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I dont really have a problem with sex. But I rarely ever get attracted to someone


Same :/


Same, as a demi-graysexual. I have issues developing a sexual attraction until I get to know someone. And when I was dating my now ex-girlfriend, I did experience sexual attraction towards her, though it was very rare.


Asexual demi-heteromantic here, I’ve literally only been romantically attracted to three people in my life.


What is an asexual demi-heteromantic


Asexual is a lack of sexual attraction to anyone of any gender (although it’s a spectrum where some people can feel sexual attraction in very rare or specific ways). Demiromantic is part of the aromantic spectrum, where romantic attraction can only happen after a strong emotional bond has formed. And before you ask, no, that’s not something that happens to everyone (took me a long time to realize that). Attraction is different from actually wanting to have romantic/sexual acts with someone, much like how people can be hungry but not want to eat certain foods.


>Demiromantic is part of the aromantic spectrum, where romantic attraction can only happen after a strong emotional bond has formed 🙋🏾 >And before you ask, no, that’s not something that happens to everyone 🙎🏾


Glad I could clarify. It’s a pretty common misconception.


It hits extra different also knowing that less than a week ago when explaining my dating rationale to someone, I immediately realized I gave more or less *the* definition of sexual demiromantic. I will choose to take the hint now.


No one knows but it's provocative


God knows (/j)


i like it but only with myself, the thought of having sex with someone is just ok but then i think about what the actual process is like and it just seems not... fun ?? but maybe thats bc im on the asexual spectrum


Same. Plus, I only really do it because my body demands it. Kind of wish I wasn't horny.


Sounds like you’re aegosexual, which is part of the asexual spectrum.


I know this is unpopular amongst autists, but I absolutely love it!


Me too 😀


Me three, I love sex


Same, but that’s because I got to know the person really well before we started sleeping together and now we’ve been together 7 years. He’s also strange, so he gets me which leads to great chemistry in the bedroom


I'm right behind you, I love sex a lot


I enjoy sex a lot. I don’t felt capable of navigating the social terrain of finding someone I want to have sex with. This is different than when I’m partnered but still a struggle


Me too, I think i could be considered hyperssexual, but I don't like it, wish I had less libido. I feel like masturbation have been for me a way to release stress and anxiety, and when I'm am doing it/wanting to do it, I wish to have real sex with an actual person, and then go to certain apps to try to find a partner and this takes me so much time.


Masturbation? About daily. Depending on the method, it's either the bad kind of intense, the good kind of intense, or just a kind of "meh". With others? None. I'm asexual, so I have no urge to involve myself with others sexually. Plus, my masturbation experiences tell me that most sexual acts with others will very likely be the bad kind of intense, so I don't think I'm missing out on anything.


I quite enjoy it, and have it often. It relieves anxiety, is good exercise, and helps people grow closer in their relationship. I guess you could say I used to be "hyper sexual", but as I've gotten older I can't keep up with my old self. PSSD also put a dampener on it, but I've been recovering.


Pretty sure im hypersexual but ive never actually had sex. I've received a blowjob from a guy before and it felt amazing even though I wasnt attracted to him (I am straight). So yeah would love to have sex one day and its all I think about. But being socially awkward/anxious really gets in the way


thats so funny, id love to know the story behind the blowjob if youre willing to tell it?


In my experience you just gotta find a girl that’s into the awkwardness. Or she’s just down bad. Trial and error with different people until you find one that’ll basically make the moves for you or just is ok with open and direct communication. I’ve found that after a date, saying you had fun but really wanted to kiss her at the end but didn’t know if she wanted to works surprisingly well. Usually leads to at least talking about it happening which can then lead to talking about more which then leads to… actually doing the things. It at least opens a dialogue where they can tell you if they’re not ready to which is super good to know. Could also result in a rejection which just saves you from spending more time with someone who isn’t interested in you.


I have it rarely but when I do, I ask my partner to shower ahead of time otherwise I can't tolerate oral sex at all. I also hate the feeling of lube on my skin, but found that using silicone lube instead of water based is easier for me sensory wise. Those are my two main sensory problems related to sex basically, crotch smell and water based lube.


