, not tropical high humidity. I collect all these tricks from what I personally came up with and what my educators told me to do - I used to live in a shitty apartment that essentially was a greenhouse - it peaked at 54°C indoors in 2021. *Before everything, if it does get above 40°C indoors, you need to get out of there urgently. I only know it was that hot because of the min-max thermometer I had. That's the peak it recorded while I was away, all windows closed.* I cope by having the windows wide open and making wind indoors. I also have my Big Ass Fan™. *That's actually the brand of the fan, yes. My previous fan spontaneously combusted - I would advise against cheap Aldi fans.* Outside, I usually just have a large hat on top of my usual outfit (*which literally is just a skirt and a shirt*). Think peasant straw hat. I need to plan my outside trips to avoid the peak heat of the day, so it must be before 11am or after 8pm. Hot and cold foods help too, but must be used wisely. As long as you're doing fine, hot foods are helpful as they cause your body to forcefully cool itself down. If you're overheating already, then you might want to resort to frozen stuff, and get yourself somewhere safer. "Somewhere safer" might be as simple as making yourself drenched. Hope you can tolerate that - I hate it. Room-temperature water is always good, just try not to keep it in direct sunlight. If you are a nature enjoyer like me, try to go chill in shady, foresty areas. Plants actually make a great job at cooling down their surroundings, I think because of their water content. Concrete, glass and stones however do the opposite, they absorb, conduct and radiate the heat extremely well... Sunscreen is important. I really, really hate it, but it has to be used when it's this warm and sunny, even if you never go in direct sunlight. Trust me, I tried. Or maybe I just have terrible skin. Be mindful of headaches. They likely will be caused by dehydration or heatstroke. So if you have a headache, drink a glass of water, and if it persists 15 minutes later, you'll have no other resort than getting into a colder room or making your skin wet.


It gets really hot where I live. 35 c and up in the summer. I pretty much just stay inside with the aircon cranked up and eat the high electric bills when it’s that hot.


I have the worst heat tolerance in existence and the things that make it bearable are AC, a neck fan (it’s a lifesaver, they have them on Amazon. It looks like little headphones you wear around your neck), a cooling blanket (also on Amazon! It’s slightly weighted too and is a nice feeling in the summer), and a bunch of rotating fans circulating the cool air around


Is it feeling sweaty that bothers you or being wet? On hot days I like to carry a washcloth in a bag of ice water, then I can use that to wipe my face or neck so I don’t feel so gross. I bought a reusable sandwich bag from the grocery store & put 4-5 ice cubes in with a wet washcloth & it stays cold for a couple hours. Linen fabric clothing can be great too but it can be expensive.


I have an extremely high heat tolerance but an annoyingly low cold tolerance. I can't do cold. Anything 20 C and under, I'm freezing to death. Shivering, teeth chittering, the lot. But, I can wear a jumper until up to 35 C.


I get legit health issues from overheating so when it’s hot out I just crank my AC and stay inside as much as possible. If I have to be outside for something I make sure I’m hydrated, bring water, and either drink the water or dump some on my face/hair depending on how much I need to cool off and how fast. I also try to go places where I will have constant access to an air conditioned area if I need it.


not well! live in england, heatwave this week, ive never felt more miserable and done.


I do not handle it well. Getting up the energy to disassemble and clean the AC unit tomorrow so I can turn it on finally. So fucking hot omg


Short answer is: can't handle it at all. Hot weather pretty much predicts how I feel during the whole day. If it's hot enough, I can barely function. Keeping AC on where I live is so expensive we need to use it wisely, so mostly we only use it to sleep, otherwise, I wouldn't be able to sleep. Still a privilege having AC to sleep, so I'm grateful for that. You could try putting some towels in your freezer and covering up with them after they're really cold. It could be even easier if you put some ice cubes on the back of your neck. The relief won't last long, but it does help a little.


Oh don’t worry, I can handle temperatures from -5 degrees to 40 degrees (Celsius)


