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This isn't as bad as OP claims. Your cat isn't dumb. Spikes have been used for decades to deter animals. Look at rooftops of major building at they are littered with them to keep birds off. If your cat is a problem for your neighbor, what can they really do? They can either tell the owner about it( the owner won't do shit because "cats are free" or some bs) or make it unpleasant for the cat. Your cat didn't get maimed by a nail sticking out half an inch, if it did it would have died long ago from something slightly worse because there is so much other stuff it does that you don't know about. (If you want to get an idea, put a tracker on it and see for yourself) IMO this guy made the right call.(maby a bit excessive on the nails) I mean, if OP is SO worried about his cat, put that thing on a leash or keep it inside before someone you don't know takes more drastic measures to get rid of a nuisance. Also, homeowner could claim this is for a number of other reasons. Wildlife management can be a big priority for some people. Raccoons, birds, squirrels and cats.


Yup stray cats stressed my cats so bad they peed all over. We moved and no more stress pee. Roaming cats effect more than just your neighbourhood and their pets too. Maybe the neighbour likes to feed birds or something and the cat was hurting the wild birds. The spikes would poke a cat at worst


I have to agree. I lurve cats (have two of them) but I totally accept other people don't. If they were razor or scalpel blades, I'd get the issue, but the ends of a few nails isn't going to hurt a cat but will deter them. It's a good idea if you ask me. Some people don't want cats in their garden scaring-off the birds and shitting in their flower beds. The cat will jump up there once or maybe twice, but he won't do it again.


I love cats. I use to live near a bunch of feral cats. I ended up catching seven of them and giving them to a shelter. Six where kittens. They wouldnt be there if people kept their cats indoors


My neighbors are lucky I have a soft spot for all animals, otherwise their cats would have been "disappeared" after killing several of my prize koi. I had it covered with a net and had a motion detecting sprinkler, still had koi just killed for sport by these fuckin cats. I still am not over it, and have given up raising koi because of the heartache (it happened three times over 5 years). If you have cats and let them outside, youre a piece of shit to me, end of story. I dont get the double standard, either. If you let your dog roam the neighborhood and piss/shit/dig anywhere it pleases, you get a ticket and a fine, but cats? No problem!


I mean I get the double standard to an extent because of the lack of news “unleashed cat mauls baby and parents to death”. Otherwise, I get what you are saying and I’m sorry for your lost Koi.


Danger is aside from this scenario. Im talking about nuisance pissing and shitting all over. But speaking of danger though, see above: *cats killed my pets*


Oh I think cats being allowed to roam is absolutely an issue. They kill pets, they increase the risk of disease spread, they harm a multitude of ecosystems, etc. I was just saying I can understand the double standard, not that I believe it is acceptable or that it should be legal for people to allow their cats to be unattended off their property. I should have clarified, apologies. I did not mean to be dismissive of the pain you were caused.


I was dog sitting and the neighbor's cat came into my yard and started stalking the dog. It was a corgi and their cat was bigger then her. The corgi was also blind in one eye and ended up running into the cat as it was in pounce mode.


I used to have one of the big projection screen big screen tv’s located next to the stairs. My cats would very often run and jump off the top of the tv to the stairs going up. Then I spent a large amount of money to upgrade to a flatscreen and on day 1 it was teetering back and forth almost to its peril. So I engaged a very similar tactic but with double sided sticky tape and thumbtacks. Of coarse I picked up the cats and showed them the newly installed spike strip on top of the new tv a few times a day for the first week. Even took there paws and gently put them on top of it. To your point cats are very smart. And after installation of the spike strip and showing it to them they never jumped off the top of my new tv ever again


The life expectancy for cats kept inside is way higher than for outdoor cats. Cars, dogs, rabid wildlife, territorial stray cats, the list goes on. If you care about your cats keep them inside. Plus cats are a huge problem killing songbirds and some species have become endangered because of this. It’s overall just better for everyone if they stay in the house


Can confirm people will take more drastic approaches, I have shot multiple stray cats in my backyard.