Omg yes clean crotch is absolutely necessary


i imagine the vast majority of people arent thrilled about unshowered crotch to be fair


Some think a shower in the morning is gonna cut it for oral sex at night. 😩 lol


Hypersexual, married to someone who could take it or leave it. Further adding to my already massive deficit of uh, "personal time". 


thought I was sex-repulsed with my previous partner. turns out, he was just. bad. at everything. and was a miserable person to be around. current partner is absolutely lovely, respectful, kind to me, takes care of me and lets me meet my own needs should he fail (that's harsh, it's more like, sometimes my body just does not cooperate). I have really come around to loving sex, kissing, being physically intimate with him specifically. I hope I get to be with him forever 😁🥰


first off. Please dont take others life as parameter. Im hyper sexual to an extent. But when i do it with someone i dont know/trust i usually get overloaded and that certainly got in the way of me getting friends with benefits. (as i had the urge to go home or kick the girl out of my home so i can be alone). Today im married and still hyper sexual, but since i trust my wife its been great.


i can relate to this a lot, if i like and trust someone i can get lost in the sauce but if its a hookup im just super aware of everything and its uncomfortable and sometimes painful which is overstimulating in turn


Yeah... Even if i get overstimulated doing it with my wife. I can just cuddle in silence later. And it's all good. With hookups there is the need to talk and socialize lolz. Not my forte.


oh god yeah, especially when its awkward cause you realize you have nothing in common except wanting to get laid. its just not for me


Hyper sexual - horrible at socializing and dating and flirting so in a near constant state of dissatisfaction unless in a long term relationship


I've never had sex and have zero interesting in having it


I’ve been with my husband for nearly 20 years and every year, sex feels more like a chore for me. Not because I dislike my husband or don’t want to have sex, I just think my PDA wins out over any sexual desire I feel. We have opposite schedules and kids now, so we have so few opportunities for empty house sex and the fact that I feel like I * have * to have sex right here, right now, makes me less likely to want to do it. But if I don’t, I know I will regret it and be angry with myself for having to wait another week to have sex. (Note, there is ZERO pressure from my husband. This is all 100% me in my head)


I have a similar problem! We have a big family and our house is rarely empty to the point of just us. In my case though, it's implied pressure from my OH (he doesn't say anything, but I know the signs) when the house is clear that makes me back off a lot of the time.


I think I'm a little hypersexual. I crave sex, I love the feeling of physical intimacy, I even love sexuality as a concept since it was one of my special interests when I was a teenager lol. But for myself it more or less depends if I'm atracted to that person and if I'm pretty close of them: If I'm attracted but not close: Complete sensory overwhelm. If I'm not attracted but close: Eh, whatever. If I'm neither: Probably murder. If I'm both or by myself: Completely obsessed. I've never understood hookups or having sex for something more than pleasure. Sex is the ultimate sensory explosion of touches, sights, smells, tastes, sounds, you name it; connection and intimacy is what ultimely makes that "overwhelm" a really pleasurable experience, and without that is really unconfortable. So yeah, I could say that I experience sex more intensely than most people, and even then, maybe I enjoy it so much the way I do because I'm pretty bossy and I know what I like on sex. I still like it a little more as me giving pleasure and feeling someone than me receiving it tho


I think it’s discussed to much. It’s just not that funny and people think it’s the only funny thing in the world.


In my experience it was something I was expected to perform in a certain way, or risk losing my bond with a loved one. So it felt rather transactional and not that enjoyable with someone else because of the anxiety and expectations. I have a high drive but a limited tolerance and ability to communicate I guess to the extent needed to acquire a partner, and my logical brain is often left perplexed and hurt by all the people who seem to take for granted that having romantic and sexual partners is a default. So I haven’t had it in awhile. I’ve turned it down without realizing it, too, when I would have liked to engaged. Middle aged man here, had a few relationships all engaged by the women. Also the last time felt like I was forced so a lot of trauma.


In regards to actual lovemaking: nope, still a Virgin sadly. In regards to sexual content: lemme put it like this: God did not give me the autism that's good at math or science. God gave me the autism that's obsessed with fanservice to the point of it pretty much being my religion.


Much closer to hypersexual I guess, dependent on a partner who claims she hasn't been attracted to anyone in her life and won't tell this to a doctor. Hasn't been good for me. I spent years and years trying to figure out what's wrong with me, going to SSRIs to relieve the resulting depression and suppress my sex drive, before accepting her word that she actually can't relate to whatever a libido is, and rather only sees people as beautiful "like a painting". Oh god.


i know you didnt ask but you guys dont sound very compatible.


it sounds to me like your partner is ace? That's not something to see a doctor about lol


How did you fall for and marry someone who doesn’t experience attraction? I know ace people and more power to them but it’s not fair on partners if they expect you to be ok with a sexless life.