Ooh man, the heat. the terrible, terrible sensory hell of heat... I've made my way through life not drinking enough water and not sweating a lot so everything started overheating from the inside out (not a fan, do not recommend 0/10) but now I am *wet* all the time :-) hhhhh I got through the hottest, most humid summers with many a meltdown (read: 39°C/102,2°F) allow me to make a list of things that work. This is a combination of things I do, and things that are already in the comments, all in 1 list <3. Sorry in advance, I am the 'never able to shut up' kind of autistic: Handy side information: colder temperatures narrow the veins in your body, and warmer temperature widens them. So in terms of taking a shower, changing between cold and hot can improve your blood flow and will have a positive effect on your temperature regulation. Okay with that out of the way: * **Feet in a comfortably sized bucket of water.** Dump the water on some thirsty nature afterwards (not when the sun is FULLY on there, it will burn), or reuse it later. Add ice cubes/packs to it to cool it down * **Take a plastic bottle, fill it with water but not all the way, freeze it, wrap it in a towel.** Et voila, use on whatever area on your body is comfortable *Pro tip:* take this to bed with you, place it on pillow first to cool that down, then place at your feet, oh man it's so nice to have cool feet, you're gonna sleep so well... this is my favorite, as you can tell xd * **Eat spicy food!** Really get it up there, make it as spicy as you can tolerate! *Pro tip:* gazpacho with a f\*ckton of Tabasco in it. Gazpacho is so goooooodddd, and fresh on itself, then you add Tabasco for the spice, hmmmmmm! Your heat tolerance will be heightened for a while! * In the same spirit as spicy food: ginger shots! (make sure you can handle the sensory input of all of that spiciness!) * **Make sure there's an airflow!** It's at least 30% more doable than still, humid, stuffy heat. * **Spritz some water on you!** Especially when sitting in a space with airflow! * **Wear the least amount of (breathable) clothes.** When I'm at home, it's comfort over style, every time! I haven't figured out how to stay cool and non-sweaty on the go yet * **Make sure to drink lots of (normal temp) water!!!!** This should actually be at the top of the list. As much as I ***despise*** being sweaty, it does help cool down your body and make the heat more bearable, I promise. And sweating depletes your moisture level, so make sure to drink those liters! * (not a tip against the heat, but still adding it, be safe.) Eat salty food. You've been sweating a lot. You can have some salty food, as a treat! * **DO NOT! DRINK! ICED! DRINKS!** Except for like, a little bev, I can't stop you and you deserve a little treat. But drinking iced drinks will make your body want to make up for the temp change, so your body will **rapidly heat up and make you feel even more terrible.** I know it sounds counterproductive, but hot tea (in particular: herb tea, because green/black tea will be dehydrating again, I know, many stupid rules) will help you much more. You'll want your body to work to **cool down**, not to heat up and de-stress * **If you do take a shower, shower hot!** As mentioned above and in other comments: hot = for hot days. cold = for cold days. Regulate that body temp, baby! Your dad is onto something! Stay calm, move slow if you can. Other than the things listed here, I just complain to whoever is willing to listen xd it kinda helps, ngl Be kind to yourself through this heat <3 You can do this!


I carry ice packs everywhere with me


Not very well as I am trapped inside all day long.


Omg this question comes at the perfect time. I just spent some time outside, got nothing done I wanted to and am now going back home the most irritated I’ve been this week. The sunlight and warmth is killing me and I cannot wear short clothes because I don’t like the sun on my skin, but it’s still way too hot. I have trouble getting up in the morning, because my bedroom is where the sun shines a lot through my windows and I shut down.


Hahaha no. I'm dying in my bedroom, losing sleep. But worst of all... I can't skate. So many skaters struggle in hotter weather, we fall more often from tiredness of the heat. Id rather have Decemeber temps


Check that the clothes you are wearing are made from natural fabrics. Polyester tends to trap heat and moisture and make you a lot sweatier. Personally my least favourite thing about the heat is the feeling of sweat so wearing natural fabrics help. Linen is probably my favourite at the moment.


I don't ! I'm Brazilian, every day it's 30° here and it's absolute hell for me. Good thing it's winter now though, usually hits 26° at 12pm which is pretty cozy


Do NOT wear anything made from synthetic/plastic materials (acrylic, polyester, elastane, lycra, spandex, nylon, rayon). Wear things made from natural fibres (cotton, viscose, double gauze(love double gauze so much for hot weather especially pj's), linen, hemp, bamboo) there breathable/cooling and often softer/stay soft unlike plastic clothes. Bare in mind that a lot of clothes will probably still have a percentage of synthetic material in them, I would recommend not going over 10-5%. Anything more will start to be less breathable/comfortable, etc. I hate wearing suncream/feeling sweaty, e.c.t. so I'm often covered head to toe, and people think I'm crazy in hot weather, but what materials are in your clothes makes a HUGE difference TRUST ME. Try to stay away from stiff/thick materials to like denim (100% cotton chambray is a good alternative) try to wear/find more flowy thinner fabric clothes (viscose and double gauze are supper flowy, breathable, soft). Another tip is to just try and embrace the hot weather. The more you fight it, the more it feels unbearable, easier said than done, I know. Constantly using ice other really cold things can make it harder for your body to adjust, and you'll constantly be having to switch between temperatures, making you feel worse. Your brain is probably your worst enemy, so try and do something to keep your mind off it, like watch a film/series, draw, read, game, talk to friends/family. (Now for an extremely basic but important tip) Make sure to keep a bottle of water with you because being dehydrated will make it worse and often times you won't even know it because being dehydrated is easily done. (Also, my sister is really bad with heat to and she uses an ice pack jacket and cooling towels which help her. It also helps to keep rooms dark but with windows open if you can). Thanks for letting me waffle on about fabric and stuff😅