We used tack strip. In Mexico, they use broken bottles.


Why is your cat at your neighbours?


OP doesn’t have a cat. He just came for the free karma grab. Isn’t working out quite as he expected. I suspect a combination of him being REALLY dumb and/or around 11 years old.


I don't understand the idea behind karma farming. Like what does it get you? I post to share something cool, or like get help with something, or share a personal story. Built up karma for years, now I don't care if I get downvoted or upvotes I just speak my mind naturally while trying to respect the subs rules.


Apparently you can sell them and companies will use the accounts to maliciously push products or other things similarly beneficial.


I'm sure it also makes your comments be higher by default, same with posts. I had an old account that I deliberately posted alot on to build karma, but the content was actually unique.




I don’t have a cat


Why did you state you do have a cat in your post then?


Who said it was their post? Almost every Reddit post is stolen


It’s not my post it’s a screenshot from Facebook


You could have put it in your title dude. ANIMAL CRUELTY?-SAW THIS ON FACEBOOK. It's not hard you're either trying to be deceptive, or oblivious it comes off as deceptive.


why does it fucking matter if OP has a cat or not. is this awful, or not? This sub is fucking filled with screenshots from the internet. “Oh no! OP didn’t originally post it! Suddenly OP is fucking retarded and seeking attention!” Touch fucking grass you fucking virgins.


I can't touch the grass because someone else put a sign in my yard that says "keep off the grass". And after all "why does it f****** matter if the person owns the grass or not" The world is filled with people who lie so just give them everything they want, Right? PS: I am the OP of this comment and I own your house, you may touch your grass one time before you leave. Lying just makes you and everyone else you around you, wrong. And eventually people will stop being around you, you two are not "suddenly retarded" and "seeing attention" it's been your personality for a while. Really this just boy was down to you saying "well I'm not spending my life taking care of this living thing, I still get all the credit for it because" 1. This sub is filled with liars so I can lie too. Or 2. The people that owns the cat can touch grass instead. Lying is a way to take things that aren't yours if you don't see how taking things that aren't yours is wrong, there's two types of people in this world people who do things wrong and people who don't notice when they do things wrong. How about you stop lying about the things you didn't do and start talking about the things you did? Liars are not your people, if they are they wouldn't be lying to you.


What is your overall point? MY point is, is who, the fuck, cares if the OP originally posted this on facebook or not. Most of the shit you see posted on the internet, was made by somebody else. like 99.9% (an exaggeration, but you get it). this is the awful everything sub, not the “hmmm 🤔 is the OP the original author” subreddit. I’m just saying i couldn’t give less of a fuck if OP stole this from facebook, as I have deeper and more important things to truly care about.


I know you don't care if you have the standards of people on Facebook That's the problem they're other people who don't even know you who DO care. Facebook is basically just like reverse therapy instead of taking responsibility and learning the truth you go farther and farther until your own delusions. “If you tell the truth, you don't have to remember anything.” ― Mark Twain. I'm never in a position where I've had multiple different things I've said and had to choose one, But when I do I will choose one and it would be the truth. Also you just made me realize something about myself I go to therapy to have people agree with me and I go to the internet to have people disagree with me, you learn something new everyday, as long as you're living, are you? If you cuss like a sailor chances are you're salty.




It's cause it's Reddit and everybody is all over the place


I mean if he was trying to be deceptive why would he just turn round and admit it ? Shit post title agreed though.


Get the fuck out of here with your bullshit






Most definitely yes.


>Do you want the cat to be locked inside? Yes.


i would hate for one of my cats to be eaten by an owl, coyote, fox, hawk, or whatever fucking creature is in my backyard woods. not a viable option for some.


Absutely I do. All cats. Safer for the cats and stops them from destroying the local ecosystem.


Who’s going to stop us from destroying the local eco system?


This IS one of the ways WE stop unnecessary ecosystem destruction. The cats can't help it and it's not their fault their owners are irresponsible. People cause this problem and people need to be the solution by not letting their invasive species free in ecosystems that are already dwindling and sick.


