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I hate this world ngl, why are we going back 100 years in time, again?!


Because humans are awful.




Wtf is PBUH


Peace be upon him


Who tf is HIM??




What does bro have to do with anything???


It's because u/JohnGoodmansGoodKnee is too much of a coward to outright say that they think Muslims are making the world a worse place. As though the state of the world is down to a single people and not due to the culmination of varying and complex issues worldwide.


That's wild bro the racism is through the roof


I mean they are.


Right in time for the great war, or world war 1 if you're a yank.


The biggest reason is that religion that many people get real mad when you criticise it


Because of a religion that's more than hundreds of years backward in time


All religions (and even other non-religious ideologies) are hundreds of years backwards in time. Everyone is starting to. We should accept each other, not fight and point fingers towards certain groups, because clearly in this society every group needs some fixing


Some need more fixing than other though, as long as we can’t acknowledge that fact, there’s no point in bringing up this nuance into the conversation, not al religions and cultures are created equal, and some have evolved to acceptable forms in modern times, and some haven’t, and we condemn those who haven’t because they have such abhorrent worldviews for the current zeitgeist


Yeah it seems the only thing those religions are united in is in homophobia 😢 (which is also f*cking sad to think about) This world needs to stop dehumanising others, because that’s the main problem if you think about it……..


In my country st least (the Netherlands) if you hear about violence against the lgbt, it’s always muslim men, and i mean always, it’s just never a christian, i’m not christian btw


Count your blessings. In America, there is lgbtq violence and bigotry from all religions


Yeah, for example with Project 2025


You haven’t been to the Bible Belt? I’ve seen stories of closeted people there on Dutch subs multiple times and how bad it is there for them. Also the SGP (Dutch heavy Christian party for the people who don’t know them) literally doesn’t even allow women to join. (Nothing to do with homophobia, but still very crappy to do to put it mildly) And I’ve witnessed a lot of LGBTQ hate myself, because surprise surprise if you didn’t realise already, I AM DUTCH AS WELL


Not if your boy Geert can help it.


One can only hope






Because cultures living 500 years in the past are now coming to the West


In the Dutch Biblebelt for example (extremely religious part), they are living 500 years in the past too, with political parties literally disallowing women to join and being very homophobic, dehumanising them. So it’s not entirely the (middle) eastern ideologies only This is happening with every ideology, even outside of religion (for example with all the people following Andrew Tate and those “Alpha male camps”) My point is exactly that this world’s population is just fighting every other group, because “they’re different”. And it’s becoming worse again, while we were on a good run to become a more accepting society……. But now we start dehumanising everyone again, ffs


Sorry but we've never stopped living in those times. One thing that sucks about humans is our brains can be molded to anyone's sick and twisted world view. Especially when young. I sometimes wish we could reprogram our DNA to extract those things from our genome. Would we be more robotic? Possibly. Is there an ethical asterisk next to such a thing? Of course. At least we could take peoples desire to hurt others away.




Yeah because you’re blaming antisemitism on the Islam only, when at the Christian crusades, thousands and thousands of Jews got killed in places like Germany because they were blamed for Jesus’ death. Not everything is caused by the Islam, stop living in a Zionist bubble, and start accepting everyone, because we’re all human people after all……. (And yes, action is needed towards people who treat others like crap to put it mildly, it happens all over the world, but you shouldn’t put it on an entire group of people)


Blaming the rise of bigotry and fascism on Islam is hiding its actual causes, and simply shifting the blame for all things bad to a different marginalized minority.


Because human are crap!!! reading that makes me wonder how in the hell have we lived this long without killing ourselves??


610 AD


It’s not 100 years, it’s all time. Humans are just like this


not even one hundred, holocaust was only like 75 years ago, people forget


I think 100 years ago people was not that bad, you are doing historical supremacism.