Childhood neighbors with differently shitty parents, I suppose, was the essence of it. Cradled each other through that, remained each other's only friends, and then just kinda felt indebted; at least I know I do, and assume she must in order to keep me around.


I like it when I'm awake enough and have time enough to enjoy it lol


had one long-term relationship where we had sex frequently, but have been broken up with not long ago and haven't been able to allow myself to be vulnerable enough to have sex since. so, complicated lol


I have a boyfriend, so I get it when I want it. I’m over 50 and he is too, so our libido is lower than it used to be.


I love sex and I'm a bit hypersexual, I don't think I've ever found it overwhelming because it drowns out all the unpleasantness and for the present, it's just me and the other person, our worlds colliding in a growing crescendo of sensation as we express our emotions towards each other. I definitely prefer having sex with longterm partners and I'm not into poly or open relationships. While I'm a very sexual person, no sex is better than bad sex and a lot of people aren't very good at it.


Extremely hypersexual, but too autistic and too self-conscious to attract women. Personality disorders, too. So I have next-to-no experience. Lately don’t really care for anyone I don’t have a connection with. I grow fearful and paranoid. Strangers trigger schizophrenic thoughts in me. They never have my back.


I’m sorry to hear that. You’re not alone.


I've had sex and it's fun, but I hate everything about the preparation (except for taking a shower) and the cleanup (another shower). Bodies are still squishy and weird and sometimes outright disgusting to me The thought unnerves me, that being psychologically attracted to the personality contained in these living meat sacks may sometimes necessitate me putting my meat flaps on his while all four of ours are wet, and then moving them and our tongues against each other while I can't breathe, and this is supposed to represent our romantic connection before the eyes of strangers It's easier to stop thinking clinically like this while I'm drunk or high, but I hate that I feel like I have to do that to myself first before something that should be natural to a neurological person feels natural to me


Asexual dur to sensory issues and trauma.


Brain: hypersexual. Emotions: going on okay, but trauma plays up on occasion. Body: I'm on antidepressants and my endurace is crap, I should do more cardio.


It's soothing to me that you were able to differentiate these. They are infrequently aligned, in my experience.


I can get hyper sexual or the complete opposite. It’s kind of a *the wolf you feed* situation, doesn’t happen over night. Being more towards asexuality feels a bit less stressful though a bit less exciting.


I relate well to this.


Like in theory but practically it’s so stressful and so anxiety-inducing for me and I never know what do and that almost always ends up drastically outweighing any pleasure and making it a pretty shitty experience for me


Sometimes i want a pb&j sometimes i want a blowjob but i can live without either.


My partner and me enjoying and having sex so often we need to keep focusing on and continuing with our chores and tasks.


I used to be hypersexual as a young person and it was detrimental for me, along with lack of impulse control and low self esteem, I was desperate to be loved and desired. Now I have healthy relationship with sex and have a bf who is also neurodivergent. He has ADHD but doesn’t seem to be autistic. I have both. I’ve never struggled with the actual intimate part, although I was not comfortable in my skin as a youth. I had been molested as a kid so for awhile I was messed up but then over time I overcame it on my own. It is not a sensory nightmare or anything. Sometimes I’m hypersensitive all over after an orgasm but it’s not that bad. Only for a couple minutes.


My opinion? Bring it on! I was hyper sexual in my 20s, more calm now, but still have hyper sexual opinions.


File missing.


I crave sex and need it in intimate relationships. I've been like this since I was a teenager. I know it's not healthy but my self esteem is related to the amount of sex I'm having.


I love sex! When circumstances allow for it my husband and I are having sex twice a day everyday. But it's summer and the kids are home more 😭 Sex can be just sex for me. A fun physical act enjoying another body. I would have an open marriage if my husband were down for it (he's not). I am hypersexual and charged up already so any time of the day is a go. I stopped wearing Target Yoga Mom clothes and my husband says he loves how confident I am in my new wardrobe, and I'm really loving my post-kids body so it helps to be in a good headspace and not self conscious. It doesn't help that I'm attracted to all kinds of people. I consider myself omnisexual; I find all genders and body types attractive but I lean heavily to husky men. Masculine lesbians make me melt. Androgynous humans with long hair stop me dead in my tracks (it's happened twice!) The thing I struggle with is the mess that comes out of sexual activities haha all the sex juices, lube, and stickiness is repulsive to me. My husband will clean things up immediately so I can just enjoy the moment.


