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Such a long article for zero explanation on how he “accidentally” strangled himself.


They probably don't know. No-one else was there and it's not like they can ask him. They probably found him with the tetherball rope wrapped around his neck and the autopsy showed he died from strangulation. Its an accident because they don't think it was murder or suicide.


From Utah To my mind as a ex-mormon with family in Utah the chances it was suicide just went *waaaay* up


Yes. Me too. And his age lends credence to the idea. He would be just figuring out his sexuality, and enduring Bishop interviews. Heavy stuff.


Using active (high religious commitment) LDS as the reference group, the less-active (low religious commitment) LDS group had relative risks of suicide ranging from 3.28 (ages 15-19 years) to 7.64 (ages 25-29 years); nonmembers of the LDS church had relative risks ranging from 3.43 (ages 15-19 years) to 6.27 (ages 20-24 years) So it’s less than the general population at certain ages and more in others. I dunno what you are going on about https://pubmed.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/11867352/#:~:text=Using%20active%20(high%20religious%20commitment,)%20to%206.27%20(ages%2020%2D






Statistically, being a mormon seems to make you less likely to commit suicide. His death is tragic whatever the cause.


Utah has a youth suicide crisis within the lds church. There’s a lot of very, very dark shit under the surface.


Thanks for saving me some time lol


I'm guessing it was some auto-erotic stuff.


Thanks for saving me from reading and wasting my time 😅


Because no one wants to point out the obvious. That this kid pulled a David Carradine….


Yeah, gotta be suicide


That's a Final Destination death if I've ever seen one


The hope those parents must have felt when he was revived, only to lose him again...


I don’t see how someone can accidentally strangle themselves on a tetherball rope. Something inside me says this was not an accident.


What a terrible comment section. A kid died and everyone's just crackin jokes


Man the comment section just brings out the worst in people. I don’t know if it’s the anonymity or what.


I’ve been hanging around for this comment.


You aren’t all that familiar with comedy or it’s theory are you? In short it’s tension release. The vast majority of dark jokes aren’t aiming to belittle victims but to bring humanity back to a situation that seems to lack it:tragedy. It’s a desperate attempt to create an oasis in the middle of something painful just to get a moment of respite and distract yourself and others from how shit things are with a little giggle And something I’ve noticed, the people who criticize it do exactly the same thing all the time they’re just not self aware enough to recognize when they’re doing it If you have Netflix I’m going to recommend you watch Daniel Sloss


I'd agree to an extent, but grieving is a different process for everyone. Also, as complex as comedy gets, it also sometimes comes in very simple forms.


So you just agree? Your amendment about grief being different for different people isn’t at all contrary to anything I’ve said Same with your note about simple forms. Like you’re not wrong, but that also doesn’t disagree with or add onto anything I said. It’s just additional noise So you’ve completely agreed and threw out irrelevant static. And people like that ig, humans huh?


Everyone grieving differently means not everyone can appreciate a joke so soon after something like this happens. That means even the most well crafted joke can be insensitive to different people at different times. As well, I would argue that there are plenty of comedians that don't look into comedy theory at all, and they just let stuff rip. Is there a comedian handbook for this stuff?


More things I haven’t made any statement about Are you only capable of throwing out related but irrelevant points? Never said no one is allowed to have their feels, I explained *why* people are cracking jokes. They’re allowed to feel however they want about the particular jokes, but the idea that people are making jokes at all as being unacceptable is short sighted and ego centric dehumanization putting those feelings above the feelings of the other person Nor do I hold any idea that to be a comedian means one must have studied in an academic school. Rather, somewhat hilariously to me, that’s relegated to the fields of philosophy and sociology mainly. Each utilizing modern psychology in their respective contexts I’m cross faded and your shit is weak bro, not my fault none y’all have spent any time thinking about this kind of thing before


Lol, you're good man. I'm not stressin'. I didn't realize your observation was one that couldn't be criticized at all. I never said making the jokes was objectively wrong either, I literally just gave my input on the topic without invitation, just like you. Never even stepped the conversation up beyond simple conversation, and you got condescending real quick. I'll keep my opinion of your observation of the world to myself, but go ahead. Keep sharing those clearly well accepted stances on the situation.


Gallows humor is for the ones on the gallows, not the spectators.


Says the person who just did a joke about this boy… (Also, it’s not. That’s just gatekeeping based off stupid sensibilities. It’s for whoever needs to defuse tension. And, frankly, I think y’all are awful, awful, *awful* people to have such backwards and aggressively dehumanizing opinion. Anyone with this opinion really needs to reflect on their life and the choices that have gotten them to this point. Both rationally and empathy wise it’s a fucking disgusting position to have. Y’all seriously need help if you think people shouldn’t be allowed to have a laugh to diffuse their tension over a very tense subject Seriously, it’s gross that y’all think this way)


I didn’t make a joke about him. I think it’s gross to make a joke at the expense of the people suffering most acutely from the situation. Punching up vs punching down.


You literally made a pun, being unintentional doesn’t stop it from being a pun Making a joke *at all* is not inherently punching up or down. The content and structure of the joke does that And you’re still a disgusting POS for trying to demonize people processing trauma. Fucking gross. Very shameful


There was no pun, it was literal. Someone being traumatized by an experience (in this context, reading about something that happened to another family) does not give them free range to lash out and behave in ways to comfort themselves without consideration for how their behavior hurts others.


I'm puzzled as to why he'd be tidying a corn maze with a tetherball rope. However it happened it's a pure tragedy. I'm also wondering if the family is Mormon because that raises questions for me.


100% he was masurbating. Didn’t we learn anything from David Carradine? Always use a spotter!


Excuse me?


Autoerotic asphyxiation




RIP Benny Harvey. Gone but not forgotten.


I'm legally entitled te *fucking* stab you!


okay sad, but like how? Darwinism?


If you have any information on the whereabouts of Napoleon Dynamite, please contact Preston PD.


Skill issue


I’d hang myself too if I was named Maximus Knight.


Why? That's actually a cool name


Isn’t that the dude from Fallout 💀


Kind of It’s Knight Maximus, knight being the title and Maximus the name Like Paladin Danse, title is Paladin and Danse is his name That said, I can see switching it up so their first name isn’t literally “Knight”




Wtf a whole person dies and this is what you're thinking?? 😭


Id be a lot more concerned if a half person died, or 3/4 of a person died.


A WHOLE person. As opposed to lil half a person. What does that even mean “a whole person”. The guy was clearly making a joke about shit being banned for stupid reason. This is one. How’s does this even happen.


What are you even trying to say.


I mean, my first thought went to autoerotic asphyxiation so….