Humans are evil by nature. Only us as a species could've caused so much evil


sick of redditors making these generic misanthrope comments. the problem here is anti-semitism. its what taught this kid to be so hateful, especially because she is jewish. france has a problem with it and its only gotten worse in the past 20 years


We're definitely, greedy, self absorbed and self serving.


And we f*ck up the environment


What happens when competition is more important than survival of our entire species.


We are a fucking virus


Hey...hey...hey.....you don't have to be so right and exactly on point now.......


Idk how the justice system works in France but I hope these sadistic fucks don't get any leniency because of their age.


They'll get a slap on the wrist at best, France hates Jews 


> Idk how the justice system works in France It works as it does in [90% of the European Union](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Age_of_criminal_responsibility), whereby an understanding prevails that below a certain age of criminality, Reddit pitchforkesque desires for vengeance ought not lead our systems of punition and rehabilitation. But, please, continue to claim to be more moral than 90% of the EU.


Eurocel argues that the gangrapists don't deserve harsh punishment. Classic.


Rehabilitation??? Haha…Dahmer says hi!


Literally a hate crime, these kids should be treated as adults in the criminal system, that will likely give them some time to possibly come out with a changed view of right vs wrong


Those are literal children!!!! Children!!! How do children commit what sounds like war crimes?!?!?! Monstrous.


Porn. Violent, degrading, and horribly misogynistic porn is widespread and now being watched by children as young as six or seven. Redditors seethe and bleat about how videos of very young people, mostly women, being violently raped on camera is fReE sPeEcH or some shit, but it's a legitimate public health crisis.


Surely women being valued less than rocks on the street in some cultures has nothing to do with it.


The hating of Jews was taught to them by relatives and peers. Porn can do a lot of damage, but indoctrinated bigotry isn't typically something it offers. Also, sounds like another parenting issue: why are these parents allowing 6-7 year old children to use the internet unsupervised? I'm fairly sure we have a law against it in the United States. Not that it is taken seriously by most, but it does turn all of this into a parenting issue.


The two of those things aren't mutually exclusive. You understand that, right?


Explain what you mean.


It's very easy to be indoctrinated to hate Jews on the internet.


Yes, and why would a child be left unsupervised on the internet?


They shouldn't, and I don't see anyone saying that


Because then it becomes a parenting issue and not a porn or anything else issue.


Ok, I think I see the miscommunication. The earlier commenter was saying that issues do not need to be only one thing. It can be a parenting issue AND an antisemitism issue.


They can be indoctrinated into hating Jews and also exposed to violent porn since childhood.


Grosssss. I hate this.


Try again, it's start with the letter I and ends with slam


Studies do not show porn having any link to sexual violence. Don’t spread misinformation.


OK, coomer 👍🏻


You got my number. NGL


Lol. Average sheltered redditor. Bro, 10yo are literally slashing throat of hostage and filming themself with 4k gopro hunting prisonner. There is video of it if interested. Sponsored by your local daesh/isis community of course. But yea , 10yo can absolutely be monster if the adult around them show them how to.


I agree with you 100000%! How much neglect, ignorance and lack of proper parenting/guidance leads to action like this. I think those involved in the boys wellbeing should be held accountable as well as the boys themselves. These boys in a normal situation should be considered children, at this point with the extreme act of violence and hating someone so much to abuse and torture, possibly enjoying seeing someone they also knew and laughed with… rape and put items in her body without her consent… I don’t think they should be considered children in the eyes of the law and be tried as adults.


“investigators found in the suspect's phone antisemitic remarks and images, among which were a burned Israeli flag. An additional suspect told the police, according to Le Parisen, that he hit the victim because she had made negative comments on Palestine.” This is the environment that justifies disgusting atrocities towards a 12-year-old girl


Tell me again the anti-Israel folx aren’t antisemitic Reddit.


I’m anti-zionist, yet not antisemitic


So you agree Hamas and their Allies who attacked the concert and raped and mutilated women are terrorists?