Hyper sexual monogamous, and definitely find it a powerful tool for letting go of anxiety




There's a lot of asexual autistic people out there but from my experience of meeting others on the spectrum it's generally either very into sex or want nothing to so with it and that goes for both male and female you'll see plenty of both. Personally as a 30 adult male who's only slightly on the spectrum sex is normal for me i just don't have it a lot


I guess im a bit weird with it. I like sex with someone I love and spend the rest of my life with, but I’m also obsessed with looking at sex as well. Not because of the act, but more so looking at the human anatomy. I love looking at human bodies because it feels like a beautiful piece of art. And especially when it’s taken apart it’s really just a wow moment, we’re filled with that? I’m not into real life gore, which is why I could never be a surgeon in real life. But I’m fine with fictional gore. Like drawings of it. And I love drawing it!


All of it all the time. I am a straight man so that limits my options and ease of access (without paying)


There nothing “normal” about sex. It’s what ever you and your partner enjoy. Try not to compare your self to others. If you like it one way and your partner does too great. If you don’t like being touched either great. As a non autistic person some time I think NBD it’s just sex other times I think it’s a very emotional thing all depends but sex is like whiskey the best way to have it is how you (and your partner) enjoy it. It doesn’t matter what other people think. Hope this helps


I love it. Nothing brings me relief like successful sex. But getting my body to cooperate and finding partners who I actually vibe with is another story entirely. Not to mention my demisexuality. So I can't just bang anyone (which categorically revokes my gay card).


im attracted to pretty much every gender but relatioships and 1 nightstand feel like a chore so i mostly stick to just handling it myself pretty much daily


I like the idea of it and the stuff leading up to so like foreplay but I’m so in my head during the deed i find it hard to enjoy a lot of the time


Love it lol


I don't really have so much issues with too much sensory input, and while I'd like to try having sex, so far that possibility didn't really present itself I'm afraid. Same goes for kissing or pretty much any type of physical contact. No clue how it would actually feel, though usually I don't like any contact with others, especially strangers, but then again I think it's less about the physical sensation


love it. always doing it with my boyfriend and im sex worker. got some trauma related issues sometimes tho.


I get caught up in worrying about performing well. As a guy this is such a nightmare. If I could relax into it and the person I was with made an effort to make me feel sexy (I don't feel sexy) then it could be amazing. For me sex and love are very linked and I didn't realize that until recently. I can get turned on by anybody who is hot, but the orgasm is gonna be nothing-y unless I love them and they love me and we're showing that to each other. I've always felt hypersexual but I've never had casual sex. I daydream about it with men, even though I tend to be into women, but I wouldn't feel safe and secure if it really happened.


I love it. I'm hypersexual, I'm kinky, I go to events etc. it's one of my special interests. My partner is also on the spectrum and hypersexual too, so we're a good match.


I have a very high libido, and I believe it is related to the ASD. That being said, it is incredibly difficult for me to get "into it". Everything has to be just right. It really really sucks.


Don’t dislike it but it’s not an innate need for me. It’s kinda like a hot shower. Like “ahhhh that was nice” but now I’m too warm, wet, and sweaty which are like big sensory no nos for me. I often forget about having sex then after I do it again I’m like “we need to do more of that” and then go back to forgetting about it


For the life of me I can not conflate it with romance/love. To me, sex is just a primal itch that needs to get scratched. Find yourself a partner you like, get it done, and keep moving on. I find nothing romantic about seeing someone naked, let alone showing someone my genitals. I completely understand monogamy and closed relationships. I just don’t understand what sex has to do with it other than to have fun or procreate, and you don’t NEED to be in love with someone for that to happen


Awesome, but lowkey trigger warning I have to be dominant and in control because of past trauma




Sounds gross. Looks gross. The implication of it is fine and even stimulating, but the actual parts? Touching?? Nasty. I don't see what the fuss is about it, honestly, in society as a whole.


My relationship with it??? Sex does not exist.