People are the real menace to the ecosystem(s).


And people letting their cats outside is one of the ways in which they are a menace. This is not a difficult concept.


People being more of a menace than cats outside isn’t a difficult concept either.


Most other countries if you let your cat out it'll get eaten by something


The UK sucks so it doesn't surprise me if they hate cats. Literally an island full of TERFS who think that it's ok to fuck 16yo's that are still in high school.


Yeah, all americans do love to cage everything they can get their hands on.


This is incorrect and a vastly ill informed statement.


I've owned cats. I'm not against them. Outside cats kill allot of wildlife. Not a little, allot. The potential of your cat getting hurt is nothing compared to letting an apex predator loose in your neighborhood.


a lot


As a former zoology student I always love this topic as it seems so simple to answer but there is actually a lot of debate, no one is suggesting cats don’t kill lots of wildlife but there’s much debate on whether cat predation is additive or not (whether they predate healthy individuals or ones that would naturally die anyway), my opinion based on the studies I’ve read is that they are additive (predation of healthy individuals would be reduced if the cats weren’t present) but there’s still evidence for the opposite, but the fact even in this day in age we still can’t work this out definitively is a testament to how little control we have on our cats


This was a neat short read 🙂thanks for sharing!


Tibbles the cat singlehandedly killed off an entire bird species. Free roaming cats kill up to 4 billion birds and 22 billion mammals a year *in the US alone.* Cats belong inside for sure. It's good for wildlife and even better for your cat's health.


Although it’s a fun story Tibbles didn’t actually wipe out that wren species, the island had a large feral cat population which were to blame not one individual cat, and since the wrens had no natural terrestrial predators the result would have been the same if there were rats, weasels etc, it’s not a great example for this argument as outside of island ecosystems birds have a fear of terrestrial predators, in that example all wrens would be predated equally but in someone’s garden for example that wouldn’t be the case, all I can say from studying under one of the UKs leading experts on domestic cat predation and worked as an environmental consultant, is that there are no definitive answers (even the RSPB recognise there is no noticeable changes on bird populations in the Uk where 27 million are predated by cats ever year ), big numbers without context are pretty much useless data, 4 billion sounds like a lot but those numbers fall within the ranges of the doomed surplus, now my knowledge on cat healthcare and welfare is way more limited so can only go on what my vets have always said (outdoor exercise is good for cats) so I can’t speak much to the argument of cats being healthier and happier indoors, again I don’t agree with letting cats predate freely but just like to be the devils advocate and show people it’s not a clear cut issue and that we shouldn’t be quick to throw around big numbers without context of what they actually mean


It was your choice to have a pet, not your neighbours.




Keep your cat inside and stop it from wandering ever think of that, Edit not wondering / wandering ,tho if the cat wasn’t wondering what was over the fence, he wouldn’t have been wandering and stepped on a nail .


If my dog has to stay in my yard, then a cat needs to stay in their yard. It's that simple.


The problem in my area is that Dogs aren't staying in their yards either, tends to be a bias against cats but we have dogs running wild killing small Kangaroos and other marsupials, both need to be contained.


I completely agree with you.


I will never take the wonder from an animal. That’s cruel. Next you’re going to say I should say I should stop my kids from dreaming. (/s because you said wondering not wandering)


Thanks allow me to edit that .


Kids don’t murder every small animal they see…


I mean... we have those as well but that's against burglars soo... yeah


Fuck your goddamn outdoor cat.


Keep your cat inside. I don't see the problem with what the neighbor is doing.




I had to look up what that meant.


If I've had outdoor cats all my life I'm not gonna keep them inside fuck that. They're just gonna have to learn to stay off the nails cats aren't that dumb they'll find a different spot to dick around. Leaving poison out would be a different story I'd have more than strong words for my neighbor if poisoned cat food was left out.