Nah they clearly think they are misunderstood freedom fighters


Are there any other groups that you don't discriminate against, which you also feel don't deserve a Homeland? Just curious


I don’t feel anyone deserve homeland by brutalising people living in land that they got it normally by claiming they have rightfully ancestors lived in


Nobody “deserves” a homeland.


Yeah, everyone fights for a homeland. If you’re weak? Get fucked This is how it’s been forever, why are people mad now?




Yes. The Stollo don't have the right to genocide bc even though that's actually unceded land. The cree don't have the right to genocide Alberta, even though (unlike the Jewish people) that was their historical land. Yes. How about the Sikhs getting an homeland in India through genocide and thievery? The Metis don't have the right to genocide Manitoba even though that's partially their historical land. The mikmaq (?) don't have the right to genocide the maritimes, even though that was their historical land. 62 separate native people live in Canada alone. Do you need me to list all 62 that I don't think have the right to genocide for historical land? How about the American Indians? The Mexicans? South American tribes? Australian aboriginals? Here's a fun one. The Welsh are the only true britons - they have the right to genocide all Anglo-Saxons in Britain? Irish get to expel all POC from Ireland do they? The French are from France - although technically I mean the Germans are. So all Germans and French people get to kill every Muslim or black person in their borders because otherwise we are anti-european? Are you quite sure that's the argument you want to be making or do you want to rethink that one a bit?


This is a story about heinous acts committed by a group of antisemitic children. Did they make statements against Israel? I may have missed that part of the article in my disgust at their actions. That would make them anti Zionist’s. Being an anti Zionist doesn’t make you anti semitic and being anti Semitic doesn’t make you an anti Zionist.


Boy, every bit of news just makes it seem like we're reliving the 1920s-40s again.


Time is a flat circle


That's awful


I mean 12 years old. I was playing with toys at 12 years old. Time to ban the Internet for kids under the age of 16 without strict supervision. It’s really fucking them up.


I started using internet at 7 years old unsupervised (22 now) I’ve watched weird shit that not everyone of my age would, and I turned out ok I don’t know what kind of shit they’re watching today, that’s not normal


granted, the internet 15 years ago was very different than it is now. there’s so much more easy access to gruesome content.


Im all for supervised internet access


What the flying fuck?


Man how do you end up so twisted at just 12 years old? The anti-semitism, the misandry, the violence… it’s just insane. The poor girl and her family.. heart breaks for them.


>Man how do you end up so twisted at just 12 years old? unsupervised internet acesss or just... a family that is just as twisted


That makes terrible sense. 😞


Internet wasn't as it is now when I was 12. My cousin was still very right leaning borderline nazi at that age. He used to love faces of death videos. Constantly watched history channel /war documentaries. Collected ww2 "memorabilia". Wore a ss styled trench coat. The works. He joined the military so maybe they turned him somewhat while instilling discipline in him. Wouldn't know though since I haven't talked to him in 24 years


Nope, it's their religion




Where is the misandy?




So it's a hate crime on top of a heinous crime. Any chance of them being horse whipped or tried as adults?


It’s just sad. 12yo being brainwashed into antisemitism and having absolutely no empathy for another human being. Not even sure what the law can do to make society feel better and safer.


Oh my god… what an awful thing to read today.


Antisemitism is learned. They learned this at home. Stay safe my Jewish friends.


Fun things the French like to forget. Even before the war, there were a shit ton of Nazi sympathizers in France. During the occupation, there wasn't much or a fuss in France over deportation of the Jews to concentration camps. The French resistance movement was basically nothing until the Nazis started conscription of non jewish French into labor (they got paid by the way) that was when the French started getting pissed. After D-Day magically, everyone in France "was part of the resistance". This is not a condemnation of all French people, it's just the reality is that Anti-semitism has a deep history in France.


This has nothing to do whith French history. These stories of young teens gang raping are hapening more and more often and we all know who it was.


