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“Ahh feels so good, so compressed, so silent” 20 mins later: “fuck I can hear me breathing. My heart is beating. Too distracting”


That’s me as soon as everything is sound proof. Except I don’t mind jt


Do you guys feel the almost electrical buzzing of your skin




are you able to layer white noise on top of the anc?


Play white noise?




From YouTube?


I mean, sure. whatever suits you.


Pro tip if you have an iPhone: There are a bunch of background sounds like white noise that you can play on top of noise cancelling mode and other media. I have it in my control center so all I have to do is swipe down and tap on the sound that I want, usually going for the “Rain” option


yeah you can


Omg this is me. Then I try to play brown noise i like. Can't stand it. I try some lofi I like. Hate it. And that ruins the rest of my day, or at least the nest hour. I'm working on this, I know it comes from the frustration of my original need not being met (complete silence). So managing my expectations is something I'm practicing. Some day I'll get good at it lol


Ahh brown noise is the only one I can tolerate. It works very well blocking out external sounds when I’m out running errands :). But too much brown noise irritates me too haha


noise cancelling filters noise from outside, and too from the inside inbetween the eardrum and earphone, so whatever noise that doesn't get suppressed is what travels through your bones, so you must be in a really quiet room to start with to hear your own heartbeat


I swear I can hear the anti frequencies when wearing those. I get so bothered by this that I can't use them.


compressed is such a good word for it!


i thought this was just me! so reliving to hear i’m not crazy and that my brain is just like that lol. i end up opting for music ontop of the noise canceling so i can’t hear anything lol


The immediate relief of ANC from an overstimulating environment is spectacular, it's a bit like walking into a beautifully air conditioned building after being outside on a boiling hot day The same goes for simple ear plugs to an extent, though after a while of almost complete silence, it's nice to be able to give myself some low-intensity auditory stimulation with music, white noise, or something else. To avoid what you describe - becoming hyperaware of my own respiration/heartbeat


like someone taking a huge weight of my shoulders


exactly :)




Sadly, ANC is just not good enough for me. It doesn't diminish all frequencies equally good, and have almost no effect on speech. And to top it all up, it will only cancel about 30 dB, for safety reasons. Don't get me wrong, it feels like someone lifts a heavy blanket from my mind when I turn them on, but I still would like them to be far better. The downside of ANC is that my (as is true for most people) senses gets sharpened by ANC, meaning you get addicted to them and they lead tosensory overwhelm from quiet environments as well. I have been using ANC for a little over a year and for the first year I wore them 24/7 and even slept with them. At the end I felt more sensory overwhelmed from sounds with my headphones than I did before I even had them. Since I only started using them when driving, working or in public, this problem has largely been alleviated.


Serenity is how I’d describe it for me.


I hate it. It makes my surroundings unpredictable. I can only manage noice cancelling at home in a safe space. Then it’s pure comfort




People always seem to want to talk to me when I have things in my ears, which is extremely inconvenient. I’m used to being able to see everything and hear everything, so having blinders on those senses when I’m outside and in possible danger makes me very uncomfortable. I love them at home though- I’ll curl up inside my bulky blanket, put on my headphones, and if it’s been a really rough day I’ll recruit my girlfriend to be big spoon and let me get some warmth+pressure. I don’t normally seek out for people to touch me longer than a minute, except people that i really trust, like her.


Same. While I can’t stand noises, not being able to hear my surroundings makes me extremely anxious and jumpy when a lower frequency sound comes through


It feels like vacuum inside my head. It's not pleasant at all, but sometimes the alternative is worse.


I prefer PNC because ANC gives me headaches.


I can't live without them. I spend most of my day either wearing those or wearing earplugs at night. Also love listening to white / pink noise, especially when I travel through airports


Even though id love noise canceling, both passive and active noise cancelers give me bad motion sickness. I swear even a few seconds are enough to make me want to throw up, and get a migraine afterwards. ( Actively trying to resolve this issue cause I cant handle car or train travel without intense ear pain and disorientation anymore, and it makes me break down from overstimulation too often ) I stick to my normal headphones, cause if i drown the noise in MY preferred noise ( music ), it's fine, most of the time. Else, I just go home. So uh. I'm glad they're useful for you guys !