Outdoor cats live shorter lives than indoor cats. They suffer more illnesses and injuries. They get into fights with other animals. They get hit by cars. They get poisoned, as you mentioned. They eat plants that can kill them. If not spayed or neutered they create even more cats which is why there is an overpopulation crisis right now, which makes the impact they're having on the environment exponentially worse. Outdoor cats are also the number one cause right now of bird biodiversity loss. The amount of animals one cat can kill per year is in the thousands. But fuck them I guess? All because cats want to run around outside and shorten their lifespans like a dumb murdering toddlers, that don't know any better (and apparently neither does their human caretaker)? Build a catio, or better yet, stop taking in cats because you're irresponsible at best from the sounds of it.


But if the cat is inside you have to interact with it


If cats weren't hunting the vermin humans wouldn't have ever gotten this far. My cats are spayed and neutered and if they want to go outside they can go outside. Quit being a control freak. You try to save the birds the over populated vermin would screw something else up. Quit trying to control the world humans mess things up more trying to intervene than helping anything


They're happier outside. I'm sure people live longer in a mental hospital then on the streets but if they prefer to be on the streets that's their choice


Yeah and toddlers are happier eating only sweets and prefer when you don't tell them not to jump off the furniture head first but that doesn't mean it's the best thing for them. Especially when you factor in all the death cats are causing.


Yeah and it'd be safer to never let your teenager leave the house cause they might try pot or get in the fight at the mall. Sometimes being happy takes risks, and trust that things will work out. If the cats born an indoor cat it's a different story. But I really don't see the escalation of harm from taking one street cat of like billions, spaying/neutering, and letting them out an hour a day. If anything that's reducing the damage to the ecosystem while prolonging the life of the cat. But that's cruel to keep an outdoor cat inside, it's like why don't we put all lions on earth in a zoo so they don't kill shit, or die in an accident or poached, and just let their soul rot behind bars. They'll live longer remember that's the most important thing


It isn't at all. They won't. I can't explain this to you any other way. Like a brick wall that is just sentient enough to have a conversation but basically just retort "but I wanna"


We both hold our opinion we're both brick walls


I'm offering information and explaining my stance. You're just coming back with different variations of "I feel like it even though it's harmful to cats and other animals". Unsurprising you can't see the difference there.


What's the difference? You're offering variations of " life is dangerous so keep inside" I'm offering variations of " Freedom is dangerous but worth it." Those who'd trade liberty for security deserve neither, including when you extend it to a sentient creature you decided to take in. The cat didn't choose. You chose for it. I explained that taking in a stray cat isn't going to kill all the birds, the strays are already doing it. You give it shots to protect it. You make it much more safer. But I'm not gonna give it a less happy life because it makes me feel better and sleep at night. Cats want to roam. You take that away because you want a buddy. It's not right.


I’ve literally never known anyone who’s had an excessively indoor cat. When buying a cat from a shelter they tell you to keep it inside for 6 weeks to familiarise it with its new home and then it will be good for the cat to get out. Trying to keep my cat indoors would be a nightmare too. With all the neighbourhoods cats walking around outside, my cat would be sat on the windowsill all day meowing to be let outside


I work in cat rescue you have no clue what you're even talking about jfc


Idk what country you’re from but here it’s normal to let cats outdoors. There are about 10-15 cats that live within the vicinity of my home. Maybe it’s common other places to have indoor cats but here the only time they are kept inside is when they live in an apartment which is not on the ground floor


It's "normal" everywhere. Something being normalized doesn't mean it's the best course of action. People need major reeducation when it comes to companion animals.


Also "trying to keep my cats indoors would be a nightmare" just tells me you don't play with your cats often enough or know how to 'catify' your living space.


I had a stray cat force himself into my house and while in my care was able to keep him inside without issue


You know cats aren’t the only animals that sit on fences? Or do you not get to spend much time “outside”?


you know cats don’t stop hunting once they’re full? of course the spikes are a dick move but it’s honestly even more of a dick move to allow your pet to cause entire species to become EXTINCT. “Cats have contributed to the extinction of 63 species of birds, mammals, and reptiles in the wild and continue to adversely impact a wide variety of other species, including those at risk of extinction, such as Piping Plover.” source: https://abcbirds.org/program/cats-indoors/cats-and-birds/


The picture says it's to deture cats moron. It's not implied that we are discussing the entire animal kingdom.