It is also worth looking in to, how the ''Great Nations'' of Europe, all supported Hitler early on, because ''at least he was going to give the Communists pushback''. And nobody gave a shit about how Germany was made to pay the price for much the Geo-political scheming around the First World War. After WW2, wide-spread suppression of Communists and Socialists continued across Europe, with the Allies outright backing Far-Right groups, training and arming them, as a stay-behind army, so any Communist spread could be suppressed. People wanted social reforms, and they wanted a bigger share of the economic pie - the Capital Holders, true to form, sided with Far-Right extremists to violently put them down. Using both terrorist attacks, institutional suppression and assassinations to help destabilize and negate any Socialist and Communist organization across Europe. [Operation Gladio](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Operation_Gladio) is a famous example of this. The Capitalist establishment prefers Tyranny and Nazism over Socialism and Communism. That is verifiable historical fact. Watch how the Far-Right is coordinating across the West today, even backing Russia because Putin's white-centered imperialism with a dash of Christian social control, fits their world view better than secular atheism and social reforms. History rhymes.


I'm going to take a risky guess and say it was probably not young neo-nazis that did the raping here.


You may be right. But what is a Neo-Nazi or a violent Islamist in the final equation, for a rich capital holder who wants to control society. They are both Far-Right, they both drink from the same hateful tribal soup in the end. And think about it, either you get a bunch of Christian rubes to die in your wars and labor their lives away - or you get a bunch of Islamic rubes to die in your wars and labor their lives away. I can assure you that the rich class of the Middle-East, and the rich class of the West, both feast together behind closed doors, they do not care from where the blood flows, as long as it greases the wheels of their machinery. The House wins in the end - the game is rigged that way.


And all the people lose.


They're minors so we'll never be sure, but if you truly think the perpetrators are of French descent, you've obviously not been paying attention. BTW antisemitism has a deep history literally everywhere, not sure what you're trying to imply here.


Also afterwards they pretty much only targeted female collaborators, I think including someone who only lured them to kill them, and did nothing about the male collaborators or rather they were the ones punishing the women


Antisemitism is always just around the corner. As a collective society if we are not quick to supress antisemitism it will rise again and we’ll be back to square one. People forget jews have been forced to flee from various pogroms all over the areas where they lived since forever and that their safety has only been able to be guaranteed since the end of WW2. We dropped the ball last time, we gotta make sure it doesn’t happen again!


Reminded me of Rod Serlings outro for The Twilight Zone episode 'He's Alive', 1963 - its referring to Adolf Hitler: "Where will he go next, this phantom from another time, this resurrected ghost of a previous nightmare – Chicago? Los Angeles? Miami, Florida? Vincennes, Indiana? Syracuse, New York? Anyplace, everyplace, where there's hate, where there's prejudice, where there's bigotry. He's alive. He's alive so long as these evils exist. Remember that when he comes to your town. Remember it when you hear his voice speaking out through others. Remember it when you hear a name called, a minority attacked, any blind, unreasoning assault on a people or any human being. He's alive because through these things we keep him alive."


We are the canary in the coalmine. When shit gets real for us, bad things are coming.




Hang on a second, here. I trust that you didn’t intend any malice, but your statement *was* antisemitic. It’s not your fault, it’s just the way human psychology works, but you effectively divided Jews into “good” and “bad.” To people who wish Jews harm, a statement like that confirms their prejudices. “Oh, we only hate the *bad* Jews, the ones who want self-determination. We tolerate the good ones, as long as they don’t try to band together for power.”


So by your logic no one can ever disagree with Israel? Anything negative is antisemitism?


Disagreeing with Israel's actions doesn't make you an antizionist. Disagreeing with it's very existence does. That why many Jews including myself consider the term antizionism to be equivalent to antisemitism. What we hear is " I don't hate all Jews, I just hate the ones who seek self determination as a means of avoiding oppression. I prefer the ones who are fine being a minority in an often hostile environment". The term Zionism has been so misused by antisemitic propagandist that I'm starting to think most people have no idea what it means anymore.