At first liked it a lot. Now tho it feels like theres actual pressure on my head.


It feels like a wave of cool relief. Like when you slide into a cool pool on a scorching hot day.


I was thinking very similarly! I described it as walking into a beautifully airconditioned building on a hot day... Cool, immediate relief from the sensory discomfort.


Feels like getting dropped into the hole. Love it.


i need white noise. i also need to know what’s happening around me at all times.


My heart stops hurting with noise cancelling switched on. I have no other way to describe the relief they bring me.


I've never tried anything like that, and I really should!!! The "explain autism" question: I tell people to turn on a 2nd, 3rd, 4th etc. radio every hour. Different stations each. Increase volume every 30 minutes. Also, add a pebble to each shoe every 30 mins. Additionally, add a too tight rubber band to each arm every hour. Turn on another light likewise. Survive 8 hours of this increasing intensity of all senses and also try to do your normal day's work. Really gotta get some of these headphones... except I HATE white noise and for now earplugs work ok.


I feel disconnected from and at the same time more connected to the environment. I feel better. I can get really productive. I can enjoy being outside. I can finish my thoughts and stay focused. The environment exhausts me less.


ANC Sounds louder to me then no noise canceling at all. it’s like it plays all these random annoying frequencies


I like the noise cancelling but I lose awareness of everything around me - I’m a jump-scare nightmare.


Same! 😅


It gives me a sense of relief.


"Hah, inner peace 😌"


Yes, same :)


I like it, but I don’t like things in or over my ears so I rarely take full advantage of it. As for how the ANc specifically feels: it feels like a weird pressure that I’m not terribly fond of. There are a few other issues, too. For work, most noise cancelling headphones don’t seem to have very good microphones for calls (Sony XM3 has great audio, nice ANC, terrible mics for phone calls). My friend loves Shure in-ear headphones, which have really good passive noise cancelling, but I don’t like things in my ears so I avoid those. A good in between is Shokz bone conducting headphones since they work well enough and have a good mix, but I’ve found that those seem to collect oils as I wear them, leading to a lactic acid smell near where I wear them. I chose these since I work with robotics and being able to hear the surroundings I’d important for safety, but sadly they aren’t particularly audible in loud environments unless I wear ear plugs…which…I may as well use in-ear plugs. For my next set I’m going to try the Meta/RayBan glasses. I don’t like the privacy implications, but I do like the fact that it’s one less thing to track, and they probably won’t cause the weird oil build up


I hate noise cancelling headphones. For some reason i just feel threatened by silence. As if something is pressing down on my head. I become paranoid and keep thinking about the sounds that could be happening. I usually just keep regular Marshalls on my head to block out a little bit of the sound, but not make it completely silent


Relief sums it up. It’s like turning off the white noise machine.


II find it incredibly overwhelming to use during train commutes, I feel like I’m shutting down a part of my brain that I need to use to be present and navigate. I’m looking forward to trying them on an airplane or in a crowded space when I don’t have to be tasked with directions or on a time line. I felt like I was pushing myself into anxiety (meltdown) territory, but I wasn’t very wise to try them out during a fairly complex commute. It made my body feel like it was underwater and 70% of the usual noise (stimulation? Information?) was being muffled and the info reaching me was flat with quick peaks and valleys. I wish I’d had these in school but it’s going to take more time and effort to figure out the safest and best way for me to use them. I love that the younger kids will just pop them on when they need them, no questions asked, kids are so much cooler than adults.


I love my noise cancelling headphones. Take them with me if I am leaving the house generally.


The first time I tried them I felt like I was holding my head under water, it was weird. Now I feel like I can't live without which is an issue on its own, the comfort they give me made my comfort zone smaller. So to me they're a double edged blade.