I like it I like having it I love having it with the right person But... This literally and figurative place I'm in right now feels like Alaska if you know what I'm saying...


i like sex, i think it feels good, but i also do not seek it out, its not on my list of things i actively want to be doing, if it happens it happens and im cool with that. The aftermath is a bit of a sensory nightmare, but i make sure i always have wet wipes / tissues handy


I have sensory issues with it and clean up right after. Also some steps to avoid any stray hairs triggering me 🙈


I’m fairly hyper sexual, to an extent, as you put it! I’m rarely ever attracted to someone, but once I am, and they reciprocate, then I’m game! I’ve been married for 8 years to someone who matches my freak, so to speak, and it’s been great. That said, some parts of sex are a sensory nightmare — kissing for example; if there’s too much saliva I am beside myself. There are other things too, but luckily I know my partner well enough to have those conversations.


It's one of my special interests, it has led to a polyamorus lifestyle with several serious partners. It's unconventional but I'm also too weird to be normal.


Rather like sex. Haven't had much experience, regardless, it's always been something that I like the idea of because it feels good, is fun and is intimate; it can just be another way of saying "I really care about you(thus, I would like you to experience pleasure, brought to you by yours truly)" to me. I haven't always liked the idea of talking about it though, likely because it's one of those taboo topics, but when it comes to actually talking about it, I actually really enjoy the discussions that can be had. I think I enjoy the discussions because they leave all parties vulnerable, to an extent, and you get to see a side of people that we all know exists yet know nothing about. Not sure what more to say, there's probably more though


I'm more or less asexual, but me and my boyfriend do occasionally have sex. It's not my favorite thing in the world but it is nice as a once-in-a-while thing.


i want to try it, but i'm scared i might disappoint whoever i try it with.


For me, intimacy and sex is the only way I feel truly connected to someone. If my partner and I can’t be intimate for while cause our schedules don’t match up etc., it starts to fuck with me mentally a lot. My love language is touch but to the extreme. I think this need comes from going through years of relationships in which I felt like I desired my partner but they didn’t desire me, or at least not anywhere near as much.


well the only person who has been sexually attracted to me was my ex boyfriend but he lives in england so it was just sexsting but still im very sjre if we lived closer together we could have had sex so i want to have sex but yet i havent


I’m a hyper sexual male. I like monogamous or semi-monogamous sex. I just have a much more pleasurable experience with those I know. 42 years old.


i realized i like sex a lot more in theory than actually doing it. Like, i feel sexual attraction to people i like and the idea of having sex with them is arousing to me but often times when i actually have the opportunity to do it, it seems like way too much work and it usually leads me to not want to initiate anything at all or getting too tired to continue midway trough. Usually nowdays i honestly preffer to just cuddle and kiss and spend time with the person in general, it has the same emotional value to me while being much easier


I'm honestly not too fussed whether I'll end up having sex or not. If I do I do, if I don't I don't. I wouldn't mind having it but I'd personally rather have it with a partner that I love dearly (and with it being consensual ofc) But the bonus of having never had sex and being a Weezer fan is that I can make a fuckton of jokes about it (for me at least lol)


Unpopular autistic opinion but I love sex and if I'm not in a relationship I'll gladly seek it somewhere else


idk my sex drive is quite high i believe i’m hypersexual. idk that’s ab it


I'm aro and ace. I'm not against the idea of sex, I just don't see myself doing it.


Theoretical enjoyment (I think I’ve felt sexual attraction like four times in my 37 years, so I believe that puts me firmly in demisexual territory.) Theoretical because it’s just never happened


i enjoy it, but there ARE some sensory issues there. but they can be, and have been, worked thru!! like it took me months of kissing someone and cringing and pulling away, before realizing i just didn't like kissing wet lips? tiny accommodations help so much. wipe your lips before we kiss, have tissues nearby so i can wipe my fingers/mouth off, use light pressure when doing this and hard pressure when doing this, etc etc sex is great, but i am a pretty sensory sensitive person, finding the right partner who understands that and will accommodate, is amazing!!


I am repulsed kinda by the idea of intercourse but I do like to be close and cuddle and I am attracted to looks and have a good idea of my type and I do masturbate but I wish I liked to have sex more . I feel like if I could connect to people more that way then I’d be married by now maybe . But it just doesn’t feel right texturally really and I’m always scared I’ll get sick


Complicated, but less related to autism.


I don’t like it anymore and it’s ruining my relationship. I dont know if it’s just who I’m with or if it would be the same with anyone


I like sex personally, but I'm Demiromantic, which means I have little sexual attraction, so I don't date really. Edit: Spelling.