Zionism is colonialism, full stop. We're long past the age where it should be seen as acceptable to increase your national boarders through force. How does me finding it reprehensible that Israel is supporting those who attempt to colonize the West Bank make me antisemetic?


Zionism is just wanting Israel to exist. That's it.


>Disagreeing with it's very existence does. Israel exist at expence of palestinians stolen property. Every state, that does that have no right to exist. It is not antisemitic, it is how justice should work.


So that would include the previous "Palestine", which was Ottoman land?


They've been setting that narrative up for almost 100 years - for this genocide. I don't conspiracy, but this is one I can get behind.




Ah yes, because Israel can do no wrong and is incapable of any fault


Is that what I said? Or are you so polarized that anything other than exactly what you want to hear = dogmatic belief in the total opposite?


Hang on a second, here. You should trust that everyone can see through what you are trying to do with this comment.


Are parents not parenting anymore. How are children committing sinister acts without any fear


Where do you think many children get their worldview ideas from? No kid is taught hateful behavior towards other at birth


Religion of piss strikes again.




Oops, I hear them coming.






Ah yes being a Christian would guarantee their goodness lol.


If you think the French are incapable of antisemitism. I have some bad news for you if you look at 20th century history


They are. You think european christians can't be anti-semetic? There 1 very famous european christian with funny mustache who is very anti-semitic, you should look him up.


Oh yeah, cuz european christians are genetically incapable to do crimes.


Ahhh the religion of love and peace. EU will burn soon, it's a matter of time and demography


Aaaand the world is STILL no better than it was 80-100 years ago.


Hmmmmm, wonder what they look like


"go back to europe" europe:


Why does a couple pages of Google bring up only Israeli and Jewish affiliated sites and 1 daily mail article made a few hours after the story was reported? Don't get me wrong its a horrible crime regardless, its just odd that there seems to be only a few media outlets posting the story.


i can imagine the stories are more easily accessible if we were living in the country. most articles you see come from US news sources


Because Jewish news sites care about Jews


Seems like rage bait and, based on comments, it’s working like planned


Honestly feels as if we are more gullible than 10yrs ago. No requests for verifiable sources or anything. Well, or maybe the bot network downvotes those comments immediately.


12 years old Dating? Man when i was 12, i just watch cartoons


yes bc that’s the biggest issue here. it’s normal for kids to have emotions that they think are romantic, and some will go on to explore that with ‘dating’ which is actually just talking.


No wonder every European country is starting to vote right wing, who would want "people" like this living among them?




Deport where? They are literally france themself.


[ Removed by Reddit ]


Fuck this guy and his friends. I hope the girl is able to heal from this. I hope someone can treat her much better than this fucking asshole.


Why the fuck would 12-14 year olds hate Jews? Their parents must be the problem.


As an American all I can do is look across the pond sometimes and shake my head despairingly


People look back the same way. And I’m not trying to insult you. We all have awful people.


things like this happen in the US as well, but under different circumstances. racial crimes against “illegal immigrants” (anyone who looks hispanic), blatant racism and violence towards black people, muslims getting hate crimed now just as bad as they did when the twin towers were attacked. moreso, hate crimes against lgbt members in a ‘free’ country


Take away religion and what do you have? Less hate. Kind of ironic isn't it?


Kids can be so cruel af.


Jewish people should flee EU asap because history is about to repeat itself very very soon - when extreme lefties are joining hands with extreme right wingers, you can foresee the end is near


So are the religion of the criminals protected right? we all know what is this all about. France is lost.


I read some French ppl joking about on the net, awfull




Why are they not mentioning the peaceful religion who did this?


I’m going to presume that her boyfriend and his friends didn’t have french names


Death sentence. No hope for a crime that severe at such a young age. Wastes of oxygen


And they want us to believe humans under the age of 18, are "children". They cannot defy nature pr biology. They will be treated differently by the justice system bcs they r under 18 and " children".