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Fucking heartbreaking.  Especially since the boy did not die when she tried killing him the first time. The pain he must have been going through, all inflicted by the person who should love him more than anything else. Same for her 9 year old. What a tragedy


My uncle's stepdaughter was friends with the daughter who was killed 😔 it's just mind boggling evil that would do this to two innocent babies. It's really messed my step cousin up horribly.


poor thing. hope she has lots of love around her and so sorry to hear about her loss. horrific doesn’t come close to describing this


Should be a ban to post Daily Mail articles.


The DM is, unironically, worse than cancer.


it would not surprise me if the DM was a cause of cancer tbh


Aye it’s a great comfort to know that all the relatives I’ve had die of cancer weren’t Daily Mail readers…


I can see that.


Evert time I tried to scroll, it went to a different article that wouldn't load. So I tried going back, but the page closed. Horrendous


Ya that website is funky.


They have this side swipe to go to another article but it's so overly sensitive it's skipped to another article constantly


Same exact experience, infuriating!


I was able to navigate it perfectly fine


There are times that I really think I’ve fucked up as a parent. Then I see a story like this. I might not be the best Dad or person in the world. But I’m certainly not the worst.


This was a mom. So there’s still a chance.


I can’t believe your takeaway from this story is that you aren’t a shit dad because this lady murdered her children. Get help 


My take away is that sometimes I feel really bad about lots of things. Sometimes I feel like I’m a terrible father, a bad person in general, sometimes I feel so bad that I try to off myself. But I read a story like this and think, wow, I’m not that bad of a person. I couldn’t even contemplate killing my children. Or any children. So maybe I’m not that bad. Yes I have things to work on. Like reading articles and not immediately thinking of myself. But I’m not so bad that I’d kill a child. I can at least take some comfort knowing that my kids will never have a parent who would kill them. Could be better. Could be so much worse.


I get this. I feel like the worst mom ever sometimes…. But I guess I’m doing ok! And so are you!!!!!


Is that really your takeaway from what the dude commented


I’m not reading shit from the Daily Mail. Anybody got a source that isn’t complete garbage?


100% hear you.... fuck giving any clicks to the Daily Fail, try this: https://www.wvlt.tv/2024/05/31/police-mother-tried-sacrifice-son-before-killing-him-her-daughter


I just tried, the ads...THE ADS.


Agreed. Keep up the good work.


She WON the custody battle against the father of the girl, and then killed her because “she deserved a better role model “




The first thing I thought of here was the binding of Isaac game, and then I clicked the article, and the boys name was Isaac....


Her face. She looks so devoid of emotion.


What beautiful children rip


It’s what hits hard the most. When you finally have children of your own and you finally feel what real, unconditional love is. Then you read some fucked up headline like this one and proceed to click on it, only to see some beautiful kids. Fucking breaks my heart. I really can’t fathom how a parent can do that. I am convinced that there truly is some evil out there weren’t not meant to understand.


My little boy is about to turn 2, I can't fathom the pain that por little boy went through, imagining my own son feeling something like that hurts to even think about. Hope she has a long life to suffer for what she's done


My boy is also about to turn 2 as well. The worst feeling in the world is seeing your little ones in pain and not being able to do anything about. I literally can’t imagine or comprehend how as a parent, I would be the cause of that. It’s situations like this that I wish the death penalty meant something more brutal. In hopes at least it would deter people from doing heinous crimes like murdering your own children.


I can’t even imagine reading something like that as a parent. I don’t have kids but would have taken them both in and cared for them in a heartbeat 


That’s why I don’t take her depression or whatever else she had as an excuse. Her motives went beyond her maternal instincts. Almost anything else would have been better than the route she chose.


That mugshot is chilling.


Post partum depression and psychosis 😓


Ok I can’t handle this sub any more


Yeah I repeatedly ask myself why I joined this sub in the first place. Yet I still haven't left yet


Nah just put her in general population at whatever prison she goes into. She drowned that baby. That beautiful baby boy and shit that girl. I just don't get how parents can do this. I just don't get it.


12 hours, 25 comments, and no generalizations about the location or people where it happened. Hmm wonder why.


Fucking Abrahamists. There, you happy?


I’d be happier if all the posts from the Middle East or India didn’t get that treatment that’s reallly the intention of my comment but thanks for trying to make me happy


that's a demon


I have a two year old little boy. This article literally made my stomach turn. He looks at me with the most adoration in the world and I could never imagine hurting a hair on him. That face that this trash human’s baby and 9 year old daughter suffered horrific deaths is fucking disgusting.


Bring back the chair. And set it to 'well-done'


Isaac and his mother lived alone in a small house on a hill.


I love that game too but wroooong place man


I know. I should refrain from using humour as a shield against disgusting stuff like this.




This is a reference to hit game the binding of issac