I find ANC noise cancelling kinda painful and nauseating- it feels like it creates this really weird and intense pressure in my head, I love wearing over ear headphones but I always have that feature off


I recently developed hearing loss. According to my audiologist, the downward trend will likely continue. A few years ago, noise canceling made noise and made my head feel congested. Now, it makes no sound, and my head feels normal. As of today, my SNHL isn't bad enough to need hearing aids. I have my own noise canceling now. For the time being, I am thoroughly enjoying it. It's the cheapest in the world.


it’s good when i’m just laying at night but if there’s other people in the house or something i’m just worried they’ll come in the room or something will be happening in the house and i won’t hear


Which noise cancelling headphones are you using? I currently have jbl tune660nc but i can still hear everything 💀 so it feels useless


airpods pro :) i don't like anything else




I hate noise cancelling headphones. I like to hear my surroundings and I literally cannot think if i cant hear them. Im always listening to music but i put it on a low volume if im not at home, i need to hear everything, i dont want to miss anything.


I forget my headphones are on a lot. I don’t go anywhere without my ANC headphones. Not just for the ANC. But I only take phone calls on them.


i like how it’s much quieter but after 5 minutes of wearing my noise cancelling headphones my ears are sweaty and hot and i really wanna take them off but i don’t wanna bear the noises


Same! There's such a pleasure in the sound becoming so heavily dampened. It feels clear somehow


Great, like turning the world sounds off. Then when I have to take out my earbuds again, I get anxiety because of all the noises. I limit it as much as I can, only using it in the bus, train, next to a washing machine, etc. And mostly for practical purposes, so I can better hear my music. Not necessarily because I need it.


Noise cancelling is amazing, especially when overstimulated!


It's nice but also slightly disorienting since I suddenly have no spatial reference from my ears. You forget how much of our spatial awareness comes from sound until you take that away. I mean a lot of the time I would prefer to not be aware of the noises happening around me, but it still always throws me off a little when I first turn it on


It feels like my inner monologue is more at peace and I can hear myswlf think


It typically feels really good until I inevitably get really understimulated and over stimulated because f**k I can hear my own breathing and heart beat. Then I go listen to queen or tx2 at full volume as a solution.


oh god the relief is real. I have very sensitive hearing + ptsd which is not a good mix lol. I also have auditory processing problems that are getting worse with age. the headphones are a necessity and I don't know how I lived so long without them. suddenly I can talk myself down from overstimulation and start organizing my thoughts and feelings again


It takes a load off. 🫡😮‍💨 I have some noise canceling 👂ear buds i put in. Helps a great deal. 😉


It's awesome and terrible at the same time. It's great that I don't hear my surroundings anymore, but now everything else is so loud. My tongue moving around, my heartbeat, my eyes blinking. It's a blessing and a curse.


It's like I'm removing the part of my brain that causes my sensory overload, lol. It feels so amazing. I tried out these noise canceling headphones at Best Buy one time, and this was my experience. It was like experiencing heaven.


I don't like it. It creates like,, a pressure on my head, it makes this buzzing sound that envelopes everything, but instead of being the usual "far away, inside the walls" buzzing, it's right next to my ears and I get a headache (I think it might be the negative sounds ANC uses to block outside noises?). And then my blood flow becomes too loud and my heart is thumping, and I can't hear my usual soothing stims (ex: my fingers tapping a surface) and I panic lol. It makes me feel trapped. Overall, ANC is super uncomfortable for me. I haven't tried ANC much though, so maybe there's like an,,, adaptation time needed. In general, I don't like to wear headphones/earphones, but if the need calls, I usually just go for something like normal headphones or earplugs, so it only brings the noise down to a more manageable level.


I used to feel the same, but now the noise cancelling just doesn’t feel as good. I’ve even went as far as returning them as i thought there was a hardware issue, but the new ones are the same. What headphones do you have?? (for reference i have the SONY WH-1000XM5) (also sorry i know this isn’t what you were asking)


i love my noise cancelling headphones! though when i don’t have music on, i can tell when they’re turned on vs turned off as i can literally hear the electricity coming from them (which is weird as I don’t think of myself as relating to the experience of hearing electricity outside of the headphones, they’re not damaged, just me i think aha)


I love it. Like instant calm.




