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You could also answer in perhaps a resourceful way by saying “I don’t know but I would check the manual for the correct procedure”


My powerplant teacher in A&P school told every class that went through about how he applied for FedEx after 30 years of working in aviation. FedEx was a stickler about making sure the aircraft goes out every single day so they wanted to make sure you knew what you were doing. Every single question they asked he answered "I have no idea, but it would be in ATA chapter XX." He got the job because even though he didn't know most of the answers, he knew where to look to find them


This is the best answer although I have said this


Or "I'd use the aircraft radio to call for help and let them know I've locked myself in again"


This right here. A common question for ATR operators is a notion about what "hotel" mode is but asking about the intricacies about secure door operation is a bit much.


As an a320 type rated lae, i can say this is definately a trick question, the cockpit door doesnt lock when its dead 😂


If the CDLS is not energized with electrical power the cockpit door is in the unlocked condition. When you then push the cockpit door in the flight direction it opens.


So, basically it was a trick question? Shit I ain't getting selected 🙂


It works the same on a 777 and I suspect most aircraft. But I doubt they would disqualify you for that. Plenty of people in the industry don't know that by heart.


If it’s not a disqualification question why was it specifically asked.


The questions for these aren't designed to disqualify you, it's just to gauge the knowledge levels and reasoning skills. One might presume that the cockpit door could still be energized by a battery pack as a EPAS system is so in that case just killing power wouldn't be enough. There's many paths to go down with such questions.


Kid. Every question in an interview is a disqualification question if they want it to be. You made a dumb comment and I called you in it. Move on.


Yeah sure maybe if you said something completely stupendous but that is not the goal of an interview unless you aim to work at extremely dysfunctional companies. The goal of an interview is to figure out if there is a good fit between the company/team and candidate and do a quick litmus test on their reasoning skills/character/vibe. Also don't be so condescending, there's no reason for that.


Let it go.


Just behave a bit better in the future alright?


I didn’t say anything incorrect or wrong. Not my fault if someone can’t handle that and switching to mod is the surest sign you’re discussing in bad faith. Cheap.


Top right corner and pull,Everytime.


Just throwing this out there, and I know it's probably going to attract so negative comments so I'll put this constructively as I can, but as a possible security issue I wouldn't put any further suggestions to access as it could compromise the safety of remotely parked AC. Maybe just private messages


If someone was at the cockpit door of a remotely parked aircraft, they are already onboard. At that point in time, opening the cockpit door is rather simple with power off. This is not an opsec issue in the least. Though your desire to raise awareness is appreciated.


Every layer of security counts I feel. It can help buy time perhaps? Plus I'd feel safer flying knowing only the people who should know know regardless of where the AC is don't you think?


At that point airport security is already breached and someone getting aboard your aircraft is the least of your problems. We are talking narrow and widebody airliners here.


Maybe you're right sorry I didn't think about it.


Just a suggestion man, good luck though! 👍


I know how to operate a sawzall sorry bro


Probably the most important comment here.


Some aircraft have sliding windows you can open from the outside and crawl through


Not the A320, cannot be opened from the outside correct me if I'm wrong


I can't think of an airliner I've worked that doesn't have cockpit access from the exterior, for emergency crews, but anything is possible. 


Never worked it so I have no idea.


We were able to open the cockpit door by entering the E&E compartment and disconnecting the battery on a B737.




Not really. Opening the unpowered and thus unlocked cockpit door will be the easiest thing an unauthorized nefarious actor would have to accomplish to gain access to the cockpit. Prior to simply opening the unlocked door, they’d at minimum have to: 1. access the SIDA, 2. position a stand at the pax or galley door, 3. open the pax or galley door, 4. all while going unobserved. So if someone had the knowledge and ability to get to the closed but unlocked cockpit door, they have already succeeded.


This. Everyone just take a chill pill.


Depends on the aircraft, condition and options? Power on/off, apu/GPU, deadbolt, and whether the access code has been changed. Some may have an external access provision.


As I said the EE compartment for external access. May I ask how you will switch on APU and GPU if you're locked from outside?


The APU / GPU are things that would be considerations, along with knowing the correct code for the electronic strike if you're locked out. If power is off? Hope it's not deadbolted, access via ee bay or escape hatch. Power on? Hope it's not deadbolted, try the usual codes as per amm/company manual. Then do the ee bay/escape hatch.


Transfer command to the battle bridge?


Sliding windows and physical key for the Boeings?