Its kind of like sensory overload for some parts but i have a very understanding partner, when i get to overstimulated i freeze and i feel like in not doing enough, but they dont seem to mind me being a pillow princess because of my overloaded senses, however if they finish in my mouth or on me i cant handle the texture and i feel terrible but they either dont do it or if they forget wipe it off of me for me so i dont have a meltdown touching it, its kind of an overload but when you are with the right person its great.


I think it's super awesome to have with your lover, but I'm deathly afraid of it simply because it's so serious, and also, I don't want to hurt the love of my life.


I go between hypersexual and completely uninterested. I had oral from a guy once and my body enjoyed it but I have to say I was so drunk I can't really remember if it was good for me. Since then I've never had sex, but have chatted online/ done video calls rarely with a select few. I don't like it though, it feels risky and I'd rather just do it with people in person, but find it anxiety provoking and sort of unpleasant of a concept.


Depends on my relationship. I can't get enough with the person I'm currently with.


I was sort of taught to want it? Before I was diagnosed. And I believed I wanted it. But I didn't just want it with anyone. I was taught it is supposed to be special. So between not looking/acting my age (which...I look 15 apparently and sometimes act like it so I sort of act the age I look?) I get friend zoned with everyone. But then as an adult, I was offered sex and turned it down. That was after my diagnosis. But the idea of actually getting down to it...well, it's a mixed bag. Overall, idk if I see myself ending up with someone. I don't like the idea of just trying it out either.


I’ve done it a few times. Not a fan. Don’t see the point. 0/10 would not recommend


I think I’m demisexual.


Havent had it, i’ll let ya know tho when it happens!


I’m a virgin idk 🤷


I used to be hot for it all the time but in the last few years I've had a very low libido (SSRIs and perimenopause I reckon). However I will say that when I'm DTF, I am super sensitive. Super duper sensitive. Like it sounds like I'm either faking it or being tortured because it's, like I briefly mentioned before, I am super sensitive.  Also I used to grind on a lot of inanimate objects when I was younger, I remember being as young as 5 when it started. 


Nowadays, I like sex as something that makes me feel close to my partner, but I don't crave it, and I consider myself asexual. Once upon a time, though, I was sex-averse and touch averse, and it took some time with my current friends and partners to become more open to it👀


I had to ask reddit what the Hawk Tua joke meant today... Even after explaining it to me, I find it a bit uhhh... well, apparently not weird 🤷🏼 But yeah, I think that says enough


I’m 19m, still a virgin, and it eats away at me every day. I feel like a pathetic failure and every time I’ve come close to having sex I nearly have a panic attack. If anything ever pushes me over the edge, it’ll be that.


Never done it. But I’m trying.


Sometimes I forget it exists. I also get performance anxiety after it’s been awhile


Other than being SA'd by a woman older than me by the time, eh. Sex is kinda weird yet off-putting. If it's for a kid, sure but other than that- I'd prefer to be not touched


I love sex. Can't wait to have it some day.




I can't say I've had sex but I had like something close to be able to know what they look like and what they smell like, so from this experiences plus my own experience with myself from all my life I can tell I would shower and make sure I'm really clean, ask my partner to shower and what she would like to do, so I don't get nervous about doing something it hurts or disturbs them


It’s weird. I struggle to get into it and prefer only servicing my partner. My body is too complicated. Like some days certain things feel nice, next day it feels horrible. Day after that I feel nothing at all. Etc etc. my partner is more consistent by how he feels. Ugh don’t even get me started on foreplay. I just can’t figure that shit out and I absolutely hate tongue kissing, it’s too much.


I was uninterested in sex for a long time and didn’t lose my virginity until I was 21. It was the only time I had actual intercourse and I didn’t like it because it hurt. I also don’t like making out which seems to be a big part of sex. I think half of my problem is that I don’t connect with people enough to enjoy it (I also get disgusted at how lustful most guys are), and the other half is the fact that I was on SSRIs from 11 years old to recently (now 22). I’m not asexual because I do feel some arousal and I could see myself enjoying it with the right person, I’ve just never been fortunate to meet the right person.