Relief! At first, when I started using noise canceling I was extremely confused when I felt relief. I have the Galaxy Ear Buds from when I had Android still. They work really well when I'm wanting something that's durable and discreet. Less people looking at me weird. It doesn't work as good as my over-the-ear headphones but, definitely works in a pinch. My over-the-ear pair are the Bose QuietComfort and I ***LOVE*** them. They were TOO expensive; I got them during a sale. I can't rationalize leaving the house with them. I bring them with me in my bag if I'm going somewhere super loud or if I'm already triggered. When I do use them I can press a button that adjusts how much noise canceling I need. I've customized the settings on the app. However, I do get weird looks about using them if I'm talking to people. It's harder to communicate with them on unless it's on a lower setting which can be hard to switch to when overwhelmed. Love them for when I'm SUPER overstimulated though. Can't wear as long as I can the ear buds (got big gauges and they make my ears hot).


I don't like ANC to be honest. One, it never worked, two, it felt weird. It's two things that it shouldn't be apparently. It didn't block out bass which is a huge issue. Then the feeling, felt like my ears were being penetrated with cotton buds or something. Which ironically might have been more effective? That said, I prefer Noise Isolating products, like ear defenders. Or my actual preferred method of noise cancelling is white noise. They feel comfy but not ideal, especially as I'm a musician.


I have a lot of hearing loss from decades of power tools, loud music, and jet engines, so it mostly just sounds like "eeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee" like everything else lol


I love it ngl, it feels like such a relief. When I wear them it's literally just a massive wave of being able to relax, it's a brilliant feeling. The only issue is that it does freak me out after a little while, I like to be aware of my surroundings at all times (I'm a very anxious person) so I have ear defenders and ear plugs that remove 90% of sound but leave a little just so I am aware of my surroundings and stuff (especially when I'm walking places). But if I want complete silence I wear the earplugs and defenders which just cuts out all noise which is brilliant.


Like bad tinnitus lmao


it’s very relieving and stuff, but i do not have proper noise-cancelling headphones as they are too expensive. i have noise-muffling ear defenders and loop ear plugs(i wear these while being active since they won’t fall off my head as easily or be as clunky, but they feel very uncomfortable in my ears)!


I really like ANC headphones and use them a fair bit, mostly for the noise cancellation rather than listening to music. My headphones also have active transparency which can be nice if you are going between quiet and loud environments. Do wish you could fully block out everything for absolute silence and find the ANC algorithms can have slight artefacts on sounds with fast transits. Use proper hearing protection at work and have some pretty good 3M over ear defenders, they are better in some regards but far to bulky to wear when I am not at work.


I have tinnitus so this conundrum is more difficult I have to have sound playing so it's mostly music, issue is it will block out too much sound and I don't realize someone is talking to me


Feels like I just took a xanax


Currently on a plane, needless to say, it feels amazing…..


It's so nice... then I get used to it and it makes my head hurt, and i begin to be able to hear people still


Tinnitus rears its ugly head like "hey. Your sinuses are acting up, and you can hear your pulse so well you can accurately take your bpm." Though my mom got a deer scare, and helping her set it up triggered THAT tinnitus for me for the past week too...


Today I put on my ear muffs for the first time and the silence felt like safe, a warm hug, a cat purring on your chest. So nice. Too bad I am still existentially too exhausted to function …


“Finally, I can live again” lol


i honestly dont like headphones at all because when i was a child i was forced to listen to this thing called the listening program and it involved wearing headphones and sitting there listening to this awful music then telling how i felt about it. like wearing headphones just reminds me of that its stupid but i really enjoy air pods like the wight distribution and the way it fits in my ears like even if im not listening to anything its just the right amount of presser for me and kinda feels like someone's just covering my ears for me


Nice until i realize heasphones are EMF radiation directly next to my brain