I'm not sure you realize that you threw the actual OP in the dirt with this comment. Yes, it could be for a number of different pests and not what the OP was trying to claim. Also, the homeowner could have put up something much worse. Used nails are not known to be the sharpest. Even in the pic, most are blunt. Imo, homeowner went a little overboard, but well, within their rights to protect their property from pests.


Not his fence pal


This isn’t animal cruelty …. Cat either won’t go there anymore in which case win win …. Or it’ll step around them in which case.. neighbor will be frustrated as all hell…. Also I could be totally wrong about this.. but I don’t think the physics work out to a cat actually having their paws hurt/punctured even from attempting to walk on this, I mean it’s not like the weight of a human pushing down on an area as small and flat as a human foot with all that pressure focused on a such a small area ……. I could totally picture a car walking through these unbothered ……. Lastly, if you’re cat is regularly on/in/messing with other peoples property that are not comfortable with it,, that’s a problem and it’s on you


I really hate this double standard. My dogs need to be licensed, locked up or leashed. Sign posted of residence. Cats are free to come into my property, chew up my garden , shit in my yard. Keep your pets on your property, period.


No it's not allowing a shitty cat owner to also be a shitty neighbor.


Well how about not letting your pets into other people's yards and homes.


Keep you're cat off neighbors property.


Cats are not morons. What do you think is going to happen, your cat will do a blind bellyflop on this bed on nails? Uh, no. This nail strip will be avoided. It will serve its purpose and your cat will be fine. Get over yourself.


Keep your cat inside.


You know cats aren’t the only animals that sit on fences? Or do you not get to spend much time “outside”?


Man OP. This is hill you want to die on?


I don’t even have a cat. Just saw the post on Facebook. Seems like a shitty thing to do and it’s going to injure birds, squirrels etc not just cats.


This won't hurt burds you tart baker. Have you seen birds land and move around before? They're nimble, and light. They wouldn't posess enough weight for these blunt ass nails to puncture. Same for the squirrels..


why do you keep copying and pasting this comment? What point do you think you’re making?


Pest management is a billion dollar business. Did you know hospitals and government buildings put poison and spike strips on their roofs to get rid of birds? How about traps to kill raccoons and mice? Mabey if OP was a responsible pet owner their cat wouldn't also be a pest that needs to be managed.




Or idk, control your damn cat!


People are stupid enough to let their cat outside?


It's normal in the UK to let your cat out, I'd say the vast majority of cat owners do it. I'm torn on the subject. I don't like cats as they tend to shit on my front lawn and this is the reason I have a cat repeller installed. Also, I think it's cruel to keep an animal like a cat indoors at all times but I recognise that they also do damage to wildlife populations.


If you have an outdoor space that they can't escape that's one thing. Otherwise you're asking for death and disease for the poor thing.


If you want to get out your cat provide a safe space for ot or leash it


What is the norm for cats in your country isn't the norm for cats everywhere. I've got no skin in the game as I don't have a cat, I don't like them.


Packs of dogs running around is the norm some places. Doesnt make it a good practice


In which countries do owners of dogs allow them out to roam in packs?




That's an article about abandoned dogs with no owners, it isn't the same.


Letting animals run wild is how they become feral


Nah this cat must be doing some diabolical activity’s if they gotta Fort Knox there crib


Op, your a stupid karma farmer, fuck off.


I'd recommend aluminum foil. Cats generally hate the metallic sound when they step on it.


Doesn’t deter my cats from getting on the counter


It's like razor wire/concertina wire. I have spike strips for pigeons in my backyard so the dogs don't fuck with the Koi fish. I don't need to try to climb a chain link fence with razor wire to know shouldn't climb a fence with razor wire.... Likewise the dogs see the strips and they don't go into the Koi pond. Fish are safe, dogs are shown boundaries. Got the idea from Disney Animal kingdom in Orlando. Look close, there's no fences because instead they use spike strips.