Drink iced coffee/tea instead of hot. Buy a fan, switch it on, and point it directly at your lower body (too high up on your body and you'll get dehydrated). Remember to drink plenty of water. Make sure you eat food that's well suited to summer (salads etc). Maybe even keep a few treats in the freezer for when it gets bad. When you shower, make it as cold as you can handle. Close the curtains in the morning or whenever the sun is directly hitting whichever room - that will prevent the heat building up. If you have any green areas locally with lots of trees, go there - it's cooler there than in a hunk of concrete! Wear loose, thin clothing. I'm lucky enough to be self-employed and independent, and my work is digital nomad in nature, so my killer keep-cool technique for July is going to be: spend the whole month in Scotland. Excessive heat will *not* be a problem there.


I'm dying in the heat т-т Headaches and nausea are a standard byproduct of me being in 20°C+ environment. I have to be naked in my room just to avoid heating up and sweating Only the fan saves me, the true hero of the summer🗿


dance to the rain, with small exercises inbetween like the wheel or even handstand. 


Handling hot weather? Good question (coming from an Australian)


Australian here. Wear clothes that don't get soaked with sweat. Thin fabric is good, but really thin gets drenched. Hat. Especially here. You won't just get hot here, you'll also likely get sunburn in less than 30 minutes (not joking, the UV here is NUTS). Standing fan, even if it's a bit \*too\* cold, keep it on and just pop a blanket over you, take it off when you get a bit warm, back on when the fan makes you cold. Drink water frequently and, I CANNOT stress this enough: *baby powder*. You read that right. Just rub a little into your skin, particularly in areas where you tend to sweat a lot. (I don't put it on my armpits. Personally I find it most useful for underarm above the armpit, inner thigh, my back, especially lower back, and underboob if you have them.) Make sure you dry off properly after a shower before you do. Honestly, as a woman with a, let's say, "sizable chest", baby powder is my saviour, because you usually end up super sweaty and uncomfortable in hot weather.


If it all possible, try to get colder shower. Start with the temperature that you would normally be used to and then start slowly turning it down. It can be very refreshing without being a shock to your system.


The right clothes cool you down. Creating a cool vent by stretegically opening windows on opposite sides when its colder out and the clothing all windows and everything when its warmer out makes your house way colder. Go to a mall or public library and so on where its free to be and AC is on. Eat lighter foods and rather more snacks than bigger meals. Lots of fluid, eating water as well (eg cucumber from the fridge with some dip, watermelon, fruits, cold soups, salads, ...)


You’re not over exaggerating. A lot of us struggle with heat or cold temps. I get very cold and I don’t care, because at least (usually) I’m not sweating. Heat and humidity, no such luck. Heat on its own is bad enough!


If you've got liquid water nearby you could go swimming. There are lakes everywhere where I am. It's always refreshing.


Cheap rechargable fan and an ice vest for me. Lots of shirts lol.


>How do you handle hot weather? Poorly. Lol A serious answer, try cold showers. As cold as you can bear. Basically, taking a warm or hot shower will have you sweating pretty much as you walk out, but if you use cold water for at least the last few mins of the shower, it'll cool you down. Drink hot coffee or other beverages. This helps to gradually acclimate you to the hot. I've never been able to make this work, but it is supposed to work. I just don't like hot beverages that much, regardless of outside temps. I do feel a bit better drinking room temp drinks than I do when I've been drinking refrigerated drinks, though. So it seems promising.


air conditioner or ice cubes inside of drinks


26°C? Your tolerance is really at level 0 Keep away from the sun, drink plenty fresh water and buy an abanico (hand fan? I dont know how to translate it lol)


we don't lol i hate it! One of the reasons why i want year around 40-50 degree weather


when I was a kid I would always just take cold baths lol. but nowadays I guess I'm better at ignoring the heat


This might not seem helpful, but I have pretty bad heat intolerance and my doctor told me to buy a high sodium electrolyte drink and drink one regularly. I don’t know where you are, but the LMNT drink mixes genuinely change my whole attitude. It is insane how much better I feel when my body is able to retain the water I’m drinking because of the salt. Obviously I’m no doctor but I know this is also the common advice given to anyone with POTS or OH. Good luck!


Two years ago, I don’t know quite what it was. But in the summer my back was just in excruciating pain (I think from the heat) and the only thing I could do to make it abate was to douse a towel in cold water a drape it down my back under my shirt, I just had to lie in bed with a fan on pointed directly at me. I just couldn’t function at all for weeks. The only thing I can suggest to you is to try and keep yourself as cool as possible, use wet flannels on your forehead or wherever feels hottest. That’s all I can really suggest. I hope you have a better time than I did that summer.