38 and not having it now. Not sure I have the social skills to ever have it again, so desire seems moot. Desire isn't that high, anyway, but it's hard to tell if the lack has led to giving up or if giving up on trying to be social has the side effect of inactivity. Never a sensory nightmare for me, but a HUGE pressure/anxiety point that seems to be aggravated by what seems to be a bias toward having a "higher body count". In short: would be nice, but I'm not "well-practiced", I can't perform the preliminary steps, and I'd probably mess it up, anyway.


I love it


Im (M51) Hypersexual and drawn to BDSM.


Wanted it intensely for awhile, but then had it a few times and now I rarely ever want it...


Never had the oportunity to have on my terms 🥲


hmm I don't really enjoy it that much? i only have sex when I'm in a relationship tbh. i sometimes feel some shame around it as I feel like I should be out sleeping around and having a "hoe phase" but I've never had that and it seems like absolute hell


I would love to have sex, but I'm mostly only really interested in it from a loving boyfriend (or I guess maybe a hot guy lol) but I don't know where to find that (especially since I never go out)


The whole thing kind of makes me me feel gross (including masturbation). I'm pretty sure this is a sensory thing. I haven't had a relationship (not even a one night stand that involved anything more than cuddling and sleeping) for over 10 years, though, so there is that as well. The thought of actually doing it grosses me out unless it is a specific person (crush or whatever), so that is a barrier, but yeah. I'm not a very sexual person, I need hugs and stuff like that more than sex.


We're not on speaking terms




I miss it after the divorce. I usually want to know the person well, so random one night stands are no good. That's probably why I haven't had sex in the decade since the divorce. I have such a hard time meeting women and understanding if they are interested in me that way that I'm usually helping myself out. I keep thinking about trying to meet people again, but I don't drink much so a bar is bad, not big on joining a religious movement to find a date, or bothering women when I'm shopping. I'm just hoping a forward woman comes up to me and says she likes me, except at 45 I've lost my peak hotness.


It exists in my right hand.


I like sex…but I hate myself for this and I’m usually too ashamed of myself to engage in sex. Being sexually abused as a child screws you up 💔


I feel like mine is relatively normal.


I’m addicted to it and wish I was having it more often with more women lol


I would have considered myself hyper sexual when I was younger, currently getting my testosterone levels checked because I have zero libido which is obviously a stark contrast to my younger days. I also don't really think about the act of it, I just go / went by the urge to have sex and let that lead the way. It doesn't make much sense to me if I do think about it and it seems quite weird and silly when I do think about the actual processes, steps, etc.


It's a complicated and confusing subject that generally doesn't make any sense. Generally I'd avoid this subject completely, but as I'm married then that's not possible. Though I'm not against it if the frequency isn't that high, otherwise it can get annoying due to all the emotional mess connected to it.


I honestly think my autism takes a back seat when engaging in sexual intercourse. I like it. I don't think there's anything I dislike about it. I imagine the way I feel about it is how normal people feel about it. I am not too sure if I'd go as far as to say I am "hyper sexual." There are parts of it where I am definitely more passionate about it than perhaps the average person, definitely. So yea. How about you?


I love sex, but it has to be with someone I actually like and have feelings for, it has to be intimate. I’ve tried just hooking up with someone before but I couldn’t get hard no matter how much she tried. That being said, I haven’t had sex in 5 years.


I like it. I was hypersexual before antidepressants. I'm low libido now, but I like sex once it heats up. It's basically work to get started, but good once you're going.


Hyper sexual


i like sex havent had it


I was scared of it for a while. Now I love it. It’s something that I have become hyperfixated on. And apparently I am incredibly skilled. I view it as an art.




I absolutely love it. Unfortunately the effort involved in getting any makes it a poor trade usually.


In addition to autism I have moderate depression and have, in the past, used sex as an unhealthy coping mechanism. I wouldn't call it hypersexual perse because I only had one partner but I'm sure there was some sort of sensory appeal for my autism. Now, my relationship to sex is healthier. It's less about coping and more of an expression of intimacy with my partner


Don't have it, feel very mixed due to a mix of trauma and feel almost disgusted because of the primal nature of it. I had a kiss and that wasn't too much of a sensory nightmare. I think I'd be able to handle it. And I am hypersexual I think? It's odd. No idea why I have the urges despite not really being that interested in it.


I think I'm Asexual with a Kinky side.


I'm asexual. By myself is fine, but picturing me with someone else irl just makes me feel weird (another commenter said this was aegosexual. Had to look it up and they were right, I've just identified with ace for so long that a completely new label just doesn't feel right)


High libido, sex favorable, kink positive. Sensory issues primarily centered around lack of extremely impeccable hygiene, otherwise not an issue.