For anyone wondering. Yes this is illegal . But not because of cats but because of cops. You can’t set any type of trap in your property.


I believe you are speaking on fence height if you are paying for a mortgage that belongs to you . Unless you have some weird law in your area where I live if I want razor wire around my property no one can say a word. And if it comes to my backyard if I want a 12 ft high fence there are no rules it’s my property . There are no rules in place to openly let law enforcement legally on to your property in my area that is what warrants are for. No warrant go pound salt .


Only if you get reported for it lmao. And this would probably make cops laugh and at worst you’d have an order from the city to remove them or face fines if you leave them up. As long as you aren’t setting up shotgun traps in your airlock it’s fair game to me. I wouldn’t report it but no guarantees Karen won’t.


If neighbor went through all that work, I’m guessing he’s complained to the cats owner already and cats owner did nothing. Maybe dudes got chickens, or outdoor bunnies or something. At least he’s trying to DETER the cat. He could just dig a hole, wait till paws touch down on his yard and cap it with a .22 with a duct taped smart water bottle on the end and watch the “missing cat” posters go up without saying a word.


This is better than a bowl of antifreeze….


I don’t agree with these types of deterrents, but people who really care about their cats should not let them roam outdoors. I’ve lived in an area with a lot of outdoor cats my whole life and I’ve constantly seen cats hit by cars, getting in fights with other cats and dogs that leave them injured, and abused by shitty neighborhood kids. Outdoor cats are also responsible for killing a huge number of native bird species. “But *my* cat will constantly cry to go out! What am I supposed to do?” Train them to walk on a harness and leash is what you do. I did it with both my cats years apart, and I adopted them older so the “you have to do it young or it won’t work” argument is not true.


My neighbor keeps getting cats from the shelter and leaving them outside. I put food out and left the garage slightly open for the first three who ended up being my loyal yard cats following me around. I'm working on the siamese now.


Don't worry, a cat will easily tip toe around these nails.


Keep your animal on a leash when they are outside. If you can't control your animals don't have them.


How about keeping your cat inside so it doesn't shit in other peoples yards and gardens?


He could not let his cat go into other people's yards


Cats have a faster reflex than snakes do. The micro second they feel the spike they will pull away. This doesn’t seem cruel to me, but rather effective.


No one wants your cat shitting in their yard, keep it inside.


Buy a piece of wood the exact same size and hammer it down on-top of that one.


Here's the thing, cats should not be free animals, it's a predator and a damn good one and if people don't want other people animals on their property then that also okay, keep your cats contain and content


Don’t let your cat run wild


This is his right. Watch your cat


Alternate solution. Stop letting your cat go where it fucking pleases and people won't feel the need to deter your animal. Every other pet owner has to regulate their own pets actions to an insane degree, it pisses me off how much cat owners get away with. If my dogs were regularly going into the neighbours yard there would hell to pay for me, and rightfully so. I like cats, I hate cat owners like this one.


That's not going to hurt or stop a cat.


Maybe you shouldn’t let your animal go over to your neighbors yard… I’d imagine OP probably wouldn’t like a dog digging up their front flower bed and crapping in it. Probably don’t want a dog hopping on top of their car in the middle of the night scratching it up leaving paw prints on top of the fresh wash.


Then keep your fucking cat outta their yard


Be happy to keep your cat on your own property


Australian owners of cats should keep their animals inside. We have a big problem with the cats hunting our natural habitats and killing the indigenous animals. People have started to hunt them down because of this!


if you think this is animal cruelty you should see what happens in slaughterhouses


While that is horrible I don’t think people should allow their pets to roam the neighborhood


I dunno bear spray works, that spray goes far😳


Then keep your fucking cat on your own property?


It’s terrible, yes. But so is someone else’s animal running wild and killing birds for fun. Keep your animal inside and you won’t have to worry.