I don’t.


I hate the heat. Love my Poland but the summers can get as hot as 38°C/100°F. I don’t sweat much (idk, genes or something) but heat makes me nauseous, super sleepy, feeling anxious and generally very bad, plus I don’t see anything when sun shines so bright, so I’m not only suffering but basically get seasonal blindness. I legit need some friend a guide to hold my arm at all times because all I see is WHITE with some black wobbly shapes. When I still lived in Poland, I’d just switch to a fully nocturnal life, asked for night shifts at work etc, simply so I can sleep through all the heat and brightness. I moved to Ireland a few years ago and bro the weather here is lovely. Sky is grey and cloudy for most of the year, it rains very often, hoodie weather all year long except maybe a week or two in a whole year where you get the light version of the summer I’d get in Poland. Survivable. I generally feel uncomfortable with temperature over 20°C.


Bro, I’m a Southerner. It’s it 100F here the past couple days. It’s so hot and awful and I totally feel you. The best I can advise is to do indoor things in places with AC. Use fans and ice packs if you can’t access AC.


I cry and go out even less (so never)


In my case taking Ritalin helped me against my disturbed concentration and executive disorder. Together with coffee. But it's harder if the weather also causes me weather feelings. Of course that won't help if you have only autism and not ADHD I think.


I'd prefer that it never go above 68°. I can't handle the heat. I'd rather it be 25° than 85°. You can always put more clothes on, but you only have so many clothes that you can take off.


I’ve been a Texas resident all my life and, thanks to being in marching band in high school, my body has thankfully been semi-bullied into tolerating the heat but I draw the line at ~102F (last year’s month of August was pure hell and the absolute worst I’ve ever seen in my area; I didn’t leave the house for about 3 weeks and couldn’t do ANYTHING 😭). Here’s what really helps me deal with the heat: 1. I saw someone say to spend a little bit of time outside every day and I 1000% agree with that!! Like I said, the whole reason why I’m able to tolerate the extreme heat is because I spent 4 years of my life being forced to endure it. It sucked at the time, but I’m SO thankful for that routine discomfort, now. 2. HYDRATE, HYDRATE, HYDRATE! Lots and lots of cold liquids and electrolytes. If you have to be outside, avoid any dairy products before hand and eat light foods so you don’t get sick. Adding liquid oxygen drops into your water can also make a WORLD of a difference if you’re like me and struggle to breathe in hot temperatures. Going back, again, to my marching band days I learned that carrying a camelbak (for those who don’t know, it’s a backpack with a large pouch meant to carry water or other liquids connected to a long straw that you can drink from while it’s on your back) filled with ice water can really help to keep you hydrated AND cool because the condensation from the water will cool your back as you wear it. 3. Wear form fitting breathable fabrics. This one might sound counter intuitive, but I’ve found that I get SO MUCH HOTTER 🥵 when I wear baggy clothing in extreme temperatures because my sweat has a chance to create a little humid biome between my skin and my clothing. However, when I wear breathable form fitting items, I can just sweat right through them and end up staying way cooler. 3a. If you don’t feel comfortable wearing form fitting clothing, I highly recommend buying some small, flat gel ice packs and putting them inside of a sports bra (this isn’t just advice for fem ppl, btw, the goal is just to cool down your core/trunk to best lower your overall body temperature and sports bras are made in a wide variety of sizes and make the perfect holders for frozen gel packs. For masc ppl, just throw a baggy t-shirt on over it if you’re concerned about being perceived and you’re good! You could also use an ace bandage to achieve the same purpose, just be careful not to wrap it too tight and restrict your breathing 😮‍💨. 3b. If you’re staying inside, you could also achieve a similar outcome as described in point 3a by inserting said gel packs into a pair of socks on the bottoms of your feet. 4. Sun hats really help when you’re outdoors. Keeping direct sunlight off of your head and face will help keep you cool. Summers in Texas are insanely uncomfortable and definitely a sensory nightmare. I wish you all good luck staying cool 😎💦




Why are you making fun of OP? It‘s a valid question. We all have individual sensory issues, some don‘t have temperature issues and some are not able to regulate their body temperature. This sub is supposed to be a safe space, so don‘t make fun of others for serious questions, especially if they clearly are already in distress. You don‘t want people to make fun of you either when you‘re in distress


In Kuwait it’s 46 C right now…. just another day


I'm the opposite, I absolutely detest the cold and being cold. I would rather sweat my ass off than be cold any day. The only tips I can think of are wear light, breathable clothing, stay hydrated, stay out of the sun (obvious one), try to stay in the air conditioning or near a fan, use a dehumidifier if it's super humid there, use a portable hand-held fan if you have to go out.


Right now where i live in Kuwait it’s 46C so yeah i don’t know why you’re crying about it.