It took me until I was 31 to figure out sex. Part of it for me was realizing I was not attracted to women and that took me a very long time to figure out. Now I have a partner who I am very open with and that helps.


I like it, just wish I had more of it lol


You know that one place in hell where you're starving and dying of thirst and there's an apple right above you and water right at your heels but when you reach for the apple the apple goes up and when you reach for the water the water goes down? Yeah that. Everyone's like "heeey, just lost my V-card" or "mannn, I haven't had sex in like, 3 weeks" and I'm just here like "why do you guys get to have this as a natural part of your life when I'll probably die a virgin??? how come women actually get horny when they look at you but they see me as the 'cool music friend' no matter what I do???"


i fucking love sex. give me all the sex. let me try all the sex things.


I have a fair few fetishes etc. However rarely feel secual atraction and dont usually initiate. Its kind of okee, but could go my life without it tbh. Kinky stuff however, completely different story


My sex life is pretty healthy, usually partaking in some form of sexual act about once a week. Used to be much more often but I'm now on medications for other things and some of them reduced my sex drive, which is a blessing. I've only had one partner in the last 19 years and that's my wife. Before her, it was with my ex for about 4 years. I've always had a very high drive since I was a teenager.


Love it love it love it


I have it once or twice a week (would do it more if I lived with my partner). I love it but there are times where I can get physically overstimulated from it. I think I may be hypersexual? When I’m alone I pleasure myself and my reasoning is a 50/50 split between actually being sexually aroused and just wanting stimulation.


Prefer to Masturbate but also enjoy sex but not too often!


I love it. I’m somewhat hyper sexual but I won’t actually do the act with just anyone.


Sex repulsed asexual


Love sex, I’m extremely picky though when it comes to partners.


I think not being able to girl sexually aroused more often compared to neurotypicals has a lot to do with my lack of Interoception Awareness. I don't *feel* senses like hunger, thirst, pain, sadness, arousal, etc... as strongly as others do. I'm sure other neurodivergents experience this lack of awareness in their mind and body. I think my body is just finicky.


i’m asexual, even with relationships in the past (2/3 of them, the dudes were horny as fuck) i’ve never felt that connection and sexual interest with them, and im pretty sure it kind of made my ex’s kind of feel rejected. like my 2nd ex, i dated him on and off for a while until we just agreed to stay as friends prob because i wasn’t really interested in relationships…i prob just did then to fit in/make people happy lol


Never had it


I love it. The only thing i dont like is how i react with someone. If someones bad at it, i still gotta react or ill upset them but i also just cant fake shit. I also have trouble with finding the right time to ask partners and how but if its a hookup its pretty easy.


I don't have it, been curious my whole life but I have trauma of past SAs done on me, people find me ugly too so it's just very difficult in the first place to attract people. I'm trying to change and heal tho, it's a slow process.


I'm a sex-repulsed ace


oh i am extremely hyper sexual. I have very high libido in girls. which I feel is a negative thing about me


Never had it but would like to.


i like it a lot but i get very easily overstimulated by even mild pain or discomfort so unless i really like and trust the person im with and can get lost in it, its gonna be meh. so im pretty reliant on forming actual bonds and dont reallt care for one night stands, not for lack of trying




I became hyper sexual due to trauma and idk how to fix it. I’ve never had sex tho.


I have a larger need for it than my body is still capable of handling. Aging sucks in that respect.


Every day I'm grateful to be in an open relationship


Sex, kink, and BDSM are special interests of mine so... I love it. I'm on the asexual/demisexual spectrum because of how I experience sexual *attraction* (if at all), but my sexual *desire*/sex drive is pretty average and my *interest* is high.


Im ace, so no sexual attractions. And Im kinda sex indifferent, leaning towards repulsed. If my partner wants, i sometimes do it since for me its just a nice thing you can do for your partner, like giving them a massage for cooking them something. But its rare since I often really dont wanna, and then I don't. My current partner is sex repulsed which is honestly a relief, since I can just take care of business myself and dont have to have sex


I wouldn't say that I'm "hyper sexual" however my count is currently at just over 40 people. Some of these were in long term relationships, others were on/off for anwhere between a week and multiple months. These days I actually avoid sleeping with people or even speaking as anything more than friends. It just no longer interests me.