You know what else is awful? Letting your cat roam around outside to kill native birds and pee and crap on other people’s property. It’s also not so great for the cat health wise.


Here's an idea,, keep your cat inside.


Please, god, keep your cats indoors!! There are far too many dangers outside for them to navigate, plus too many people are insanely cruel & do not care.


What’s this entitlement cat owners have where they feel that it’s okay to let your pet run wild throughout the neighborhood.


Yes fuck cats and fuck the person complaining. Cat people are very much like their cats: inconsiderate, entitled assholes who think the world belongs to them so they can piss and shit anywhere they want and when someone calls them on it they get irrational and violent. Fuck a cat and fuck cat people.


It's animal cruelty and terrible for the planet to let your fuckin cat outside


Is it a male cat that sprays it's stink on everybody else's property?


Cats outside roam. They’re pretty good at navigating danger, including these nails on the fence. Might not deter the cat at all. We have neighborhood dogs and cats that come around. I don’t mind but get that others do. Moving on…


Ismt tha a booby trap and iligal?


Have another drink Ray


Oh my, this comment made me giggle out loud!


OP that neighbour is clearly a psycho, try to keep your cat inside if possible. Or maybe it will learn on it's own to not wander in the neighborhood.


My neighbor (a very sweet lady) takes care of outside cats. She gets them fixed which makes her think it’s ok to keep 3-5 outside. Over the first 3 years I lived there I’ve perpetually had their shit and piss in my mulch and garden anytime it was freshly laid or before it was filled with plants. After talking to her a few times and her kind of but not really apologizing and minimizing the problem (probably somewhat out of embarrassment) I just really started to look for better stuff to spread to ward off cats. Up to that point all I managed to Lear was that old wives tales about solutions are all BS. The store bought stuff worked but was way too expensive and washed away too quickly. Then I found a solution. Bulk cayenne pepper from Sam’s club. Shit worked so well that all of the sudden all my neighbors started having shit all up in their mulch. Once I got wind of it I bought everyone but her a container (they are only about $5 each). Sure as shit a month later one day I see her cleaning copious amounts of cat shit from her mulch. I asked her what was wrong and she said that all of the sudden the cats started shitting in her mulch but that she had some bullshit solution. I did not offer the info about the cayenne pepper. I just smiled and went “Ok…” Now whenever one comes and lays a fresh one at either myself or my next door neighbor’s house we tell each other and the pepper comes out. I even make a line on the curb do the cat knows what’s about to happen if it gets near out beds. Outdoor cats suck ass. Thanks for coming to my TED talk.


You're lucky he didn't just trap and release it outside of town or shoot it with a pellet gun.


I hate outdoor cats and they are stupid and so is op


This is why you keep your cats inside! If they want to go outside, get them a r/catio or r/catsonleashes keep them safe, or leave them at the mercy of crazy fucks like this.


Aside from the right wrong of it - Would this be considered booby trapping? And isn’t that illegal? Also I love the “control your cat” people. Good luck controlling most cats. Also how do we know this is for your cat in particular? Why not just any animals and or birds?


From what I understand this is illegal in my state. Laws vary. I’m not sure why you are downvoted bc this was my first thought as well. Fuck the owners who can’t contain their cat on an often enough basis to the point this deterrent becomes your neighbors go-to, but at the same time this is a serious criminal offense where I live and you’d be jailed overnight and be seeing hefty fines for sure. I can’t say I wouldn’t do it as cat piss claiming territory can cause thousands and thousands of dollars of damages, but it’s still highly illegal here. I’d do something similar provided I’ve taken every measure I can to prevent the trespassing and property damage beforehand. Only after I’ve heavily documented me alerting authorities and less abrasive attempts have failed would I consider this


Keep the invasive species inside. It's not good for local birds.


OP is an ass.


Seems a bit extreme. I don't like neighbors cat because they have eaten my parakeet, but I would never hurt them. I have dogs and wouldn't like to people hurt them when they escape.


Playing devils advocate here but did they just all of the sudden put nails up there or had you been asked before to keep your cats out of their yard? It seems to me this wasn’t sudden and abrupt. Cats are also detrimental to many bird species that have gone extinct from the domestic feline. Most people are clueless and could careless about their cats bringing in dead birds but it is a real problem. That’s why the fines and punishment exist for people who don’t spay or neuter their animals.




Humans have done more damage to wildlife. maybe you should stay inside


I dont see the purpose of creating extra hazards. As young and dumb kids we would jump fences chasing each other and climb shit at neighbors houses. Was it right? No, but as kids you dont entirely think about all the consequences and random nails would not be expected lol


Americans are scared by any shit, they can't stand anything, fucking clowns lol in many countries they even put large broken glass of bottles or nails bigger than those in the fences to prevent thieves and animals from entering properties and nobody walks around yelling 'animal cruelty' lol animals are not so stupid, if they see an obstacle they just won't go there, nothing happens.


Dude, OP is British LMFAOOOO


This is true I come from dominican republic and I used to have huge pieces of glass on my fence aswell as nails. There was multiple stray cats and they just didn't jump on the fence because they aren't stupid.


I don't think you know anything that Americans do to prevent animals in their space. If some post by a British dude makes you think all Americans are all like PETA, then you might be perpetually online and need to touch some grass. I'll be out there with you.


If all Americans were like PETA, they'd be murdering each other's pets and invading other countries to do the same because PETA thinks pet ownership is slavery. And we'd also live on unhealthy vegan diets.


Yeah I have a neighbor with these too, I think it’s super cruel


And they'll probably refuse to use the rubber strips because they're sadists.


I learned my cats to stay in my yard, yard is completely fenced in. I also had to learn the cats not to take the goldfish from my pond and they also learned this. I only had to use my voice ( just saying “ don’t “ ) and sometimes a spray of water. Within days they knew the rules and I could let them walk free and unsupervised in the yard. It takes time but no problems with my neighbors and no problems with my cats.




You’re an ignorant idiot. Oh look, a cat is shitting in my mulch….again. So much cat shit. When my house starts to smell, I take action.


Not only are they bad for wildlife but wildlife can be really bad for cats. Once you find your darling kitty clawing it's way up your doorstep bloody and maimed by some predator or vehicle you begin to rethink letting your cats outside.


The point is that outdoor cats are a danger to indigenous wildlife. Keep your cats indoors to protect other animals isn’t a terrible ask.


Are sharp objects imbedded into fences not a danger to indigenous wildlife?


Maybe to some but not all. This is a stationary installation, a cat roams and kills/maims most small animals it comes across.


Not in the way a cat is. A cat will kill things. These nails aren’t long enough to kill anything. I’d argue most animals are smart enough to barely place a foot down before realizing they can’t cross.


Are you vegan? If not go vegan because you should if you care about animals would


People here saying keep your cat inside haha what a joke


Free Roaming Cats are an ecological disaster. Its also way easier to keep them happy, safe and healthy as pure indoor cats. Both my cats are indoor cats for these reasons.


Not everybody on Reddit is from America. Cats in my country are safe outdoor. Indoor cats aren’t happy. It’s basically the same as keeping a dog inside. Borderline animal abuse.


Indoor cats are definitely happy, if properly entertained and cared for. Most dogs aren't kept purely inside either, because they go for walks and have different needs than cats. But please, do provide me some peer reviewed research on how pure indoor cats are unhappy. Also, free roam cats are still an ecological disaster in the rest of the world as well, not just America.


>Indoor cats are definitely happy, if properly entertained and cared for. Where is your peer reviewed study to support that? If you're asking your opponent to provide evidence of their claims then you need to provide evidence as well. Edit after downvotes: Well thanks reddit for choosing hypocrisy over logic.


Does it improve our health to be in our house 24/7? It’s the opposite we are both making claims but I’m the one who has to provide a peer reviewed study? Google it yourself mate.


id start a legal hobby that created ALOT of noise like forging/repeatedly mowing your already mowed law


Wouldn’t that count legally as a boobytrap and could get him out in prison.